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VIP Member
As a none brit I think UK should do better if BBC had competitions letting people vote like other countries have, you don't know if a song is a banger before you tested it at people. UK have lot's of good song writers and artists, think the problem is that BBC don't take ESC serious just choosing a song and an artist. If that happen in Sweden oh my gosh it would be riots! 😂
Germany’s had the public vote on their entry many times and it did work well a few times (around the time Lena won for Germany), but when the official broadcaster took over again, it went downhill asap. Germany doesn’t have that many great song writers and German audiences vote for material that just doesn’t work for other countries. It can backfire spectacularly, so it’s not a safe strategy, sadly.
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VIP Member
I was forced to go to a James Blunt concert once (it was a quid pro quo deal). He was quite honestly the funniest person I've ever seen in concert, it made me a fan even though I wasn't particularly beforehand.
I saw him years and years ago- think his 1st album had only just come out and it was a very small venue. Can't remember much but it wasnt horrendous.
He's quite funny on twitter and doesnt take himself too seriously
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Even here in Germany, where she got 12 points and the pro-Israel view is ver strong, six other Eurovision artists are ahead of Eden in the viral charts. Doesn’t have to mean anything, other than maybe the people who vote for Eurovision and those who listen to music via Spotify are not the same.
Yeah I'm too old school for spotify, I just listen to the cd in my car ;)
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Chatty Member
I feel like it doesn’t matter who we send if even the British public don’t know who they/doesn't see anything of them before th Saturday night. Whoever the bbc choose, they have to invest in actually promoting them and the song. You can tell other countries’ fans know their song by heart, whereas for us most people are hearing the song for the first time in the grand final.
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Mrs Fluff

VIP Member
Well, I was thinking Switzerland all along (all these months before I discovered Croatia only this week) so I suppose I need to find a Swiss recipe between now and and next year
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Don’t know about anyone else but it was nice to see joost doing what he does best. Entertaining people. He was bigger then Eurovision and his song totally summed up what they were trying to spread and people was threatened personally
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VIP Member
Nah I agree I loved Ukraine’s song this year but since 2022 they have started with an 100/150 point head start due to politics. This year they were not scoring 300+ public points performing with a slow-mid tempo song in POSITION 2 organically. Last year they wouldn’t have made the top 10 IMO. That doesn’t take away from the fact that they are a Eurovision powerhouse.
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Humphrey Rudge

Chatty Member
It makes you wonder if the song selectors even want to win. Yet again they picked an awful song performed by a cringe artist which had no chance of winning. Not a single point from the public vote is exactly what that song deserved. Must be over 20 years since we last had a good song.
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Grifty Mc

VIP Member
Sam also in fairness will likely have picked up some political public vote points too as Zelenskyy and Boris had the whole BFF thing going on round then - I hate Boris as much as most people so don’t come for me, but that was the case then. That combined with him being very popular on TikTok, genuinely enthusiastic and invested in Eurovision without coming across as “I’m going to ace this cos I’m the biggest Eurovision fan evahhhh” and having a good song with suitable staging was a really good combo all round.

Eurovision is riddled with political voting, always has been and always will be. It’s just Ukraine and Israel that took it to new heights and people objecting this year because they don’t feel it should be allowed when it’s for a country they don’t like. Everyone (apart from a handful of dissenters) accepted it and clapped when Ukraine won so tbh they have to accept it now it’s gone Israel’s way. It’s either ok or it’s not, not “ok as long as it aligns with my political beliefs”.
Sam defo won official votes from being lovely. He played the game perfectly but I want to believe he wasn’t playing a game and is just a lovely guy. I’ll be raging if I ever hear bad stories about him.
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Chatty Member
The rest of the world vote barely makes any difference so I’m not sure why everyone has their knickers in a twist about it to be honest. It’s a max of 12 points for whoever wins it, the way Slovenia’s statement talks about it and people on X do is as if it’s based on how many people voted as “the rest of the world” but tbh it’s irrelevant when it’s a max of 12 points. Nobody sits there and complains that it’s unfair more people voted in Sweden than Luxembourg. (Example assuming this is generally the case given their comparative population size and how popular ESC is in Sweden)
I know the rest of the world got the same points as a jury, max 12 but I'm still want to know how many votes and from which countries out of curiosity. I'm nosy. 😅 But I don't think it was some kind of cheating with those votes.
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VIP Member
Tbf the way voting has gone the past couple of years I wouldn’t be that surprised if they feel like their vote doesn’t actually count all that much if one country overwhelmingly gets jury support
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