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Intro done.

need to find a way to post these without having to compress. Destroying my hard work. Thank god I made lasagne last night because I have been working very hard lol 😂

This video will be the intro to every episode, so don’t watch it too much 😳 👀👀👀👀 keep eye out for first episode xoxooxoxox


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It wouldn’t be without you guys. All this is from OUR threads, OUR screenshots, OUR humour, OUR dedication to remind LG and others it’s all just LIES.

I want to thank Carron and Sean Goodman for fucking one night and producing Lauryn because without her, there would be no us and no threads FILLED with receipts, some of us can’t even remember, yes that includes you Lozza! Everything I have posted today, I found on the old threads so it is thanks to all of you for being so on the (foot)ball, out of the box(room) and just being GOD DAMN DEDICATED AND AMAZING.

let’s start from the beginning… Doing this because we all deserve to know the truth because we will not be gaslighted! it will be good to match the lies up haha anyway sorry for the long post. I’m frazzled 🥴 I got paid to scroll through threads so I guess it’s worth it but I know now how Annie feels. SICK OF THE SIGHTOF HER. 💙😫😫😫🤣🤣🥴🥴🤣🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🤣🤣🥴🥴🥴


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I can see why the friendship has developed. Both of them are vile bitter bullies that sit on their phones all day trying to tear people down instead of looking after their children. Neither of them have an ounce of talent between them nor a job unless you count trapping rich men with babies as a paid wage. To be so nasty and cruel shows everyone what they are like, using everyone around them for a news article. It's embarrassing to watch two grown women behaving like playground bullies

Nothing but two washed up bitches that people laugh at.
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Here we go, Annie has stressed her out by saying NOTHING!!
She'll be lurking on these threads, social media and still stalking the walkers🙄 what a complete moron she is.
Yep them two slags have sat and baited Annie and made themselves look stupid saying it was all Annie's fault when they had nothing from her and kept going on. They've made themselves look fools again! Even vardy has nothing to say anymore.
Obvious pair of bullies am hoping big prozza lauryn has had a nice strongly worded letter from their lawyer.

FYI lauryn it's not an airport no one needs to know about your departure
Stupid cunt
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I’ve said it loads before, but I just feel so gutted and sad for Annie. Publicly bullied by Lozza and Vardy. I hope she takes Vardy to the courts and she has to pay out another lump sum
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Being proud to be Iranian when it suits her. Insults to all Iranian women out there struggling, fucking bitch. She’s not Iranian enough to say she’s part Iranian. Her grandparents name is Schrader which originates from Germany. And Sean is through and through British as we all know because he’s a die hard Liverpool fan, and everyone has a distant relative who comes from Liverpool which used to be part of Lancashire and if you do genealogy like me, you’ll find anyone who is British, most of their ancestors live in Lancashire, it’s so big.

There is a term used to explain what she’s doing but it’s a point of discussion and I don’t want to open it 🥲 HINT: #jesynelson and in my view it’s actually more insulting then it’s not. What’s the obsession about being ethnic? Pushing a narrative that’s insulting to many people who have suffered for YEARS and she’s so blasé about it.

Realised I’ve opened a discussion, fuck it. I think what she is doing is racist and unethical. Amelia the same, Oh I forgot I’m Iranian? Ermmmmmmmm shut up! Read the fucking room, don’t just share one link and then boast about something you barely have. Kairo is 1/4 Jamaican and she’s making out he’s fully. And it’s INSULTING.
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Nobody be mad at me for saying this but... Does anyone else believe that Annie basically asked/ told Kyle she didn't want to see Kairo and that's why he doesn't? So that he's not near Lauren?

That interview she did, she basically said that she wouldn't be able to look at the kid if he looked like Kyle (which I 10000000% understand, even if it's not Kairos fault) and I just feel like Kyle though "right well I won't" to save his relationship.

I know Lauryn is a fucking nightmare and her dad wishes he'd just had a blowjob the night she was conceived BUT, if Kyle loved Annie he'd never ever have cheated with anyone. He should have said "it's my child, I want to be involved." Regardless. At least then, Kairo would have some sort of normal parenting. I don't agree that Lauryn being a nightmare makes it impossible. If he'd said he wanted to be involved from the get go, I think it would have been much easier and I think he's a shit person and parent for it. Doesn't matter how involved he is in the lives of his kids with Annie, he's abandoned one little boy and whilst I hate Lauryn, that's not just down to her. It's him too (mostly her though.)

She doesn't even know about PCOS, she copies if all from the internet. She's slacker than Kyle's nob for her
No. Kyle wanted her to terminate the pregnancy and it has been stated she considered it but he wouldn't give her enough money to do it so she went ahead with the pregnancy to piss him off.

He wanted her to abort the baby. He didn't want to be involved and, has the right to make that decision.

He couldn't force her to terminate an unwanted baby (and he should never be able to). So, equally, he can't be forced to be involved.

If someone asks you to terminate a pregnancy, are they really begging you about names or is Loz the Proz lying?
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I’m not sure if I can stay on this thread the way Annie is being abused by those 2! It’s making me feel sick, so god knows how Annie must feel! Seriously lauryn and Becky if you read here….. just stop! Seriously!
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My ex cheated on me all those years ago after being together for over a decade, she's so ugly and manly looking I still show folk her fb profile pic (we arent pals) just to show how desperate a man can be for a shag, I wish I could post her pic here. Its a fucking masterpiece of ugly 😂😂😂.
Lauryn, becky and big Peter are like something out of viz, when the 2 fat slags went out looking for a new mate and now there's 3 😂😂😂
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So let’s think logically, Vardy and Lauryn have both actually been called / proven as liars by judges in court, yet Annie is the liar who is selling stories? Yeah sure…..
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Oh lardy how you’ve fallen from sitting with the England wags to sitting with the england slags

vardy getting her pals in the scum new material from the escorts of football players 🙄🤣
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I've said this all along, if you have a one night stand/casual fling and end up pregnant with a very rich man, you should get a 2 bed flat/house and the money equivalent to if you was working full time for minimum wage...that's doing alot better than most single mums for simply opening your legs, having to provide them with a "lifestyle" of mansions with pools and new mercs is mental!
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Not sure how people can be judged for coming on here but go on insta to tear a woman down
It doesn’t sit right with me
She’s gone Court and lost
She really should sit this one out

Lauren didn’t even like her (Vardy)
Don’t believe anything in that article is true
Stay silent Annie
It’s killing them
I’m gonna keep repeating myself and hoping she sees this 🤣🤣🤣🤣
annies a better woman than me I’d lose my shit but your right her silence is killing them
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