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On the Dubai podcast Georgie and Darren confirm that Mia only does “the basics” with an online tutor, and they let her specialise and she’s growing a social media business 😯
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Chatty Member
I refuse to watch them anymore, they’re no better than any other youtube family, the only difference is they build their “brand” on the back of being a vegan/fitness channel, they had fans that believed they had morals and supported the message they were sending out. 😂 but they’ve slowly became one of the worst “family channels” around. They don’t have merchandise they have positive messages to share with their fizzfam 🙄 it’s just gonna cost ya to be positive 🤷‍♀️
The click bait title on this one dragged me in I’m ashamed to say.
Darren could tell you night was day and make it sound believable. I keep saying it I get such a bad feeling from him. Georgia isn’t so natural when it comes to lying, she’s shifty, stumbling over her words and looking in all directions.

Mia sounds Helium-American. That’s not a thing but it is now.
The day they took sienna out of school and moved to soulless LA was the last time I watched them. that kid needs to be with others IN education. I’m not saying anything against home schooling but she has the personality that needs to be in a classroom learning and interacting with others.
Not shopping in supermarkets for the next 24hr challenge.
Rant over 😉
THIS! THIS! THIS! A Thounsand times This! Never understand why some put FF up against The Minghams as in “this is how you should be doing it...” allegations aside, I think FF are worse. Their descent from the morals they had to the money grabbers they’ve become is far greater in my book.
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Chatty Member
I refuse to watch them anymore, they’re no better than any other youtube family, the only difference is they build their “brand” on the back of being a vegan/fitness channel, they had fans that believed they had morals and supported the message they were sending out.
Exactly this, it's the same reason why I can't stand Naomi Smart. They hold themselves to a higher standard, but they never let ethics get in the way of a payday. Merch is nothing more than just a typeface and they try to pretend it's expensive because it's ethical, when it's not at all.

"We've created a movement" :rolleyes:
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He can't even control himself enough during a 15 minute sit down video and keeps giving everyone else a death stare before the forced smile kicks in.

That time he shouted at them for leaving the fridge open the real him kicked in.

I'm worried about what he's like when the camera isn't recording.

Don't think he's a cheater, get more of a nasty vibe from him than anything else.
Ah yeah that was very uncomfortable. Made me feel uneasy.

I don't like how he completely ripped Mia to shreds about being responsible over the belly peircing.

Horrible man.
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Chatty Member
First, they want to be right old snobs now they lost all sense of table manners.
At one point you could see Sienna cover her mouth eating obviously the point was to
They have not lost all sense of table manners - they never had it to start with!
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I believe it may be to do with the link to autism? (not that there is one!)

Or just not wanting to put chemicals in to a child? I wouldn't risk not vaccinating!
I'd much rather my child have a few chemicals in their body than a deadly illness!
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Just watching the sisters channel and they are eating Oreos. Have they officially given up veganism?

Oreos themselves say they aren't vegan
They haven’t given up veganism. Oreos are vegan by ingredients, but because they are made in a factory which uses non-vegan ingredients they can’t label themselves as such as there can be cross-contamination. Some vegans are happy to eat them others choose not to. It’s a personal choice I think - could argue that you can’t eat a vegan option at a restaurant in case they use the same knife to cut up the cheese as your meal etc. It’s like how a lot of products say may contain traces of nuts to cover their backs - some people with nut allergies take the risk others choose not to :)
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Did anyone watch Mia's alphabetical order challenge video? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure makeup comes before maths alphabetically, not the other way around....
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Chatty Member
That is terrible, I am sorry I don't like to bring the children up but why would a 14-year-old girl be allowed to do just the basics in school but left to grow a social media business. She spends more time making the videos than doing any school work.
I was hopeless at school hence my grammar and spelling so I made damn sure my children work hard. They are an adult forever and a child for only a few years let them be children. Mia is going to come down to earth with a huge bump.
I think it’s fine to bring it up since it’s not Mia you are criticising its her parents.
It’s a massive gamble to assume she’s going to be able to live off social media income since the chances are their channel will have crashed by the time she’s 18 anyway.
The growing her social media will give her some transferable skills and will help her in competition for jobs but if she struggles academically then her grades may not be the required level she needs.
There just seems to be no future back up plan for this family, I’ve said before but what happens if there’s some massive scandal and YouTube are forced into completely taking ads off Family Vloggers and they have their ad revenue taken away overnight. What then? What’s their plan B
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It's me

Iconic Member
Apple is totally throwaway technology, too. I’m the first to admit that have and iPhone and iPad. My current pad is my husbands old one, because I smashed the screen on my 2017 model when it fell off my lap. Because they’re sealed units, you can’t just replace the screen, and the repair was forty pounds shy of the cost of a new iPad.... so I didn’t have it done. It’s crazily wasteful, and not the sort of thing they’d have endorsed once upon a time...
This...and that isn't the start of it when you look into apple software that's often behind other platforms too.

People like apple though because they find it user friendly then you get sucked into brand loyalty. I think many do though with other brands, but apple seems to be the worse

There are so many skits and parody songs from years ago about the iPhone that even iPhone users find funny.

Most phone contracts run 18 months 2 years and while other platforms are fine most iPhone users often find they are running a sluggish phone and have no choice but to upgrade. No way could they do sim only if they thought they could budget some how!
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young girls who arnt body confidante are watching georgie have small cosmetic procedures done such as microblading tattooing ect the reason why i get annoyed at this is she preaches that you should love yourself but yet shes trying to change herself vanity is ok in moderation but dont preach what you cant practice
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Well if the makers of Oreos themselves say they aren't suitable for vegans I don't see why they wouldn't just choose one of the other myriad of brands that are vegan? That's before even getting into the plam oil they use and the various very unethical aspects of Kraft / monta-something.

As some dairy allergies are deadly I would hope any cafe has done their basic food hygiene and knows not to contaminate dairy on a vegan dish. I know what your saying but it really isn't the same as a nut allergy, there's loads of certified vegan products and with how terrible Kraft's supply chain is for ethics it certainly isn't minimising cruelty by buying their products.
Well it is similar as they can’t label it vegan because a person with a dairy allergy would see it fit to consume, when it’s not because of cross contamination.

Veganism is about not using animal products - you can’t say that a brand has other questionnable ethics and therefore vegans can’t use it. That would be the majority of brands out. Are vegans not allowed to buy products from Tesco as they’re giving money to a company that funds dairy/meat industries?

Veganism isn’t inextricably linked to care about environmental issues - so yes some may not have a problem with palm oil, plastic, or even human ethical issues like sweat shops. Really wish people would stop putting rules in place for vegans and deeming what they can and can’t bloody do :rolleyes: there’s no rule book, each vegan interprets it in their own way and chooses under their own morals and ethics. Everyone’s trying to do their best where possible and practical, instead of trying to nit pick and try and catch people out, should we not look at ourselves and see where we could improve? It’s not up to vegans to save the planet or to not support certain companies, it is EVERYONES responsibility. People keep saying oh they shouldn’t be doing this or that as it’s unethical (including a post about how they should adopt instead of having birth children :rolleyes:), but yet I bet you do it/use it? Stop saying vegans should or shouldn’t care about specific things, they’re all individuals with individual opinions, just like non-vegans are.

The amount of ignorance about veganism and environmental ethics on this thread makes my head hurt so I’m out :ROFLMAO:
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You're calling me ignorant about veganism even though I used the vegan societies definintion of "minimising cutely to animals where possible" :rolleyes:

Your definition of veganism isn't right at all! veganism isn't just a diet to not eat animal products it's a lifestyle;

Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

You've made up arguments that no one is making.

When this family have gone on for years about being sustainable and ethical they put themselves up for criticism when they buy non vegan products from one of the worst multinational food producers with awful ethics and unhealthy products. No one forced them to push one message then do a 360 and I don't see why they should get a free ride for their hypocrisy.
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VIP Member
That makes me so sad. Does it hurt for her to believe?!
My SIL is the same. She thinks it's lying to your child if you tell them Santa ect is real. I don't get it though because she's very religious. Children see santa every Christmas in and around shopping centres but they never see God. 🤷

Sorry if this offends anyone, just my opinion!
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Chatty Member
I'm confused because not long ago they made this sit down video all about how they don't like their content no more and wanted to go back to the realness of vlogging. months pass and it's become even more pimped out with challenges and fakeness that now they even got Mia pretty much taking over because they realized that Mia is the face to them making an income. Their basically a classic example of normal people who had no money before, lying to themselves that their humble, then all of a sudden accumulating fame and fortune over night, bringing out the money hungry fame hungry monsters that they have become and sadly their is no going back from that. they have ruined anything that was good about them weather is was a lie or not. I stopped watching them as soon as they started doing all this "toby" crap and pimpin out the channel. Sometimes ill go on to their page and just see all the thumbnails like "24hr bullshit" or daughter spends all the money she makes because we exploit her teen innocence, but i never watch.
I wholeheartedly agree with all of this and am saddened to see what they have become. I stupidly thought when they started out & I first watched them, that they had integrity. Alas that turned out not to be true 😥
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That 'trying to look 18' video made me so uncomfortable...I get its just a 'challenge' but I don't think kids should be trying to look older or grow up too soon. Plus if there's any paedos watching her channel...yikes.
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Ha 😂😂 yeh the baby wouldn’t even care the brand of the socks

How quick will it be before karma grows out or ruins them, if your going to get Gucci actually get something that will last
Wasn’t that their whole outlook not too long ago?
Buying more expensive things that will last rather than pissing money away on needless things that will only get used once or twice.
Thought that was their whole ‘minimalism’ lifestyle.

Though I suppose whatever brings in the views 💰
Not the first of their values they’ve abandoned anyway.
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Apparently Darren and Georgie have told Sienna the truth about Santa/the Tooth Fairy. This really annoys me. If anything, out of all the YouTube kids I watch, she is the most innocent and has the best imagination. Why change this? Just let her find out herself when she is older. It is perfectly normal for a child to believe in these things and to take that away just ruins the magic. She's 7!! What happened to 'treasure others, be yourself'? Probably disappeared because they were too busy travelling the world.
Mum waited until I was 11 to tell me about Santa.
I knew at 9
But she loved how magic Christmas was and wanted to keep that magic for me.
However my mates parents told him santa wasn't real at 5 which we thought was awful
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Chatty Member
The Karma not breathing and the Ariana Grande thing we’re really lowest of the low and people would have been apoplectic with rage if the Inghams had done either of those things. (Not to want to sound like an Ingham fan but I just don’t understand how people can view 2 equally greedy and morally corrupt families so differently!).
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I used to really like them, but I think they have massively changed and now I just can’t see past how cringey and money obsessed they are
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