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I’m on day 7 of a marital separation after 22 years. Shout out to anyone else in here experiencing the same.

Its the most hideous experience of my life and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
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Your description is spot on 😂
The last guy was late 40’s and very very nerdy. But also very lovely as when I started tearing up (not acting just got emotional) and said he couldn’t come into my home, he asked if I was okay.

Meanwhile my mental dog was going off (she’s harmless, just thinks she’s a Rottweiler). It was all very chaotic and stressful!

I’ll see what I can come up with!
I really hope you can get this sorted for yourself. I was trying to write more but my brain fritzed! If you have a rockstar GP/therapist/whoever then the suggestion that you have it in writing that you should be excused is a great idea. It shouldn’t need to be this complicated though!

Self indulgent post incoming (I’m gonna stop apologising because it appears this is who I am, I need to change!)

So I haven’t had any alcohol in months (since they found the tumour on my kidney) and now I’m Optifasting to drop as much weight as I can before surgery so it goes as smoothly as it can and I can recover quicker. So I haven’t eaten real food in weeks. So already I’m emotionally on razor’s edge!

My father in law has been moved to a hospice facility this week. We’ve cancelled January and are flying out tonight to see him for a week. We’re hoping we get some good time in with him. The kids are rightfully devastated. My 14 year old who is the sweetest, most emotionally mature person I know (despite the 14 year old hormonal rages - I can live without those thanks) is heartbroken beyond belief. My 18 year old is on the spectrum. They are amazingly lovely however the gravity of the situation doesn’t quite sink in the same way.

My aunt (my dad’s sister and mum’s best friend in the world) has also been moved to hospice care. We thought we had more time. She was saying the other day how my mum isn’t her sister or friend, my mum is her soul. They’re one person in two bodies. My parents families have been connected since forever (Italian immigrants from the same town). My mum and aunt have been best friends from toddlerhood.

So this week and year can fuck right off.
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Super Cute

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Hey Fezzas
I wrote a while back about wanting to move out of the family home and separate from the husband. Well I’m moving out tomorrow!
Don’t know how it happened but I found a unit thats nice, applied for it and got it, all in a short space of time. I’m taking it as a sign and have been organising things since then. The husband isn’t happy and is bunging on the manipulative behaviour big time but I keep my telling myself that I don’t have to listen to it for much longer.
I’m half excited and half shitting myself about it all but want to thank all you lovely people for the encouragement and kind words and for all the laughs in the LumpyLou threads. 💜
How courageous of you! Good luck with this new chapter of your life, you will no doubt blossom 💐

FEZZAS ✌🏼 how we doing? Are any of you near the Victoria floods? (and any other state of course, just a melbourne dweller thinking about my fellow fezzas) Hope everyone’s okay and have a relaxing weekend full of cheezels and bad outfits after a maddog busy week! ❤
I know I’m late to the party but I’m so overwhelmed with work and life atm I’ve taken a little step back from EL and the chat 🥹 but wanted to catch up with my online fezzas 😍 I’ll have to scroll way back to catch up!

I lived in Echuca for 20 years so have alot of mates up there still, some with homes that have flooded and some farmer friends that have lost crops.

We visited last weekend to lift my besties spirits (outskirts of Echuca on a farm so we stayed out of the way) and it was devastating to drive through Rochester and see all the hard rubbish on the street and shops sandbagged up. Same with the Main Street of Echuca, shops all sandbagged and closed.

I have my 2 procedures booked Friday - colonoscopy and gastroscopy- so can’t wait to get some answers as to why I’m anemic and so many tummy issues.
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Hey fezzas, finally had my baby last Thursday! Almost 2 weeks overdue.

Christ in a hand basket I was not prepared for this level of pain. Hats off to all you mums, it's fucking hard and I'm not even a week in. Struggling a bit tbh but hoping to catch up on some emmylou shenanigans to take my mind off it
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Just found you all over here via the Emmy page, hope everyone is doing well and best wishes if you need them.

I’m on the Gold Coast with my husband & 2 kids 6 & almost 3 on a Gold Coast holiday, god help me 😂 I already want to be back home, I must admit I had a laugh driving here going past the exit on the Motorway for Burpengary , could have popped in and seen my old mates Jessi & Phil.

Anyone watching the Queens funeral, I’m not much into royals but it looks like a lovely send off with lots of interesting ceremonial stuff going on

A pic of my pooches


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Chatty Member
Good Morning! Just a quick question before this cold and flu kicks in, does anyone use a “guest” tea towel? I.e. a pretty one without stains on it that you put over the oven holder thing when people are over? Instead of the dirty one grubby mits have been on? Lol 😂
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Sorry for the self indulgence coming - I had the phone call from the hospital yesterday and I was so angry! Two weeks of tying myself in knots for a 5 minute conversation that ended with “well we need to review your imaging in next week’s meeting to see what the plan is”.

I mean, they had my imaging and referral for two weeks already. I just stupidly assumed the call would be “yep we’ve reviewed it all, this is the deal, this is our proposed plan of action, we’re sticking you on the wait list today if you’re keen”.

I took advice on board, I am now less frantic about getting it out right this second, I know it’s a slow moving cancer and am glad they do want to remove it (I was scared of the watch and wait option). I work in public health, I know the drill. But I’m so furious that it was such a waste of time. He even asked me if I had my kidney function bloods done, which were in the referral.

I’m sorry tattlers, it’s just so maddening. And looking ahead to plans we have now have to take into account a 4-6 week wait for surgery then another up to 6 week recovery time is just making me anxious too (if you haven’t been able to tell, my baseline is frantic anxiety as it is!).
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How’s your mum doing @somanyteeth?
I’ve been thinking about you and her, and am so happy to see you back.
💗 thanks for checking in!

Well I brought her back here with me for 3 months, for 6 of those weeks she was in her home country and FLOURISHED but then she came back to London and she was doing well, not great but better so I booked us a quick getaway to spain for 4 days and she loved it (she's never been allowed to travel). So I realised when she is a sunny and warm environment she thrives.
However she left on Tues and its touch and go again her trying to now start her new life alone. She isnt sure if she wants to go back to him now. Like she doesnt want to because she is scared of him but she is also scared of being alone.
Im coming for Christmas so she said she will stay in her new place until then at least and Im hoping by then she'll have settled in.

Also why is the weather down south in Victoria SO WET. She said there is 10 days of rain forecast 😭
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Super Cute

VIP Member
I’m mega excited for Christmas too!! :) I tell you what, since moving to the UK I’ve become even more of a Xmas freak.. balcony covered in lights and silhouettes, inside the house looks like a beacon lighting store, garlands on the stairs, we visit Christmas markets for mulled wine 🤤 and this year I’ve even purchased a second 7ft Xmas tree (hope it fits)! One for the bottom floor near the front door and the new one for the middle floor!! 😇 I’m fucked dead meat when my husband sees it! Next year I might even get little ones for all the bedrooms 🙌 🤪 i was not this bad back home! Ha
My dog loves Xmas 🙈🤪

And I have 4 other dresses like this that I wear to work for the month of December!
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Fezzas, I’m having a biiiiiig fat cry. My parents are moving out of my childhood home. I haven’t lived there in about 8 years, but tonight is their last night and tomorrow another family will have the keys. I didn’t expect to feel so emotional about this? I honestly feel like I’m grieving which feels a bit ridiculous
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ok if this can please just become a page of all your pets I will be happy forever 😍 haha. When I am on my phone at bedtime I will post some pics of my senior beagle boy and little puppy girl who are in geelong with my dad.

BUT I watched the first 3/4 of Untold on my flight yesterday and WOW. So far I am so sad. I am not sure what is coming at the end and cant wait to finish it later tonight.
Also, I can't decide if Mantai is hot, like he looks DAMN FINE now with his beard and hair swished to the side and his teeth all fixed but I cant decide if its just the beard :ROFLMAO: like if he shaves it off will I be disappointed or will I still allow him to give me the throwdown.

and thanks @SnarkyTart this is such a great idea <3
Oh to be fair the current Mantai is sooo much hotter than the one of that time

Since we all have our collective hatred for EL in common would love to know more about you all especially under the anonymity of our user names.
I am a 40 year old mum of 2 boys aged 18 and 12. Self employed with my husband in the Barossa Valley South Australia. The fact that i am self employed means I have time to monitor the comings and goings of our subject and be equally as perplexed and disgusted as all of you are. I actually really enjoy our community and am constantly appalled and disgusted by EL as you all are x
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Just me up for the day before my baby has even settled for the night 😣. My longest stretch of sleep was half an hour, and then I’ve had 5-10 minutes here and there 😩.

My four year old has been sitting up next to me for half an hour and won’t stop touching and bumping me. It’s driving me insane. I’m trying not to snap at her, but please keep your hands to yourself. I’m so touched out for the day and it’s not even light yet.

Where's Sarah Kearns with her supportive #iseeyou #iwalkwithyou when I need it?

Anyway that’s my rant. Happy Monday everyone!
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christmas sausage

Active member
Here’s my little darling Rosie, currently snuggled up in my bed, loving life! I’m from the north west coast of Tasmania, have a 26 and 21yo, and a partner of 14 years.

Currently watching The Twelve and Never Have I Ever.

This weekend will be all about housework, and recovering from a staff get together here last night, which ended at midnight. I was ready for them to leave at 8.30 😜


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Thank you all 💖
I’m hoping it will be ok, and it won’t be losing a client over. Client can be particular, but it was an honest mistake with other factors at play too. I will definitely own it, that’s one thing I do pride myself on.
The words have helped, thank you!
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I’m heart broken you guys. Heartbroken. Cancer is spreading fast. Rapid. Now to her jaw, bones and other side of the breast. I am sleeping at the hospital with her. She will be in the paper Sunday. Herald sun. Please buy the paper, read about her. I love her.
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Love all you Fezzas. I’m cautious to say to much cos nervous might know someone. I said too much about my job in a different username so deleted and waited and made new acc. I feel like there’s a few of us that live not too far from each other so it makes me wonder if we see each other in real life. The comments about going to lava lounge the other week is what made me twig. I read every single EL post but don’t comment much.
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I'm excited for Christmas this year as my son and family are moving back to our area. I haven't met my two grandsons yet, thanks covid, but they'll be here next month and Christmas is going to be amazing.

I don't even have a tree and don't really go in for decorating for it, but I saw a Christmas train in a shop that may need to come home with me 😅
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