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Well-known member
They all are so adamant that the baby will come early and they end up going over and having to be induced.

Honestly just when I thought this freak couldn't get any worse she is even beige-ifying his tonie box!? What on earth goes on in her brain?
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It was all for an ad, some baby carrier thing. She has to make money somehow so why not plonk your kid in a bath and make it look like you can multitask by having a new born strapped to you at the same time. Easy money Gem - use the kids
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She looks at her newborn and toddler and doesn't feel any emotions and hasn't a clue what to do with them. She has to copy expressions of love and how to look after them. Most of her thoughts are took up on how she looks and how her house looks. Gemma can't just pick up one of her sons and hug him, she has to get the right outfits, the perfect hair, check the background then gets her camera out and takes a photo and puts him back down again. Every interaction is for social media as they are just props. 😔
It's so sad to see over the years she's shown Tilly more affection than her babies
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Chatty Member
End of the day she just doesn’t want to do YouTube / social media anymore.
It’s so obvious with every fibre of her being. There’s no love there, joy, excitement, enthusiasm at all. Everything is so forced and pained and it feels like going through the motions.
She is stuck in a rut doing it because it earns her so much money and they’re too use to the lifestyle.
She should quit, downsize and live off her money for a bit. It isn’t sustainable
This hit the nail on the head, it was painful to watch her pretend when she repels her “career” with every fibre of her being.
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Finally the new bathroom! If I’m honest I expected much better … the layout is odd. I hate the brown it’s old fashioned. The bath is no better than the other one. I hate all the warm lights … the texture of the wall by the bath is horrible. Why the black taps ? The sink area is much nicer than before and the mirror but with that little wall it kinda blocks the natural light coming in. The bathroom went from feeling light and bright to dark and dull. Then again it might translate better in her vlogs we shall see ☺


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Would she be allowed lip filler? Surely no easthetician in their right mind would inject her with something for cosmetic purposes. Maybe they've deflated a bit since she won't have been able to get them topped up for 8 months.
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New member
Also he’s been born like a week. I’ve just gone from 1-2 and she’s still in bubble mode. Of course it’s easy! Wait till you’re on your own and your toddler is tired and screaming for you whilst you’re breastfeeding your newborn who is cluster feeding 😂
This 🙃 my second is 3 months now and my first has just turned 2 in May. The first couple of weeks are completely different to months down the line, newborns basically sleep constantly and don’t really need much else but feeding. She was saying how he doesn’t cry in her video, but she said the exact same thing about Noah when he was a newborn, now all she does is complain about how he was as a baby.
I’m genuinely glad she is feeling so positive right now, but it’s not realistic to just assume her baby is going to stay an ‘angel’ when he is only just over a week old.

Probably doesn’t really matter to her though anyway, I can’t imagine she’ll have much time where she has the 2 of them on her own ever. She barely seemed to spend much one on one time with Noah, even now he seems to either be downstairs with Jamie or at nursery the majority of the time.
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VIP Member
She only posted that video of Noah laughing to prove to us all that he's not a vacant mute who seems to enjoy nothing. Trouble is, that's how he is most the time so it proves nothing.
And for the love of God Gemma, get Noah the ghostly little Victorian child a bloody haircut!
He's such a cute little boy. But he just looks abit sickly bless him.
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2 pairs of pyjamas, nice ones 😳

I stayed 1 night and day after my daughter was born, went through 4 pairs of pyjamas plus had to have my mum bring more. The water, the blood, even with the nappy pants it's a messy thing giving birth she's packed like it's a weekend away.
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It's nice to see her wearing the baby carrier, I seem to remember only Jamie wearing it when Noah was a baby. It does mean that she gets out of playing with Noah and it's up to Jamie as usual though.
Not sure what carrier it is that she has but it can’t be fitted properly… you can’t even see the baby’s head 🥴🤦🏼‍♀️
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Chatty Member
The camera was focused mainly on her terrified face and you could only see the top of Noah's head while she poured water over him to rinse off the shampoo. Jonah was in a carrier/sling. The look of concentration on her face was next level.
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The bath video is just as unrealistic. Like she is ever going to bath Noah, that will be Jamie's job, god forbid she gets wet if Noah start splashing and having fun. Plus, they don't leave the house or have proper jobs so don't need the baby in a carrier to do that, one can do bathtime while the other watches the baby.
It was all for show. She probably didn’t even do the full bath time, she’ll have set the camera up, filmed a little bit then Jamie will have stepped back in and continued. At least with Jamie you could see him having fun and splashing with Noah but Gemma is too uptight and wooden to seem like she’d let loose and have silly fun like that.
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Chatty Member
Since I have nothing better to do on my casual Friday afternoon at the office I'm enjoying a caramel machiato and pondering if Gemma might be on the spectrum somewhat also...
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DeeSeni Noooo

VIP Member
Can't wait for Elles Autumn content and porch decor, going to all the stores we don't have here. All Gemma can do is go to Homesense. Gemma can only copy so much without leaving the beige fortress, no competition really and I'm here for it. 🍿😏
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VIP Member
Ahhhhhhhhh of course! 😅
Wonder if we will get a name reveal or if that’ll be the Sunday *peak engagement * time!
Oooh Sunday, no, far too soon lol. Give it another week or so. We've got to sweat a bit first ... as if.
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Why didn't she wash the sheets 🤢
First thing I ever did before using them. Same with duvet sets now for our beds. Can't put them straight on the bed, wouldn't dream of it.
What is the point in even doing a nursery reveal? It’s going to look exactly the same as the last one 🥱 beige!
Just popped on here to see if anyone has watched the nursery reveal? I can't bring myself lol, as from the snippets she's teased it looks the same beige set up as Noah's. Will she never learn?
EDIT ... just watched it. She doesn't disappoint I'll give her that. Yep that 'pop' of green makes ALL the difference. Surely you can have a child's nursery that's tasteful without being so, so meh?? I love things to look nice and put together as much as anyone but she's definitely another level.
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VIP Member
That is the sadest thing I have seen in a long time.

She said in her vlog she hasn't got many presents for Noah as he already has lots of toys, but in that reel I could count about 19/20 presents. If that's not a lot, I don't know what is. Such excessive consumption.
How does one become delulu like this? Like first it was all grey everything and now its beige! Its crazy like she makes her room decor all her persona.
🤢 Like her insta and yt page is filtered colourless.
Also I have massive mum quilt because my toddler is going to older group at nursery. Im like have I babied him too much does he have enough skillset to survive in the older group 🙈 my toddler speaks a lot and dresses etc. So really makes me wonder that does gemma just hide all to look perfect or does she really not see how behind noah is and she really needs to act up. Usually us mums get quilt ober small minor stuff 🤣 I dont know she has sold her soul big time and her life is such big fake beige hoax. When this beige mum era is not in anymore what will she do. Pick a next colour?
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Aesthetics aside, the new bathroom is anything but practical... The sink is tiny, so water is just gonna get everywhere on that countertop, the "wet room" is ridiculous, everything is open and she'll have to spend 30 minutes after anyone takes a shower there to clean up all around, including that unit she had put just across from it.
Don't they have an en-suite she can make all her dreams come true in? This should be mainly the kids' bathroom, and she's gone and made it 100% unfit for a child to use, especially when he grows up a bit.
And if she's not planning to live there by then - why even bother spending money on a perfectly good and basically new bathroom?
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