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Harry couldn't be removed.
Not sure why Andrew matters in relation to George, brothers of Monarchs that inherit Regency while heirs exist, is only possible in Muslim Kingdoms .
The only way would be a amendment for Kate, having Regency, Philip had it above Margo.
Harry can be removed by Parliament provided they did it while Charles was still alive.

I WALKED home from the office and found Meg sitting on the stairs.
She was sobbing. Uncontrollably.
My love, what’s happened? I thought for sure we’d lost the baby. I went to her on my knees.
She choked out that she didn’t want to do this anymore.
Do what?
I didn’t catch her meaning at first. I didn’t understand, maybe didn’t want to understand. My mind just didn’t want to process the words.
It’s all so painful, she was saying.
What is?
To be hated like this—for what? What had she done? she asked.
She really wanted to know. What sin had she committed to deserve this kind of treatment?
She just wanted to make the pain stop, she said. Not only for her, for everyone. For me, for her mother. But she couldn’t make it stop, so she’d decided to disappear.
Without her, she said, all the press would go away, and then I wouldn’t have to live like this.
Our unborn child would never have to live like this.
It’s so clear, she kept saying, it’s so clear. Just stop breathing. Stop being. This exists because I exist.
I begged her not to talk like that. I promised her we’d get through it, we’d find a way. In the meantime, we’d find her the help she needed. I asked her to be strong, hang on.
Incredibly, while reassuring her, and hugging her, I couldn’t entirely stop thinking like a fucking royal. We had a Sentebale engagement that night, at the Royal Albert Hall, and I kept telling myself: We can’t be late. We cannot be late. They’ll skin us alive! And they’ll blame her. Slowly—too slowly—I realized that tardiness was the least of our problems.
I said she should skip the engagement, of course.
I needed to go, make a quick appearance, but I’d be home fast.
No, she insisted, she didn’t trust herself to be at home alone for even an hour with such dark feelings.
So we put on our best kit, and she applied dark, dark lipstick to draw attention away from her bloodshot eyes, and out of the door we went.
The car pulled up outside the Royal Albert Hall, and as we stepped into the blue flashing lights of the police escort and the whiteout lights of the press’s flashbulbs, Meg reached for my hand. She gripped it tightly. As we went inside, she gripped it even tighter.
I was buoyed by the tightness of that grip. She’s hanging on, I thought. Better than letting go.
But when we settled into the royal box, and the lights dimmed, she let go of her emotions. She couldn’t hold back the tears. She wept silently. The music struck up, we turned and faced the front. We spent the entire length of the performance (Cirque du Soleil) squeezing each other’s hands, me promising her in a whisper: Trust me. I’ll keep you safe.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
Your pregnant wife has said she has thoughts of killing herself. Do you (accounting for the fact you are wealthy and privileged enough to have these people on call 24/7):

a) Immediately contact her obstetrician
b) Immediately contact her midwife
c) Immediately contact her GP
d) Think about pissing off to Cirque du Soleil and leaving her on her own

He is an absolutely fucking abysmal husband by any measure.
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On Twitter - Crown Princess Marie -Chantal of Greece throwing shade by featuring that viral bookshop display on her Instagram page

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Still, despite the mounting stress, the terrible pressure, we managed to protect our essential bond, never snapping at each other during those few days. As we came to the final hours of her visit, we were solid, happy, and Meg announced she wanted to make me a special goodbye lunch. There was nothing in my fridge, as usual. But there was a Whole Foods down the street. I gave her directions, the safest route, past the Palace guards, turn right, towards Kensington Palace Gardens, down to Kensington High Street, there’s a police barrier, take a right and you’ll see Whole Foods. It’s massive, you can’t miss it. I had an engagement but I’d be home soon.
Baseball cap, jacket, head down, side gate. You’ll be fine, I promise.
Two hours later, when I got home, I found her inconsolable. Sobbing. Shaking. What is it? What’s happened? She could barely get the story out.
She’d dressed just as I’d advised, and she’d run happily, anonymously, up and down the supermarket aisles. But as she rode the escalator a man approached. Excuse me, do you know where the exit is? Oh, yes, I think it’s just up here to the left. Hey! You’re on that program—Suits, am I right? My wife loves you. Oh. That’s so nice! Thanks. What’s your name? Jeff. Nice to meet you, Jeff. Please tell her I said thanks for watching. I will. Can I get a picture…you know, for my mum? Thought you said it was your wife. Oh. Yeah. Heh. Sorry, I’m just grocery shopping today. His face changed. Well, even if I can’t take a picture WITH you…that doesn’t stop me taking pictures OF you! He whipped out his phone and followed her to the deli counter, snapping away while she looked at the turkey. F the turkey, she thought, hurrying to the checkouts. He followed her there too. She got into the queue. Before her were rows and rows of magazines and newspapers, and on all of them, under the most shocking and disgusting headlines…was her. The other customers noticed as well. They looked at the magazines, looked at her, and now they too pulled out their phones, like zombies. Meg caught two cashiers sharing a horrible smile. After paying for her groceries, she walked outside, straight into a group of four men with their iPhones aimed at her. She kept her head down, rushed up Kensington High Street. She was nearly home when a horse-drawn carriage came rolling out of Kensington Palace Gardens. Some sort of parade: the Palace gate was blocked. She was forced back along the main road, where the four men picked up the scent again, and chased her all the way to the main gate, screaming her name. When she finally got inside Nott Cott, she’d phoned her best girlfriends, each of whom asked: Is he worth this, Meg? Is anyone worth this? I put my arms around her, said I was sorry. So sorry. We just held each other, until I slowly became aware of the most delicious smells. I looked around. Hang on. You mean…after all that…you still made lunch? I wanted to feed you before I left.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
Whaaat! Internationally famous superstar, supermodel A class actress Meghan Markle was left inconsolable. Sobbing. Shaking from 4 men taking pictures!!!!!! o_O

And NONE of them managed to get a picture of the other THREE taking pictures of her. Compared to the mobs surrounding Kate and the vile, abusive way they treated her.

Fuck off, she had blisters from walking up and down to get noticed and was inconsolable from not being hounded.
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DAYS LATER THE pregnancy was announced publicly. The papers reported that Meg was battling fatigue and dizzy spells and couldn’t hold any food down, especially in the mornings, all of which was untrue. She was tired, but otherwise a dynamo. Indeed, she felt lucky not to be suffering severe morning sickness, since we were embarking on a hugely demanding tour.
Everywhere we went, enormous crowds turned out, and she didn’t disappoint them. All across Australia, Tonga, Fiji, New Zealand, she dazzled.
After one especially rousing speech, she got a standing ovation. She was so brilliant that midway through the tour I felt compelled…to warn her. You’re doing too well, my love. Too damn well. You’re making it look too easy. This is how everything started…with my mother.
Maybe I sounded mad, paranoid. But everyone knew that Mummy’s situation went from bad to worse when she showed the world, showed the family, that she was better at touring, better at connecting with people, better at being “royal,” than she had any right to be. That was when things really took a turn. We returned home to jubilant welcomes and exultant headlines. Meg, the expectant mother, the flawless representative of the Crown, was hailed. Not a negative word was written. It’s changed, we said. It’s changed at last. But then it changed again. Oh, how it changed.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
This is the tour her and Jessica Mulroney called 'crap' and thought she should be paid for.
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Another dig at Kate? Saying how he had rarely seen anyone get on with Charles in such a way?
The witch wrote this 😡Every spiteful nasty underhanded dig is her. He is just the druggie who signed off on it …..
This whole book he is portrayed as absolutely in thrall to her, (no it’s the drugs plus he has thrown everything else away) whilst she is the prize that he is so undeserving of but miraculously she condescends to take him as he is and SAVE him.
His family, his country, his friends.. all under the bus because they saw through her and they might have been able to pull him back from the brink. She is never going to accept criticism or take responsibility for any of it. It is and always was about money and fame for her, she doesn’t love him. I detest my ex but I would never let him demean himself in this way. Her and Snakebite must be rubbing their hands in glee. I can’t abide him but I am just appalled by the emotional abuse that has obviously taken place. I am horrified for those children, if they actually exist and I am beyond furious that nobody in these interviews is asking real questions or even one question ‘Where is Meghan, this paragon of virtue, when you are sniffing, smoking, inhaling?”
Sorry I am so angry right now I can’t even think straight. My heart goes out to KCIII, this must be unbearable for him

ETA And how many times has she filmed/taped him in that condition? That will be lovely to hold over his dads head to get what she wants
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I WALKED home from the office and found Meg sitting on the stairs.
She was sobbing. Uncontrollably.
My love, what’s happened? I thought for sure we’d lost the baby. I went to her on my knees.
She choked out that she didn’t want to do this anymore.
Do what?
I didn’t catch her meaning at first. I didn’t understand, maybe didn’t want to understand. My mind just didn’t want to process the words.
It’s all so painful, she was saying.
What is?
To be hated like this—for what? What had she done? she asked.
She really wanted to know. What sin had she committed to deserve this kind of treatment?
She just wanted to make the pain stop, she said. Not only for her, for everyone. For me, for her mother. But she couldn’t make it stop, so she’d decided to disappear.
Without her, she said, all the press would go away, and then I wouldn’t have to live like this.
Our unborn child would never have to live like this.
It’s so clear, she kept saying, it’s so clear. Just stop breathing. Stop being. This exists because I exist.
I begged her not to talk like that. I promised her we’d get through it, we’d find a way. In the meantime, we’d find her the help she needed. I asked her to be strong, hang on.
Incredibly, while reassuring her, and hugging her, I couldn’t entirely stop thinking like a fucking royal. We had a Sentebale engagement that night, at the Royal Albert Hall, and I kept telling myself: We can’t be late. We cannot be late. They’ll skin us alive! And they’ll blame her. Slowly—too slowly—I realized that tardiness was the least of our problems.
I said she should skip the engagement, of course.
I needed to go, make a quick appearance, but I’d be home fast.
No, she insisted, she didn’t trust herself to be at home alone for even an hour with such dark feelings.
So we put on our best kit, and she applied dark, dark lipstick to draw attention away from her bloodshot eyes, and out of the door we went.
The car pulled up outside the Royal Albert Hall, and as we stepped into the blue flashing lights of the police escort and the whiteout lights of the press’s flashbulbs, Meg reached for my hand. She gripped it tightly. As we went inside, she gripped it even tighter.
I was buoyed by the tightness of that grip. She’s hanging on, I thought. Better than letting go.
But when we settled into the royal box, and the lights dimmed, she let go of her emotions. She couldn’t hold back the tears. She wept silently. The music struck up, we turned and faced the front. We spent the entire length of the performance (Cirque du Soleil) squeezing each other’s hands, me promising her in a whisper: Trust me. I’ll keep you safe.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
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I really can't believe these excerpts. I like a bit of chick lit now and again, but this takes the biscuit.

It's pure Barbara Cartland, mixed with Mill and Boon, topped off with a bit of Hallmark, and dialed all the way to 11.

It reads like a satire. In fact, the only way you could satirise this stuff is by writing a version in the way you would have expected a thirty something, army officer Prince of the Realm to have written it.

"Dammed if it bally happened, but the old todge got a nip. Ignored it at first, but then it went blue and bits started falling off. I bellowed at Tooters: " you got any whiskey I can dip the family jewels in?" He yelled back: " No, but there's this stuff in a tube that smells like old horse rub. Maybe that it'll sort it."

So I opened the damn thing to find it was orange and smelled like Granny's stables when the vet had been in. I rubbed a bit on the old man and all it did was make the bloody thing stick to my boxers. Waste of god damn time, if you ask me. Then I find out the stuff is fancy women's cream and costs a bomb. Why it was in the tent, I don't know and never found out. But what I will say is that if it didn't do anything for my todge, I doubt it does anything for ladies' faces, except make them all smell like an injured stallion after a bad fall at Ascot."
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Hula flight

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He seriously advised her to wear Hunter boots and the 'Alleviate Poverty Worldwide' bag? He's taking the blame for pretty much everything!

She has so written this
Oh my god,is that the day she walked up and down until someone from the Mail took pity on her and went out and photographed her!?
Any chance we can put book passages under a spoiler?they are making me puke.I feel violated !!!!
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I had literally never heard of this show or Smegs until she was announced as Harry’s girlfriend from Suits.

I hope they issue a Cease and Desist - We did not fucking watch Suits.
Literally the only statement from all the royals should be we did not watch suits and had no idea who the f**k she was.
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DAYS LATER THE pregnancy was announced publicly. The papers reported that Meg was battling fatigue and dizzy spells and couldn’t hold any food down, especially in the mornings, all of which was untrue. She was tired, but otherwise a dynamo. Indeed, she felt lucky not to be suffering severe morning sickness, since we were embarking on a hugely demanding tour.
Everywhere we went, enormous crowds turned out, and she didn’t disappoint them. All across Australia, Tonga, Fiji, New Zealand, she dazzled.
After one especially rousing speech, she got a standing ovation. She was so brilliant that midway through the tour I felt compelled…to warn her. You’re doing too well, my love. Too damn well. You’re making it look too easy. This is how everything started…with my mother.
Maybe I sounded mad, paranoid. But everyone knew that Mummy’s situation went from bad to worse when she showed the world, showed the family, that she was better at touring, better at connecting with people, better at being “royal,” than she had any right to be. That was when things really took a turn. We returned home to jubilant welcomes and exultant headlines. Meg, the expectant mother, the flawless representative of the Crown, was hailed. Not a negative word was written. It’s changed, we said. It’s changed at last. But then it changed again. Oh, how it changed.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
OMG this is so obviously a dig at Catherine’s hyperemesis. What a hateful cunt. She was a dynamo because someone else was fucking pregnant!

And jesus fucking Christ - doing too well. On ‘Tour Shit’ or whatever it was her and the influencer called it. Wasn’t this the hot tea throwing one?
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Basically what we all said on here ages ago - Doria went to prison for ten years, probably for selling /carrying /moving drugs.(or all three).and that's why her and Thomas Markle split.

Harry sits around in the Monteceito mansion all day smoking weed with Doria.

He has had too much Californian therapy, he's got sharks all around him and something bad is going to happen to him. Some wacko therapist has encouraged him to tell all in some sort of purge therapy thing.
I'm afraid I had a realisation this evening and this photo alludes to where I think this is all going. We know Meghan likes to curate her life based on what's she's seen in a movies or what she's seen happen to other celebrities....

She is a sick puppy. Really sick.
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One night, not long after Meg’s arrival in Britain, we were at home, making dinner, playing with Guy, and the kitchen of Nott Cott was as full of love as any room I’d ever been in.
I opened a bottle of champagne—an old, old gift I’d been saving for a special occasion. Meg smiled.
What’s the occasion?
No occasion.
I scooped up Guy, carried him outside, into the walled garden, put him down on a blanket I’d spread on the grass. Then I ran back inside and asked Meg to grab her champagne flute and come with me.
What’s up?
I led her out to the garden. Cold night. We were both wrapped in big coats, and hers had a hood lined with fake fur that framed her face like a cameo. I set electric candles around the blanket. I wanted it to look like Botswana, the bush, where I’d first thought of proposing. Now I knelt on the blanket, Guy at my side. Both of us looked up searchingly at Meg. My eyes already full of tears, I brought the ring out of my pocket and said my piece. I was shivering, and my heart was audibly thumping, and my voice was unsteady, but she got the idea.
Spend your life with me? Make me the happiest guy on this planet?
I laughed. She laughed. What other reaction could there be? In this mixed-up world, this pain-filled life, we’d done it. We’d managed to find each other. Then we were crying and laughing, and petting Guy, who looked frozen solid. We started for the house. Oh, wait. Don’t you want to see the ring, my love? She hadn’t even thought about it. We hurried inside, finished our celebration in the warmth of the kitchen. It was November 4. We managed to keep it secret for about two weeks.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex.
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Nice ...

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As far as the damaging claims go, what exactly did the idiot think the palace would do? Write to the daily mail and say that showing a bra strap wasn't in fact classless and tacky? Demand that they say her dress was nice? Insist that she was allowed to shut her own car door?

The congenital idiot doesn't seem to understand the difference between fact and opinion. Also all this guff saying how busy their team was correcting mis information that they only managed to do 10% of it. Eh? I thought they never stood up and corrected anything?

I'm getting conniptions about this beating up sex workers thing. I can't take any more insanity.
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