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Legitimate question, not trying to be funny…
Is it possible that Abbie could regress back to an infant type of behavior? If she is mentally 18-24 months could that change as time goes on? For better or worse?
I am clueless about this so y’all put your “Be Kind” shirts on. 😂
Probably not in the way you're thinking.

I'll add the caveat here that if Abbie were left completely to her own devices basically 24/7 - think in something like an institutionalization from the 1950s type of situation, or something like Genie - she would actually "regress" to something like a true feral state - and I mean that in the clinical sense, not in the sense casually used here.

If and when the Youtube grift finally dies, and if third parties like doctors, therapists, Summer, Isaiah, some of the grandparents, etc remove themselves or are removed from Abbie's life, and if they don't have her in a group home or a day program or something - if Abbie is left solely to the "care" of her parents, she would lose the skills she currently has with them leaving her to rock on a couch in the shack day and night. It's not like she would need to drink from a bottle and forget how to walk, though.
She would gradually stop asking for things (she taps and pulls and gestures and vocalizes at people to sit with her or get her food/drink or indicates she wants to go for a ride, stuff like that), the few signs she still uses correctly would be forgotten (look at the sign for 'bathroom' as an example - since this was never consistently reinforced with her, she no longer uses it to actually mean bathroom), she'd lose any desire or ability to control her impulses...but she wouldn't be a 6 month old in an adult's body doing that. She'd still be vaguely at a toddler level - crafty enough to wreak havoc and try to entertain or comfort herself, she'd know where things like the food is kept, she'd take out her frustrations in a toddleresque targeted way.

Asa wouldn't let that happen if anyone is around to see it, though. He'd never let anyone think he was less than an ideal (in his mind) parent. Even when his YT dream draws to a close, as long as Abbie's grandparents and her doctors and even Isaiah are somewhat involved he wouldn't fully neglect Abbie in a criminal sense.
Priscilla? 100% would. If Asa dies first and she can't immediately ship Abbie off to the first facility that will take her, that poor girl is gonna be moved into the shack permanently until a spot opens up somewhere, anywhere else.

Could her "mental age" change for the better?
Yes and no.
She appears for all intents and purposes to be severely intellectually disabled. Unless she's the one in a million "locked in" type who has more mental functioning than their body and neurology can display there is nothing that can make her learn basic math or how to read. She'll never write her memoir via iPad or discuss the weather by tapping at a screen or a keyboard.

If Abbie were in a structured environment of any sort, she would be significantly more functional than she is right now. She may be able to partially toilet train. She'd be able to communicate better - no, she wouldn't speak, but she'd be able to use sign more effectively, maybe use her iPad to say if something hurts or ask for something other than food. She may be able to do a few basics of her own self care. With proper structure and oversight she could prepare some very basic foods (no cooking, of course, but assembling a sandwich from pre-portioned ingredients for example).
If her parents had any concept of consistency and structure and routine whatsoever she would probably be doing all of the above by now.

If she were living in a quality structured group home or other professionally staffed facility I honestly feel that we'd be shocked at how much she would improve.
Again - no, she wouldn't read and write and speak, she wouldn't cook herself some spaghetti - but with structure and consistency she'd be able to do a hell of a lot more that she currently can.
So douche boy has posted a video and I found where is working. He may say, but haven't listened to the entire thing. BOOYA!!

View attachment 2381217
View attachment 2381215

And next there is this!!

View attachment 2381220
Yep, that's what I figured.

Same place Brandy works at.
Same place Summer works at.

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The commenter is over the target. Thuper defensive, Truly fueled Moobie acts like Pig did not use an assault by Sweet Girl to shill her shit just a few months ago. An attack is eminent.
I agree. Just a few years ago Abbie was secured in a four point racing harness behind a makeshift PVC pipe and net barrier to prevent her from grabbing at, and throwing things at P while she was driving.
Maybe this is the progress Asa keeps yammering about! 😂😂
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Chatty Member
*****Pig’s Fake Cookbook Titles*********

Pig’s Culinary Snoutfest

Eating for two ( and not pregnant)

Sneaking a Snack ( where to hide goodies and avoid being filmed)

Living to Eat: how to live your best life while inhaling high calorie foods

Eating your way to a Five X You!

It just hit me she’s making a cookbook. This bish can barely put a cooking video together. SHE CAN’T COOK. She is like every other home cook that just puts stuff together. She doesn’t know flavors, spices, vegetables, or anything. She doesn’t even know how to use cooking equipment. A leghumper asked her about crockpots or pressure cookers. She responded that’s not her jam and doesn’t own either one. Any cook or chef would know how to use them. It might not be their jam but as a cook you will probably go through every cooking method possible to come up with recipes.

I bet she is going to steal all the recipes from that leghumper that offered them her family’s cookbook.
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She changed it a awhile ago.

I wonder when they self-publish the "cookbook" (translated to collection on other peoples recipes) how many they buy themselves. Make it look like it is super popular and not just humpers buying it.

Omg just had a vision of P raffling off sign copies.... or giving as gifts for those who sign up on her slimelife team. This crazy cunt is going to carry copies everywhere she goes.
First 100 customers get a pair of Fathering Autism Sunglasses and a Fathering Autism Bumper Sticker. That garage isn't going to clean on its own, ya know 😂
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Isn't that interesting!!!!!!!
I mean we haven’t heard a peep about the neighbors party they threw since that happened. If that were successful we wouldn’t hear the end of it. I mean who goes around knocking on ppls doors handing out invitations. That’s how you know the circus has come to town.
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The thing people ought to be so mad about is the part where the 2 sows cackled with laughter, at WLWs reenactment of his job, in days gone by.
It's not WLWs fault.
Apparently, he's told the story before and got the same responses, so he told it again.
This time the camera recorded it.
Assa is 💯 at fault for not editing it out.
The 2 sows are equally at fault for thinking that (1960s) African American vernacular, is hysterically funny.
The 3 of them love to speak "jive".
Its their love language. The vlogs contain a ton of evidence of this fact.
Shak Boi is the worst offender but the Hambeasts have done it too. A lot.
This thing just boils down to they kept pushing the envelope and finally the envelope won.
But they haven't learned a lesson from this because they're The Massives. They are above the laws of the land and anything resembling common decency.
I wish hell would literally rein down on them. Not just because they enjoy making fun of how POC speak and laughing like banshees. There's plenty of other excellent reasons. 😆
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Percillerpotamus is overdue for her old fashioned ass whoopin' from Abigail Lorraine.
I sure hope it happens soon!! 😆
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Thought she was more keen on ice cream…not pie? Oh well…a hint of honesty from MeeMaw Oink Oink this morning.
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Honestly who tf cares. Its RBT.

In order for you to obtain the RBT credential through the BACBA® you must complete the following steps:

  1. Be at least 18 years of age
  2. Have a high school diploma or equivalent
  3. Pass a criminal background check
  4. Complete the 40-hour RBT training course (this course)
    • Must be completed within 180 days of the registration date
    • You must receive a score of 70% or above for the final exam
    • You will receive a certificate at the end of this course
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Holy Cow! Four MaAssives in their bath water stew pool and the have over 850 reactions.

View attachment 2376677
They really are "that" family on the street. They are weird, loud, smelly and awkward. Can you imagine how much the neighbourhood changed since they moved in? What was once a quiet, friendly and blissful street has now become absolutely undesirable. The wheeeeeewhooing, the loud voices, the stink from their backyard cooking experiments, the strange habits of filming themselves coming and going from their house and having to retrieve the camera before they take off, the short, corpulant husband trying to "educate" on autism, the frowzy, obese wife trying to shill waxy makeup in an attempt to recruit neighbours into the MLM, the oddity that is Boy Wonder, the cast of oddly shaped and looking characters and misfits that come and go to the house, the fat bastards crammed into the now lopsided golf cart that wheezes as it tries to chug along with 1000 pounds of Maasshole on board. Talk about a three ring circus. I bet the neighbours have a grand old time having a natter about the weirdos. I bet they play drinking games with the vlogs.
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On Priscilla’s live this morning
2 summer came by and volunteered to take Abby to speech therapy. They’re also still looking for someone to transport Abbie back-and-forth to school and therapy. This is so they can get more “work” done. Big negative. Who wants to get their ass whooped every day for two hours. The last lady only lasted a short time.


WHAT LAST LADY? Who did they ever hire to transport Abbie anywhere? Does she mean the poor teacher who got roped in for a few months?

I'm shocked that they're already looking for excuses not to make the drive for what's supposed to be their own daughter's benefit. Shocked, I tell you. It hasn't even been a week. I wonder how that whole thing went down in the Manor.
Priscilla: Athaaaa I have meetingth for my buthineth! You have the make the drive!
Asa: Beb, I have to edit. You're the one who wants her out of the house 5 days a week, YOU drive her!
Priscilla: Athhhhaa! It'th not fair!
Asa: I'll just keep homeschooling her for content because you see the dopamine of the viewers will react and they'll ask a great question about Abbie learning to read and

It's not hard to hire a transport service. Entire companies exist to do exactly what they're asking. They're not cheap, though, which tells me they want to pay someone like $10 a day to chauffeur Abbie for those 2-3 hours.

4. Then her new assistant, that she named “a girl who I’ve hired to do errands for me, such as grocery shopping etc. “ came in to work

She's so fat she can't even do the basics anymore.
What does she need an assistant for? She doesn't clean, she doesn't do any yard or pool work, she doesn't do anything around the house (remember, Asa just "organized" her office a few vlogs back), she doesn't have any hobbies or activities, she doesn't walk the dogs, she only cooks a couple meals a week, she certainly doesn't provide any care for her daughter, now she doesn't do any of the grocery shopping? And other unnamed chores that require an assistant?

There goes more of Abbie's money, I guess.
On Priscilla’s live this morning

2 summer came by and volunteered to take Abby to speech therapy. They’re also still looking for someone to transport Abbie back-and-forth to school and therapy. This is so they can get more “work” done. Big negative. Who wants to get their ass whooped every day for two hours. The last lady only lasted a short time.

4. Then her new assistant, that she named “a girl who I’ve hired to do errands for me, such as grocery shopping etc. “ came in to work

WHAT LAST LADY? Who did they ever hire to transport Abbie anywhere? Does she mean the poor teacher who got roped in for a few months?

I'm shocked that they're already looking for excuses not to make the drive for what's supposed to be their own daughter's benefit. Shocked, I tell you. It hasn't even been a week. I wonder how that whole thing went down in the Manor.
Priscilla: Athaaaa I have meetingth for my buthineth! You have the make the drive!
Asa: Beb, I have to edit. You're the one who wants her out of the house 5 days a week, YOU drive her!
Priscilla: Athhhhaa! It'th not fair!
Asa: I'll just keep homeschooling her for content because you see the dopamine of the viewers will react and they'll ask a great question about Abbie learning to read and

It's not hard to hire a transport service. Entire companies exist to do exactly what they're asking. They're not cheap, though, which tells me they want to pay someone like $10 a day to chauffeur Abbie for those 2-3 hours.

She's so fat she can't even do the basics anymore.
What does she need an assistant for? She doesn't clean, she doesn't do any yard or pool work, she doesn't do anything around the house (remember, Asa just "organized" her office a few vlogs back), she doesn't have any hobbies or activities, she doesn't walk the dogs, she only cooks a couple meals a week, she certainly doesn't provide any care for her daughter, now she doesn't do any of the grocery shopping? And other unnamed chores that require an assistant?

There goes more of Abbie's money, I guess.
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Chatty Member
My in-laws live in the same area. They say they were warned, by more than one new neighbor, to stay away from the Maass family.
Yikes! Way to have a reputation in the neighborhood. Someone should tell them how popular they are with the neighbors. Wonder what all went down with meeting their neighbors? Trying to sell them shit, Asa boring them with his “know-it-all” speeches…..

@Angret: if you hear any stories, we’d love to hear them.
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Jumping in to get this off my chest.

My daughter was recently diagnosed with autism. (I've mentioned her many times before.) My gut rejects the idea but that is a whole other story that doesn't relate a lot to FA.

But now that I'm part of this "club," I must say that it puts the Masses in a whole new and extremely unfavorable light for me. I believe that without a doubt they have done and are doing a tremendous disservice to those who have been diagnosed with ASD and their families.

My daughter has almost nothing in common with Abbie. I honestly cannot pinpoint a single similarity (except maybe that she has a tendency to be difficult? Is that what autism is?) This channel is called "Fathering Autism", but nothing about what they show resembles our experience parenting our daughter (other than all the trips to therapy--is that what autism is??)

Obviously there is this huge range of ways that autism supposedly manifests itself, so I guess I'm just supposed to accept that these two girls have the same thing even though my daughter is so much closer to "neurotypical" kids that it feels patently absurd to categorize her with a person like Abbie instead.

Abbie has a severe intellectual disability and they pretend it does not exist and just call it all autism. This just sows needless fear in the hearts of viewers about autism. She's also probably got some behavioral issues stemming from crap parenting--but again, they pass it off as "autism".

As we work on getting my daughter more "support", I just find myself resisting doing any of the things they've shown with Abbie. Why would I do ANYTHING the Maasses have done? They're like an endorsement AGAINST all the stuff they show on their channel. We're talking like 10 years of just abject failure trying to force an ID person not be ID marketed as "autism".
Abbie is Intellectually disabled And has BARELY any traits of autism, You see, The masses wouldn’t get any sympathy or money if they said their child was impaired so they use the autism label bandwagon as a ticket in For grift.
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Do they actually supervise her when she's in the pool or are they just putting her in the way so she's kept busy and won't bother them for anything?
Considering they are both day and evening drinking and I suspect it is slowly creeping into elevensies drinking, I do not consider Abbie supervised.
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I truly believe they compare him to Abbie so Isaiah is the smartest man alive. Of course he is gifted compared to Abbie.
My theory is this: They both (especially Ass) build up their own egos by claiming how advanced & smart GB is. You know, to offset the fact that they also produced a severely ID daughter. Gotta feed the ego

So funny...crickets about his performance at App State....
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On Priscilla’s live this morning

1. She got up and got Abbie ready. Yeah right
2 summer came by and volunteered to take Abby to speech therapy. They’re also still looking for someone to transport Abbie back-and-forth to school and therapy. This is so they can get more “work” done. Big negative. Who wants to get their ass whooped every day for two hours. The last lady only lasted a short time.
3. They had a zoom meeting with Abbie’s new program/ABA therapist that lasted an hour and a half. Way longer than they thought it would. But wait I thought Abby was progressing so well.
4. Then her new assistant, that she named “a girl who I’ve hired to do errands for me, such as grocery shopping etc. “ came in to work
5. then Isaiah was in the kitchen with a bag of bagels for everyone, and then summer and Abbie came home. She just loves her life. This is the life that she always pictured. She loves the full house, etc. and that’s when I had to stop watching because I couldn’t take it anymore. 🤢🤮🤬
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Well, I guess that video was the last time WLW will be seen. They will never put him in front of the camera again.
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