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Flipping Hell !

Chatty Member
Here's the latest excerpt from the Sunday Times:

No workplace is perfect. In the rarefied world of the monarchy, the pressure could be insane. Such were the internal politics between Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Kensington Palace that even royal-watchers started snickering when it appeared the households were scheduling events and social media posts on the same day to outdo one another. “There has always been competitiveness between the households,” admits a senior aide. “That will never change.”

It could hardly have come as a surprise that leaks were happening. One courtier privately bragged to friends about their ability to place a story, positive or negative, in any publication with a click of their fingers, and another told a respected newspaper editor that he could “handle anything after putting up with one of Meghan’s temper tantrums”. Staff described the atmosphere inside the three households as “competitive”, “miserable” and “full-on”.

Responsibility for the problem didn’t rest completely with the household staff — some of it came from the princes themselves. The rift had begun when the Duke of Cambridge questioned the pace at which his brother’s relationship with Meghan was moving.

“A happy and content Harry is rare, so to see him practically skipping around was a delight,” a source still in regular contact with the brothers said. “But at the same time William has always felt he needs to look out for Harry, not as a future monarch but as an older brother. Their whole adult lives he’s felt he should keep an eye on Harry and make sure he’s not in trouble and on a good path.”

Back when Meghan and Harry were dating, William, having met Meghan only a handful of times, wanted to make sure the American actress had the right intentions. “After all, these are two brothers that have spent their whole lives with people trying to take advantage of them,” the source said. “They’ve both developed a radar to detect that type of person, but as William didn’t know a whole lot about Meghan, he wanted to make sure Harry wasn’t blindsided by lust.”

Some members of staff were whispering words of alarm into the Duke of Cambridge’s ear. Meghan was totally foreign to this group of advisers, who could sometimes be even more conservative than the institution they guarded.

This was the backdrop when William sat down with his brother to discuss his relationship with Meghan.

“Don’t feel you need to rush this,” William told Harry, according to sources. “Take as much time as you need to get to know this girl.”

In those last two words, “this girl”, Harry heard the tone of snobbishness that was anathema to his approach to the world. During his 10-year career in the military, outside the royal bubble, he had learnt not to make snap judgments about people based on their accent, education, ethnicity, class or profession.

Also, to remove Meghan from the equation, Harry was tired of the dynamic that had become established between him and his older brother. There had come a point when Harry no longer felt as though he needed looking after. There was a thin line between caring and condescending. Just because he went about his life differently from his brother didn’t make it wrong.

William may have felt he was acting out of concern, but Harry was offended that his older brother still treated him as if he were immature. “Harry was pissed off,” another source said. “Pissed off that his brother would ask such a thing. Some felt it was an overreaction. But then, this sums them up as people — William, the calm and rational one, and Harry, who can’t help but take things far too personally.”

“Harry has a heart of gold, but he’s incredibly sensitive,” a longtime family friend said.

Though another friend added: “Harry could see through William’s words. He was being a snob.”

Harry was taken aback, even angry, despite the fact that William was simply looking out for his brother. He didn’t really know Meghan yet. William was concerned that Harry had isolated himself from many of their old friends. “But perhaps he just didn’t want to accept that Harry had grown up and become his own man,” said a source.

At least two other family members also voiced concerns to each other over the pace at which Harry’s relationship had moved. Meghan had often been the topic of conversation and gossip among them. When she arrived in the prince’s life, one senior royal referred to the American actress as “Harry’s showgirl”. Another told an aide, “She comes with a lot of baggage”. And a high-ranking courtier was overheard telling a colleague, “There’s just something about her I don’t trust.”

Harry was “aware of the talk”, a close friend of his said. “He’s extremely protective of Meghan. He understands that a lot of people are against them, and he will do everything he can to keep her safe and away from getting hurt — even if that means distancing himself from those people.”

Harry didn’t care what his family thought or said. “Nothing was going to get in the way of his happiness,” a source close to Harry and Meghan said. “He knew Meghan was right for him. Their love was real, and their feelings for each other were genuine. Everything else was noise.”

In the months after William talked to Harry about the relationship, the two hardly spoke. The brothers went from always making time for each other to spending barely any time together. Harry had always loved popping across the grounds of the palace to see George and Charlotte, bringing them gifts that included an electric SUV for his nephew and a tricycle for his niece. But those visits had come to a virtual halt by the summer of 2017. In fact, Harry had spent less time with Prince Louis than the others because of the growing tension between him and his brother after Louis’s birth on April 23, 2018. The distance came from both directions. Harry spent less time going over to see the children, but the invitations from William and Kate were the first to dry up.

Though it was not necessarily her responsibility, Kate did little to bridge the divide. She was fiercely loyal to her husband and his family.

Once Harry and Meghan were married, the gap between the brothers only widened. William and Kate’s feelings seemed obvious to the Sussexes that summer and beyond. Among all the friends and family Harry and Meghan hosted at their house in Oxfordshire between May 2018 and March 2019, the Cambridges failed to visit. “The invite was there,” a source said.

It was a far cry from how Harry had envisioned his future. The younger prince once told a friend that he had an image of getting married and spending time with William and Kate, the two couples together, their children best friends.

The friction between the brothers was one of several reasons Harry wanted to base his family in Windsor. “He wanted to get away from the goldfish bowl that was Kensington Palace,” a source said. “Everywhere you turn, you’re surrounded by staff and family. He was at a point in his life where he was working with his brother, doing the foundation with his brother and living by his brother. It was too much.”

High-ranking aides across all three royal households were so alarmed by the press coverage and speculation on social media about a rift between the brothers and their wives that they began openly discussing the impact it could have on the monarchy if things weren’t righted.

‘The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will move to Frogmore Cottage on the Windsor estate early next year as they prepare for the arrival of their first child,” the palace announced in November 2018 of their new home, a stone’s throw from Windsor Castle and just yards from Frogmore House, where they had held their wedding reception and engagement photoshoot. “Windsor is a very special place for their royal highnesses and they are grateful that their official residence will be on the estate.”

Frogmore was perfect for Harry and Meghan, given its connection to Windsor — but it wasn’t next door to William and Kate and their children. That was enough to set off the narrative of “Duelling duchesses” that took flight two days later.

Refusing to address incorrect rumours only reinforced them. Traditionally, the palace has had no comment when it comes to rumours, but the Sussexes felt it wasn’t afraid to bend the rules if it was to correct a story about higher-ranking family members. (Case in point: a spokesman went on the record in July 2019 to deny claims by a cosmetic clinic that Kate had had “baby Botox”.) Harry and Meghan were frustrated by this approach.

Meghan would agree with the assessment that the duchesses were not the best of friends. Their relationship hadn’t progressed much since she was Harry’s girlfriend. Although Meghan might have understood Kate’s wariness to strike up a meaningful friendship, they were still no closer by the time she was a fellow senior working member of the royal family and the wife of William’s brother. Flowers for her birthday were nice, but Meghan would far rather have had Kate check in on her during the most difficult times with the press.

But they were not at war with each other either. There were awkward moments, such as the day the women happened to cross paths at Kensington Palace (in early 2017, when Harry and Meghan were still only dating), and although both were heading out to go shopping — in the same street — Kate went in her own Range Rover. The truth was that Meghan and Kate just didn’t know each other that well. Although some aides claimed at the time that they “talked and texted regularly”, by the time of Harry and Meghan’s wedding the sisters-in-law had spent only a handful of occasions together.

At the outset of her romance with Harry, Meghan had fully expected Kate to reach out and give her the lie of the land on everything an outsider to the Firm needed to know. But that was not how things turned out. Meghan was disappointed that she and Kate hadn’t bonded over the position they shared, but she wasn’t losing sleep over it. According to a source, Kate felt they didn’t have much in common “other than the fact that they lived at Kensington Palace”.

The press continued to save its harshest criticism for Meghan. One story had a “furious” Kate intervening after Meghan “bollocked” a member of her staff. The Kensington Palace staff member was rumoured to be the deputy communications secretary, Katrina McKeever, who had left the palace after five years to explore new opportunities. Even Kensington Palace didn’t understand the bizarre story. McKeever left on a good note with the Sussexes, who sent her a handwritten letter and huge floral arrangement when she left.

It was open season on Meghan, with many looking for anything and everything to criticise. “Duchess Different,” a close friend of Meghan’s said. “That’s what people have a problem with. She’s the easiest person in the world to work with. Certain people just don’t like the fact she stands out.”

“This is a script that wrote itself as soon as you knew that an American actress was coming into the royal family,” another aide added.

Meghan felt as though some of the commentary and tabloid stories were more than a culture clash; they were sexist and prejudiced. If a man got up before dawn to work, he was applauded for his work ethic. If a woman did it, she was deemed difficult or “a bitch”. The double standard was exacerbated when it came to successful women of colour, often labelled demanding or aggressive.

Racism takes a different form in the UK from in America, but there is no mistaking its existence and how ingrained it is. A major theme of racism in the UK centres on the question of who is authentically “British”. It can come through in subtle acts of bias, micro-aggressions such as the palace staffer who told the biracial co-author of these words, “I never expected you to speak the way you do”, or the newspaper headline “Memo to Meghan: we Brits prefer true royalty to fashion royalty”. While the columnist was criticising Meghan for her Vogue editorials, there was another way to read it, which is that to be British meant to be born and bred in the UK — and be white.

There were reports that, before the wedding, Meghan had left Kate in tears following a bridesmaid fitting for Princess Charlotte. “Kate had only just given birth to Prince Louis and was feeling quite emotional,” a source said. There were reports that claimed Meghan’s “strict demands” caused Kate to cry.

A source, who was at the mid-May wedding fitting and has never discussed before what really happened, said stories about tears have been “puzzling” to those who were present. “Some of the children weren’t co-operating, and there was a lot going on. Everyone tried to help where they could, but it’s never easy with kids at fittings. There were no tears from anyone. And in the end, the fitting was fine. Kate and Meghan were both a little stressed but professionals in the room, and there were other people there.”

Those close to Meghan questioned whether someone from the palace or a former employee could have been behind the story, and wondered aloud why aides refused to set the record straight there and then. “There are people, whether they work with the family or are members of the family, that know that a lot of this stuff isn’t true, and aren’t allowed to say anything, like that ridiculous story about Meg and Catherine and the bridesmaids’ dresses,” a trusted confidant said. “That story was ridiculous and so false.”

At the time, though, a Kensington Palace aide said only that the women, who were both hurt by the accusations, were “very different people”.

Several aides across the royal households now confirm that there was no fitting that left the Duchess of Cambridge in tears.

The press continued to save its harshest criticism for Meghan. One story had her demanding spray-bottle air fresheners to spritz around “musty” St George’s Chapel (the Queen’s regular place of worship, which contains the Royal Vault) for her wedding day, horrifying Buckingham Palace officials. The truth was that the discreet Baies scented air diffusers for the chapel provided by Diptyque — much like the candles that Kate chose to scent Westminster Abbey for her 2011 nuptials — had been approved by all parties involved.
1 Sentence stood out as having Meghan stamped all over it " Everything else was noise " She uses this same phrase in the video she did for the womens thingybob ,a phrase I've never heard before then
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Something interesting. Newsweek are commissioning polling on whether the Harkles should be allowed back to public roles in the UK. Polling isn't cheap, so who is funding this? Jack Royston is normally a Megz Mouthpiece, so are they paying for this?

Unsurprisingly, the answer is 'You Cannot Be Serious'.

64% said No thanks
21% were 'Don't know'
15% want them back. That's damning.
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Flipping Hell !

Chatty Member
Quote :-
A close friend of Meghan’s said. “That’s what people have a problem with. She’s the easiest person in the world to work with . Certain people just don’t like the fact she stands out.”
:p Perhaps ‘she‘ should be replaced with ‘I‘.
Thats why she's had to draft her own Mother in as nanny to Archie as she can't keep the ones shes hired

Why was Thomas only starting his journey to the wedding a week before the event?
He had never met Harry, had no idea of protocol, no idea how his speech would go down, no fittings for his suit....and had already had health issues around his heart?
It would have taken almost 24 hours in transit............. from Mexico up to LA, then the LA to Heathrow flight of 12 hours...then time to get over the jetlag... for a sick elderly man! . this account is saying Thomas would have had about 4 days in London, before the wedding to get everything sorted..before the big day itself!!

I really think by the time he did the pap interview and photos, he had given up on actually attending the wedding! He should have been in London weeks before, if MeAgain had any intention of getting him ready to walk her down the aisle and give the traditional father of the bride speech! let alone be briefed on protocol, given proper suit fittings etc, let alone catch up with his daughter and meet his future son in law and inlaws!
I think he was told he wasn't welcome, her fake Mother could come alone as her sat alone in the big church would make her appear a sad,lonely lady, just as Megs lone walk up the aisle did ,but it never fooled me !

I do wonder if it was Prince Phillip that referred to Smeg as the ‘showgirl’.

it certainly sounds like something he would say 😂
100% Philip !
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The joke is mentioned in this article...that it is a rehash of all the negative stories about Harry and Meghan.....that were written by the Daily Mail and the Sun......denied bitterly and forming part of the reason why Hasbeen and MeAgain are suing these particular papers for press intrusion!!

Either the whole book of ''Finding Freedom'' is grossly inaccurate and ALL of the sources quoted have got it wrong....or....all the negative stories in the Daily Mail and the Sun were correct?
Maybe there will be another court case on Monday, with H & M suing Scoobie and his co writer for inaccurate representation, and suing the Times newspaper group, for the way they have slanted the extracts.... They are going to have an awful lot of court cases to deal with......!!..

I suppose I should say.. if H & M could sail off into the sunset and live a completely private life...then I would wish them well.

The frustration comes from the arrogance of a pair who try to use the media and the legal system to benefit themselves....In the UK the palace and their PR systems obviously worked overtime to create the image of the beautiful and humanitarian biracial american actress that Harry was due to marry. They tried to shut down all the stories about her dad and the family schisms that existed.....

And none of this was good enough!!!
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Hopefully K&W will have baby no 4, push him further down the pecking order.
I hope they have four children at least and not just so that H is pushed further down. I understand that being one of two brothers, where one gets the top position and the other ends up lower and lower in the pecking order, can be difficult. There is more of an expectation that you need to find some other respectable means of making your mark if you are one of several children to a monarch or future monarch. Any residual trauma or insecurity after the loss of their mother, especially if someone like Meghan comes along, starts whispering in your ear and pretends to be the reincarnation of that same mother, would make it even more difficult. He sounded bitter when he talked about himself as "the second son of Diana". Yet he is recently married, he has a new baby boy, he has no financial issues that make life difficult, this should be the happiest time of his life, but for some reason it is not.
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She probably thinks doing things his mum did will soothe his little boy sadness over the loss of mum.While I am sad he lost his mum and was horrified at the way Diana died,I think he has had time enough to come to terms with it like millions of other normal humans have to do in the circumstances. Megain seems to want to rub his trauma in with the way she tries hard to copy Diana, rather than help him let go of the trauma.
In my opinion they do not have a healthy relationship. She knew exactly what she was doing when she went after him. He is just too dim and stupid and led with his dick to see it. Everyone around him warned him to go slow, but she was using every trick in the book to snare him. I bet he is kept awake at night thinking Im a bloody fool, but would never admit it. I bet the magic minge has been permanently switched off.
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This pair are just disgusting! There will be no suing this time as we all know where the inside gossip is from. Despicable pair of whinging free loaders.
The money from the UK taxpayer needs to stop immediately! If they hate the monarchy so much, hate the UK so much, fine - fair do’s! Make your own way in the world!
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Why is Megz obsessed with having messy bangs poking out of every. single. hairstyle???
Taz spoke about this. So she can fiddle with her hair, to show off the jeweller ( bracelets, earrings etc) she is merching.
Her hair pre RF was tidier.
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Blade Runner

Chatty Member
I'd been keeping my eye on the Mail since it'd been noticed that they were taking all the copy about the gruesome two down, I had a feeling they may have settled just before the steps of the court but the appearance of this tells me things are just the same or any talks have broken down.
I don’t think the Mail will settle. They know they’re going to win this.
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From microsoft news, Hello and an article by Lydia Veljanovski it says

"Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand’s book is set to be released next month, and the biographers have said they had access to 100 in-the-know people when writing it. "

100 people ? In the know ? That's a lot of people to have loose lips about the couple ? Who are they? How? They seem, from what I have read, to have distanced themselves from so many friends and family . Surely you would only divulge personal information to a close few anyway ?

That's 100 people who know the Harkles and don't like them 😂
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Scotch Mist

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Ha! Poor old Scobie and Carolyn. If only Carolyn had actually stitched migraine up, that would be hilarious. Scobie however wouldnt have the intelligence to do something like that. But hes fucked, hell be markled soon.

I just didnt think she had that big a fanbase to warrant the amount of sugars! I struggle to see why they dont see what we see (I suppose we could say the same about ginge but we know he only has a few brain cells)

I've seen some real nasty comments from them, i mean they are going full tilt psycho on anyone who slightly disagrees. I hope they all implode or spontaneously combust cus im sure it's starting to rile them how many people have caught on to them!
Take a look at this from a Sussex Squad member


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Also, in the section about Thomas and the wedding scoobie says re smeggy WTE "This beautiful young woman was left blah blah blah .." :m
Why the fuck is her beauty or lack of even relevant? It just reads like a crappy Mills and Boon concoction.

Slightly off topic, but as a 17 yr old I had an emergency appendectomy and was hospitalised for a week, so I asked my mum to pick me up a couple of soppy Mills and Boon books to tide me over.Yes, my taste was crap even back then. After seeking them unsuccessfully in two shops the clever girl in the third shop sussed that my mum was after some Mills and Boons books and not seeking an author called Millicent Boom.😕
I read someone else tell a similar story online some years later and I showed my mum. She said "See? It's easily done Freda."🥰

Sorry. They are still cunts. In fact bigger fatter cunts than ever.
Never mind the "beautiful", but "young"??? 🤣🤣🤣 (I mean, my local butcher still calls me a "young lady" and I'm the wrong side of 40, but that's only because he wants me to buy the sausages 😂). Megz can be called lots of things, but she's almost pushing 40...and it sounds really funny coming from a 39-year-old (or was it 33??) plasticine-face-dude 😁
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I wish PP had stayed at the meeting!

That's the moment when I started to dislike her. It made me angry that she could bleat like that after seeing how some of those people in Africa have to live. Up until then I didn't think much about her at all and like most people hoped that she and Harry were happy together.
Now I can't stand the sight of either of them.😡
I felt exactly the same. In fact I enjoyed watching the wedding. But that interview in Africa was the turning point. They had everything but it still wasnt enough.
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Anfield Annie

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alternately that he would only show up to walk her down the altar dressed in the gear that she had bought for him and make sure she looked good.
She always had her eyes on the main prize not only do the “poor me” walking down the aisle all on her lonesome but as an added bingo best,,,,get to meet the future king of England half way and let him escort her the rest of the way....all firsts for royal bride to be entrances.....

knowing what we do if her now, imagine her devious mind playing out that image versus that of bride and her “ordinary joe” dad doing the traditional walk. And whilst we know that mike Middleton did exactly that for Kate in 2011, we also know that her family had been in the scene for many years, had been in the company of Williams family before and to a certain degree had some experience of this kind of situation.....the press etc

poor Thomas Markle was expected to rock up 48hrs before the big day without even having met the bloody groom before let alone the rest of the clan !.....was never gonna happen....
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... and yet it was okay for Friend C to intrude in Thomas Markle's life? How does that work then? It smacks of double standards ...
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