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Well-known member
There is actually. There are clear instructions to reduce social contacts and keep household visits to a minimum, particularly at Level 3. It's only nitpicking if you have a different view of how people should be following the guidelines.
Wrong. In my own life I follow all the guidelines, have cancelled multiple holidays this year (including one that was actually on the green list but I still didn't bother), didn't go running back to restaurants or the pubs when they opened, went to a shopping centre once and was shocked at how busy it was so I left... but there is nothing in the guidelines about having a couple over for a few drinks.
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New member
I actually can't believe what that critter said. "Birthing day" she needs a slap of reality She's so far up her own hole it's unbearable. And what's with her voice? I bet ya she's as common as muck. Plus that pic of her in the black lace dress is awful her heads to big for her body.....
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🤣🤣🤣 all true! I kinda feel for her here though, I had the same issues a few years ago and I’m a slim person. It can be very embarrassing 😫 Turns out, it was basically down to too much caffeine 🙄 wonder does she drink a lot of it?
Yeah what else would she use to down her miracle Oah milk? 😂😂😂
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Cant even laugh at this one lads... selfish bitch I'm sorry ... who the hell does this ... madness... ffs let the child have her day...grrrrr she does my box in !
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I was just going to say the same thing . Please stop with the hand to chin , it’s ridiculous
I dont get why people think that pose is good.

Georgie Crawford did it today to advertise invaslign. It just looks plain stupid.
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Here for news

Chatty Member
Im starting to kind of feel sorry for Grace she really doesn't know who or what she is
That outfit holy mother of God
Its pathetic
And she genuinely mustnt like spending time with her own children which is really sad for them and her. She's missing out on so much. We all need a break, I get a few hours maybe once every 2 weeks but she takes 5-6 hours a day or more me time it's shocking
She is only mothering barely part time like
Its very sad to see
Imagine if Chris was working full time and she has the two kids at home full time apart from 3 hours ECCE for Sienna, she'd absolutely crack up like
Its actually very sad IMO
I think she seemed a lot happier before covid when she would have the kids and be out walking in the morning and things like that, Sienna was in playschool but I think she definitely spent more time with them
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VIP Member
I was thinking the exact same. The trend is so obvious, you can’t be up that many followers one week and then go into the red again so quickly. It’s clear to see exactly when the purchased followers stopped 🤦🏼‍♀️ Someone pointed out that when she gets down close to 175k they jump back up again! And so many people don’t know about social blade so I’d say it’s rarely checked by many people other than myself and a few others here 😎

I sure hope you like waiting 🤪😂
Is a case of she is buying followers cheaply and they only last a certain number of days before they stop following. Can that be done? If she wasn’t loosing real followers it maybe a case that she wants to keep her followers number above a certain amount or she can tell brands she is gaining x amount followers weekly/monthly and they aren’t looking at her total number of followers just how many she is gaining. I don’t work industry but I’m sure they have have certain KPI’s that they look for when choosing an influencer.

If she is loosing real followers every week but buying more, how many of her followers are actually real as she would keep losing real followers and only gain fakes.

Also I think it’s noticeable that certain brands give her agency a load of press packs and tell the agency to give the press packs to influencers but they brand don’t give preference to which influencers receive them. The agency decide.
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Well-known member
I presume that its in Dublin which is on Level 3 restrictions?
I shouldn't give her the benefit of the doubt but let's say it's Chris's friend and girlfriend, that's allowed. It's up to 6 visitors from one other household so I'll hold off on my judgement until I see this evening 😂
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VIP Member
The are so many issues with the picture. I’m glad she was called out on about the photoshopping of the cat. It’s so obvious.

Anyone else notice that Denise smith and Dominique aren’t liking her posts. I’d say Denise is pissed off with her with what has been posted on here about her wedding being called off and what her fella was doing. She’s a journalist with the Irish Independent so I’d imagine she doesn’t want the details of her private life online for everyone to see especially what has been said on here.

Is it true that grace was gossiping in Pello about the Dominique fella doing the dirt on her. She seems like a total bitch.
Unfortunately, that calling out doesnt make a bit of difference to her. She will just block them straight away so it's almost pointless. 🙄
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Active member
Jesus wept, so is she trying to raise awareness for thrush then or what. Like it's not some rare incurable illness that needs support and understanding. It's thrush, I don't want to hear about it when i have it myself for goodness sake.
I love your user name and pic. Best movie ever !!!
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Was she not given 2 sets? One to use herself and the other to have for the giveaway.... She probably did give it away and then realised she needed it for the competition.
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She stopped herself and cut the story - look at it she said she is having " friends over ".. and then cut herself off as she realises she shouldnt be .... she is unreal. She is such a liar... HOW MANY TIMES DID SHE SAY THE WORD THRUSH??? no grace its not normal -- you eat too much sugary food and dont eat well.....

I said it here before --- she never does a day out with them . Like no play ground or even going to a park - like the only place she brings them is the cement park (industrial estate) and that benefits her as its to get a coffee or walk for her.. I cant believe the info she is giving out about thrush its stuff we all learned when we were 17... Like how is she this dense?She looks huge in the car stories im sorry but she hasnt lost any weight at all... wish she would just be honest

she is a true hero... We should all clap for her next week- claps for her sore flaps....
Clap our flaps maybe 🤔

Our non thrush ones
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VIP Member
I don't think there was a movie night at all. I think it was pre recorded.
That was done at some other time, Sat or Sun evening probably when she had her collection of presents got.
Have they got a mortgage or how are they paying bills?
Ye she said in the paper that Denises fella helped get her a mortgage. No doubt a few white lies were told on the mortgage application.

I’d imagine Chris’s redundancy money is covering everything at the moment. How much is she getting for promotions and partnerships, it’s very hard to say.
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Active member
Michelle fox is a proper slob too
Absolutely! She needs a thread too! The tan demo with the boyfriend like how did he agree to that, morto for him!
House is always in a state and she seems to just feed her 1 year shite all day
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