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I unfollowed Kyle last night, not because I believe it’s his. It’s more the fact that he has brought this obsessed, manky dreg of society into his family. Giro and goodman 2 are destined for a shite life with their bullying, disgusting unemployed, fame hungry mother but RRR were brought into the world surrounded by love, much wanted children who are raised brilliantly. I get Annie not allowing lozza insinuations and lies bother her but it’s vile. I worry about Annie and their 3 sons mental health. Those 3 boys can only be shielded so much from all this and goaded by the biggest pleb. She should leave him. A child didn’t make him run to lozza 🤣 a cheap shag wouldn’t either. At the worst, if it was him would show how much hatred she has for giro that she would open those legs as wide as the clyde to earn another pay deal. Daddy hates u and wanted u aborted. He hasn’t met u and now I’m gonn bring another child in so I can get us more money giro. Horrible cunt plus we know Annie would leave and take the money and Kyle would retire early without her support.
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Loving how no fucks have been given by Annie during any of this!!

Good to see her posting on ig too! Like when her wee pic shows up on my story lists with a new story 😃
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Lizzy 93

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She’s prob gonna have a c section so she’s got something else to talk about for the next 3 years along with telling randoms the times she feeds her sprog
So she’s throwing shade at vicki ok Jesus himself
FYI no one likes your posts you boring whore


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You know when you try to lure rats with bait to get them to come out, with rodents like Lauryn and big Pete you jist need to lay out a few shiny pounds and they shall come a running, knickers round their ankles, as dirty as Carroooon Me Joolies carpets
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Saw Big Pete’s baby daddy out last night. Fought the urge to ask him why the hell did you shag that??!?
Even worse he paid for it 😂😂, I'd be so embarrassed if I'd been caught shagging that for free, never mind actually exchanging money for a shag (if I was a man) but then some men have weird tastes behind the scenes and was probably hoping no one would find out
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Lizzy 93

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Annie was out in adidas the other day wasn’t she
2 weeks later little giros out in adidas
And don’t get me wrong we can all wear it, but I’ve never seen her put messiah in adidas
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Lizzy 93

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Midsize is off her absolute rocker with her obsession in god because of Gray
Like any man is going to pray for her lardy ass 😅😅😅😅😅
Please God
Send me a prostitute with 2 kids different dads that's been around the block multiple times. That's trapped a man to emotionally and financially abuse him 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Honestly these brasses 😅😅😅😅
Serious question guys who's more deluded
Midsize or Lozza? 😅
She means prays for her to go away and disappear
What a tragic twunt
I don’t think Chloe Goodman has any news, who noticed she was gone ? She doesn’t post
Dangle dangle
Amelia Mj JACKSON commenting on proz post was strange
She came on thread and then went clearly to find it. ‘ all good’
Agree with you all, whole family in on scheme against the big nose monster
Shits no longer funny, I feel sorry for Annie and the boys this family is pure evil.
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Lizzy 93

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100% with the new baby daddy who has loads of money
She’s a single mum

Plot twist her and ky posing with cashew’s face covered
True love never dies
We have resolved our differences and decided to give things a go.
All highlights bashing baby daddy disappear
#FYI it’s a girl called Kannie 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👶🏾👶🏾 mutual decision
#inlove #walkers #mr&mrs #forgiven #chesire #meinannieout #stepmom #motherof5#13years
Or “decided to name baby solicitors as we shagged in the bathroom during our meeting, I was desperate haven’t had any since we last shagged”
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I think that meeting did happen but not how it’s played out. She probably knew he was going one day and then “ran into” him. Then she’s thought oh I know il get a sperm donor and pretend it’s kyles so all the timing matches just to try annd wind annnie up. Absolute physcopath. No way it’s actually kyles we’d have an interview out by now. She can’t hold her own piss no way she could hold that! She’ll defo call the kid Walker though. Honestly she needs sectioning

i don’t get why Annie or Kyle have t had a restraining order on her? Surely they can put a pause on her monthly payments if she keeps speaking about them?
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i don’t believe it at all in fact he probably did meet her once to get her to abort and try pay her off but it didn’t work .
she’s poison and I don’t believe the sun paper anyway nobody in Liverpool does we hate the sun paper

she clearly trying to split them up
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If the guy has any sense he will run for the hills!!

I duno what the desperation is for mixed kids to be dark like they are some accessory🤬 kids can look like either parents or anything in between some of my kids have their dads colouring some have mine they all look like brothers and sisters though it’s wild how genetics work u assume the darker gene is going to take over but it doesn’t, I don’t think kiaro looks mixed race at all just stop using the brown baby emoji and use a heart!!
Step daddy Pete uses a white baby emoji for kiaro and a brown baby for her kid!

It was the same when at the World Cup was it? The boys missed penalties and got racial she was pretending kairo was getting racial abuse even though kyle wasn’t and never has as far as im aware neither have his boys he didn’t even take a penalty at that game either 🙈
What kind of fucked up sorry excuse of a mother does this? Esp when the kid is white with blonde hair he has a sun tan from the holidays he’s paying for, if all kids went on at least 3 holidays a year they would all be tanned
It’s so wierd I get what you mean I’ve said before my son is mixed raise he has curly hair a lot more than kiaro but he’s white slight tan but I would never use the emoji she uses . She’s obsessed with him being a certain skin colour when he isn’t . Find her so odd shes Obsessed with everything Kyle Walker 🤯
Annie started following a footballer the other day Kyle don’t follow him 😂
id laugh if she’s friends With lauryn s latest baby daddy 😂😂 he’s not a decent footballer so it’s a bit wierd she started following him when her husband don’t

maybe Annie is getting some fun 😂😂
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on what planet does she think that it’s only the dads job to provide baby stuff? She decided to continue with the pregnancy when he said get rid
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When you read it it does fit the bill of being him 🙈 but then when she gets so much for K each month I highly doubt 20k would keep her quiet 🤐
Surely it’s not him it would take more than 20k to keep her hush 😂😂 he pays 8k a month for kiaro so doubt she would accept a small sum to keep hush .
No chance is Kyle the dad to this baby absolutely no chance
she is running to the sun with fake stories to try intimidate Annie and make people believe this baby is his ….
Kyle is stupid however he ain’t that stupid to go near her again . If this was more than paid sex she would have said something by now especially the bad comments she gets and how nobody likes her .

He married Annie he wouldn’t marry her making her entitled to most of his money and assets if he was genuinely carrying on with lauryn and giving her more baby’s 😂😂 makes no sense for him to do that !!

she’s unhinged and she is wanting everybody to think this is kyles baby and to keep hurting Annie she’s vile and will not stop her obsession with the walkers .
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Sorry I beg to differ in this case. I don’t want to derail so just going to leave this here.
If it’s directed to you personally then yes ofc but she wasn’t directing to anyone on this thread with intention to hurt or offend is what I’m saying my children are mixed race too and I know it’s not a direct thing to my children or anyone else! I got pulled up recently for saying midget for example I wasn’t meaning to hurt or offend anyone on this thread, there is loads of things said on here people will find offensive what I’m saying is it’s never directed to anyone on here personally
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Lizzy 93

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See if she has gotten herself duffed up to someone rich again it will have been some idiot on SM who has messaged her back and hooked up, lauryn and her ilk probably go through every blue tick rich person and message them and will probably keep messaging them til she gets a reply from 1 brainless idiot. I reckon that's why she's aways so 'busy' she stalks SM all day sliding in to folks DMs she's such a beggy waster
And blocking project stadium thinking Annie would use her own initials 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Can imagine her showing her man big Pete “look at this” 🤣🤣🤣
“ stalk with your chest” how fukin tragic is she
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