Friends (or lack of) #2

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I think also try to work on how you feel about yourself. Remind yourself that you're an interesting person, and people wouldn't spend time with you/talk to you if you weren't.

I totally get what you mean though - when I meet new people I'm so awkward and go away from it replaying in my head what I said.
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I didn't think I was a bad person. Evidently I am. Even emailed my gym asking to cancel because it's fake. People I see 45 mins a week and exchange brief chat. Feel no diff.
I’m going to play devil’s advocate. I don’t feel like there’s a need to be this angry at the world, it’s a waste of your time and energy. To the people who have actually wronged you, yes. The fact a lot of people in your life have unfortunately passed away, yes I can see why you have these feelings. But the gym is to exercise, most people do go alone and don’t talk to anyone. Some do make small talk out of politeness, but it’s rarely used or intended to be used for meaningful interactions. By all means don’t go if you don’t want to, but it’s there to exercise mostly with headphones in not talking or chatting briefly at a push.
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I can’t explain it very well but does anyone feel alien to the world? As in you wonder what it’s like to have a takeaway with friends or family on a Saturday night, a bbq, to have someone ask how your day was? People make an effort to call or check in and not just want something for themselves?

I’ve always been shy and introverted and have lost both parents- my dad back in 2001 and my mum just before Christmas 2022. I’ve been let down by a lot of people I was closest to and now I feel like it’s something to do with me. I see other people goi g about their lives and feel I’m in my own bubble isolated and alone.
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I go only for classes, I don't like the actual gym part (find it wholly boring and get distracted/leave within 5 mins). I went mostly for the social as physical health needs means unfortunately there's alot I can't do bar this 1 class, which I adapt as best I can.

I've tried too long to be positive and the power of my own happiness. I can't fight the MH side on my own it's quite loud, but I will, because I have to. Toxic positivity is worse than's OK not to be ok. If we need to be angry at the world then we can be. Nobody is happy 24/7. Having a very isolated birthday has exacerbated it this week.

Tbh I didn't choose my solo life, solo life chose me so ill see how long I tolerate it. I'm not setting for any relationship whether friends or romantic to have people around.

Actually had a peaceful day without apps such as WhatsApp. Don't think I'll be bringing that back anymore.
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I didn't think I was a bad person. Evidently I am. Even emailed my gym asking to cancel because it's fake. People I see 45 mins a week and exchange brief chat. Feel no diff.
Please don’t cancel the gym if it’s something you enjoy doing. Honestly I understand your angry feelings but I give myself pep talks about not cutting off my own nose etc etc, because you’re the one who will suffer if you stop doing something you like just because other people are shit. Or perhaps you could find a different exercise with nicer people - running club, park run, cycling club, badminton, tennis…?
Sorry I know you haven’t asked for advice so I don’t want to come across as a dick.
Have you had any grief counselling? Losing your mum is a massive thing to deal with.

sorry just saw your other message about doing the classes. That’s what I like doing too.

Also I think not having WhatsApp etc is a good idea because it makes us feel worse when there’s no messages to read. I read something that said people feel lonelier now they have phones because they check them constantly for messages and responses to pictures etc.


As for me, it’s Monday again tomorrow and I have zero plans this week
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The people aren't horrible at my classes (one of the let downs from last week was someone I met there but doesn't go anymore).
I can't do running/cycling/anything high impact because I am a little crumbly mess . Even walking too much takes my hip out (yep I'm 36....with an 86 year old skeleton lol).

Yeah I had grief counselling and was told it wasn't going to achieve anything new because....I literally work in that industry so know all the methods, ways whatevers and don't bottle things (which is why I've now deleted whatsapp/contact because despite essentially crying out to people, many times, nothing has ever changed - hence may aswell be 100% alone vs surrounded by people who actually cause me anxiety and stress). Can't change her death, I can get pissed that she left me as 98% of the time, I cope pretty damn well, so I allow myself that 2%.

Not always cutting off nose - sometimes the situation/someone bailing etc has made me so pissed off I know that going out wouldn't make me happy so I set myself the boundary instead now, whereas before I'd have "people pleased" and gone anyway... no more. Just me and my fluffy friend now.
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This is me! I spend so much time kicking myself for not acting like a normal human when I’m stressed in social situations, I don’t know what happens!
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You're right about anger, it's often more healthy to be angry then suppress it. But don't direct anger at people who don't deserve it .
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This is me! I spend so much time kicking myself for not acting like a normal human when I’m stressed in social situations, I don’t know what happens!
It's so strange, it's like a part of my brain just switches off, then after I think of all the things I could have said. I watch everyone else act so cool and get so jealous
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I feel like a big problem I have had with friends over the last couple of months is that it seems that I’m there for them but they’re not necessarily there for me

Friend 1: it’s always about them and their issues and if I start talking about myself it seems they zone out, don’t take interest or are straight up rude and change the topic/walk away. They invited me to meet up but when I asked agains the energy was missing and I just realised that they make me feel drained

Friend 2: really flaky and doesn’t seem to want to just hang out. It’s a shame because I get on with them really well but it’s clear they don’t feel the same - which is fair enough, it’s just a shame that I’m the person they then go to for certain hobbies

Friend 3: met them recently and they’re overall nice. It just seems that I’m there to listen to them and their problems and when I try to be emotionally vulnerable back it’s a bit like “oh”…

I don’t mind having these people as “friends” - I just sort of wish that I was a priority for some people and the energy I give them was reciprocated
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I am also super awkward around people and I hate talking about myself. My tip is to ask them lots of questions. It makes you seem really interested in them and you don't have to do any of the talking yourself. I'm probably not explaining it very well haha! But I'll ask a question and then I have some responses in my back pocket like "oh that sounds fascinating, tell me more about that". I use this technique all the time at work and things like networking events
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I've read bit of this thread on and off for a while now and thought I would explain my own situation. I'm 40, I was married up until aged 37. Lost a few joint friends after losing my husband. No children (by choice). No friends from school etc. No one in work that I'd see as an actual friend. I have "friends" from a social activity so I do get out occasionally but not anyone I'd call just for a chat. No parents, one sibling who has lived abroad for 5 years and I don't speak to much.

I try not to dwell on what I've lost (parents at a young age, my husband) but sometimes I do feel quite alone. Holidays, Christmas, special birthdays etc. How do others cope with this? Do you cope? Are you trying to change this? Sometimes I worry that I'll never have as full a life as everyone in work. Sometimes I go a whole weekend without a single message from anyone and it does make me feel like I'm really alone.

Thanks to anyone who does read all of that.
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I'm in a slump about everything at the moment. I started a new job recently and get on pretty well with everyone, especially a couple in particular, but in terms of actual work I feel a bit left out at sea - my manager seems to think she's giving me loads of guidance whereas I feel like I'm not being given much at all. There's a lot going on in my family too at the moment with health scares and other dramas, and I feel like I'm not doing enough in any regard and yet I'm exhausted. My best friend moved to the other side of the world last year and I don't have anyone other than my partner to hang out with now really - my other closest friend has kind of been lost since the pandemic (gets super paranoid about even leaving the house) so meetups are out of the question) so we talk a lot less, uni friends mostly moved away and the ones who are left don't care enough about me to even read my messages. I've been talking to a couple of girls from bumble BFF who are nice but idk how you go from that to being actual friends? It's annoying because if you looked at my life, I have a lot of people I'm "friendly" with - from my last job especially, there are so many people I have good relationships with, but we aren't friends and I don't feel I can reach out to them. I miss being in uni when it was so much easier to make friends. I also have a sibling who is just not interested in having a decent relationship. People say "it's not you it's them" but then what kind of coincidence is it that the shit people gravitate towards me? I dunno whether to just delete all my social media honestly. I spend too long looking at something I rarely get messages on.
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Just two things to pick up from your post.

I feel you on the work front. I think it's really common nowadays for managers to not actually manage (like clearly explain stuff and check in with staff) and that can leave you feeling at sea. I've had that with my current job, the on boarding was crap and people expect me to have done stuff I've never even been tasked with. So it gives this false feeling of 'maybe I'm not trying hard enough'.

And on making new friends - I think it's definitely harder outside of a school/work setting. In those scenarios you're with people all the time and you can gel. If you meet someone through Bumble or an activity, seeing them once a week at a class or meeting for a drink isn't enough time to make the jump to friends. It's definitely tough nowadays.
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I've got the next few days free and I'd normally be trying to arrange to see my friend (and waiting for her to show up late). But instead I'm going to pamper myself tomorrow and think of something to do on my own for the couple of days after.
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I wish I had better advice or could somehow take you all out for coffee and a chat, but one thing that has been on my mind is how quickly things can change and you never know what's around the corner. I recently unexpectedly met someone through an acquaintance and she's so similar to me. We instantly hit it off and I went out of my comfort zone to invite her over to watch a film and order pizza. Who knows if it will end up as a deep friendship but it brought me a lot of light after feeling lonely and disconnected for so long.
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Being asked regularly if I’m going on holiday this year. Saying no everytime. Having it suggested that I could go on a solo holiday. maybe I just don’t want to go on holiday?!
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Being asked regularly if I’m going on holiday this year. Saying no everytime. Having it suggested that I could go on a solo holiday. maybe I just don’t want to go on holiday?!
Aaaa I hate this too!!! It was mentioned in my interview at one point because I only had one holiday planned (and it’s in the UK)

Like it’s really great if you have the funds to have multiple holidays planned throughout the year but some of us can’t afford it or just have no interest in them

I’ve been debating going abroad but the stress of flights and whatever else puts me off
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