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Lost me there
Mr KCC bought Chooey a mask of Cherie Blair Jack off the internet for her birthday, she posted pics of them both wearing it 🤣

I’m having a mad ME crash/flare whatever the term is today. cant stay awake, can’t stay asleep. Just existing on naps, night snacks and the occasional visit from Hotescat to complain he’s bored.
Did we already see these? Anyway have some birbs
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well my interview - i'll not be getting that job.

on the questions i could answer, i think i done quite well, but there were a few where i thought i had strong examples but the way they asked the question, my answer wouldn't have been an appropriate one to give. on those i kind of stumbled through something which i hadn't prepared and yeah, it wasn't great.

I won't get the job, but i'm not sad or mad. this was the one i had to push for and wasn't entirely convinced about anyway.

Also, after the introductions they said "we'll now move onto your 10 minute presentation" to which i replied "i emailed last week when you offered the interview and asked whether there would be a presentation and was advised there wouldn't, and so i haven't prepared one". what that means is the people they've already interviewed, they'll have to discount any scores they'd given them for their presentation!! shit show.
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I have been well and truly mugged off by work and am furious and a bit embarrassed because I cried in front of my manager yesterday (although that's fine) and alongside this my workload is probably formally going to increase by at least a third (with no remuneration) because of voluntary redundancies. And for at least three months, two people, possibly 2.5 FTE, are going to be covering the workload of 5 FTE.

I couldn't stop crying this morning as more stuff landed in my inbox so I crossed all the major to dos off then was very brave and emailed my manager (who is leaving in a couple of weeks, so in a way that's good as I can be completely honest and don't feel the need to grin and bear it anymore) and said the slow drip feed of worse and worse news over the past few days has triggered my CPTSD symptoms to an extent I haven't dealt with in a long time and I can't manage it alongside work like I usually can, so I'm logging out for this afternoon. And I've recorded it as "stress (work related)" so now there's a formal record that this bullshit is impacting my health.
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i'll start this comment by saying i have not got one single solitary fuck to give about Taylor Swift or her 3hr concerts, but fair enough i know there's adults who like her.
Anyway, i just overheard a conversation in the office and it absolutely warmed my heart.
A colleague telling another colleague that she's had TS tickets for tonight's show for about a year for her two daughters and has never told them. She's leaving work now to go and collect them from school as they think they've got a docs appointment but really she's taking them home to get ready (she's bought them TS outfits) then they're going for a fancy dinner and going to the show.

I am SO excited for these wee girls. it honestly put a tear in my eye.
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Kestrelcat has already broken cover and three hours after arrival has been rolling round the "settling room" giving headbutts, licks, allowing belly rubs and playing with the feather toy. And has also been happily chomping down the Whiskas biccies inbetween.

Never known a rescue cat (he's our first as a couple, but I grew up with cats, two of them rescues) come out of their shell so quick; poor bean has so much love to give (and has probably also worked out he's landed on all four paws ending up here 🤣)
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Caturday here, just reminding myself how beautiful my boy was. He had a funny little snore, like a little 'wheeee' sound, plus all the chirps, trills and meeps MCs are known for.
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KCC, everything crossed that they can sort him out quickly and he'll be home soon.

Pony weight tape day today and for the first time since I started keeping records they've both lost a bit over the course of May - normally it's a month with a 20kg-ish gain. First measurement for Tiny Pony and he's only 20kg more than me!!

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Chatty Member
Sorry for the rant dear hearts, here is my penance.


He’s a bit poorly atm, I had to take him to the emergency vets yesterday because he was super lethargic and struggling with his breathing. They think it’s either asthma or a chest infection so I’m waiting to get him in at his regular vet. They didn’t seem too concerned when they looked at him yesterday and he’s been back to normal today and begging like crazy for food. Did a nice sloppy :poop: on the carpet though 🙃

Sending cattos and head bumps to all the poorly pocket ninnies, Alfie and I hope you all feel better soon!
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Crisis talks today at work. Shan't (can't) go into it too much but the day involved gossiping and backbiting that accidentally got uncovered (not involving me thankfully).

My workload has been temporarily increased by another third when it was already a third over 1FTE. It will now be, permanently, a third over what was previously determined to be 1FTE. When I asked how on earth this is sustainable, I've nearly gone off sick with stress at numerous points this year, was told that I mustn't take on too much. (I've been taking on exactly what has been asked of me, and done what has required doing)

I'm emailing the union tomorrow. And starting a job search.
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I’ve done loads of trying to train everyone to do better in the house and YH has come a long way now. We made a list and split in into two timetables. I’ve fucked mine recently because I’ve not been well but he was doing better. Things are more equitable in the jobs aspect but the thinking is still done largely by me. Then there’s things like washing the kids water bottles every day to avoid mould. It’s on his chart, he does the washing up (dishwasher broke and he didn’t want a new one), only I found one kids bottle full of broken off bits of sludgy yuk/mould the other day and he hadnt been washing them every day like he was meant to. It drives me nuts. I had to throw that one away and buy another one.

Speaking of which, everyone up your vitamin d3/k2 uptake as we are getting none with the weather.
It's been a long minute since I lived with a partner and I think I would find it hard to share my space now. I like things the way I like them.... which is obviously the correct way.

I have friends where the wife is a total martyr to the mental AND physical load. Her three (now almost grown) kids and her husband do absolutely nothing in the house and she runs around after them all, making separate meals for fussy eaters, taking abandoned plates and mugs to the sink, reminding her spouse to take the bins out, remembering where someone last placed a crucial item (never in its right place but always somewhere like "on the trampoline" or "next to the bath"). And they have multiple pets which the kids asked for but she has to do all the work for, including nagging them to take the small furries out of their cages for exercise and forcing them out of the house to walk the dogs.

As a consequence, my friend is always exhausted. Her husband spends hours every night on FB posting memes about neurodivergence and how kids need gentle parenting and need to be in quiet, calm spaces with no sensory overload etc. And, in the meantime, his wife is mopping the kitchen floor at 11pm and worrying about getting the kids' school uniforms ready for them to just step into the next morning.

Rant over.... it just drives ME crazy to witness such an imbalance in a marriage but I realise it's not mine to fix. I have limited my own exposure to it by trying to only see them outside of their house because it stresses me out to be in such a chaotic space and I don't want to add to the washing up!
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Ninnies despite my horribly sore face I am v excited to announce that Mr N agreed this morning to us buying an air fryer! I’ve been after one for ages and managed to make a good pitch yesterday about how many times we order takeaway because we’re too tired and cooking takes too long. I did this whilst he was tucking into a Chinese from Deliveroo. Cunning.
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Didn't get the job. Am absolutely devastated and have cried quite a lot this afternoon. Waah waah.

Have pizza and Ben and Jerry's to console myself.
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Chatty Member
Sorry fraus another One Show subject change, will spoiler.

I literally just got a call regarding my ASD/ADHD referral. It’s with my local trust atm and at the beginning of this year they asked for more info, which I obviously faffed about with for ages but did eventually provide.

Anyway the woman on the phone was really lovely and confirmed that they do think they now have enough to accept my referral for both ASD and ADHD, but they don’t think they’re the right people to carry it out because of limits on time/resources, and so want to refer me to the ‘national body’. She explained the process, that they need to apply for funding from the CCG etc, so I feel quite clear on everything is happening and why, I was just wondering if there are any ASD/ADHD fraus who have experience with this? I did have a look at the threads here but they all seem abandoned and well… this feels like a safe space to ask about these things!

ETA as payment in advance
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Acknowledgements to all. Take care.

I was in Melbourne city for a weekend with friends, and arrived home to dinner. My mother grew all these vegetables!

The driveway into Watermelon Farmlet, in Watermelon, Victoria. So strange to think that the next time I drive into it will be moving in, as a "companion" to a parent.
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We harvested new potatoes out of the garden! This is our first year with a garden and we nervously approached the most flowering potato plant (they're maincrop) and had a dig around and then squealed when ... THERE WERE INDEED NEW POTATOES IN THE EARTH.

They're currently simmering on the stove as we have some mojo sauces from our recent trip to the Canaries and I'm making wrinkled potatoes. Hopefully I don't mess it up, I've never made them before.
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So pissed off today.

I've been busting a gut (actually literally) to help someone at her house every single day, sometimes 2 or 3 times, for the last month, as well as on the phone coordinating care with nhs and soc serv etc when I don't even really have the time/energy to do what I need at home myself - because she is very physically unwell atm and has no family nearby.

But her ATTITUDE yesterday and again today when she's phoned up about something where I have apparently failed - no consideration for how much I've put myself out eg yesterday i went there at 8am because electrician was coming, and cleaned/tidied while I was there; then went and did her food shop and ordered a thing she wanted from Argos; then did my own life with the lad for a bit ...
she called at 7:30pm "where are you with my thing" when I'd already told her I don't get home till 8pm and then having to make a second stop off at Argos to collect the thing and then take it to her before getting home in time for bed.
Then today she was almost ranting at me about no clean nightclothes
etc when she doesn't have a washing machine and knows I don't either- I pointed out that she had 2 clean sets yesterday, and I had already planned to grab a couple out of basket with tomorrow and take them home to handwash and dry overnight for Saturday = best I could do. She still had the huff big time like it was all my fault.

I don't expect praise or reward for helping people that need help, but I don't expect to be spoken to like shit either.
I think I'm done.
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