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I said, in not so many words, she's been so spoilt all her life that she's probably not dealing very well with not getting what she wants this time. If indeed she has miscarried again.

I can stand by that and still feel sympathy for her (at least) 2 lost pregnancies.
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I think that apart from liking the freebies she would actually miss the money she gets too if she stopped. She is stinking rich but it's not like money is no object for her otherwise it wouldn't be taking so long to do up the house. With the car company laying people off to you never know what's going on money wise. I also think she likes the fact that she has a career because she only has one child and has a nanny. she probably works part time and it gives her some fulfillment. The thing is, her career is vapid and cruel and eventually it won't be worth it to her anymore. How could you take pride in your work if you are lying to followers and trying to sell them stuff you wouldn't buy yourself.
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Definitely Maybe

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I wonder if they've left already ? If it is Portugal then it 's rumoured Portugal is going to be taken off the 'green list' today !
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And she didn't mind using her for gain sympathy from the people after the Dubai gate. I'm not sure why Fleur de Snob is thinking on realising a jewellery company now considering that her reputation is null and is saturated market just like skincare.
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Who are “them” and “us”. Anybody can choose to break a rule, break a law. Lots of people who have travelled during Covid aren’t wealthy.
Specifically about Dubai last Christmas, the furore was fuelled by wealthy influencers jetting off there while most of the British public did as they were told and stayed at home.
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When she was still single she used to look normal almost chavvy, remember the bedrooms she used to film in, she had cheap furniture and looked messy all the time, her "makeup and perfume collection" didn't have expensive brands at all, I really doubt she really grew up in wealth I think her parents managed to make they "fortune" in the past years and just invested on expensive education so she and Hannah would catch a rich husband. She really upgraded her lifestyle and even her look once the diamond got in her finger.
Nah they definitely grew up rich, they went to Rugby and grew up living in huge homes. Fleur's lifestyle has only seen an upgrade because Mike's family is a lot richer than Fleur's family, but she definitely grew up in a lot of wealth.
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As OP said Fleur literally has all the time in the world. She has a nanny, cleaner, gardener, etc and her “job” is hardly time consuming. Her not washing her her after an intense workout is sheer laziness. She has fine hair that doesn’t appear to need much maintenance after washing (in the way that curly hair would).
Sure, but what’s wrong with being lazy when it comes to hair washing. I have plenty of criticisms regarding Fleur, but I can’t fault her here.
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This is not related to our current state and corona, we are now lucky that we are able to go anywhere, but why does she tend to repeat her holiday locations?
Apart from Dubai - that was new xD.
With her resources, I would always try out new places, sometimes go back to the ones I've really loved, but branch out a little bit. They have a house in Portugal, but are able to travel to places around it. Always the same skiing resort in Austria, always LA and NY, now Cornwall. Don't get me wrong - it is really beautiful and I know we are creatures of habit deep down, but still..
I suppose if you have a great time somewhere, it’s easier to go back because you’re sure you’ll have a great time again. A new holiday destination might be a bit of a gamble. I can understand that mentality - it’s a bit like going back to your favourite restaurant!

For most of us plebs who work regular jobs, our annual leave is scarce and sacred! But for Lady Fleur, she could really (in usual times) jet off when she likes and could explore wherever, whenever. But she is a massive skinflint and usually only goes on holidays outside of her usual haunts when the trip is gifted. Look at her gifted trip to Japan, never made any effort to go there before but went to LA a ridiculous number of times.

If there is one thing millionaire Fleur of the Hall likes more than anything, it’s saving money.
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I also have a feeling she has had another misscarriage.
She annoys the hell out of me, but that is just a sad thing that no one who wishes to have kids should to through.
Makes me wonder, does she regret leaving River all the time when she was tiny, being so passive-agressive and whining about her being basically an obstacle to her travels and Instagram life, now when she possibly won't ever have a chance to relive some things with another baby...
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Chatty Member
calm down - I said “I don’t think”. That was on reading the link to the trademark info on the previous page and my knowledge from working on several magazine titles. But grateful for further info from anyone kind enough to share info without jumping the gun lol
Have you heard of this thing called Google? Or do you just expect someone else to do everything for you?
They didn't steal or infringe on her trademark AT ALL.

If that were the case, TV directors and authors would be sued left right and center for using words like "Tesla" or "Coca Cola" in their writing.

Here is an extract from a website explaining trademarks:

A trademark does not mean that no one else can use your word, phrase, or symbol in connection with any and all goods and services. It means only that somebody else can’t use a similar trademark with similar goods or services. The key criterion: trademark infringement occurs when someone else’s use of a trademark would likely cause confusion about the source of goods or services.

(see full article here:

You cannot trademark a phrase, and when you do trademark something, you have to be specific with what you're trademarking. For example, An Australian car repair shop decides to open a shop and call it "Fleur de Force" - Fleur would have ZERO legal legs to stand on. Why? Because her name isn't trademarked against car repair shops and it in no way relates to her brand and no one would get confused by the car repair shop in Australia and her YouTube channel.

In the same way, authors are protected from writing a book about a character who loves Walkers crisps and it may even be entitled "I love Walkers Crisps" - Walkers Crisps could not sue that author for infringement because they did not infringe on their copyright in any way. Walkers will have trademarked their name for FOOD PRODUCTS, not for anything else (very likely). As I said, you have to specify what you're trademarking the name of something FOR - it cannot be a blanket trademark.

In this case - they just used the term as a pun. It's not the name of the magazine, and they're not selling it under that name.They could have put "Barbie girl" on the front cover instead and, again, Barbie's trademark would not be infringed upon
Um, that's not AT ALL how trade marks work. I work in corporate law and regularly deal with trade mark matters, so I don't need a random article from a non-legal source explaining what I've spent years learning about. While trade marks do have limits, Fleur could make the case that a magazine of this nature using her name in relation to another person is a breach (backed up by the fact that Fleur has indeed been featured in a number of similar magazines and has a well-established use of the name 'fleurdeforce' across multiple product lines).

You are (almost certainly) not a lawyer. Stop trying to play one on the internet. Going to pop you on ignore now, I think!

Interesting argument, I hadn’t even thought of it like that.The way I saw it is that, Fleur has trademarked her name and has the right to be upset that it has been used.

Although now that I think about it, she has kind of spoilt Fleur East’s moment of being on a front cover by sending her followers after her. Do you think she would have treated a white artist differently?
I would hope that she would have treated a white artist the same (I guess with the exception of Taylor Swift :rolleyes:). I'm never going to get on board with the whole 'Fleur is racist' thing that some people here seem to be trying to start – I actually find it very concerning. Accusing someone of racism is an extremely serious thing and no one has ever given any evidence other than 'she's white and rich'.
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Her and her family seem like racists behind closed doors.
I wouldn't say they are overtly racist but I do remember in one of her lockdown vlogs Mike was looking at dolls for River. He pointed to a black one with an afro and said 'look, that one has crazy hair.' I tried to find it recently but she cut the clip out, I think a few people called her out about it on instagram.
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Well-known member
Fleur looks the same size as always to me (serious weight is a laugh), but I agree that she seems to have been conspicuously hiding her stomach for the past couple of weeks. I know how incredibly frustrating it is when people speculate about someone being pregnant when they've gone through struggles, but it did stand out to me. I think the last post she made where her stomach was visible was a month ago in her "mom jeans" and white shirt, so I could see her being about 8 weeks along.

But it could just be us reading too much into it. Regardless, infertility and loss is incredibly hard and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
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Chatty Member
I think she's earnt a wiki.

Added two quick sections on the sneaky Dubai holiday and trademark. Please do edit and add

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She doesn't make her living from being an influencer but certainly is greedy enough to try to get that affiliate comision any time she cans from everything and make ads of items that has nothing to do with her content.
She is extremely stingy so she loves all the freebies especially the luxe ones, she loves all the events, pr trips and special treatments influencers get, it came to a point that she didn't mind leaving few months old River to go on several press trips, it was obvious on her videos back then how much she hated being a mum.
She loves being relevant that people admire her and top brands wanted to work with her although those days I guess are gone after covid and after the disaster of Dubai gate.
She will keep doing this because is a way to escape to her reality, living in a huge house in the middle of nowhere, no real job, and the pressure of having to breed babies to keep Mike and the family happy.
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