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Had two people compliment my pride high Vis vest. Everyone else seems to have gone very quiet, odd.
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I’m having a positive day today, despite still having the outcome of the interview hanging over me.
I’ve been for a nail appointment (fingers) laser tattoo removal, just come into somewhere nice in town for cake (tahini and white choc blondie) and a tea.
after this I’m going for a nail appointment (toes) then meeting Mr Laz for a few drinks.
Off work next week and heading off for a few days - hoping the worst of the period sickness will be gone by then.
considering a docs appointment to ask for the mini-pill. Anyone on it?
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I can't believe you guyses have to vote on a weekday. Who made that up? Eel behaviour.

For the peri meno sheilas, the menopause hit me like a tonne of bricks. I still get the occasional hot flush (it's been 9 years) but a life without periods is way better.
The main reason I don't believe in 'intelligent design' is all down to how so many women suffer, it's a shit way to build a body.
Not like this anatomically correct MC.
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Ha! I was following the cats drinking convo earlier. A large pot is not the answer for us, altho on a hot day like today, it's tempting to fill one up to stick one's feet in! Hope your day has been okay too. xx
My feet wouldn’t fit in it 🤣🤣
my day has been mixed, I’ve had a bit of a rest, done annoying admin type stuff, then I’ve made three different dinners for the kids of the house, one didn’t like the vegetable mash and pasties I made, and had to have spaghetti hoops on toast and has been near inconsolable about school, and not feeling like they have friends, which is heartbreaking. We had a big chat about putting shapes into the wrong hole in a shape sorter but it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with the shape when it won’t fit, it’s just not in the right place. School is a square and my kid is a star.
I can’t wait to be able to get both younger kids into a sen school. Kid who came over last night is now going to be staying for a while -bigger kid and friend are having jacket potatoes and tuna at their request - which is what I had last night, the new instant pot/air fryer is making them really crispy on the outside which is texturally very pleasing! Old instant pot is now in one of the kids moving out boxes of pans etc for when that time comes.

I’ve not cooked for me though today - YH is making me prawn Tom yum- 🎉 i forgave him a few days ago for the sake of a peaceful home and I got a foot massage today too 🎉🎉

@MaineCoonMama Susan ❤ she’s just adorable, I wish pets could visit!
I met my mum at a garden centre today and have spent £££ on half price David Austin roses.
I hardly recognise myself these days 😂
BITD I’d be spunking my cash on shoes and bad decisions.
I have David Austin roses! Which did you get? Mine haven’t quite been what I hoped but I ordered mine somewhat blind as online and I couldn’t smell them.
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I do think of all the birds they are most cat-like. When I lived in Glasgow there was one that liked to bathe in a pot hole on the main road at the end of my street and would swear at passing cars when s/he had to jump out of their way.
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My cat loves to tap my arm when I'm working. She just gently brushes my left forearm with no claws to say hello, I need attention / my bowl looks empty. She also loves to stick her whole head in my footwear. Trainers, boots, cycling shoes and she is there.

Wish I could post my latest snap of her. I'm working (on call) so sat with a beer, cat on on my chair so it looks like she's on my head.

I couldn't work out how to say what I wanted to, but hopefully this will make some sense. Please do keep the appt you have. Most of it might be bollocks, but there might be one moment / phrase which resonates.

Merail to quantify. I've been doing online CBT counselling with a real person as my general scores on the depression / anxiety / whatever tests aren't really going up. Or is it down? Some sessions I feel are pointless, some destructive but sometimes there are things I relate to and work. I'm never entirely convinced I'm worth the effort but the poor thing that got me in her rotation is making a small difference to me. I will see it out as I'm lucky to be offered this, so will do what I can to make it work.

Been a weird few weeks inside my head but I have new meds on the way which I hope can help control the chaos. Do what is right for you. And of course the dog because she's lovely!
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I was hoping to see this kind of display when we went to a zoo in Sydney. We got this instead.
View attachment 3023279
One of the funniest things I've ever seen was the wombats at Melbourne zoo, there were four in glassed enclosure all sleeping. My friend's kid wanted to go back and see them again and three had taken off leaving one snoring with a big pile of cuboid poo next to him. He'd stunk them all out, haha.
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Wooly pig, for balance. I wish I had a wooly pig as my best friend. We'd have ever so much fun together.
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I was meant to go out this morning to the food bank but I feel so bad. Sharp pains in my abdomen and around where my kidneys live are making it difficult to walk faster than a snail's pace. If it gets worse I'll ring nurse on call to see what they advise.
Aw, I’ve just told Hotescat and he’s a bit worried about you
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zetta buttons

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U.K. right now.

Tunnel dog is not coping. There is cut up cucumber in the fridge ready for when things get really too much and I’ve frozen yoghurt in cubes for her. It gets worse each year. I worry so much about her.
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zetta buttons

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Tell him I’ve got a good bear, but he’s the best bear x
I tell Mrs T stuff about Pooh all the time. His kingdom has spread far and wide. ❤

Sorry about your interview Laz, you sound very rational about it all. Can you keep looking?

My appointment went well, I’ve been officially accepted onto the thing so now I join a pre-appointment support group and wait for the regular sessions. Still terrified but in the words of Mario, we move.
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Rebalancing the cat content with this friendly bird from my walk on Sunday. This is a shitty Samsung, not a zoom lens, people.
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Sideboard Bob

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I’m the opposite of green-fingered, I didn’t even know there were different brands of flowers… but why wouldn’t there be!

I looked up the Nye Bevan ones, they’re like beautiful little suns.

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My 10.30 appointment hasn't turned up and I'm having a lovely cup of tea in my favourite mug instead. It's the little things ✨
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I thought I’d bought a steam mop on offer. Only it hasn’t come so I’ve checked all my emails and bank account and they haven’t taken the money it seems and it’s not cheap anymore 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

I have interrupted his reading to measure paws. He’s cross now 😬 and having an angry wash.
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Countdown T-2 for Chef Boy departure at Watermelon Retreat!

His last shift is tomorrow.

End of an era.

I'm a bit surprised by the outpouring of emotion and EXPENSIVE gifts from Kitchen staff.

Two joined to buy him Doc Martens.

One had her boyfriend (a brilliant tattoo artist) do a seven hour sleeve. (It's STUNNING.)

I and two others are taking him out for dinner tonight to a gorgeous restaurant in the town near Watermelon. That's me done!

Is it just because I'm older than I don't have this much emotion? He's not my boyfriend/best friend/revered saviour leaving.

I hope I'm not jealous! It's always hard to dig around bad feelings.

Off for a coffee and further dismantling and deep cleaning of my home, just to make it easier in the whirlwind of the next seven weeks.
PS my prescription cannabis is proving most efficacious
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In spite of period and work being v busy and chaotic I had a good week and some nice things in sight next week too so this is my screech
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