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Cheers to #55 1 week to the first race lots of squids content and the wedding of the year 🙄🙄
here’s to more chaos 🥂❤
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McLaren's struggle is entirely brake related. 🤞🤞 Drivers on the simulator won't solve that. Mercedes clearly had some issues that sim work was needed for.

Or at least I hope.
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Guys, Carlos posted this comment on the F1 post on the photo shoot and he deleted it like 20 seconds later :LOL:

edit: it's back! He posted again with a star face emoji... maybe to make himself sound less sarcastic lol

Screenshot 2022-03-14 at 13.12.44.png
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i'd love a rotating calendar. keep 7-8 tracks on there for every year, like the iconic ones like silverstone, spa, monaco etc. and rotate through the rest of the tracks so you'll have variety each year and don't overwork the teams with an insane calendar

on another note: george and lewis flew to england for sim work, makes me a bit more worried about mclaren ngl 😂
Or you can see it that way: Mercedes has so much problems with their car that the drivers had to fly back to UK to try find solutions 😂
Or you can count on Randy to make you less worried 😂

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Sorry I saw that comment on Insta and so amazed by the stupidity of it, and understandably it's angered everyone! Rightly so, it just annoys me this person posted on Daniel's page directly and I hope he doesn't see it.

On another note, Lewis's interview in Dubai today was actually really good. Love his moment with some fans at 8.18 too :love:

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When I tell you I ran here after seeing Charles story omg

How many other drivers are there? Can this be a group project omg?
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Oh lord no... WHY did you have to do this to them Vanity Fair. They look RIDICULOUS

Edit: Esteban in the white maybe mildly gets away with it.

Screenshot 2022-03-14 at 12.44.16.png
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gee that really narrows it down, thanks randy, i can always count on you 😂❤

definitely possible, just makes me wonder what mclaren are doing then in these 5 days when it's really them with the most issues
i understand ferrari or redbull not doing anything because they seem to have the perfect cars at the moment
I wouldn’t be worried about McLaren. They’ll be sorting it out back at MTC and have drivers that work on the sim like Oliver turvey. No point sending Lando back to run the sim for the brake issue. The fact their sim runs and correlation didn’t pick up that they’d have brake issues kind of suggests sim running the fix is a bit pointless. They’ll only know when it’s on track. It’s down to the design and what the engineers can do. This is really not a driver fix. Everything else is looking good. I still think McLaren can have a really good weekend. Historically they really sandbag during testing. They’ve always moved up from where they are in testing.

McLaren's struggle is entirely brake related. 🤞🤞 Drivers on the simulator won't solve that. Mercedes clearly had some issues that sim work was needed for.

Or at least I hope.
Yes agreed. I was typing my thoughts on it when you posted.
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The real double date I wish would happen is the squids with Daniel and Heidi 🤪 just the boys looking confused as the girls speak in a language they can’t understand, peak comedy material
Kelly and Max could join too 🤪
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Luisa honey when I asked for content I didn’t mean stuff that would make me starve even more
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Wtf. Key word in this statement is private. And in the spirit of it being 2022, we shouldn’t be making assumptions or rumours about people
Especially about their sexuality. Yes, no assumptions in general but sexuality is just such a sensible topic that people may be struggling with internally and should anyone of them be lgbt+ they shouldn’t feel forced to come out or anything
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I have a similar build to Luisa. It’s definitely genetic. I go to the gym but even if I stop for months (as I have at the moment due to injury), I don’t loose my physique. I don’t diet, eat what I want and don’t put weight on.
I often struggle to keep weight on which some people say is luck, but honestly being told you look too thin/eat something can just be as bad for someone’s mental health as being told you are too big.
And unfortunately it goes the other way as well. I’ve always been into sport and always kept active. Growing up I was at a different activity everyday of the week. I was that kid. As I got older, not because I didn’t love what I was doing (except maybe tennis but that’s a different story) but the amount of time it took up plus school became too much and it all dropped off except running. I ran middle distance/endurance (not very well) competitively and still train for it now, but I struggle to keep weight off. It’s became a bigger problem the past couple of years over Covid. Because I couldn’t train with my club I was doing a lot of my own things and especially at the start of lockdown was running more than ever. But I felt like it didn’t change anything weight wise. I come from a fairly healthy family that all run (my mum has done 6 marathons and my brother was 2 positions away from running for Scotland at a school based junior level earlier this month) so diet never played a part in it.
Whilst I know deep down that for my age and height I am a healthy weight just now, but the knowledge that I can very easily gain weight and then struggle to take it off is always on my mind. I definitely go through phases where that voice in my head is louder (just now being a louder phase) but it is always there and does have an impact on me mentally.

I have defos just word vomited here lol and have no clue whether what I have said makes a point or makes sense for that matter 😂
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