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Hi everyone....creepy lurker for ages but I am so annoyed I feel the need to emerge from the shadows.

Meghan Markle might have a black mother but she has, at every stage of her life, done her level best to identify as white. Northwestern has a famous & celebrated black sorority but she chose a white one. She identified as caucasian on her resume, she’s never had a black boyfriend, all her black friends seem to be famous (and therefore useful), she no longer talks to any member of her black family (except Doria) and she’s had two white husbands. On top of this she has surgically remodelled her nose to try and make it look caucasian & she irons her hair.

Nothing wrong with any of this - except how dare she now try and position herself as a “sister” championing the rights of black people? Yes, we need to be listening after this week’s horrific events, but I retain the right to choose who I listen to, and Markle can fuck off.

When has she EVER been active on behalf of the black community? When she was on Suits she had 6 months of the year off, and all she managed was a feeble few days in Rwanda (paid for by a charity) and a couple of speeches all about herself. She wrote ONE essay on her ridiculous blog about racism (the only thing she’s ever done that’s worth shit) - she’s never marched, waved a banner, joined a cause or shown any inclination to be a voice for anyone except herself. All of this is extremely odd considering that she likes to boast at length about how she’s been an “activist” since she was a foetus.

She even used the LA race riots as scenery dressing for her heavily embroidered tale about changing the face of American advertising at age 11. She supposedly concocted the idea of writing a letter while trapped at school as the riots raged (she walked home with her “little freckled nose wrinkled in consternation” as “ash drifted down’) - well, sorry, Ms Pinocchio, but the LA riots happened a couple of years earlier than that. See? She doesn’t give a shit about any of this stuff unless it can be used to her own narcissistic advantage. She doesn’t care about George Floyd - the only life that matters to her is her own.

And as for Scabies - he’ll jump on any bandwagon Her Royal Lowness has had her fat arse on. He probably had a good sniff before sitting down & then checked his make up mirror to see how his latest face fillers are holding up.

I hope his hagiography becomes the laughing stock it deserves to be & I hope that court case with the Mail shows her up for the liar she so obviously is.

Sorry for the rant.
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Because she wants the exclusive. It's like the soap stars who hide their baby or tell their family no photos at their wedding or whatever because they want a deal with OK or Hello magazine, because for then that's the pinnacle of making it as a celeb. It's about the exclusivity.

Meghan wants the secrecy because she wants the Oprah deal. She wants to ramp up the plebs who believe she is a truly private charity-working feminist champion - gosh she's just like one of us isn't she, but so devoted to her cause - so she can sell at the right time.

She invited Ellen, who they didn't even know, to privately meet their baby so the story can leak that a big TV star was there, so they must be terribly big celebrities and not just stuffy Royals.

She had her Vogue cover opportunity too early so she went the 'humanitarian' route and put other people on it, because she's kind like that, said it would be boastful if she were on it herself (a dig at Kate obviously) and because she is holding out for her BIG Vogue reveal-o where she can maximise her potential.

Hence their self important press releases during a worldwide pandemic and 20 private planes and £500,000 maternity wardrobe; she's trying to build her own profile by the suggestion that she's important enough to warrant our attention, and then she can sell sell sell to the highest, most important and most influential bidder.

But since every move recently has been a huge misstep - insulting the Queen to try to bolster their own image of importance did not help their cause - they're not a hot commodity at the moment and it looks like nobody wants to buy shares in them outside of the National Enquirer or the Globe. If Weekly World News was still going they'd have stories about them holing up with BatBoy and if they burn any more bridges that might be where they end up.
BIB, now she truly truly is a grade A cunt.
I watched a video the other night of her interviewing Mariah Carey. There were rumours circulating at the time that Mariah was pregnant, so what did cunt face Ellen do ? She produced champagne and two glasses to force Mariah to confirm the pregnancy by refusing to drink it. Just so she could have the exclusive.
Mariah laughed it off but was clearly not prepared for that ambush. 5 weeks later Mariah lost the baby.
Ellen is a cunt.:mad:
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Gotta love Samantha Markle -

my sister was nowhere near the LA riots and she gave a speech everything about it was a fantastic lie dad took her to Palm springs for 5 days and he didn't even see it.. Dad picked her up from school and took her away. The immaculate heart speech was a lie
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Response to: Inforapenny

Hi there! Continue thrashing her for all other reasons, by all means. But as a person of colour, I can assure you people like you tell me to shut up about my experiences all the time. There’s no way as a mixed race she hasn’t led a life full of experiences which she didn’t talk about. Have some understanding. She’s NOT making it about herself. ALL people of colour should be speaking up about their experiences right now to educate our white friends & family what they see as only a ‘US/policing’ issue. I am a British person of colour that comes from a middle class family with a white husband and white friends, working in a highly skilled job. I should in theory be very privileged (and I am) but I’ve led a life of experiences/incidents of racism that are so painful and a reality I have to deal with every single day. What’s more painful is no one around me and gets it and whenever I speak up, people like you declare ‘don’t make it about yourself’. I can’t even imagine what people go through without the privileges I have had. So stop. LET THE PEOPLE OF COLOUR SPEAK FOR THEIR PAIN. Stop expecting US to show the outrage for what society has done to us. How much outrage are you showing outside tattle?
Stop lecturing us. We are adults. We come on here to get away from that shite. :mad:
I'm fucking Irish with personal history that would make your hair curl but I leave that shite at the door because I don't inflict my woes on people just mooching around on a forum, nor do I try to guilt them to preach on my behalf.
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Call-me-H has been let out of the basement, mustn't have been behaving himself as it looks like she's not let him thrive, have a clean shirt or a wash in weeks poor lad. 😂

Why does he keep offering praise and encouragement to anything in this country? He doesn’t live here anymore. He’s not relevant or important to anything in the UK.
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Stop lecturing us. We are adults. We come on here to get away from that shite. :mad:
I'm fucking Irish with personal history that would make your hair curl but I leave that shite at the door because I don't inflict my woes on people just mooching around on a forum, nor do I try to guilt them to preach on my behalf.
Well said freda. To be honest I’ve stopped posting because of it. Innocent comments are jumped on and twisted. I hate it. We all have experiences that aren’t fair, or kind or traumatic, me included. I really hope this shit stops because some really nice people aren’t posting on here now and it’s a worse place for it. x
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Meghan's "George Floyd" video is like a 6 minute audition for a part.

The pauses. The earnest look in her eyes. The catch in her breath.

Over-rehearsed. 100% planned.

How many times did she do it before filming it?
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Off topic! It’s probably already been covered in ‘conspiracies’, but I’ve recently landed here from DS and have noticed a few references to it on these threads. Diana was killed by a drunk driver and she was not wearing a seatbelt. Is that what everyone here really thinks? Just asking as I’ve read a lot of really credible stuff that would dispute that and I’m sure W & H would be aware of all of that too. To me, that would explain their heightened apoplexy, or Harry’s in particular. They can hardly be screaming that their mother was murdered. If Harry has confided in Meghan that that is what he thinks happened to his mother, and maybe he is laying the blame at the feet of the RF, (although I do not think it was them), maybe that could explain this current situation and Harry’s seemingly disregard for his own family. Remember HMQ telling Paul Burrell about the ‘dark forces’ and ‘the brakes’? Just a thought!
There was no reason to bump Diana off. None.
She was divorced from chas, had her payout and shared custody and was doing her own thing.
Now some might say she was an embarrassment flitting around the world with various blokes and gay guy friends , but I tend to think that her behaviour after the divorce was proof of how flakey and unreliable she was, so the while the Firm might have been rolling their eyes at her latest shenanigans it didn't impact on them at all. She wasn't their problem any more. They'd have known that she was getting stuff out of her system, flying her kite, and would run out of steam and settle eventually.To bump her off would only bring negative attention back onto them just as the divorce fuss was settling down. Now had it happened before or during the divorce being settled I'd be suspicious, as would everyone I think. Post divorce? Nah.
So no, the conspiracy theories don't impress me or change my mind.
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Pissing myself laughing at the bullshit that is Catherine's "anger at the extra workload" supposedly caused by Megain leaving.

Meddling Meg did fuck all for the RF last year, so nobody would even notice her leaving. :ROFLMAO: ( Except maybe to breathe a huge sigh of relief because the furtive picture-taker and diary-keeper had gone!) Smegz did more work on setting up Sussex Royal branding and hustling in Hollywood than she ever did for us...

She only managed 28 Royal engagements for the whole of 2019, FFS.

Despite being very keen to tell us they were "senior" Royals donchaknow, they weren't exactly value for money for us taxpayers... an estimated £44m+ spent in the few short months she was part of "the family she never had." Twats.

Megain's probably just annoyed that the RF is positively thriving right now - probably expected the whole institution to collapse without her hard work and wondrous "modernizing" ways, and to clamour or her return?! Not a chance. We certainly don't want her back. Ever.

Catherine - game, set and match. Smeghan - own goal, yet again
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I cannot bear Charles or the bloody thing he's married to :mad:
I don't mind chas these days. He's mellowed.
But I fucking love camilla. I'd go on a night out with her any time, I think she'd be the first one to grab the baby oil at a stripper boy gig ... dirty girl.:m
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This..........the Queen.....this is disheartening to say the least.

I’m sorry Mo5 but I cannot let this post just float by. I understand you have family in the police force but that is no excuse.

you find it disheartening that The Commonwealth Trust speaks out against racism? Seriously??? The US police force is institutionally racist as is the justice system. That is not saying individuals are racist. Anyone who cannot see that seriously needs to check their privilege and seriously examine their own attitudes. Trumps Twitter is consistently racist and advocating violence- this is inexcusable.

The looting and violence is also inexcusable but it is a separate issue to the problems shown by the recent murders of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery and the racist attitudes of people like Amy Cooper.

MM & H concern me as much as anyone but to me that is no reason to support racism and anyone who doesn’t call it out is complicit.

I attach the posts from the Commonwealth Trust - exactly what is “disheartening” in them?


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I've read in the past that security tend not to wear seat-belts in vehicles because it gives them faster reaction times, seconds can make a lot of difference. You don't hear about the strobe light that allegedly went off in the tunnel seconds before the accident. this would have the effect of temporarily blinding driver and occupants that combined with the Boston Brakes may have caused Jones to react...

The cameras in the Pont Alma tunnel have never been out all together in their history since installation. They all went out together for four minutes I believe at the point the car entered the tunnel and crashed then all came on together.

When in history have you ever heard of an ambulance pulling over to the side of the road for seventeen minutes with a high profile fatality when there were three hospitals withing a tiny radius less than that number. I think the closest was literally minutes away.

I saw this reported on the BBC news from the hospital in Paris where her body was reporting that the Princess had been pregnant. When you're admitted into a France hospital they immediately do a series of blood tests. There's always an extra one for women, pregnancy. They made a big thing of it in the news that when they did the post mortem there was no fetus in the womb. The question I've been asking myself ever since is what did they do to her in the ambulance?
This is a Harry and Meghan thread. Can we just move on from this now please..
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Can’t stop thinking about Williams documentary last night, he was without a doubt talking from experience and has got involved with this because it’s close to home maybe too close.

I believe William has/does suffer with mental health but in a way that i suppose it effects all of us at some point, by nature he is a very well adjusted guy considering everything, Harry is not.

I think they know Harry has got himself in to this predicament because he suffers from a mental health condition, maybe it’s diagnosed maybe it isn’t. Maybe they thought before it was a regular issue with anxiety and depression but now it’s clear he is really not well at all.

I think he must deeply worried about his brother, no matter what he is acting like right now. They probably just want him home and getting help.
I think William will have availed of any therapy they received after Di's death and it has helped him adjust to life in general and stressful things thrown at him over the years. Haribo would be the kid every psychologist dreads. The one who is there on sufferance and has no intention of using the sessions to better himself and learn coping mechanisms. Spoiled and entitled and bitter is a bad mix in anyone and it has only worsened over the years. The palace fixit fairies worked overtime keeping his escapades under wraps and sometimes even they, with all the power of Brenda behind them, couldn't always hide his shit.
So yes, I'd say Wills is worried about his kid bro, and he doesn't have it easy these days in general but thankfully he married a woman who is 100% behind him, rather than one who pushes herself to the fore at every chance she gets. It makes me laugh at the biddies calling Kate waity Katie when probably the same haters can't keep a man interested for longer than a wham bam thank you maam, see ya around. She knows her man inside out and will be an amazing Queen alongside him when the time comes.
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And before I retire to watch the new LCC vid, a little tidbit to make your day!

Even the Queen, who is the most anodyne of all of them, has expressed her displeasure in no uncertain terms. She has many friends, and she has been forthright in expressing her viewpoint. I have been told by two separate and utterly reliable sources that she feels that Meghan’s demeanour has been only a cut above a floozy’s and her conduct has been no better than a strumpet’s
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Alarming Around The Children

[Blind Gossip] Of all the family members that this actress could be targeting with her anger, she seems to have chosen a certain female relative.
Want to know why? Of course you do!
The popular version is has to do with some sort of spat before a family event.
In fact, that event was not the catalyst.
You actually have to go back a couple of years for this one.
It was one of the very first times the actress was brought into contact with her future brother-in-law, his wife, and their children.
Actress was on her best behavior, and was trying to impress her future BIL and SIL with how much she enjoyed meeting their family and spending time with them.
It was a casual event. The children were running around being noisy and playful.
At one point, Actress excused herself to another room to make a phone call.
She somehow wound up alone with one of the children. Perhaps the child simply ran into the room looking for her? Whatever the case, what happened next was the catalyst.
The Actress snapped a couple of quick photos of the child.
Perhaps it was innocent. Perhaps not.
When [SIL] found out, though, she was alarmed. They had just met [Actress] and she could not believe that [Actress] would try to photograph [Child] without parental consent in the few seconds that they were alone.
Actress tried to pass it off as some sort of innocent, spur-of-the-moment decision, but SIL never trusted her again after that.
What else had Actress done? Had she secretly photographed or recorded them? The children? The house? Other members of the family?
That meetup did not bring them together as family. If anything, it created distrust and a desire to keep a safe distance from Actress.
It may have also been one of the reasons BIL suggested to his brother that he should slow down the relationship.
Perhaps that was when Actress decided that SIL was her enemy.
Perhaps that is why Actress leaks stories to the media to try to portray SIL as a less-than-perfect mother and person. Someone who is privileged and cold and unwelcoming. Perhaps even… unaccepted of her race? Actress has been playing the victim for a while now, so we should not be surprised at any accusation she might make.
So, what was Actress planning to do with those photos?
That’s a good question.
We did find out later that Actress actually kept a diary of all family interactions. Perhaps those “innocent” photos, taken in secret, were meant to be part of that comprehensive chronicle.
We’ll see
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OK, back on topic. We know that smeggy was as popular as a fart in a lift at the Inskip wedding right ? We saw the images.
But in that last video, the Celt news one there is an image of Haribo sat in the venue at the ceremony and smeggy is not beside him, she's actually seated about 6 or 7 rows behind him !:eek: That shocked me that he was so dismissive of her so early in the day that he didn't either join her or allow her to join him in the seating. Something big was going down that day for sure.
There's a red arrow pointing to her at the very top of this grab.
she is a complete stalker.
how she managed to turn him from « meh » to marrying her is beyond me

Good. Kate has taken enough shit from Meghan.
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Just watching Jeremy Vine and after they showed a clip of MM's video one of the black ladies on the panel (sorry, I missed her name) commented that she doesnt hold MM in high regard after the whole harry situation and feels like this is just her grabbing a bit of attention. She said that she thought that joining the royal family she had a great opportunity to use her profile to address issues but didn't.
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