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SOON AFTER THAT DAY, Willy and Kate invited me over to dinner. They knew something was going on with me and they wanted to find out what it was. I wasn’t sure I was ready to tell them. I wasn’t sure I wanted anyone else to know just yet. But then, as we sat around their TV room, both kids tucked into bed, the moment felt right. I casually mentioned that there was…a new woman in my life.
They surged forward. Who is she? I’ll tell you, but please, please, please, I need you both to keep it a secret. Yes, Harold, yes, yes—who is it? She’s an actress. Oh? She’s American. Oh. On a show called Suits.
Their mouths fell open. They turned to each other. Then Willy turned to me and said: Fuck off! What? No way. Sorry? Impossible! I was baffled, until Willy and Kate explained that they were regular—nay, religious—viewers of Suits. Great, I thought, laughing. I’ve been worrying about the wrong thing. All this time I’d thought Willy and Kate might not welcome Meg into the family, but now I had to worry about them hounding her for an autograph. They barraged me with questions. I told them a bit of how we’d met, told them about Botswana, told them about Waitrose, told them I was smitten, but overall what I told them was heavily redacted. I just didn’t want to give away too much. I also said I couldn’t wait for them to meet her, that I looked forward to the four of us spending lots of time together, and I confessed, for the umpteenth time, that this had long been my dream—to join them with an equal partner. To become a foursome. I’d said this to Willy so many times, and he’d always replied: It might not happen, Harold! And you’ve got to be OK with that. Well, now I felt that it was going to happen, and I told him so—but he still said to slow down. She’s an American actress after all, Harold. Anything might happen. I nodded, a bit hurt. Then hugged him and Kate and left.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex
'I told them a bit of how we’d met, told them about Botswana, told them about Waitrose, told them I was smitten, but overall what I told them was heavily redacted.'

Nit picky I know, but......
Screenshot 2023-01-10 at 22.03.47.png

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I remember first hearing the rumors that Scary Harry beat a woman nearly to death a few years ago. I didn't know about the rape part, or maybe it was implied, and I missed it. When I read about it, the attacks on women sounded like it happened in Afghanistan. Now, I'm unsure.

You can't blame the people who posted the "gossip" for turning off comments. The Meggen lovers would roast them alive if given a chance. Why invite that?
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Like others I appreciate the excerpts from the book Their egos know no boundries, everything is larger than life, their love story, their tragedies, their destinies. They communicate with the dead, hair folicles, the moon,inanimate objects, wildlife, sea life. etc Textbook narcissistic personality disorder.
  • believe that there are special reasons that make you different, better or more deserving than others
  • have fragile self-esteem, so that you rely on others to recognise your worth and your needs
  • feel upset if others ignore you and don't give you what you feel you deserve
  • resent other people's successes
  • put your own needs above other people's, and demand they do too
  • be seen as selfish and dismissive or unaware of other people's needs.
Meanwhile back at the flooded ranch, hairy is delighted by the attention, photo shoots, TV interviews and preceived adulation. Finally he is center stage! Smeagol has created a monster. He is flailing about illustrating his pathetic asshattedness while his yes peeps tells him how well he is doing. He reminds me of this scene in the Princess Bride.

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SOON AFTER THAT DAY, Willy and Kate invited me over to dinner. They knew something was going on with me and they wanted to find out what it was. I wasn’t sure I was ready to tell them. I wasn’t sure I wanted anyone else to know just yet. But then, as we sat around their TV room, both kids tucked into bed, the moment felt right. I casually mentioned that there was…a new woman in my life.
They surged forward. Who is she? I’ll tell you, but please, please, please, I need you both to keep it a secret. Yes, Harold, yes, yes—who is it? She’s an actress. Oh? She’s American. Oh. On a show called Suits.
Their mouths fell open. They turned to each other. Then Willy turned to me and said: Fuck off! What? No way. Sorry? Impossible! I was baffled, until Willy and Kate explained that they were regular—nay, religious—viewers of Suits. Great, I thought, laughing. I’ve been worrying about the wrong thing. All this time I’d thought Willy and Kate might not welcome Meg into the family, but now I had to worry about them hounding her for an autograph. They barraged me with questions. I told them a bit of how we’d met, told them about Botswana, told them about Waitrose, told them I was smitten, but overall what I told them was heavily redacted. I just didn’t want to give away too much. I also said I couldn’t wait for them to meet her, that I looked forward to the four of us spending lots of time together, and I confessed, for the umpteenth time, that this had long been my dream—to join them with an equal partner. To become a foursome. I’d said this to Willy so many times, and he’d always replied: It might not happen, Harold! And you’ve got to be OK with that. Well, now I felt that it was going to happen, and I told him so—but he still said to slow down. She’s an American actress after all, Harold. Anything might happen. I nodded, a bit hurt. Then hugged him and Kate and left.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex
I see...

So all this stuff about leaking is cobblers then.

Or how else would it by a mystery that he had been with Meghan in Botswana and nobody knew?
Yeah fine, it would hardly be gossip meeting some woman in Waitrose.
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I seriously hope that these rumours aren't true, but it is looking increasing likely that something is going to drop and it doesn't look good for Harry.
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The Succession is Charles
George , etc
And by then , more children as Catherine & Williams grow up, marry & have kids of their own

the orange spangle won't get anywhere near it
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In desperation I went to Willy. I took advantage of the first quiet moment I’d had with him in years: The end of August 2017, at Althorp. Twentieth anniversary of Mummy’s death. We rowed the little boat out to the island. (The bridge had been removed, to give my mother privacy, to keep intruders away.) We each had a bouquet of flowers, which we set on the grave. We stood there awhile, having our own thoughts, and then we talked about life.
I gave him a quick summary of what Meg and I had been dealing with. Don’t worry, Harold. No one believes that shit. Not true. They do. It’s drip-fed to them, day by day, and they come to believe it without even being aware. He didn’t have a satisfying answer for that, so we were silent. Then he said something extraordinary.
He said he thought Mummy was here. Meaning…among us.
Yes, me too, Willy.
I think she’s been in my life, Harold. Guiding me. Setting things up for me. I think she’s helped me start a family. And I feel as though she’s helping you now too.
I nodded. Totally agree. I feel as though she helped me find Meg. Willy took a step back. He looked concerned. That seemed to be taking things a bit far. Well, now, Harold, I’m not sure about that. I wouldn’t say THAT!

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
So this is to justify his comments around ‘mummy has been looking over my brother and got him set up, now she’s with me’ BS
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Thank you soooo much!! I love the mushies!! ♥🤗🤗 I can't believe this! Lakhs of candidates and I wasn't all that prepared and I suck at maths! 😂

Woke my parents up. Dad said congratulations the second I said I got my result - hadn't even said that I qualified. Narc mum promptly reminded me that the last time I cleared an exam and got a job (that she and her narc dad forced me to leave a really good one for), it was a disaster (Smeg-like boss). Pup was glaring at me blearily and then warily, later made two hoes holes in my hand with his fangs. I am now enjoying a chocolate, a hot water bottle and my playlist ♥ and frequently zooming in to read the word 'qualified' on my scorecard to make sure I read it correctly 😂

Was going to say that. Especially since she gave us a preview in The Cunt Cut. May that reporter find work in peace.

Of course she'll play herself. Who better, or greater, or beautifuller, or Ho-er, or whipsmarter? There can be no other Ho Smegs.
Congrats on your qualification.

I suppose Queen Camilla will have to be played by Daenerys’ favourite dragon, just as she’s been cast by that arrogant little fkr and “his therapist, Meg.” Of course, there will be a cast of American people bastardising the Queen’s English. No offence to our US friends. I’m in the colonies 😀 You know, Smegz’ hated destination.
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I have just woken about checked twitter. The first thing I see is him on the late show. Saying what a difficult & frustrating few days it's been for him & the biggest frustration is the media spin on the Taliban story.

He has the smuggest look on his face. I do want to punch him. Which makes me feel bad about myself.

All the comments are pro him. I am astonished.

How frustrated do his family feel? The UK? All their victims? Is this man ever going to take responsibility for ANYTHING?

I just can't 😡
He has an extremely punchable face and absolutely nothing to feel smug about or proud of. I sincerely hope someone teaches him a lesson.
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Harry is saying the King of the Netherland and King of Norway apologised for colonialism, and that we need more of that, and he respect them for doing that - I'm sure they are honoured and humbled.

Anyway - didn't Charles do that in Barbados.
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The man who re-did the dresses says: 'We had to work tooth and nail for four days, four of us working until 4 am three nights in a row, to make them fit'.

It goes to show that Kate was right, the dresses needed to be completely redone. And they lost a whole day of work and had to work till 4 am because Peg was ignoring Kate's messages.

View attachment 1872455

I noticed that too and chose to ignore it.

I have already seen too much.

My brian can't handle what came into my mind when I read that.
The subtle imprint of the sexual context of the Oedipus complex in Harry ?
It would be normal for a boy which witnessed his mothers strong sexualty, the glorification of ''lurve, bonding, and romance,'' and even the most mundane events becoming about her ''pursuit of happiness '' (see yachting with Dodi)
It's ...possesiveness, fear of losing her .
The entire book is based on that.
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How weird is it that the smell of eight hour cream reminded him of his mam and he still put it on his willy?! Strange, strange man.
What!!!! I don't know what's true or not now. I don't have a willy so don't know if it's a thing to put cream on it 🤣🤣🤣
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Just remembering last week, thinking it was all a hoax, that we were all believing rubbish stories, or the translations were all wrong, or it was an early April fools joke. That seems like a life time ago.
Time flies when your in the twilight zone 😎😎😎
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