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Chatty Member
I’m not shading her looks and don’t condone that on gossip sites it’s the one thing I don’t agree with
However, I do wish influencers were transparent about what they have and haven’t had done plastic surgery wise
Anyone else just think she looks like a totally different person compared to when she was at uni?
Was having a spy on insta
Jesus, it’s like a whole different person
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Whoever was wondering if Grace has autism might be on to something here. Colour and textual preference is highly prevalent in people with high functioning autism/aspergers syndrome.
To delay eating because of a plate colour, which evidently caused her distress, is not uncommon behaviour with those with aspergers. Her flippant attitude about it also shows lack of awareness about the seriousness of that. She’s treating it like a quirk or idiosyncratic but that sounds actually worrying!

If she does have it she ought to look at other difficulties she might have (light, sensory, texture difficulties) because that could be distressing.
I remember she always says she has a thing about primary colours - as in, she hates them and they bother her. She’s said it in a few videos I’m sure and on twitter. Also posted this: (ignoring the fact she referred to green as a primary colour 🙃)


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Chatty Member
She says she hates primary colours? I've seen her wearing every primary colour?
The one reference I remember was when she was doing her oxford room tour and she pointed at the computer chair and said she threw a fur throw over it bc she HATES primary colours. I know that’s a weird thing to remember I just do bc I found it so random at the time.
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Apologises I posted this on the last thread just before the new one was made and I still can’t get over the fact she blocked me! Like I really wonder how big her block list is. I’ve legit never interacted with her on social media, never liked her posts, never commented, never dmed or anything, all I can think is it’s because I liked a comment calling her out on the penguin book release lol
she seems so petty and sensitive. not the makings
of a boss babe CEO i imagine !
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The girl that posted it was talking about engaging in debates with her about racism because it’s exhausting for black women to deal with people playing devil’s advocate for everything and have to explain racial issues over and over again. Once again, grace has taken it and made it about herself because people were probably beefing her about her money book
Exactly, she took it as it being about people trying to engage in a debate with her when calling her out on her shite.
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“…every arm of our business, which is where we are driving money into that marketing, um and being able to give people an offering whether they’re using our products or not, and that’s what I think really sets the really disruptive brands in the game…”

Direct quote. Even though it's taken out of its context, but I'm not convinced that context would help. It's garbled nonsense with the odd bit of corporate jargon thrown in (she loves "disrupting" and its variants haha).
Wtf is that?! Does she even know what shit she's chatting or is it still an incoherent mess to her as well as everyone else? Jesus wept.
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Chatty Member
can anyone work out what she's eating in her latest post?
I think it’s the truffle gnocchi. But it has Parmesan idk if the Parmesan is vegan or if you can request vegan Parmesan.

This is so petty but I guess gripes like this are what these websites are made for - I can’t help but roll my eyes seeing her go out to these tacky Mayfair restaurants every week.

If you aren’t familiar with London, the restaurants that she goes to (Bagatelle, Sexy Fish, Amazonico) are all in the same area and are very expensive overpriced venues which attract Z-list celebrities. You’ll often see paparazzi pics in the Daily Mail of people from Love Island falling out of these exact restaurants... they're kind of club-restaurant hybrids. So it’s no coincidence that her getting friendlier with people like Montana has led to her getting into this lifestyle more. To me it's pretty obvious that despite all her protesting, deep down she does quite enjoy the influencer life. If you've been to any of these restaurants you know that the food isn't that remarkable; what you're actually paying for is the social scene.

It's just interesting to me that she chooses these venues when there's hundreds more lowkey places in London with better food that aren't full of desperate influencers.
Ugh preach. I love London but I actually hate that it encourages this kind of influencer lifestyle. 💀💀💀💀
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Graces last insta post has maxed out at 26k likes... people really just starting to not give a shit about her at this point
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Brooke Davis

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i think pretty much everyone has boobs that aren't exactly the same siz3 though and i never recall seeing anyone in constantly wrong size bras/tops/bikinis
Yeah this is true! Everyone also has one side slightly bigger than other but so minimal it’s not noticeable on most people
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Chatty Member
'She’s got money, but she came from money, so who gives a fuck, and her MUA posts the tutorials for the makeup she wears whilst she has no involvement. She lost nearly 500 followers the day she posted that story demanding payment.'

Sorry not £500, I am still confused by this statement though, what happened please?
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One of her friends (emeraldmayy) on insta posted a story last night of grace in her house and just from the story I could see at least eight people :))))) apparently influencers are allowed to break the law as long as the rest of the nation follows it :)))))
It’s gone! Did you get a screenshot?
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What do you guys think of the people that work at Tala? I don’t know anything about Grace, I’ve never followed her but an old friend recently started working for Tala... I just wonder what the incentives are? The pay packet must be really good for her to be working there. She was in an amazing job before this so I was really surprised to learn she had left that company to work for an influencer’s brand
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Chatty Member
i’m struggling with this one, why as a vegan would you go to a restaurant that specialises in raw fish 🤮 haven’t looked at the menu so they may do the odd fish free option but being surrounded by so much death just wouldn’t cut it for me 😔 and i’m almost certain that would have been grace at one point too
Are we shocked given that we saw her around seafood already how many countries ago? Lost count oops :(
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I still can’t get over her saying her tan is natural ......
U can’t just tan some parts of ur body lol

she’s a compulsive liar I stg
god she looks awful, i don't get why she thinks overly tanned in some areas and completely white in others is a good idea
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Chatty Member
Why would anyone need a car in central London?!
Has she even passed
I think ages ago she said she was looking to do driving test in an automatic because most electric cars are???? Have I made that up lol

but even so, if she’s not passed her test what a ducking waste of time conversation this is from miss don’t treat herself 🙄🙄🙄

I agree that all the posts are so tacky. Look at me. No normal people would post showing off about an expensive purchase they were planning. Even influencers I can’t imagine doing it

also that screenshot where she says self charge hybrids are worse for the environment- GRACE- you are talking about buying an unnecessary brand new motorto sit outside youre house house when you never leave London and think because you got second hand papped in daily mail you’re too famous for tubes 🙄🙄 talk about environment smh
Yup you’re right to charge those types of hybrids you need the engine to run to charge it lmao. She’s far better off with a Renault Zoe or a Nissan Leaf but of course our queen won’t be seen in a Renault or Nissan
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Also Grace reminding us again how often she uses her own shreddy workouts. Also seems like she’s going out for dinner again bc it says “table till..” like a reservation. 🤡🤡🤡🤡
Haha she can fuck off, yeah I'd love to swap my day with her and enjoy the easy life
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Sponsored posts popping up, and only 18 likes on it, must be getting desperate for some sales
I just came here to post this too!
Funny thing is it’s come up on the account she’s blocked me on for liking a comment 😒
This is a super unflattering photo of her?? Her entire job is cute photos and she must have a million in tala why did they choose one with her eyes closed weird.
Also saw video from ex Gymsharker Maryana doing Tala saying not sponsored... after she just realised a YouTube saying she doesn’t lift anymore!
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