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VIP Member
Anyone attempt to watch todays video? So much ramble in what she was saying!!
I think she was trying to be open and honest, but found it extremely difficult. She clearly holds a lot of painful memories from that time in her life. I must say, I was pretty shocked that she'd actually married Mia's Dad, but liked the fact that she said she respected him a lot.
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VIP Member
@FamHam - They are having a house party today. Just seen it on that Jon's instagram. Family freedom were in the background.

I bet none of those children studied a thing today.
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Georgie has always wanted to change or improve herself, she started out as a female body builder doing competitions. Darren & the kids would traipse all round the country at weekends whilst she participated.
i new she did marathons and body building but didnt think she cared wether she was pretty or not
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What is Darren’s history? Pre - being a druggy🤷‍♀️
what is his “childhood” history, or do we really know?!

The problem with Mia is, they don’t have normal parents/daughter roles, she’s not treated as a “daughter” she’s another adult in their world. She looks after karma, runs a channel that’s just as successful as the main channel really, runs her own instagram, she “works from home” just like Darren and Georgie.
In a weird way I can see Darren resenting this in a while. Especially if she does release a book in the near future.
I really get the feeling he will be jealous of anyone getting more attention than him.
He always (ever so subtly) puts Georgie down or makes digs at her intelligence/what she says. And he does the same with Mia at times too.
I think there was abandonment, possible abuse etc. From reading between the lines of things they've said.

I'm not sure whether he'll resent her just yet. Perhaps when she's old enough to manage her own money. Because that's what it's all about with Darren - money.

They've put tons more adverts into their videos lately too. Probably to pay for the Tesla that they're going to have to wait 4 months to get. It seems weird them setting up roots. Not long ago they said they were going to keep going and going. But all of a sudden, they've just halted all travelling. Good for Sienna as she gets some consistency with school and friends, but they're just so strange... Everything is always so sudden with them.
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Rachel-Mrs DD

Well-known member
This thread somewhere else has some interesting view points. Its also worth noting the comments are from last year but seem very relevant now.
I suspect that in the not too distant future something will leak out about these two that will change peoples perceptions of them.
I recall some months ago they were the "go to" family to watch according to some posters on GG and they were bigged up as the very opposite to the ifam.
Personally I never really bought into that viewpoint. I suspect my cynicism comes form perhaps being older than some posters.
I cant really explain this but I just feel that so much of this You Tube family vlogging thing is fake, manipulative and exploits their children
Anyway the short 2 pages thread is here
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Well-known member
Pregnant not definitely not a Tesla then.
I am sorry but I have to ask can you breast feed 2 babies of different ages?
I am certain she said she would breast feed for as long as she can.
That came out really nasty I am sorry 😐
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Isn't it ironic that Family Fizz advocate the fact that you should Treasure Others and Be Yourselves yet both Georgie and Darren seem to be completely estranged from their own mother and father. Georgie has become obsessed with her personal appearance. Surely if you want to encourage others to be themselves why would you bleach your hair, have breast implants and wear so much make up. Has anyone noticed how fast Georgie's face is aging, possibly as a result of a plant based diet, compared to her sister Harriet who I believe is only born one year apart? Has Mia stopped growing she seems awfully pale and gaunt looking, I hope she is ok?
They still see Darrens parents or at least his mum, that's who they leave their important things with when they moved to Gran Caneria. And to be fair to Georgie it was discovered on GG that her family are Jehovah's Whitnesses and she and her sister have been exiled by their family after leaving the faith.
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VIP Member
Wasn’t that their whole outlook not too long ago?
Buying more expensive things that will last rather than pissing money away on needless things that will only get used once or twice.
Thought that was their whole ‘minimalism’ lifestyle.

Though I suppose whatever brings in the views 💰
Not the first of their values they’ve abandoned anyway.
I feel like a lot of Youtubers/influencers are doing the whole 'buying expensive things that will last' thing, but still not supporting ethical brands so it seems stupid. Rhiannon Ashlee is another who has been doing this. Surely if you're going to 'invest' in brands/pieces, it'd be better to support ethical brands or small businesses than to buy something from the higher end of the high street, or something just cos its designer?
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I agree about Darren. He seems really controlling and like he doesn't like if things aren't going his way. I always felt like the veganism stuff was to make up for the past. Wasn't he a former drug dealer? They can be quite aggressive.
I think they have drugs in their past. I might be careful saying he was a dealer.
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They live in Brighton of all places, must be somewhere local that could do organic, ethical clothing with veggie dyes. But they won't as that would cut into the huge profit margin. It's all about hoodwinking people to think it's premium quality stuff with the fake ethical logos and charging the price that youd expect of premium and organic stuff.

They are deplorable.:mad:
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I only watch this family if they pop up on my recommendations I won't go out of my way to watch them. I find them quite fun and they seem like a really happy lovely family.

....But, I am struggling with the Merch line, I feel like it is pushed down their viewers throat with some kind of 'positive meaning'. The million smiles and now the upside down be yourself, Toby rubbish. I don't begrudge this family making money but I struggle with the ethics behind it.
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I think the ring lighting is what was making there eyes pop!
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VIP Member
I think she spoke about it in her 'I got married at 18' and '16 and pregnant' videos briefly as well, basically that she got married due to religious pressure from her mum's side of the family. She said they were strict Christians who didn't believe in living together until married.
Her sister Harriett has also spoken about it.
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Chatty Member
I don't really care if they want to travel because tbh If I had the money I'd do the same but it's Sienna and Mia's lack of education that worries me. Sienna looked like she enjoyed school so much and what is Mia going to do about her GCSE's, she cant be a vlogger forever and she'll need something to fall back on. I don't understand why they can't just travel during half term like normal parents.
There are lots of families out there who travel and Home school - it works. But only if the parents are willing to put in the effort to make sure the children are getting what they need.

I was home schooled due to my health conditions and it was great because I got to flourish in the areas I loved (still had to do maths and science though :[ )
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