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😃😃 it's an old curtain from the Littlewoods catalogue Spring/ Summer 1977 😃
What we're dealing with here is the worst of craven humanity. Two people with so much money they don't know what to do with it coupled with a hunger for validation through attention to fill the chasm of insecurity that exists within their soul. Talentless but rich. The bane of any civil society. Nasty with it.

Oh how I despise the 'touchy-feely' clinglyness (is that a word?) of these parasites. It must be the Victorian values my Granny drilled into me from an early age. I hate to bring this up, literally because I'm about to puke as I type it, but I bet they fuck like rabbits. What else can they do in their spare time? What else do they have in common?

Imagine these rats fucking. Skin, bones, teeth and balding ginger pubes. Enough to make anyone feel sick. I bet they stink of body obour, bad sex, toothpaste, bronzer and entitlement. Scum. Vile. I hate them. They disgust me. I wish I had never set eyes upon them. Between the pair of them they degrade my human experience. Ugh. UGH.
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Bookworm. Nigerian Tour rant

Thanks @LadyMuck 🥿
BookWorm was more interested in William's visit to The Scilly Isles than in the Stoats. She talked to some people there (not sure when this was) and they weren't happy with the then PC and Duchy of Cornwall - more feudal than caretaker and she was told some atrocious stories. She hopes that William will make some changes for the good about the leasehold arrangements.

On the Nigerian trip, James Holt Archewell CEO was there. Why, if this is an Invictus tour?
So far the Ho has been inappropriately dressed for a conservative country and she has no common sense, three changes of clothes in one day, talking endlessly about herself.
(Bookworm noted this was Sunday morning, and there was yet a chance the Ho might wear something sensible during the day).
The women she was with allowed her to make them look stupid. The Ho is not Nigerian, she's not your sister, and Nigeria is not her home.
Nobody contradicts her, so they are complicit.

BookWorm again showed the Ho's family tree, no Nigerian connections. It doesn't matter where the Ho is from, what matters is that she's using the lie for PR and to make money just like she's using her titles. Nobody calls her out, they go along with it, so shame on them.

The tour has been hailed as a private trip to promote IG and mental health, but what has Harald done for the veterans?
The only photographer allowed into the hospital was Misan Harriman.
Harald looked stoned, with big pupils.
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This is interesting 🤔
This is all on the white Markle side though so nearly everyone in the U.S had slaves if you go back far enough, even Lincolns ancestors, it was an accepted thing. Pretty much like how we treat animals on farms and in slaughter houses, people will maybe look on it with disgust in the future but that wouldn't make it easier now for individuals to stop what they think is wrong. It takes a steady drip drip effect until it turns into a groundswell to change most things.
It is a very interesting and informative post, I wonder though if he could research the black side of Markles tree and maybe find out if they ever were rich enough to have as interesting a family tree as shouty shola.
I actually believe this to be true:

Really she is just 43% of 9% or something small like that as was discussed on here last week, it just suits her agenda and the newspapers not to correct it.
That is excellent! She was shown up for the absolute fraud that she is!
She imagines that she can talk down to what she sees as backward countries, so glad that the lady doctor showed up megs ignorance, she thinks the states are the only civilised country in the world, she's so basic.
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Sami Lee

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I will admit, where I live I don’t really get to meet many people from the black community on a day to day basis, they just don’t live near me.
However, I’ve always been struck by one thing, on the basis of those I have met through work and different events - Just like every other race or ethnic group on this planet, I have experienced the ‘chavs’ who irritate the hell out of me, with that bloody stupid ‘gangster’ talk they all seem to exaggerate, that just makes them come across as aggressive and loud and I truly believe they do it deliberately to intimidate people because they’re not that clever - I think the majority of sugars come from this group!
Then there is ‘everybody else’, who I have only ever found to be polite, highly educated, extremely well dressed and very respectful of their families. I would love to hear more from ‘everybody else’. Just occasionally I’d like MSM to tell the truth. I’m at the stage now I don’t believe anything I hear on the news it’s all just BS and spin.
I can only think the Nigerian military have blatantly used those two to try to get credibility on the world stage and in return those two are being treated the way they would like the world stage to see them. It’s disgusting and a disgrace and I’m fed up being called ‘a racist troll’ by the media who like to pass us all off as a binge of unhinged middle class ‘Karens’ (no offence to any Karens here)
You've got it all worked out - makes so much sense (y)(y)(y)
Hadn't even begun to think about it.
I can't stand chavs of any ethnicity. (I should be so disappointed when the aliens land on the White House lawn and they turn out to be chavvy!)

Out here in the sticks, we're something like 99% white so the only black people we see are the grocery delivery drivers. Lovely chaps and so helpful. It tells me something when I can actually remember the conversations I had with them (but not the white drivers for some weird reason).
One guy, from Cameroon, was telling me how hard he'd worked to get himself and his family here. He was so pleased to be British. The next chap was British born and we had a thing about quantum physics and philosophy...he was sort of shy to let on that he was so smart and educated. The guy last week was knockout! I've not seen such a lush looking young man IRL for years - he should be a model on every billboard! Really lovely and helpful, so proud of his little twin daughters and how they're at the chatty, endless questions stage, he was oblivious to his looks (and my heart murmur 💕🤣🤣🤣 ).

So nice to know that the majority of people of colour out there aren't complaining, tearing the UK down, and giving white people grief - in reality the Shouty Sholas and Marlene Fugazis are few and far between. Calling people racists is a very effective way to shut them up, as Smeg demonstrated with her Oprah whinge extravaganza. (Wonder what she's going to call all the Nigerians who are now criticising her in the same way as we do?! This Roots-fest that Smeg has just enjoyed will go the way of all her 'projects'. )

So why do the MSM give so much airtime to these loud, rude malcontents who trot out pure BS? It has to be their woke agendas. Sowing division, angst, animosity amongst us all. It's like they try to make trouble between various RF members. For clicks/££. The MSM is fast destroying itself. Go woke, go broke. There's much more measured and less biased news online.
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I agree with Meghan's Mole this trip is proof that Harry and Meghan miss being part of the Royal Family.
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Archewell raised £1.6m last year according to that DM article.

For reference:

DofE awards income £23m, the princes trust income £70m and Yorkshire Cats protection £84m.
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Pahahahahahahahha look at the ad placement here 🤣🤣🤣🤣
If you zoom in on Harriman’s lanyard says Paramount plus !!!!
So maybe he’s doing the film for them not Netflix …
What a grifter! This ‘film’ has been ongoing since 2021 which is why it say paramount plus on his pass, and it’s not about the Snarkles!



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Interesting fashion thread on X about Alpha Male vs Aristocratic Male and who gets it right.

(Charles, William and George all feature)

I think the points he makes about fit/length/movement can equally be applied to Smeg. And why she gets it so wrong. It's down to the tiniest details and she doesn't get that. Catherine does.

Catherine has advisers and she listens to them. Ada had advisers when in the UK but didn’t listen to them. Ada now has no advisers because she knows best.

Moral of this story …. You can’t make a silk purse Nigerian Princess out of a sows ear know it all yacht girl.
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I’m not on ozempic but I’ve had a health issue which has seen me loose 3st9 since February - this melted candle stuff is real. I’m very active - I’m an equestrian and I ride 2/3/4 horses a day and provide all their care and still this is happening and it’s awful!
I’ve lost 5 stone over the past 2 years (the old fashioned boring way - less food more exercise) but my ass now resembles a frigging concertina 🫣 I think I’m too old now for the skin to ‘bounce back’ so I’ll have to settle for the saggy slim look (foundation underwear is where it’s at when I need to dress up, which thankfully isn’t often these days 😆)
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I wonder if this trip was facilitated by the Palace so that the Sussexes could benefit financially from NF? No way did they just set off on their own imo on a "private" visit, inspecting troops and being addressed as HRHs especially with KC's close ties to Nigeria, and I can't see him not having approved it. Question is, why?

The trip cost a lot of money and I can't see what it was for or what it achieved? Was it just an indulgence of the Stoats? It's been a disaster all round and makes no sense, and the idea of them having Commonwealth roles doesn't either.

Someone in the last thread suggested a FOI request as to whether it was funded partly by the Royal Household as Paula M says. Looking at FOI requests about the fake christening and legitimacy of the Flatpacks, good luck with that.
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Chatty Member
To be honest this just reminds me of the fake royal overseas trips the Duke and Duchess of Windsor did. It's role-playing royals and it's just a bit cringe.

At least they aren't going to Nazi Germany like the Windsors did
Yes, shame. Especially as we all know how much Harry enjoys wearing his spiffy Gestapo uniform.
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Only whores appear on GB News. It's a WHORE channel.

Michael Cohen (Donald Trump's ex-attourney / bagman) is on the stand next week. All Rachel and Hazno news will be scraped immediately. Hazno and Rachel are OLD NEWS.
GB News raises issues other channels will not talk about (eg Andrew Doyle has been brilliant). Some of the guests, particularly the left wing ones, are idiots and I do not like all the presenters. However it is our only alternative to the biased BB, Sky and ITV. Long may GB News continue.
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