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no life jackets, no masks, no gate around the pool...are they hoping someone gets hurt or sick? Or they do think they are just too cute for any of that?
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Just caught up. Didnt even watch vlogs yesterday....I came home from work and slept from 4 p.m.-11 p.m., up for about an hour and then back to bed until 7 this morning. Yes..14 hrs of sleep. If A&P think they are exhausted now they better hope they do not get COVID as they gallavant around in their cheap FA masks. Its been a tad over two months for me and I am still struggling with aches and fatigue. Asa may be able to tough it out but P is already so out of shape she would be in a bad way.

Anyway, I agree with everyone that thinks they're going to reveal a boat purchase. He mentioned "June 11th two years ago" more than once, and that was indeed the vlog about wanting a boat. And you know they just need all the things!

P's video with Isaiah was just cringey. Dry the damn tears. You've known since last Fall he was accepted, more than enough time to mentally prepare. And I LOVED it when a viewer asked how he would feel about not having to be Abbies caregiver. I thought he was kind and diplomatic....he said he wouldnt say he was "happy" but he is looking forward to not having to ask if he could do something because he may have to help with Abbie or consult his family. P's a brief second her smile slipped. That wasnt what she wanted to hear. I think she wanted him to say how he'd miss caring for her or something. In addition, when they asked how often they could call him he tried to blow them off and say "We'll play it by ear." P then says...."But you used to call me everyday on your way home even though you were on your way to see me anyway!" like they were just SO close. Isaiah said "Yeah, I called you on the way home so I didnt have to talk to you when I got here!" LMAO. OMG. Isaiah earned some points from me. I think he is ready to fly coop and I am happy for him.

Lastly, I also assumed Asa was talking about fecal smearing. The backward pjs and vest werent for nudity, they said over and over it was to prevent her from shredding her pull-up and smearing. Its sad shes regressing SO much. But her home life is constant chaos, no schedule, no school, no Brandi, just her idiot family and Summer. Sad. Sorry so long. :)
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Actually pretty funny how they made it a point to say exactly how little Prigly ate of the subway. Every once in awhile, he does that. Like we dont see her massive portions the other 99% of the time. And her mojitos. And her fancy coffees. (not that I believe she only ate a half of a half of a half or whatever he claimed) But he must thing we're all pretty stupid. Too bad lotsa the Humpers really are....

Okay. So do I have this straight?
Big Prilly's gonna be sending Hello fresh meals to Isaiah at college? And he's gonna make em there?????
Even with WLS it is really hard to eat even a quarter of a sub roll let alone having all the things on it she had. I am 9 years out from WLS and can barely eat a quarter of a sub to this day. I usually can only tolerate 2 bites then I’m full. And like I mentioned I’m 9 years out had it done November 2011. She is what less than a year out? She should not even be able to take a bite of a sub without getting overfilled and sick. And the booze let me tell u after WLS 2 sips and I’m buzzed if I drank a whole drink I’d be drunk. After WLS your body changes so much and IDK why but booze it’s u right away. I used to be able to hold my own when I used to have a life and go out with my friends then I had WLS and I can’t anymore. So I don’t bother drinking at all there is no point especially with all the sugar and calories in mixed drinks. That’s how I can u factually P has already stretched her stomach back out. It should be impossible for her to be eating 90% of the things she eats. I still can’t eat most of the stuff she eats

Please tell me the leghumpers jumped all over the two comments regarding Abbie.
What I don’t understand is Ass and 🐷 are quick to argue with someone who questions them and they’ll go back and fourth for hours yet they see nothing wrong with these comments. Especially the one where the dude said to have her stop watching boys cause she belongs to him and she should dance for him!! Like block these people or say something. That’s disgusting

Assa references the "backward pajama" video and that Abbie had some regression in that area.
If you remember, that was a video about fecal smearing.
He did say that he had to lay down with her to get her to sleep due to "issues going to sleep and staying clothed".
Íf he had not mentioned backwards pajamas, the old house and that video, I do not think I would have inferred that he was referring to fecal smearing.
But. Since he did mention that specific video, i made the conclusion that she was regressing to that behavior once again.
It seems reasonable to come to that conclusion, since the backwards pajamas were to keep her in her pajamas so she didn't get into her diaper.
As for the boat, he said he was working on "something special" all day. Something that had been in the works since June or July 2018.
Someone guessed,because nobody knows for sure, just guessed that it was a boat.
The guess was based off of a video they put out on or around that date, I believe.
It was just a guess.
I agree. The first thing I thought of when he said Abbie regressed then mentioned the backwards pajamas and referenced that particular video that happen to be all about fecal smaearing. It’s definitely what he’s talking about. The girl wears a pull up and shreds them and obviously if she getting naked she’s shredding them again. So as soon as he said she regressed and mentioned the video on fecal smearing I put two and two together that she regressed and his fecal smearing it’s obvious.
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Can she tread water while trying to help a struggling person
Or in true Cilla fashion will she concentrate on saving herself.
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Yes, and she yells noooo too. I know what you mean. 😐
I have noticed a few times she has tried to make sounds/words. Ass excused it as vocal sounds not words... but that is what words are... and how we learn to put meaning to sounds. Is she full on speaking? No. But she does often make sounds similar to "no" which are reinforced by her shaking her head or pushing away.

I worked a long time with individuals with CP and stroke recovery. So my ears tend to pick up on the varying sounds that most would only hear groans and moans. So she does attempt vocal communication.

I honestly think in part, at least Ass, doesn't want her to progress. They are making bank right now. And as long as she is nonverbal, and they don't teach her signs or tablet communication that doesn't fit what they are selling, they control the story. They can sell it to fit whatever they want.
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Purple Ruby

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How are they comfortable bragging about what they've bought and 'living the best life' while selling cheap shite stickers and tacky sunglasses at inflated prices to the suckers they seem to be able to con easily. Meanwhile no doubt his other daughter looks on and wonders why her father is such a selfish blob. On another note I can't wait to see the day they take her mother and husband for a trip on the boat, you watch the back tip up when they all take their places on the tan leatherette sofas 😎
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A few things
1. Who the heck in that family besides Abbie will fit in that bathroom? Cillas ass won’t fit in there.
2. was the infamous coach cushion gone?
3. she will never fit in that shirt , by the way wtf was those shorts for? ( girls weekend perhaps)
4. Lets make fun of our son who wanted a health snack.
5. who thinks she had more food then that? Me!!!
6. I’m not impressed with the boat but can hardly wait til they name it the Abbietude🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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Pink Marshmallow

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"What are we gonna do when he goes off to college?"

- Only one of you can get tipsy or drunk at a time.
- No more relying on Isaiah to look after Abbie when you don't feel like it.
- You'll actually have to take more responsibility for taking care of Abbie instead of relying on everyone else to do it.
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I'd also bet money she introduces Summer as her daughter to people that don't know her.

I'd like to know what happened with her and Asa that was so bad she doesn't want him in her life or her daughter's life.

Its always been theory that Asa was abusive, or she saw the potential for abuse. And remember abuse doesnt just mean physically obviously. I think she saw Asas need for control and power. I think he was also off his nut at that point in time. He had left his marriage, Coast Guard career ended and we have never really heard a reason why, he was also on his burglary spree them too....he wasnt all that. This woman wasnt madly in love like P was and said screw it. And I believe with every inch of my being that the ONLY reason he went back to P was because this woman dumped him, and he had no place to go. For all his big talk Asa needs someone taking care of him. Someone to handle everyday life like finances and housing so he can do the things that make him happy and be quitting jobs without worry of starving, bucking authority and being a hotshot. He can only do that with someone backing him....and he knew P would take him back and she did.
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I hope this does get posted to the Maass family social media. This explains very clearly the dangers of water with Autistic kids.

* Drowning is the leading cause of death for people with Autism

* Multiple levels of water safety needed for families of children with special needs

1 Fear or aversion to water ◦ Sensory issues, fear of unknown, overly aware of danger
2 Lack of danger awareness ◦ Developmental disorders can lead to a lack of understanding
3 Drawn to water ◦ Fascination leads to actively seeking water ◦ Those who enjoy baths are often drawn to water
4 Tendency to dart or bolt and stumble onto bodies of water

check all 4 of those off on Abbie's list.
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B.O.A.T = Break Out Another Thousand

I have a boat.... just a fishing one... but we spent more money on trying to keep it running than we did buying it. Currently doesn't run lol

I would hope they aren't getting a boat. The live like uneducated trash that won the lottery. They are going to spend until they are deep in a hole. Guess Ass isn't going to be successful in Ps parents eyes when they are moving in with Ps mom.
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💯 a boat. These people are pretentious and pretending to live on top of the world. They are clearly trying to cover up what unhappy people they are by spending money and hoping that will be the solution. Big house, expensive car, best of everything, expensive golf cart, filthy pool, dead plants.... the list goes on, will never make them happy. When you look at movies stars etc they usually end up broke and on the brink of rehab if not in rehab. I see this ending the same way and sooner than later.
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Abbie was a bit out of control there for a few...poor Maverick. 😕

Nala was so confused, she gave Abbie laser eyes as she zoomed up the stairs past her!!! 🤷‍♀️ 😂😂😂

Screenshot (1522).png

Screenshot (1521).png
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ive been sailing for 12 years, my wife her entire life and sailing 101 states you wear a life vest the moment the boat leaves the dock
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Purple Ruby

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I can just imagine the horrified genteel boat owners when they appeared, the word probably went round 'avoid that little fat bloke who walks around with his chest puffed out, he knows it all as he's a good mechanic and was in the coastguards 20 years ago'.

Seeing P sprawled out on the seating like she's on the QE2 lol and tell me how you get your whole self into that toilet cupboard, does your head stick out of the top through a hatch or something !!
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Some more home truths.......

The boat purchase + no life jacket on Abby =

View attachment 190904
Asa, seriously, I forgot that you were in the Coast Guard, that means you know how fast boats can start taking on water and/or catch fire. You know the last thing you need to be doing, is trying to find the life jackets and getting them on, in a hurry, while trying to see if you can plug a hole or use a fire extinguisher to stop a fire, before abandoning the boat.. All the while, making sure your cellphone doesn’t get wet, so you can call for help...
Plus, again, if this happens, it isn’t just “getting back on the boat” but swimming/threading water for possibly hours, to get to land.. I don’t care how good of swimmers you are, that gets tiring quickly and Abbie already has low muscle tone.. It would be a disaster waiting to happen.. Put a flipping life vest on the girl!
Sigh, I grew up on the lake, had lake view property because my Grandpa was fearful we would get out of the house and drown quickly. He felt better if a road and another house was between us. Every year, to this day, the lake claims at least 1person’s life, from jumping into a shallow end, getting tired and going under, intoxication, etc...
The Maass’s are the hugest statistic and those numbers are just growing, that something major will happen, from Covid, drowning in the pool, now possibly lake, major accident on the golf cart, if Abbie ever goes to ride her tricycle and getting injured due to no helmet... They definitely like to push their luck..
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I couldn't stand to watch the entire video with P and Isaiah. Princess P is just way too over the top, too ridiculous, and extremely cringey. She acts like Isaiah is going off to war and she may never see him again. She gets all teary-eyed and way over-emotional. Isaiah is not the first kid to ever go off to college, well, I guess you can say he's HER first kid to go off to college but even so - stop acting like it's some damn tragedy, Priscilla! Get a grip!
I think inwardly Isaiah is very relieved that he won't have to be the third caregiver for Abbie for a while. A&P put way too much responsibility on his shoulders and seemingly have since he was pretty young. Like it was mentioned earlier, they most likely rely on Isaiah to look after Abbie when they decided to get tipsy or sloshed from adult beverages. That is so selfish and wrong.
For sure. I was sad for him when he expressed how nice it will be not to worry about being able to do anything. Can you seriously imagine how f'ed up his life has been? Not only was he expected to care for her too, for years he couldnt have friends over because of her behavior, couldnt just make plans with friends like normal kids because he "may be needed". Thats some serious BS. Sure, older kids babysit their sibs sometimes but it isnt their LIFE. Abbie isnt his kid or responsibilty. Once he and Summer are done with school forever and they are left alone with her, they are going to struggle so bad!!
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