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I did risk being slated 🤣 but I genuinely think if kids see their mam is happy they are happy. If my boys see me crying or upset u can see they’re down about it.

That’s not to mean the opposite of that is that they’re depressed if their mam comes across as down.

I just think we’re all happier in a household when we can see those we live with are happy or appear to be, it’s a natural reaction.
Did you not listen to the reel in full? Are you just picking the parts that suit your point (like Grace)?
The whole point is that this pig's children never see her happy because she is NEVER THERE. Fucks off for getting ready for school time, for bedtime, for dinner time etc. We know this because she documents it on social media.
She lights up with happiness alright, when she is away from them - eg Vegas.
She snarls and scowls at them on clips she posts.
Back garden full of furniture for the adults to lounge and a dog's paddling pool for the kids.
4 bedrooms and has the 2 kids sharing cos she needs more space to slob around.
Doesn't work and has kids in full time creche/aftershool. I can continue but what's the point.
She is full of contradictions & has a pinned reel of her crying in front of her kids.
She is Insta famous for being a shit, absent mother.
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I really hope those of you that are feeling you aren’t living your best life don’t think this one has the answers. That’s a load of bollix she’s spouting. All to make her look paragon of virtue.
Very true. These sort of sound bytes or clips are not meant to be taken out of context or in isolation for exactly this reason.

On a personal note: My Mother had depression / anxiety her whole life, she certainly struggled at times and I was aware of these struggles prob by 11/12 to my early teens but rather than it negatively impacting our nurturing or upbringing it made us love her more or have even more compassion for her as we could see how hard she tried, how much she did and gave for us and how hard she worked to overcome her difficulties for our benefit.
It has made me an extremely empathetic person and I ended up in the caring / healthcare field in a job I adore with the 1000’s of underfunded and under resourced adults suffering from all sorts of MH issues. It’s endemic in this country and in this day and age.
Never for a second would I listen to a clip like that and feel I was somehow disadvantaged or neglected because of my Mam’s mental health issues. And I would be devastated if SHE were to hear something like that and worry she had neglected us in some way. The opposite is true - she gave us a wonderful childhood , education and upbringing full of opportunities that I feel privileged to have had. There are a million factors that impact a child’s development and nurturing and childhood. Minimising a very broad and complex concept to a singular point like that is nonsensical and also just inaccurate.
Then again Grease in her greasy bubble world heard it and without a single brain cell functioning to apply any sort of critical thought decided 1. “Oh sure I’m an amazing mudder! That’s me so I’ll post it so everyone knows I am!!” and 2. “See this means “OI’M ROIGH for fucking off on me kidz morning moon and night cos my happiness is de MOST important!”!!! “See Kips I toweld yih!!!!!”
Conveniently twisting the narrative to further her selfish, absent, dickhead, neglectful parenting ways. . .
She’s just the worst.
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I cannot wait until it's outlawed being able to post your children online and use them for monetary gain.
It turns my stomach seeing children working for their mas bank account unknowingly.
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A parcel arrived to my house for my son, form Womens Best. Its his girlfriend birthday this week, i assume they're for her, I just hope he used the code mongey10 to get a €1 off them.
Open it bate urself into it and show us 🤣
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I can't even express how awful I think it is, to show a photo of a child asleep. It riles me up so much, and I know she has done it before. It's so intrusive - to think that a child cannot be asleep in their bed, in peace, without being considered as content for instagram. It's them at their most defenceless, I just can't explain it...😡

Also like others, I feel it's bang out of order to be using the SIL's illness as content. I certainly hope she had permission to talk about it. Someone needs to have a word. The promotion of the event somehow becomes all about her and how she feels. I hope that whoever selected her for this, is getting a massive massive massive kick in the arse over it. She is one of the worst possible ambassadors for anything.
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She’s on the beg for a free family holiday I reckon with all this FaMILy content
Just gonna correct this for you. FaMEly!! Cos in her case it’s all about me.
I also hate the beat cancer narrative. It’s about luck as much as anything else and I say that as a parent whose child died from it.
I’m bloody disgusted with mater foundation. We’ve raised thousands for them. I’ll be on to voice my disapproval of them using her.
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Frilly Milly

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with the risk of being slated, that’s not what she’s saying at all. The point of the video is if the mam is happy, the whole household is. Like the saying a happy wife, a happy life. Think this video is being used to again throw stones at her.
Erra go way to fuck.
Listen to the narrative of her original post.
She's a fucking disgrace to post that shit online.
You'd swear she was mother earth, when she's the most self centred mule around.
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You guys are all so kind, thank you so much. I only revealed that to prove a point to Grace and her one braincell.

I'm actually fuming she had no sense to realise that not only did that voice over not apply to her, it's detrimental to many mums. So many mothers do everything they can to prevent their children feeling unloved, unwanted, uncared for even when they are going through the fires of hell themselves.

Grace looks out for no 1, and her children have suffered the consequences. And it's now 100% clear in my mind that Grace has never really truly suffered with her mental health, she has used it when it suits, when she has been called out and when she has just been shit at her "job". If any of it was true she would never in a million years have posted that reel.
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Late to the party so apologies in advance if this has already been discussed:

I have it screen recorded.
Thanks for the screen record otherwise I'd have missed it. Definitely needs a place on the wiki!

The summer holidays are fast approaching and your girl was already upping the child friendly 'oi'm a fantastic fooking mudder' tripe she always spins before she's about to f off on a string of near impossible to justify indulgences. It was this time last year she was missing for nearly a whole month and she referred to it as her 'travelling'. She got those eyelashes done for a reason! She's about to run off again, or pretend she's working to her family so all they all muck in for her during the holidays. God forbid she's left alone with the kids! You'll all recall she was happy to sit on her arse from September to very recently. Barely had a peep out of her with little to no paid work other than wimmins best.

On the reel - I reckon she came across the audio on TikTok (never creates any original content, always copied or repeated from everyone else, even down to just telling people to follow Carly instead of coming up with some original content of her own - fantastic fooking content creator - useless lazy influencer with absoutely nothing to add). She was on the hunt for content that suits her so she took the general gist of that audio to mean the mother needs to be happy and was like a pig in her own shite at the thoughts of it! 'DIS IS PERFECT SO IH IS!' Fit nicely into her agenda (or so she thought). Not having the mental capacity to think hmm maybe given I flog me mental health for likes, I'm a WIMs ambassador and I've just signed to be the face of a cancer fundraiser that affects thousands of Mammys in this country and who very sadly at this present time, are trying to hide being sick in front of their children everyday and keep the show on the road. I totally understand why anyone who isn't well would feel like absolute shit hearing bullshit like that. And that's what it is, absolute bullshit. For her not to be aware of what she's claiming to stand for, the yarn she spins to flog a living off for ten plus years now? To post that audio was unbelievably thick and stupid. She only removed it because of the backlash. No way her management who happily left up photos of the head honcho (Maxi shit-twist) playing with communion in his mouth (openly mocking a religion) would advise this brain drain to remove an offensive post. What Grease did was offend the audience she is trying to rob a living off.

She's just a scummy, rough chav who hasn't one functioning brain cell at this stage. I know we joke about her acting thick but I don't think much of it is an act. She's just about able to get by on the few things she knows like begging for freebies, picking up the unwanted scraps from the few who are still willing to interact with her and just general manipulation. She really is incredibly stupid and uncultured. Knows nothing about real life.

Think I missed some of the now deleted howyaMAGS posts and she like us all is entitled to give her opinion but don't insult our intelligence by making out Grease meant well. At best she was just trying to suit her own selfish agenda. Have zero time for your gaslighting!

I also thought it was disgusting that in response to the backlash and Mater complaints, and instead of coming on and creating some meaningful content for it, she says her SIL had cancer. AKA 'don't question me guys oi've been having me own troubles behind the scenes.' I don't believe for one minute she got permission and even if she did ask I doubt they'd let her say that? They're so private. I thought it was a real lazy yet manipulative way to address the situation.

And I absolutely puked at her posting H asleep and her banging on about a random no doubt rare cuddle she gave him. More manipulative content to suit her agenda and doesn't give a f that her own child is being put a risk in doing so. She's vile!!!!!!
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Wonder Woman

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I e-mailed and got a reply…saying they will take it up with the relevant department and they appreciated any positive or negative comments. I explain why I love the foundation but that has grace was extremely disappointing due to never supporting them previously and will never mention them again. That she advocates for cold turkey from her med’s and photoshops her images.
I told them I could no longer support them due to Grace being a brand ambassador and that I will also get my company to reconsider donating each year as it was my suggestion.
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We’ve been planning up go to the zoo for ages ……..but I waited until I was gifted a freebie cause I couldn’t be arsed spending any money on my kids 😡😡😡
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Chatty Member
Ah lads. I knew the summer would bring us some new amazing content but this is the best yet. What the actual fuck is she doing. Marylin me hole she looks more like kips in a dress
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Her latest reel 🫠🫠 so her kids happiness rely on her happiness? And anyone who is not happy as a mother, be it from depression or someone who's in bed sick with cancer etc they are not mothering their children?! Stupid stupid self absorbed dangerous bitch! So she's happy when she's at events or nights away etc from her kids so she's only a good mother then? Also what strikes me about grace is she thrives when she's away from her normal day to day life. Currently on a high in wexford with no responsibility and I mean no responsibility even though she is there with her kids etc is because mags is there to do it for her!!
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Wonder Woman

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I am beyond snapping. I’m so angry and annoyed with the Mater Foundation.
I have used their services for the past 12years. I have done numerous things to raise money for them.
I really am so annoyed.
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with the risk of being slated, that’s not what she’s saying at all. The point of the video is if the mam is happy, the whole household is. Like the saying a happy wife, a happy life. Think this video is being used to again throw stones at her.
thats complete bollix and you know it 🙄 If she was genuine (cough) she would of admitted the error, held her hands up and explained while apologising. But nah, she did a dirty delete and then went on like nothing happened. Typical Grace. She was quick to delete my comment. But you can tell her that I have forwarded it all on to the relevant people - not in a “oh look at that troll” way so dont even try it. But in a proper way cause people like her should not be ambassadors for any type of mental health/cancer charities. She is not fit in any way, shape or form. Sooner they realise that, the better.
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