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I drink lemon juice

Active member
I thought things were a bit less crap today, the 'poem' was less problematic and the blog post about breastfeeding was one of Hannah's good posts about herself.
I enjoyed her breastfeeding post too. Not such a fan of the poem though! Doesn't really speak to my female friendships but each to their own.


Active member
Anyone noticed Jess totally blanking them after they tagged her and featured her photos? She always seems switched on so I'm not surprised she's keeping her distance


Active member
This wasn't the case, candace even posted on her own gram some time ago that they were two different documentaries / production companies albeit the same theme
I think this suggests the situation was much more clear cut than it was and that Candace was fine about the whole thing which isn’t the case. She was led on by the producers for 9 months thinking she was going to be making this documentary and then an exact same one is picked up with Rochelle presenting. It’s very very fishy.

Whether or not you think it’s right that Rochelle didn’t step aside, it’s super weird to just say ‘bravo Rochelle’ without addressing the colourism controversy.


VIP Member
Why hasn’t Hannah had a period since 2019... isn’t her baby like 6 months old? Or don’t you have periods when you’re breast feeding?
No you don’t tend to get a period when breastfeeding, I don’t think my period star d until about 10 months after giving birth - might just be me though

Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
No, that's what I meant, if you'd had issues with birth/s in the past. Not if you'd had perfectly healthy babies but terrible standards of care. As others stated, Gemma had a traumatic birth first time around and has been advised against a home birth (I think I read that) so I meant to ask women who'd had traumatic births that weren't down to standards of care from medical professionals, why they choose a potentially risky home birth against advice?
I suppose it depends on the advice. My friend had a poorly baby first time, had her second at home no issues and baby was over 10lbs. There was concerns there but I know she did go through all the risks with a consultant, she'd also had a previous c section.

Only a medical professional would be able to tell you the figures in regards to risk and/or the same thing happening again.

I dont have all the figures to hand atm, its been a few years since Ive been pregnant but if you look at say 'over due dates' stastistics for your average natural pregnancy (no IVF where they know exact dates) you will see things said like babies who get to 41 weeks are twice as likely to be still born so you should be induced but those numbers are very small anyway and that is usually comparing spontaneous labour to spontaneous labour at 38 weeks vs 41 weeks for example.

How many babies die as a result of being induced? What is the percentage of that? What if the dates are out and your baby ends up being premature? Both my kids were born at gestations 3 weeks apart, based on dates at my 12 week scans. Both came out the exact same weights. Neither showed signs of being over due or premature when born. By my own dates they were born at the same gestation.

Other countries like France dont even consider you over due until 42 weeks.

Every single situation is different and unless you know exactly what happened in the first pregnancy /labour / birth no way of knowing exactly the risk and chances of history repeating itself. Id assume that any woman choosing to birth at home or hospital after a previously poor outcome or bad experience has made an informed choice and its not a choice thats been made half hazardly.

Id hope anyway :(


VIP Member
It was nice for her to refer to herself as I for a few stories then, and really jarring when she went back to Hannah. I absolutely would have been influenced to buy that leopard print jacket if she’s been around then. I need to have a word with myself.


VIP Member
My eyes went straight to the shoes!! I do like that she’s re-wearing things (a nice counter to the consumerist-heaven HG10) but those need to go in the BIN
it is just the combination, she could have made it look slightly better ... but yeah those shoes, she should have put some kind of protective spray on them or something


Chatty Member
Her posture is so fucking bad, especially for someone who claims to do yoga, stop hunching your feckin shoulders!!!


VIP Member
I’m sure someone has said it here before, but I honestly can’t believe how much TV she watches considering she has two small children. I have a toddler just under 2 and there’s NO WAY he’d let me sit and watch something for more than 5mins. She’s also posted today about sitting on the sofa and ‘parenting’ from there. She’s seriously so fucking lazy and on a completely different planet. I’m assuming her other half does most of the parenting if she’s sitting on her arse all day.
I thought he was it at work? So I don’t know how she does it

Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
But she says in that post her doctor has said she shouldn't?
Side note but I find it amazing how many people have awful first births and choose to go through it again, I cannot imagine the courage this takes ❤
I didnt read the full post tbf so will go have a nose. I just felt the whole wrath of everyone judging me when I made the decision, and its hard when thats your family and friends making you feel like youre making a decision which will have a negative outcome. I did have a small medical issue in my 2nd pregnancy that could have increased my risk of haemorrhage but we discussed this and made an informed decision. For what its worth I had no issues in my first pregnancy and was borderline for a blood transfusion as I lost so much. With my 2nd I lost barely any blood despite there being an indication I could have.

I did have a bigger age gap than Gemma though and from any research Ive did the bigger the gap the less likely any issues like prematurity etc will repeat themselves.

Its not really courageous I so badly wanted my child to have a sibling so was prepared to do anything to achieve that. Ive been working on my mental health on and off for a long time now but ultimately having a 2nd was the right choice for us. It might not be for everyone.


VIP Member
I legit want to reply and be can't be serious. What does she work, maybe 10 hours a week? At a job that's pretty much a side-gig hobby? Come on.
how could that be even 10?! I would say 2 maybe 3. unless she counts all of her supermarket trips as work I guess 🙄