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I just want to say that not everyone who home educates is like this! I home educate mine and while I agree with lots of Hannah's reasons for doing it, I engage with my local authority and I do actually educate my children.
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I think I've seen some of those videos, the little blonde boy who likes shopping for fruit?

TBH anyone who pimps out their child with learning disabilities or neurodivergence who cannot consent in any way, even more so than a child without a learning disability/neurodivergence is disgusting to me. At least Hannah doesn't show her kids.
Exactly this! If there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s people pimping out their kids online, especially disabled/nd kids. You can raise awareness about whatever issue without plastering your kids all over your account.
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Well-known member
I was interested in her content as I've been considering withdrawing one of my children from school due to their needs not being met there. I quickly found her unrelatable. I don't have the luxuries afforded to her clearly 😅
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Chatty Member
Aw nooo I love her and her approach to home Ed. I home educate and don’t engage with local authority. I do wonder where she gets her money from too but overall compared to the shitty influencers, posting their kids constantly or selling shit on tik tok shop, Hannah Is preferred.
How I see it, unless your child has additional needs or they get bullied a lot there is no need to home school your kids. I can’t see how they will flourish enough being homeschooled to be able to have a normal life, the lack of socialising, adhering to rules outside of the home, learning to deal with differences and the actual education itself, I think it’s very narcissistic to think you’re equipped/intelligent/educated enough to wager your child’s future on it. I’m far from thick and educated to post graduate standard but even I would struggle probably to teach maths to kids and geography? 😂 forget about it!
This is q huge misconception. I home educate my two kids, no special needs. They are thriving. They go to classes and groups and have a great social life, and are ahead in terms of curriculum level. We do very little sit down work. There are so many resources out there to help you teach or facilitate learning.
Aw nooo I love her and her approach to home Ed. I home educate and don’t engage with local authority. I do wonder where she gets her money from too but overall compared to the shitty influencers, posting their kids constantly or selling shit on tik tok shop, Hannah Is preferred.

This is q huge misconception. I home educate my two kids, no special needs. They are thriving. They go to classes and groups and have a great social life, and are ahead in terms of curriculum level. We do very little sit down work. There are so many resources out there to help you teach or facilitate learning. Home Ed doesn’t mean living in a cave, you go out in real life a lot, museums, libraries, meet ups, forest schools and the usual clubs and groups. So it’s false to think home educated children aren’t getting a rich and stimulating environment.
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VIP Member
This one really has a huge stick up her arse....

Clearly she had a shit time at school because she is so anti school. Once tried to debate with her that school is actually the better option for some kids but she is extremely arrogant.

Also she's clearly one of those mum's who won't let the dad be too involved, claims it's his choice to not have the kids overnight but then did a whole thing about re adjusting them when they get back from his even though they only go for a day...


only started following her recently and thought this, i couldn’t homeschool if i wanted to because i have to go to work when my kids are at school like most people! what does she do for work has she said?
She sells homeschooling kits online 😂😂


only started following her recently and thought this, i couldn’t homeschool if i wanted to because i have to go to work when my kids are at school like most people! what does she do for work has she said?
She sells homeschooling kits online 😂😂


only started following her recently and thought this, i couldn’t homeschool if i wanted to because i have to go to work when my kids are at school like most people! what does she do for work has she said?
She sells homeschooling kits online 😂😂
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Well-known member
She’s so bloody rude in the comments. Why didn’t she spend her money on rain macs and just enjoy it for what it was rather than wandering around in the shops all day.
She really thinks she could do a better job at absolutely everything. I’d love to see more of the boyfriend, he must be a saint to put up with it all.
She is awfully rude and self righteous in her comment replies! She has such a holier than thou attitude it’s really off putting. Just seems to turn her nose up at everything.

I’m not sure you can class sticking the kids in-front of that iPhone app “home schooling”. Already promoting it as well 💰 I do understand her points about the flaws of the schooling system but the way she goes about rubbing it in everyone’s faces just leaves a sour taste.
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I initially really enjoyed her content, she’s intelligent and articulate and she does seem a fantastic mum.
But, I have no idea how she can afford all these trips away, almost every month they are away. What really annoys me about her is the comments she writes on other content creators posts arse licking them when they are truly awful parents!
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I need to go back and find exactly what it was but in one of her tiktoks of her showing some off the stuff she’s got her kids for Christmas she shows some tiny bad quality ‘toy’ if you could even call it that as it looks like the type of joke thing you’d get in a Christmas cracker that’s how pointless it is and after 2 minutes you’d have no interest in it that’s my opinion there’s some things I just think that’s pointless.

I’m all for being grateful and appreciating what you have , I didn’t grow up with lots of money so I was more than happy with what I got at Christmas regardless of how much something was it didn’t cross my mind but I think the things she gets for her kids it’s like she doesn’t give a shit she just throws whatever in. A bar of chocolate or socks would be better cause at least those aren’t pointless things to spend money on those are gifts anyone would use compared to some of stuff Hannah is buying.

Not everyone has the same income so of course not everyone will spend the same amount at Christmas but it’s the fact she keeps going on about it thinking she’s special and wanting praise for how much she’s spending. I think she’s a hypocrite cause I’m sure if someone gave her the Christmas cracker kind of gifts she gets for her kids she would be going mad. If a child asks for something then fair enough that’s what they like but she has said herself she chooses a lot of the things for them that fits into her budget and there’s nothing wrong with that if you only have a certain amount of money but some of her choices makes me think she doesn’t like to spend money on her kids she doesn’t put thought into what she gets them or wants them to enjoy receiving a gift.
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Chatty Member
I didn’t realise that they always have separate accommodation when they travel. I guess she stays with him when the kids are with their dad but if they’re all going to Costa Rica for January are they just not going to have sex for a whole month?!
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Made me laugh though that in one of her videos she said her kids don't want expensive things cos they don't see adverts and they don't go to school, yet she's knocking around in designer clothes?
I can’t wait for the day to come when they do want designer clothes and she can’t lord it over her followers
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VIP Member
She’s started to annoy me too. Kids £100 budget for Xmas and dressed in Primark but she’s got massive Reiss & JD hauls with the best labels courtesy of the bf.
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VIP Member
She does well out of Christmas though her ‘boyfriend’ spent a fortune on clothes for her lasts year.
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VIP Member
A week or so back she went to Primark and spent about £50 on clothing for her daughter. The next week she’s been to JD Sports and got her hands on a load of premium sportswear for herself.

This along with the Christmas gifts smacks of someone who isn’t putting her kids first. She was so passive aggressive about the Christmas gifts too for the kids, fair enough if that’s what you want to do, but you put it on TikTok so some people aren’t going to agree. You can’t act high and mighty when you’re buying your kids sweat shop clothing and spending hundreds on yourself.
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Well-known member
That was a poor article. There is so much she could've explained but it just made her sound like a bit of a prat, parroting what thousands of people before her have said on parenting groups, blogs, books and SM. She seems to have confused instinctive with intrinsic. She's poorly regurgitated info and comes across as a try-hard know it all.
What is her educational background? I bet other home educators can't stand her. They don't generally take too kindly to those who claim to be "homeschooling" coaches either.
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