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Girl. I feel your pain. I've had more than one person (thankfully not medical professionals) tell me that the reason my daughter has IDD and is autistic is that I didn't breastfeed and/or I had her vaccinated. Yeah, it wasn't the nearly 4 minutes she was without oxygen at birth - it was totally my lack of giving her my boob juice.

My adopted sons are from my husband's first marriage, but our youngest wasn't diagnosed with anxiety disorder until I entered the picture. My husband's ex (who is thankfully no longer in the picture) was convinced that he was simply parroting me (I have severe anxiety disorder) and that he had been perfectly fine before I arrived on the scene. Because being so stressed that you throw up is totally normal for the average 4 year-old.

My newborn may very likely be autistic and/or have mental health problems. I am anticipating WAY more drama from doctors this time around if she does - with my oldest girl, I had birth trauma to 'blame'. This time no birth trauma, but I didn't realize I was pregnant until my 2nd trimester - so no vitamins, having caffeine, on prescription drugs, and lord knows what else. And again, not breastfeeding this time either. So it's definitely gonna be fun.
I was in a horrific accident when I was 11 weeks pregnant. Drs and so called friends and family suggested I abort her. I had 3 surgeries as I almost lost my right arm it was hanging by a piece of bone. My husband and I had just gotten married in June the accident was in September. We tried for her a few months before the wedding as we wanted kids together. I had countless xrays , tests , medications etc. they induced me about a month early. She was born at 4 #2 ounces She had no issues none that we knew of. She’s now going to be a senior in high school , she’s an honor roll student, varsity and allstar cheerleader and talented tumbler. So please keep the faith you never know my Madelyn is living proof babies can endure trauma while in utero and still have no issues at all. I’m so glad we did not listen to those who said abort I was never able to have more kids and continue to suffer from chronic pain and I’m disabled. Best of luck to you and your beautiful babies and soon to be new one.
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I think Cilla is embarrassed by Abbie. And I think if Assa was out of the picture Abbie would have been placed in a residential home.
My Dad was embarrassed by my brother. He did his best to provide good care for him when he was able, but you could tell he was very uncomfortable with him and being around him. I'm leery of my brother. Not ashamed, but when I'm around him I am on guard. It isn't a matter of not loving him or wanting the best for him. I've dodged too many punches. I think the only people who are really comfortable around him are my Mom and my husband, and he knows it.

Abbie seems to be similarly aware. She was so happy with Crazy Nanny and does well with Brandi.
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Asa has been nominated in multiple categories for the wego health award!
He doesn"t deserve it in the slightest. We should all email WEGO Health and tell them that Asa is NOT someone anyone should look up to and ask them to disqualify hom
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Tonight's vlog 9.6.20
They all three look like they slept in the park and someone needs to tell that girl NO, she has a tantrum because she doesn’t want to go home and what do they do, take her for a drive. Who’s in charge There.
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Did they really try to visit a plantation...during one of the most racially sensitive times?...during WORLD WIDE PROTESTS?
The fucking ignorance.
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Yeah I think Fit Fab Fun needs to know she’s a MLM scammer who exploits her disabled child for money on Facebook and YT, and that her and her husband both have criminal records, is that who they want promoting their product. 🤔
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View attachment 152088

I think he still has squirt in his room. I don't give that Betta long though.
I just noticed how pretty Summer looks in this picture. She looks tan and healthly, she lost that Maass pallor. Guess thats what happens when you get out of the house and hang out with people your own age.
Summer- you in danger girl! (my favorite Whoopi line lol)
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Boy I wonder what earth shattering information this Live will reveal? LOL. Not!!!
Asa will be at the helm...furiously scrolling and deleting anything snarky or real. I see them prepping and practicing. I picture Asa striding into his office like a storm trooper with ominous music accompanying him. P is nervous, but a stiff drink will calm her and she'll start confidently with her cute girl shoulder shimmy and " hey girl hey!" When the comments start coming too fast and furious for Asa to manage Summer will have to stop booping Abbie and clock in.
They will be exhausted when its over. I love it. LOL
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Okay so before I say what I'm thinking, I want to let you know that this isnt an attack and not just directed at you

I really struggle with anything that hints that abbies issues may stem from birth. It very well could be true, we dont know, but I worry that it comes across as blaming mom. When it comes to special needs, moms are often blamed. I *think* I remember P saying both kids were delivered via C section, and at least here in canada, that needs to be an emergency of some kind.

Both my kids are special needs. When I got pregnant the first time at 27, I was 95lbs (5'3"), so obviously underweight. I was told i would need to gain more weight than the average person, and i did try. However, i didnt gain what they wanted.

When he was diagnosed, these were the questions i was asked: how much weight did you gain? Did you know not gaining enough while pregnant increases the risk factor for autism? How was birth? (He ended up being a forceps delivery, as he was backward, and he pooped in there). Did you take your vitamins? Did you fall, or drop him once he was home? Was he breastfed? On and on and on.

My second is also autistic. I got the same treatment, with the addition of "why would you have a second when you knew the dx of the first?". Questions of my weight, my hormone levels, if I played with them enough when they were little.

It's so discouraging. While I think that P wasnt very involved, that isnt true for a lot of us. I gave my life over for these little guys, breastfed each of them 3 years each and even delayed their shots a little and yet here we are.

I know this is long and I hope I didnt sound like I'm attacking at all. I know of so many women in my autism circles and they all get asked about birth and pregnancy and never is dad asked. My husband is autistic. Maybe it isnt me, you know?? Maybe it just is.

I think its natural to wonder, esp as P wont talk about it, but maybe she is sensitive to it. I know I am, and I am very tired of feeling blamed for it. (My second also ended up being an emergency, as my placenta abrupted, I bled out, and he was five weeks early)

Are their issues related to birth? Maybe. But I really think it's just the way the brain is wired.

I'd love to hear what others here- particularly moms of special needs kids think. Does it bother you? Do you feel blamed in some way? Maybe that's why there's so much focus on Isaiah- maybe it helps with inner guilt? I wouldnt know, I dont have an NT kid.

All the best, hoping this comes off the very gentle way I'm intending it to be!
being the kid with special needs, my parents never talked about it. both parents show no emotion when talking about my health problems. My mother never would answer questions. she'd claim that she couldn't remember. thankfully she kept a notebook on all 5 of us and our health histories. its how I learned about why I have hydrocephalus, how many brain surgeries I had (im now at 18) why my kidney is gone and why I have foot issues (looking at me you wouldn't believe I've been through all that).
I struggled with my image for so long. why me and why are my 4 other siblings fine (I'm the 4th of 5). it no longer bothers me. I did everything everyone thought and said I couldn't do and here I still am
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Jen Msumba of Rebranding Autism was nominated for WEGO also. Let's hope she can win over the Maasssquad!
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Sometimes I wonder if Abbie would be happier in a care facility. My former FIL had Alzheimers. No not the same as IDD and Autism but also strikingly similar due to the cognitive decline. He was eloping, never remembered eating, he was ravenous all the time. He got into everything. You couldnt leave the room for a minute. My MIL tried her best but when the aggression started she had to give in. He broke her wrist. He went to a nursing home on the Alzheimers wing, and after a few rocky weeks it was like magic...he was happy. They had routines and activities. This big burly former marine was finger painting and making clay pots. He was jovial. He lived two more years and the final decline was rough, but none of us could deny that he had been safer and happier there than at home.
Anyway...just something I think about when I see the chaos Abbie lives in. She may never progress...but could she be happier? Idk.
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I think one of biggest problems A&P have with Abbie is they can’t admit that they aren’t fully equipped mentally or physically to deal with her. They aren’t getting any younger and they are starting to look really haggard, especially P. Her magic creams aren’t saving her, she looks a lot older than 39. Honestly how much longer do they both think they can do this. They don’t have any mental support. Their not getting healthy, they claim they are but they eat like crap and she might drop dead on that bike. I’m not even joking, she was huffing and puffing when she ran a few steps with Abbie on the bike the other day. But I think they feel if they put her somewhere they will judged by it. Especially by family, and I think As mother and doctor stepfather would be leading the bandwagon on that lynch mob against them.
I have relatives who are furious my brother is not home right now. I've gotten emails, facebook messages and phone calls asking why my husband and I don't just bring him to our house. Or why can't he go live with my Mom. The fact that he is violent and bruised his caregiver's ribs is secondary. They argue that my brother has the right to a "good life" and his family is obligated to keep him at home. These are the same people who ask him to visit, have him for two days, and call asking when someone can come get him because he's scaring them.

I've been hearing the same BS my whole life. Someone offered to buy me a house with land if I would promise, at age 18, to care for my brother for the rest of my life. I said no thanks. Since then, nothing we do is ever enough. I had no right to go away to school and abandon him. I have no right to have my own home and not welcome him into. I have no right to vacation without him. It's like I have no right to be a separate entity in their eyes.

I don't think anyone puts a loved one into assisted living for kicks and giggles. You just get to a point where being at home isn't benefiting anyone and is also dangerous to everyone involved and make a tough decision.
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She is such a bitch. At least say you’re sorry for what she is going through.
She will never have sympathy for anyone. Right now she's probably pissed that this was brought to light on this podcast. As for her not feeling it wasn't cheating when they weren't together I feel if you're married and your spouse has sex with another person that is cheating.
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Purple Ruby

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'Live on Facebook & Youtube' the event you've all been waiting for, get your tickets now for the biggest star of the USA, the world and universe, live from her bedroom dressing table Priscillaaaa the crowd all look at each whispering 'who' ????
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