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43 did a bit of dashing between chairs at their final royal engagement, the Commonwealth Service 2020. Because of course you push between chairs at the end of a service in an Abbey - have time stamped this video to the moment

I'm watching this for the first time - she is so classless it's embarrassing. No consideration whatsoever for the solemnity of the environment she's in, just pure LA trash. In this video I think she's actually trying to avoid walking behind her husband (coming out of the aisle), you know how she likes to fling herself in front of him because feminininuzm.

I always avoided watching this because anything she does gives me terrible second-hand embarrassment but I note that @Chita 's classic illustration is so much better than reality.
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Scotch Mist

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God, she is really going after Camilla isn't she ? 😡
Any one else think Smegol is trying to release her hounds?

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🙄 Jeez, some people are capable of moving on after 25+ years shouty but I guess you must have led an exemplary saint like life to think that something that happened in the last century is still worth whining about.
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In comparison to 43's public interaction with children and their "parent mine, take me away from this fake-haired woman who is smiling at me like the wolf in Red Riding Hood", how's this for a moment with Queen Camilla?

You just know in your heart that Camilla is a fab nanna.
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" I had my passport taken off of me"
" Everybody was racist towards me"
" I was told that I would be living in a castle"
" Camilla threw a cheese & pickle sandwich at me"
" The Whole of Great Britain hated me"
" and all of The Commonwealth, too"
" I was goosed by Prince Andrew"
" We got Married 3 days earlier"
" The Archbishop of Canterbury was lying"


award (1).jpg
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It is odd that Netflix are not advertising and marketing the Harkles reality show. Wonder if it will go the same way as Pearl eg in the bin!

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This is advance damage-limitation.
While she was latched onto Weinstein's diseased member, bear in mind Tattlers that she was "exploring her Feminine Divine". (WTF??)
The Ho was a Ho and is still a Ho, and it wasn't "gossip" it was fact. BJ in car was "gossip".... ofc...
Paid to service the brain-dead Stoat who was then insane enough to marry her.

From Evening Standard, this would be funny if she wasn't so po-faced and sanctimonious.

"Meghan Markle has said female sexuality “is so much more vilified” than men's in the latest episode of her Archetypes podcast.
For the Spotify series, the Duchess of Sussex told trans actress and singer Michaela Jaé Rodriguez that she is concerned of how women in their 50s can be targeted by gossip about how they were “a slut in college”.

During the chat about her teenage years, the Duchess said: “As you're getting older, you're exploring and starting to understand your sensuality, your feminine divine."

“But your sexuality can be very much used against you... [a man] is a player or out having fun or whatever he's doing, it's often celebrated, even heralded."

Wow. Imagine what the sugars and malicious Scrotie would do to our Catherine if there was the slightest whisper of scandal, let alone Catherine yachting or on the casting-couch.
As for it being "celebrated and heralded" when a man is out having fun and being a "player", I didn't notice the Bots or James Corden admiring William's "exploration of his Masculine Divine" with Rose Hanbury when they were "targeted by gossip" (malicious).

I think she hates men, all men but uses them. Likely something happened in her childhood, as there's bound to be a reason for it as her hatred is twisted and really unnatural. There's a lot of suppressed rage there you can see it in her eyes.

ETA Why is she saying that women in their 50's can be targeted? Making sure she's excluded from vile gossip as she's only 43 or 41 or 45?
Removing herself from the discussion as she's soooo pure.... it only applies to women in their 50's, not to St. Minge.
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So Crown Princess Mary is coming to London...

Everyone's favourite smoker (well mine anyway) is already here (I think) as she is attending a dinner for the Princess of Wales Royal Regt...
... of which she is the Colonel in Chief.
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I have been listening to the Royal Grift's youtube video that talks about the latest podcast episode and IMO I think that the three girls that she speaks to are actors and here are the reasons why I think this.
1. If the girls had graduated from Immaculate Heart High School a month or so prior to the podcast been recorded why were they still at the school surely they would have been elsewhere.
2. The three girls sounded like they were reading from a script that Meghan had given them as they were repeating what she had talked about in previous podcasts. It just seemed to come off as scripted because people who are pulled in unexpectedly for an interview don't have a clear response off the cuff like these girls do which suggests to me that they were told what to say.
3. If they were filming at the school how come there is no noise in the background as surely you would hear other people going past the classroom or whatever room they were interviewing the girls in. It just seems far too quiet for this part of the podcast to be filmed at a school IMO.

I also personally doubt that Meghan even went back to Immaculate Heart because many schools in the United States have taken steps to tighten security by outfitting classroom doors with interior locks and hiring sworn law enforcement officers to patrol buildings along with various other procedures. Surely if Meghan had have had a prearranged visit to Immaculate Heart there would have been photos and the school would have reported on it afterwards the fact that they haven't said a single word about this suggests that no visit ever took place, also what about the three girls that she interviewed did they all sign NDAs and did she have the parents permission for their children to be interviewed for her podcast.
1. Even in ancient times if you didn't have business there, the school didn't let you just walk in and hang out.
2. This is November, the girls would have graduated in May or June. They would be in college or working now. How did she get them to go all the way back there instead of doing a video call or something? The last place you want to go after you graduate high school is back to high school. I doubt if this was recorded more than a month ago.
3. Either they were told what to say, or they said what they thought she wanted to hear so they could say they were on Princess Meghan's podcast.
4. LIES LIES LIES FROM THE LYING LIAR sorry I had to get that out.
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I don't think these petitions do much but it made me feel better signing it!

I felt good signing this petition also and reporting her to Twitter. It prob won’t do anything but in this case we must speak out.

The racist bitch (Shola) deliberately sped up the original video which showed the false impression of Camilla not wanting to hold this black child hand. It was false as Camilla was looking at the child’s bracelet and this child actually came back later to give Camilla a hug.

I believe in freedom of speech but I do not believe in deliberating altering videos to show a fake story for your own racist agenda. Sola over stepped this time and she is being called out on it big time. People are pissed. It’s one thing to express an opinion, it’s another to mess with a video to show a completely false narrative. This bitch needs to go.

It’s times like this that I really wish the RF would sue her for defamation. They would win.

The RF rely on their supporters to do all their fight back which is what they are doing against Shola and getting the real truth out there. it gets tiring as it feels as if we are always defending them while they just let idiots spread hate and lies with no pushback from the RF.

Sorry for the rant but I’ve been defending Camilla over this Shola bitch and I am passed off. Luckily I have this site to rant and rave. Thank you Tattlers.

I don’t post here very much these days even though I hate the Harkles and all they (falsely) stand for. The poor, the sick, the needy. For fucks sake, my local food bank does more without lining their own pockets like this pair. I’ve been waiting patiently for the RF’s long game to come to fruition.
I’ve waited and waited and I’m still waiting.
I had faith in the late Queen, who I loved, I had less faith in KC3 but still believed he would do the right thing.
And yet, here we are. The cunts are still swanning around getting their names and faces out there and bugging the hell out of all of us who see straight through them.
I’m losing heart now even though I’ve been a staunch believer in natural justice since they left (were thrown out of?) the Royal family back in the day. It seems like forever although it’s not that long ago.
I suppose what I’m trying to say (not very well) is that they still seem to be getting one up on the Royals and there is never any backlash for them apart from the likes of us on this forum.
When shouty Shola put out an edited video of Camilla supposedly being racist to a black child by wiping her hands, I wanted some kind of rebuttal put out there.
It didn’t have to come from Camilla herself or even the Royal family but they must have the power to get it out there that it’s a load of shit and make shouty look like an idiot.*
There’s a difference between keeping a dignified silence and letting yourself be walked all over by a pair of idiots and their minions.
Come on Royals, there are ways and means of denigrating the Harkles and their idiotic supporters without losing your own dignity.
Please use them.
* I wanted Camilla to call her a cunt and challenge her to 15 rounds in a cage fight.
I hear you and I just said something similar. I and other RF supporters have been busy to get the word out that the Shola video is fake and she has manipulated it. But honestly, isn’t this the type of thing the RF should not ignore? It’s race baiting at it finest. It’s so frustrating when things like this go unchallenged by the RF and they leave their supporters to do the push back. Tiring isn’t it?
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In other news, I was curious as to why Harry's mate James Cordon was trending on twitter.

Hewas apparently at stake as a "prize" for the recent US/UK football match (or soccer if you are 'murican).

The loser got to keep him 😅 🤣

Result 0:0 draw.

He is to be set loose in the middle of the Atlantic in a dinghy....

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I love the fact that the POW doesn’t feel the need to raid the jewel room to look classic - she is only wearing the tiara, bracelet, earrings and her rings.
Had M attended she’d be wearing more jewels than an Argos catalogue
The pearl bracelet belonged to QEII.

Camilla rocking the jewels too:

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