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Scotch Mist

VIP Member

No-one can be raped by an attractive person?

No-one can be raped if they were in a situation where other people were having sex?

Everyone in every situation has the power and means to leave?

I'll leave this here whilst I go away and vomit. I also need to check my calendar as I appear to have time travelled back to 1684.
That's a very strange response. I can't stand Andrew myself and believe he's a horrible arrogant conceited man who is used to getting whatever he wants when he wants it.

But that doesn't mean that this woman is definitely telling the truth. It's still up to her to prove it. You are being naive if you just accept anything that she says on face value anymore than believing anything he says as fact. This case will go nowhere unless she can produce something like a video tape.
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Also let’s not forget that throughout these accusations she has still been in mourning for her husband.
I bet she wishes she could wake up in the morning, say “fuck it” and stay in bed all day eating chocolate digestives!
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Happy Lady

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Well Megzie, you need to be NICE to people, stop telling lies, stop trashing our monarchy, show some compassion towards your father, and stop making life all about you.

Well, that'll do for starters.
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People don’t realise that the Obamas are very much supportive of HMTQ and PP - just their heartfelt message at PP passing was nicer than H and HWs statement!!
I did see a few deluded SS on Twitter saying that H and HW probably did go but couldn’t tell anyone - Bullshitttttt
The media likes to make the point that 6 got on really well with the Obamas. I’ve no doubt he did (although they almost certainly thought him dumb as a brick but were much too well mannered to show it) but what most stories are missing is the fact he was still in the royal fold back then. The Obamas loved HM, they got on very well with W&K (did they meet PC? If so they probably got on with him, too) and 6 was included in the general bonhomie. He was probably on best behaviour at the time too, but I find it hard to believe they were best buddies given the disparity in intelligence. Since moving to Cali 6 and his ho have behaved appallingly and I suspect most A listers have distanced themselves from what is obviously a train wreck, and that includes the Obamas. If forced to choose - and in a way they have been - the Obamas are Team Queen.
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Murphy Brown

VIP Member
40 x 40 was a joke. I almost feel embarrassed for her. She is trying to emulate people like the Obamas but doesn't have the substance or intelligence.
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They definitely seem to be on the way down don’t they? No invite to Barack Obama’s birthday and not even able to muster up a decent crowd for her own birthday. Plates must be flying. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer couple.

Why do they think anyone cares about her Birthday?
They bailed out of the Royal Family Firm because they didn't want to do the work.
Therefore they are inconsequential.

We have plenty of working Royals and I haven't a clue when any of their Birthdays are, so why should I care about hers whether she be 40 or 50.

[Unless I can have some cake.]
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There’s no need to get butthurt. I was just answering one opinion with another. Perhaps HM should just tailor her response to your personal expectations.
Sorry, I've got a lot of awful shit going on in my life and my anger has inadvertently tipped over into here, I'm sorry, love to you all x
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How do we think they will handle the Andrew problem now? I swear , I said Fergie and her press tour was going to bring attention to Andrew and sure enough, it did. I guess trying to weasel themselves back into the Royal family is out now.
I'll start by saying I think Andrew is slime with very questionable morals. He probably did cross the line of what is decent. But the poor girl accusing him was basically pimped out by her own father. She has lied before so that would be brought up. I'm sure she doesn't want this to go to court. Justice will never be served in this sordid tragic mess. I see a quick settlement with Andrew not admitting guilt and not going to trial. They will settle out of court citing the Queen's advanced age and the stress it would have on her health. After this is settled, Charles and William should make it clear to Andrew, Fergie and the York girls that if they don't retire from public life and continue to speak about anything concerning the Royals, they are completely on their own. They really were stupid and arrogant to think they could play any type of role. They need to disappear from public and be thankful Andrew isn't spending the rest of his life in prison.
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I like them as personalities but have lost respect for Them with their flamboyant party when others are really struggling in US.

Why young black men for help don't young black Women count and they are probably more needy.

Just find it stinks of hypocrisy and double standards, sorry American Tattlers if I have offended you but that is what I feel.
Can you imagine the outcry if a white Celeb or public figure only wanted to help white people into work?
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I’d started to write a new thread but Mariag beat me to it, so here’s a recap…

Here we go again…

Henry’s wife turned 40 last week, whilst her nose turned 5.
She marked the occasion by posting a video asking everyone else to use their time whilst she basked in the glory.
Henry has now been demoted to court jester.
Speculation as to whether she’s had another nose job, eye lift and fillers.
Blurred photos on her table, no doubt placed there in order for us to speculate - personally I think the pics were already blurred when they were put in the frames because there is no way she’d risk us seeing a glimpse of her crotch goblins for free!

Fergie seems to be everywhere right now, please quieten down dear, it’s getting embarrassing.

Eugenie appears to be Team Markle which is disappointing but some of us are hoping she’s really a double agent.

Don’t forget to vote in The Grifties.
I can’t see Henry’s wife knocking Dr Fauci from the top spot but let’s keep her at number 2.
Number 2 is more apt for her anyway. 💩
Oprah is currently at number 26
Gayle at number 30
Tyler Perry at number 58 so let’s work on them getting in the top 10 - Markle them!

Oh and to our Australian contingent - we love ya! 🇦🇺🥰

EDIT: Mairag hadn’t done a recap when I posted the above. I just don’t want anyone to wonder why I did it too and think I was stepping on her toes! 😳
I've been voting for the Grifties and noticed that Robin Di Angelo is on the list.

We should all be voting for that awful woman who wrote 'White Fragility' Robin Di Angelo. This grossly distorted book is everywhere and promotes critical race theory, naming all nlack people as victims and alm white people as oppressors.
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Murphy Brown

VIP Member
I think Andrew is foul but I find it weird that he is constantly called a paedophile. Paedophilia has an actual definition and it is prepubescent children, not 17 year olds.
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Murphy Brown

VIP Member
Back to discussing Meghan, I really think this Obama PR was a seismic blow for her.
It completely overshadowed her planned relaunch after months of being in hiding, and she has no one but herself to blame.
If she hadn't faked a relationship with them in the Vogue interview, in the Megzit PR, no news outlets would have even expected the Harkles to attend.
It's like if anyone watching were to wonder whether their stupid woke brand is going to take off, the answer is no. They have nothing to offer. The only thing of any importance or any substance they have "done" was a tell-all, which was done by Oprah. That's it.
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
New thread ❤❤❤💖💖 and 9 pages already.

Sorry I'm late..just swam back from Australia 😄🥰

It's amazing what you pick up on the way.. a blow up corgi and another Pom Bear 😀 xx.

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Trouble for andrew?
I don't like Andrew either but I can't see him sexually assaulting anyone. Virginia was there and it was an arrangement through Epstein, and she was young hut not a child. This sexual assault is a new angle probably because she was a willing participant, has been caught lying and the sex was consensual so she's now going for assault. I don't believe it for a minute, Andrew is an oaf and I suspect his bedroom skills are on a par with a rutting badger on steroids but he's not a rapist. Just my view.

Ghislaine and Epstein were evil and the men that took advantage of these young girls are shameful. However Virginia Roberts was not a prisoner and I've often wondered where her parents were in all this while their young daughter was being pimped out?

The Obamas bless them may well have sounded the death knell for Smeg and NoBalls, and might have managed to do what we Tattlers have been trying to do for so long. What a public humiliation and high-profile rejection of the Montyshitto Goats. All the woke speeches, BLM fawning, boasts of an intimate brunch with Michelle ... all for nothing. The Democratic wokerati, the Clowneys and Porkers and left-wing press will take note and follow the magic Obamas.
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I was reading a story of the abdication of Edward VII (?) and the supposed love story with Wallace Simpson, but I never knew a bout their life after. It is chilling the similarities between them and the Markles. It is like they are following the exact playbook. The response of the Royal family to one of their own leaving, is almost the exact same response as today. The gripes and situations of the ones who left are also almost the exact same. Wanting to be treated like royalty and paid like royalty after they really is history repeating itself. They were celebrities but their lives were empty with no real purpose. History is absolutely repeating itself.
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the musician

Chatty Member
Are you serious?
I’m genuinely shocked by that comment.
I’d say the complete opposite.
She pledged to serve her countries for the rest of her life. She took that oath seriously and I think she would only break it due to ill health.
I agree with this. The monarchy is a political institution and the Queen's put duty over family. We may be annoyed with what Harry and the wife are doing, but the rest of the RF are carrying on with their daily work. I think they just want to keep family matters private but Harry and the wife are making it difficult.

When she took the oath it was practically a promise to God so she'd never abdicate. The most likely thing would be for her to appoint Charles as Prince Regent but she would still reign as Queen.
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Murphy Brown

VIP Member
I don't like Andrew either but I can't see him sexually assaulting anyone. Virginia was there and it was an arrangement through Epstein, and she was young hut not a child. This sexual assault is a new angle probably because she was a willing participant, has been caught lying and the sex was consensual so she's now going for assault. I don't believe it for a minute, Andrew is an oaf and I suspect his bedroom skills are on a par with a rutting badger on steroids but he's not a rapist. Just my view.

Ghislaine and Epstein were evil and the men that took advantage of these young girls are shameful. However Virginia Roberts was not a prisoner and I've often wondered where her parents were in all this while their young daughter was being pimped out?

The Obamas bless them may well have sounded the death knell for Smeg and NoBalls, and might have managed to do what we Tattlers have been trying to do for so long. What a public humiliation and high-profile rejection of the Montyshitto Goats. All the woke speeches, BLM fawning, boasts of an intimate brunch with Michelle ... all for nothing. The Democratic wokerati, the Clowneys and Porkers and left-wing press will take note and follow the magic Obamas.
I think he definitely did it, it was consensual, but she feels like he took advantage of her youth. Which is kind of why she was there!
It's assault because she was underage in the US - you legally can't consent if underage.
I think he absolutely did it and it's hard to believe the utter hubris that he thought he could behave like that, in his position. But this was the days before smart phones, where everyone got away with a lot more.
I agree it is her parents' fault. What on earth was someone her age doing gallivanting around the world and she says it was from 15. It's not Andrew's fault - Epstein used this stuff to lure in rich and powerful men. I'm sure sleeping with young girls was 'normalised' just by being around him.
But it shows utter disrespect for his position and station in life.

I think Virginia is doing it to get a big ol' cheque from HMTQ. And HMTQ is tired of enabling these idiots and won't do it. She wants Andrew to face responsibility. Don't forget, she could make all this go away if she wanted to.
She isn't and I support her and applaud her.

Do I believe Virginia would shut up and drop the case if the Queen gave her say $5 million> Absolutely.
Do I believe the Queen is capable of using every resource she has to get this case dropped anyway, especially if it had no merit? Absolutely. She wields a huge amount of power globally.
Andrew is probably still reeling from the fact that she won't get him out of it.
She won't, and I think good on her. She's sick of Fergie and Andrew, sick of Harry and Meghan and is finally saying, enough is enough. I'm not opening the chequebook anymore.
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Sorry to say it everyone - but we missed a big Megzy event in the calender!
It was World calligraphy day yesterday!

Do you think she and Hazno spent the day practising their flicky ends?
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