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100% fact. If you tell your Harold you need to find a product that you need to rub in to your breast to relive them. He will help you find something and help apply love boobs and bums
whilst this might be 100% fact in your world, I’m very relieved to say that it isn’t in mine or my husband’s.
I’m capable of applying my own pain relief but on the occasions when I have needed him to do this, it’s been done for my benefit and not his pleasure.

We all have the right to not want sexual activity – for example, sexual touching. There’s many on this thread who live their lives in constant pain on one level or another; to suggest their partners will involve themselves in their pain relief on the basis that it’s in a part of their body which can be sexualised is helping nobody.
not sorry for calling this out.

ETA: comments like this, from men, are part of the reason why I am a strong supporter of women only spaces.
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I woke up crying in pain about 2 hours ago and now the pain has settled I'm just grumpy.
Waiting until 7:30 when the shops open so I can get us some food because Harold's eaten it all. Not a great start to the day but at least it's been raining so I have that lovely petrichor coming through the open window. (It's not that cold this morning.)
As for food I'm craving bananas for breakfast and planning a tuna and vegetable sauce gnocchi for tea. Or a tuna pasta bake, whichever Harold feels like cooking as I won't be up for it today.
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Found you again. I want to screech like a bébé demon. Seems like the week for it. Open invitation to join me in screeching.
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Today I worked 8-11 then 1-8 at The Watermelon.

Approximately every hour I burst into nostalgic tears for really valid reasons, eg:

"oh here's a sprig of rosemary, just like the sprig of rosemary I used in July 2022 on that great night at work when that thing happened."

Capital N nostalgia + perimenopause, mates!

Please accept my SCREECH!!

Also spent two hours with ponies. Yes of course I sobbed into their manes. I am perfectly normal. But I also took one of them on an adventure walk and he did some free ranging in a new place, practising his "recall".
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Jesus H Christ. I took a couple of hours away from Tattle to watch a movie and there's 12 new pages on the Jay Slater thread. I'm going to ruin my eyesight on this.
I'm still on the first thread as I'm a latecomer to this. I always forget there will be a Tattle thread on stuff like this!

Having a bad weekend. Complex situation with a mate on Friday / Sat. Someone who ignored me for ages till he was dumped, now is being very hard work and denying saying stuff, saying quite nasty things. I think I'm done being nice. And then work kicked off so I've just done 4 hours needlessly, and am expected to be available through tomorrow. Will have to get up early to get some exercise in, which is not attractive! Shall look for some panda videos before bed.
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Of course tenderpaws. ❤ I can’t convey how much I bloody love Susan. Kiss her from me (if she’s tolerant of kisses- if not bow low and send my humble regards for her highness).
She loves kisses and cuddles, tummy tickles, chin rubs, toe bean squeeezes and all that good stuff.
We call her Super-Happy-Fun-Ball because she's like a big happy vitamin pill.
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About ten years ago, I had uterine fibroids so had a coil as part of the management protocol after surgery. When I went in to have the coil removed and replaced, I had a very senior consultant gynae do it. He was one of those very cold, unfriendly doctors who refuse to engage with the patient -- I hated him on sight. He wrenched the coil out, which was extremely painful, and I immediately started bleeding heavily. He just walked out of the room, calling over his shoulder to the nurses to "clean her up". He did not speak a single word to me and I never saw him again,

The next day, at home, I had a haemorrhage and ended up back in hospital for a week.

It is enraging to hear stories of abuse in women's health. And it's so much worse for women of colour who are more likely to not be believed or have pain relief denied.

In other news, I'm so unwell today. Have a horrible throat infection & cough on top of regular health woes so feeling really depleted. I want to go and vote but I'm just not going to be able to walk the 5 mins to the polling station. Am thinking of getting a taxi and asking them to wait and bring me back. Our constituency is highly marginal between Tory and Labour and I absolutely do not want the thick, useless, entitled Tory candidate in office. The Labour candidate is new to politics but has grown up in the area and is well rooted in the party and local issues -- he's young and energetic, which I like. I'd rather vote Green but there's no point here.
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I’m having a positive day today, despite still having the outcome of the interview hanging over me.
I’ve been for a nail appointment (fingers) laser tattoo removal, just come into somewhere nice in town for cake (tahini and white choc blondie) and a tea.
after this I’m going for a nail appointment (toes) then meeting Mr Laz for a few drinks.
Off work next week and heading off for a few days - hoping the worst of the period sickness will be gone by then.
considering a docs appointment to ask for the mini-pill. Anyone on it?
My answer to any health related question nowadays is "prescription cannabis" 😂
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I’m obsessed with how aged Pekingese look like chain smoking old ladies. This is one of my favourite examples
View attachment 3011881
I’ve got a whole narrative for her. Her garden is absolutely immaculate and the grandkids love going to hers for tea because she makes chips in the deep fat fryer and lets them have a shandy on Christmas Day.
I can't stop laughing at this. Is her name Jean? She looks like a Jean.
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I’m still feeling rough - I think it’s my period and the effect it has on me.
i had half a slice of toast this morning and immediately felt sick. That was at 7:45. Everything’s turning me but my stomach is sore from not eating.
Just made a few Jersey Royals with a wee knob of butter then heading back to bed. Even water is making me sickly.
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Nightsnacks: mini cheddars and truffle salami washed down with cheap Chilean white.

I’ve been a bit absent from posting here but have read it all. I lost my mum. 💔
Please receive my deepest sympathy and respect for your mother, your loss, and the time you spent with her, especially in these last few months. Take it easy.
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My friends yesterday seemed old and colourless and I didn't like the vibe.

I told them I dance around my house and they needed clarification this is to music. And a Bluetooth speaker. And Spotify. It seemed to be foreign.


However, I love them.

This will pass. Or will it?

I conclude nothing and know I'm not meeting their friend role ATM either.

I think this polite silence may become fatal, as in marriage.
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I'm still on the first thread as I'm a latecomer to this. I always forget there will be a Tattle thread on stuff like this!

Having a bad weekend. Complex situation with a mate on Friday / Sat. Someone who ignored me for ages till he was dumped, now is being very hard work and denying saying stuff, saying quite nasty things. I think I'm done being nice. And then work kicked off so I've just done 4 hours needlessly, and am expected to be available through tomorrow. Will have to get up early to get some exercise in, which is not attractive! Shall look for some panda videos before bed.
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My bfff is a mardy dog. I’m not sure she would appreciate panda videos right now. She does want a cuddle but she’s going to have to wait until I’ve come back from getting her yet another cucumber.

Nausea is shit. No two ways about it. Get Susan on the case. Stat.
Susan's in trouble for something, I can hear Harold telling her off.
I never suffered from nausea so much until I had a bowel resection 7 years ago. I had endometrial tissue growing on my bowel so had to have it removed. I thought I was going in for a laparoscopic procedure and would be back home that night but ended up in surgery for 6 hours and spent the next week in hospital.
Ever since then it's been nausea daily and pain from adhesions (from previous surgery) as well. I could be a lot worse off, I know but I do wish my life was a bit different sometimes.
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I've been out out seeing a band in a field but was driving so I'm having a wind down beer now I'm home, while my ears stop ringing.
Edit: I walked around Arthur's Seat earlier in the day and did 32k steps in total, including all the dancing.
Wowee that’s a lot of dancing!
I still have an extra kid at home. Kid whose friend it is has asked if next week we can make a birthday cake for them. Of course we can. I haven’t had any contact from the parents. I’m treating them the same as the rest. It’s making me a bit sad though.
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Just a bunch of UK&ROI kids obsessed with chocolate and caramel cartoon Tasmanian Devil sweets. Meanwhile the upside down are stuffing their faces with Tim tams and golden gaytimes. Made me think.
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Today I took nearly-my dog to a training session at a dog park.

The sun was shining, the sky blue. My coffee was very good.

Pippa arrived with her current human and one of her current at home dogs. Then she ran over to me, delighted to see me, "Omg you're here, too. This is SO great a coincidence!"* and we did basic training stuff for an hour in a group of 15 people and dogs. She has the best smile a Border Collie can have.

We're going to do this twice a week until we move and all live happily ever after.

* She uses grammar in a manner surprisingly similar to me, so it's no surprise we have found each other compatible.

I really love her. (She will never usurp CatCurrent. I am a staunch Cat Steward 5evah.)

We sent off Chef Boy tonight and I'm already nostalgic about this chapter. I nearly cried during the last playlist because of all the memories of team members, great Friday nights in the kitchen, remembering floods and the support I received at this workplace and maybe I will cry a bit now 😭 😬😆
But not hysterically weep so as to ruin Saturday with puffy eyes. Just a nice little mature nostalgic cry!
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Thinking of you too MCM - hope the nurse can advise.

I dreamed about mum twice this week. Last night she was hiding food and pretending she didn’t know where it was so she could eat it herself 😂. This was a more extreme version of she was when on steroids (she always really enjoyed her food anyway - one of the last things she still got pleasure from). I miss her so much and it still doesn’t seem real. Sometimes I can’t access my emotions and that makes me feel sad (or callous) as I’m going about my day as normal and thinking about my petty niggles and not about the massive thing that has only just happened. The bit between her death and the funeral, my only focus was the funeral. When that was over I had a bit of a crash. I am comforted massively that she died how and where she wanted to and I did a good job.
I think those days when we can't access our emotions are sort of bubble wrap for the soul, it's definitely not callous. When my mum died, I remember a friend saying "give yourself space, it takes longer than you think" and secretly I thought "but why - it's not like it was sudden or unexpected, she had a good innings and a good death" and it took me a good while to realise it's because the world had been turned upside down from what I'd always known, being older doesn't make that easier.
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