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Nightsnacks: mini cheddars and truffle salami washed down with cheap Chilean white.

I’ve been a bit absent from posting here but have read it all. I lost my mum. 💔
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Morning, apart from a short spell on the couch to eat some potatoes, I’ve been in bed since 2pm yesterday. For anyone not on UK time, that’s about 17 1/2hrs.
Would love to say I’m feeling a million times better but I’m not - sadly I do need to log on to work today otherwise I’d stay here.
Didn’t get the job I interviewed for last week; wasn’t expecting to after the shit show that was the interview and everything that came before it.
just holding out now to see if I get the one I really wanted, which was yesterday’s interview.
bit gauche, but it’s an 11k pay increase which would be very welcome, too.
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Post eye hospital treat with one of the kids. Nice young man said yes I can have an extra egg/no bean sprouts and then told me “I gave you two extra”, my very own totally explicable egg 🤣
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Pinch and a punch for the first of the month, no returns.
It's Canada day (also my late mum's birthday) so tonight we're having poutine for tea and I'll be wearing my Canadian flag socks all day.
Bonus, a marshmallow paw.
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Thinking of you too MCM - hope the nurse can advise.

I dreamed about mum twice this week. Last night she was hiding food and pretending she didn’t know where it was so she could eat it herself 😂. This was a more extreme version of she was when on steroids (she always really enjoyed her food anyway - one of the last things she still got pleasure from). I miss her so much and it still doesn’t seem real. Sometimes I can’t access my emotions and that makes me feel sad (or callous) as I’m going about my day as normal and thinking about my petty niggles and not about the massive thing that has only just happened. The bit between her death and the funeral, my only focus was the funeral. When that was over I had a bit of a crash. I am comforted massively that she died how and where she wanted to and I did a good job.
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I’m obsessed with how aged Pekingese look like chain smoking old ladies. This is one of my favourite examples
View attachment 3011881
I’ve got a whole narrative for her. Her garden is absolutely immaculate and the grandkids love going to hers for tea because she makes chips in the deep fat fryer and lets them have a shandy on Christmas Day.
I had an elderly great auntie who was a bit like that. She never had kids of her own and had a series of very spoilt dogs (big ones, not Pekes). I didn't visit her often, but she used to give me whole boxes of Cadburys Chocolate Fingers to eat, because she "only bought them for the dog".

She lived to be 96 and lived independently until the end, helped by a cleaner and A Man who did her shopping. The ashes of her last dog were in a little urn on the mantelpiece. Her husband's ashes were in the garden.
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This pony is entirely too cheeky for his own good. Went into the shed looking for a brush, heard a noise, turned round and...

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Look who's back! I had another medication change a couple of weeks ago and I now feel well enough to bring Sideboard Cat back home. I do miss smoking indoors and not hiding my bread products but I'm so happy to have her back.

sideboard cat's return.jpg
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zetta buttons

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Apropos of women (is that a thing?), I was listening to this on the way home yesterday. I never realised she had a tick bite.

I still haven’t watched the Celine documentary.
I sought help for eating stuff a while ago. Long story, I avoided making an appointment after first reaching out because that would be sensible actually me seeing a life without this. Last week they offered me an appointment next Tuesday. Mrs T dealt with it and it’s on Teams. Since then things have got worse to the point that I’m making errors at work/misreading emails because I’m hungry/exercising or both. I work with people with MH conditions and I feel like I can’t help because my mind is totally elsewhere. I’m sorry to put this here. I think I am doing so it’s because I’ve been a twat elsewhere in my life (To Mrs T etc) and if I write something twatty I need to say there’s a reason. I also don’t want to do the Teams thing because I don’t want to be told to stop my current behaviour patterns. I’m a fucking child.
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Apropos of women (is that a thing?), I was listening to this on the way home yesterday. I never realised she had a tick bite.

I still haven’t watched the Celine documentary.
I sought help for eating stuff a while ago. Long story, I avoided making an appointment after first reaching out because that would be sensible actually me seeing a life without this. Last week they offered me an appointment next Tuesday. Mrs T dealt with it and it’s on Teams. Since then things have got worse to the point that I’m making errors at work/misreading emails because I’m hungry/exercising or both. I work with people with MH conditions and I feel like I can’t help because my mind is totally elsewhere. I’m sorry to put this here. I think I am doing so it’s because I’ve been a twat elsewhere in my life (To Mrs T etc) and if I write something twatty I need to say there’s a reason. I also don’t want to do the Teams thing because I don’t want to be told to stop my current behaviour patterns. I’m a fucking child.
My friend, without going into details I have addiction issues so I understand (partly) where you're coming from.

This behaviour affects my life so I need to change but I don't want to.
I wish I knew what to say.
Don't ever feel bad for talking to us about it, we might no be of help but sometimes just writing things out can help. Big hug. 🤗
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Lads, I’m so tired, I’ve started crying twice (in private) this morning. I do 4695 steps (more or less) taking the kids to school in the morning (involving massive hiand with last weeks raft of appointments too, I’m shattered. One of the kids had a friend turn up late last night for refuge in the peace and quiet of our house (both a worry and a bit triggering) and I’ve been up late one reason or another all last week too. And! I couldn’t shut my window last and there were ten thousand extremely noisy planes going over all night.

hope everyone has a good day, I am gonna have to listen to my body saying retire to horizontal for an hour.

@HotesTilaire show us your nails when they’re done!
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Proud winner of the World's Ugliest Dog competition is Pekingese Wild Thang. IMHO there's no such thing as an ugly dog, they're all just as their Dog God made them.
View attachment 3011694
I’m obsessed with how aged Pekingese look like chain smoking old ladies. This is one of my favourite examples

I’ve got a whole narrative for her. Her garden is absolutely immaculate and the grandkids love going to hers for tea because she makes chips in the deep fat fryer and lets them have a shandy on Christmas Day.
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I'm so sorry MCM, chronic conditions can do one. xxxx
Can't they just! I'm currently getting an arm massage from Susan (she's in love with my fuzzy dressing gown) which is making me smile.
I have a GP appointment tomorrow so I'll talk to him about pain management.
Bonus Susan pic.

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I’ve been inside most of today. Interview prep for Wednesday. Time to come out to join Mr Laz in the back yard - I feel this is a good time to say our garden isn’t overlooked, but still… Mr Laz is sunbathing in the nude (he has a sheet thing currently over his bits and bobs) all I’ll say is I hope he has plenty of lotion on.
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Didn’t bunnings buy Homebase at one point?
I didn't know that. Bunnings is owned by Wesfarmers which also owns Coles supermarkets and KMart (I think?)

I know they do treat their staff well, one of my friends is Area Manager in the western suburbs and gets all kinds of free education and whatnot.
Cat tax for boring post, baby Thor when he was a lemur.
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100% fact. If you tell your Harold you need to find a product that you need to rub in to your breast to relive them. He will help you find something and help apply love boobs and bums
whilst this might be 100% fact in your world, I’m very relieved to say that it isn’t in mine or my husband’s.
I’m capable of applying my own pain relief but on the occasions when I have needed him to do this, it’s been done for my benefit and not his pleasure.

We all have the right to not want sexual activity – for example, sexual touching. There’s many on this thread who live their lives in constant pain on one level or another; to suggest their partners will involve themselves in their pain relief on the basis that it’s in a part of their body which can be sexualised is helping nobody.
not sorry for calling this out.

ETA: comments like this, from men, are part of the reason why I am a strong supporter of women only spaces.
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I woke up crying in pain about 2 hours ago and now the pain has settled I'm just grumpy.
Waiting until 7:30 when the shops open so I can get us some food because Harold's eaten it all. Not a great start to the day but at least it's been raining so I have that lovely petrichor coming through the open window. (It's not that cold this morning.)
As for food I'm craving bananas for breakfast and planning a tuna and vegetable sauce gnocchi for tea. Or a tuna pasta bake, whichever Harold feels like cooking as I won't be up for it today.
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