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I just checked and Erin didn’t ‘like’ heart of harpers post either. She can’t be happy for her ‘friend’ whose baby died enjoying a nice family day out. As I’ve said countless times what happened to Luella is terrible and extremely unfair. But Erin’s response is pretty toxic.

Not to mention it was her friend who had a stillborn and was writing about enjoying aperols in the sunshine for the first time since her daughter died. Krumble is the only one who has ‘liked’ it and she may not have even read it all as she seems very sick atm and might have missed the dig at heart of harper
She just doesn’t seem to have compassion for anyone and always seems so bitter and jealous.

She needs to be thankful for what she has. A friend asked me the other day if I get upset seeing other families w both a mum and dad enjoying holidays together after I lost my husband last year , I said no, I love seeing other families making precious memories. I am so thankful for all the holidays we had as a family and I tell everyone to just take the holiday. Life is so short, I want everyone to enjoy their lives.

She has so much privledge w both parents alive who seem like doting grandparents, a husband and a nanny. I have none of those things and don’t feel sorry for myself.
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And there it is! She’s as predictable as the sunrise. “But I can’t say I didn’t wish the circumstances were different.” Yeah, we know. We all know how much you wish things were different because you never miss a single chance to tell us. She never lets the opportunity pass to center the narrative on herself and be the martyr. This woman needs to get off of social media and get into intensive psychotherapy.
Exactly! I have had to stop following her. I have a child VERY similiar to Luella and instead of finding someone I could relate to, her page always made me feel awful & depressed. She needs to stop seeking validation from strangers on instagram and get some serious therapy. She seems to take Lu's seizures and delays as a personal attack and it gets in the way of giving Lu the most beautiful loving life possible.
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Rachael (my life of love) has commented on that post, and it is a complete lie. The doctors have not chosen to postpone the surgery to see if the seizures permanently reduced, Erin decided that. She admitted that she made that decision. The GFM was for care for after surgery, what happens now if she ends up having surgery and they’ve spent already all the money on a carer, so can’t afford another one after surgery? Another GFM? They deserve a break, 100%, I think Lulu would benefit from not being around her mother 24/7, but to use the money for something it was never intended for is unfair. People donated with the hope that Lulu would have the surgery and hopefully improve her quality of life, the full time carer wasn’t meant to be a long term thing. It’s just so wrong. At least give people the option to have their money back and admit it isn’t being used as stated.
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As a fellow severe epileptic from birth I would hate for my parents to see my existence as grief. Erin is not grieving the loss of anything, unless she sees her daughters life as a loss for herself. Our lives may be different but they are not "less than" and they are not a sad waste of a human life like some people seem to think.

She thought she was entitled to an abled child, even though this is never guaranteed when you choose to have a baby. You are never guaranteed to get exactly the child you may want, but you love the child anyway. Erin is grieving a hypothetical "perfect" child that never existed. Lu is perfect the way she is, and she is here in her parents arms still, but Erin seems focused on the fact that she didn't get what she wanted.

I won't deny that it is traumatic and heartbreaking to watch your child suffer. I myself have a child who has been sick from birth and will be for the rest of his life. But it is a real punch in the gut for sick and disabled people to see people speak our worst fears out loud- that we weren't enough for the people who were supposed to love us most or that we brought sorrow and sadness to our parents.
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And you know what Erin.

I am that mother aswell.

But I would be “that mother” 1000x over then not have my baby girl..

She is stronger than anyone I know - and for thay I celebrate her everyday

Any win is a good day, the good days far out weigh the bad.

Yes it’s tough. But I wouldn’t change anything because otherwise I wouldn’t have my girl
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She’s singing a different tune since this thread was created 😂

so clearly reading this…she Suddenly is going to Napa, she’s the superstar mum picking up a last minute wiggles costume for Luella, she’s at the park PLAYING WITH Luella. The weird comment about the house planning so Luella can live there for years to come or whatever she said…

I used to think she minced her words a bit and came across so overwhelmingly negative, but equally lost - like she didn’t seem to know HOW to do anything even remotely ‘normal’ with her daughter… which I get because I have a medically complex child too, who is far worse off than Luella in many ways. If there was an option for brain surgery for my daughter that could POTENTIALLY give her a chance at a longer life, and quality of life, I’d be running to put our names down.
My child has had an elective surgery and it wasn’t an easy decision by any means but largely that’s because she has a life limiting condition and will definitely die. Lulu has a chance at a long life. Why wouldn’t you be doing everything and taking every opportunity to make that happen for her? It baffles me.
Also baffles me all these napa videos… she’s doing so well, she’s learned how to do xyz. It’s amazing, I’m not disputing that… but to what end? We’ve been lead to believe if she doesn’t have the surgery she’ll continue to get worse and have more delays. So all this hard work at napa will be lost? It’ll be for nothing? Why wouldn’t you get the surgery and get back to the therapies asap to help her regain these skills, and probably hopefully progress and be seizure free?
if surgery isn’t successful will you ever be able to forgive yourself for not trying?
i guess only Erin and Dave can answer those questions. And that’s their business, but when you’re choosing to spout this stuff on a public platform so that people get invested in your child’s well-being it’s only fair that people are going to wonder and have these thoughts… yet any time anyone ever says anything to her she comes across as so abrasive and defensive. Probably more from her doubting herself as a mother than anything else… that being said I think her fundraising efforts are coming from a good place, she’s just so not likeable at this point after all her incessant whinging that it gets lost
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I had to have a break from Erin because I found myself really sad for Lulu. I only saw her latest post from another tattle thread so naturally I had to read it on Erins page. What the actual fuck is with the supportive comments ??? How can anyone read that & be like “ yass same “

Erin lives in fantasy land, does she think us other parents are just frolicking around the house naked skipping with our babies singing songs. She needs to pull her head out of her ass because these days are going to be easy compared to the days ahead of her if Lulu doesn’t get surgery but tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if she put Lulu in care when she’s no longer a toddler.

Erin needs EXTREME help..Lulu probably considers Chrystal her main care giver and ny heart breaks for when Chrystal no longer works with the family Lulu will be heart broken 🥺
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Checked out but is the one holding up the surgery. She doesn’t seem to care for Lu so what impact is the recovery going to have on Erin?
First time poster here and I created an account just to talk about Erin. I just cannot believe the lack of interest and emotional connection she seems to have with Lulu.
I don’t want this to come across the wrong way but for a while now I have felt that she has absolutely no intention of allowing Lulu to have the surgery and perhaps subconsciously has chosen to allow her disease to progress. She seems to have checked out of participating in her treatment options. She doesn’t take her to Napa, she plays around with her medications without doctor supervision. It’s very dangerous and I can’t understand why her family hasn’t intervened. Tom seems like her “second chance” at having the family she pictured having, and there doesn’t seem like a lot of crossover between her disappointing life with Lulu and her perfect life with Tom. It is all very confusing and alarming. I hope that someone intervenes soon before it is too late for Lulu and she is beyond medical help.
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For starters PUT THE BABY DOWN in a safe place and help Lu considering she's having a medical episode! How is this even a question? Does it suck having to choose? Of course it would but in what world does a babies sleep come before a toddler seizing?! Oh but how would she get sympathy if she wasn't asking these dumb ass questions making herself out to be a hero. I'm honestly at the point where I can't even hate follow. She literally makes me feel sick.
Grrr she makes me so mad. She knew Luella had epilepsy when she decided to have another baby. And she was the one who decided to delay Luella's surgery, which had the potential to help Lu's seizures. Now she is all like it's all too shit, what were you expecting Erin? And yet she still wants a third child?!

I can just see another push for her bloody Give A Little page coming soon asking for money to get Chrystal or other support to look after Luella 24/7. It is so gross, it's just rich Sydney wives giving to another rich Sydney wife.
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Sorry I’m back again

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She is so infuriating. First of all Erin, why are you still so shocked that you have a disabled child? It's like she can't believe this terrible tragedy happened to her. When you have a child you know that the child may not be exactly what you pictured them to be, but you love them anyway. Disability is a normal part of human diversity, it isn't rare, it isn't a tragedy. Luella exists just the way she is and she's wonderful the way she is. Please stop wishing she was someone else. It's like she wakes up every day and can't believe the audacity of her child having epilepsy.

Second, Lu doesn't owe you anything. Children don't owe us anything but their existence. You chose to bring her into the world, she is doing enough by being here. Stop complaining about the things she can't do for you and start loving and appreciating the sweet little girl you have. And Dave didn't "receive seizures", Luella did. How inconsiderate of her I guess. It may be traumatic for you to see but it isn't about you, it's about her.

Third, why are you praising your husband for loving Lu "regardless of her challenges"? Isn't that the absolute bare minimum requirement of parents? To love the children they decided to have? Do you think most parents don't love their sick or disabled kids?
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She will never be satisfied. She’s so angry and so bitter and just sees everything as a personal fight against her. The Neurologist has said “come to the hospital and we will assess her for the medication and try our best for an MRI.” Anyone else would start packing their bags and heading in, but all Erin wants to do is fight about it. While I can appreciate how stressful and upsetting seeing your child like this must be, it would do her a world of good to stop seeing everything as a fight. The reason the Drs told her to have the surgery in the first place was because they knew she would only decline, but Erin thought she knew better and tried to cure her with CBD oil. She just seems to be in this constant rage of wanting to fight with every medical professional, and it helps absolutely no one. Lulu is the sweetest little darling and I wish her mother would actually properly advocate for her well-being, by following and respecting medical advice, instead of just being in a constant angry, bitter rage at the world. What does she even mean by “or don’t come, and get no help.”? Would she like a home visit from the Neurologist? Would she like a team of Drs and nurses to come to her house and run all the necessary tests? Perhaps they could bring the MRI machine into their backyard? What does she mean? Of course you have to bring her in to the hospital to get help wtf.
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God, sorry double post from me but I just saw the Father’s Day tribute - ‘doting on Lulu despite her challenges’ like wtf?! She’s not a 15 year old with a penchant for kleptomania?! She’s a critically sick baby who has no idea what’s happening to her - happening TO HER. Not what she’s DOING TO you Erin! The very least she deserves is to be loved and doted on by her parents the way she would be if she wasn’t presenting these particular ‘challenges’ to you. And we all know she deserves much much more.
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I came here with the exact thoughts - if she hates everything about that hospital and criticizes every move they make, down to the complete accident of a nurse pulling her hair (🤬), then keep Lu at home and care for her illnesses yourself, you miserable bitch.

Especially since Erin is the reason Lu got so sick to begin with. Refused to vaccinate her medically vulnerable child (fucking genius 🙄) so she gets Covid, which mum and dad likely brought home to her, which then weakened her immune system enough to open the door to multiple other infections. That’s all on Erin.

That poor child was dealt such a bad hand to begin with, the fact that she was also inflicted with a mother who is such a malignant head case seems like nothing less than torture. Erin relentlessly puts herself as a roadblock between Lu and the care she deserves and NEEDS. It’s arguably abusive, given Lu’s challenges.
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I can’t even put into words how sad her latest post makes me. She clearly says in the first few lines she now understands how unconditional love as a mother feels.. and has never felt that with Lulu! That poor poor baby girl!! Never been breathed in, smothered in love, even in the first few weeks before epilepsy! Cannot believe she has actually put those words out into the public domain!
How can her husband read that and be ok with it? Lulu’s grandparents??
And her friends?? Three of which have experienced public losses and trials to get their babies!
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Not sure how to word this without sounding harsh, but honestly when it came to my baby or my toddler needing me…I chose the toddler every time (obviously if the baby is safe etc). You don’t want the baby getting gastro, but I’d focus on good hygiene, rely more on my husband and go be with the toddler. I’d never isolate from the toddler. They’re the ones that know what’s going on and will remember. The baby is still being cared for.

No one wants to choose, but if you have to…that’s what makes the most sense to me 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Jesus christ, that post is shocking.

I don't want to be the mother of a child with severe epilepsy- Luella has epilepsy, and you are her mother. Do you wish you weren't? How can you look at your child and not think how lucky you are that you get to be the one to raise them and love them?

Why are you still so bloody shocked? You've lived this reality for 1000 days and it's like you can't believe the audacity of Luella having epilepsy. How the heck is Lu going to grow up accepting herself for who she is when you can't even accept it? With you acting like it's terrible?

A thousand days of hell? That's how you view your time with your daughter? All the cuddles and giggles and memories of 1000 days, hell? Really Erin? Do you view Luella's life as hell? Do you want her to grow up and view her own life as a living hell?

You should be ashamed because you've let your ableism taint your view of your own beautiful daughter.

You've let it devour and defeat you? This may shock you, but the seizures are not happening to you. This isn't about you. Believe it or not, Luella is a human being and the seizures are happening to her. She is the one affected by them. You are not epileptic. I am, and guess what? My life isn't a living hell! Take 1000 days to process that fact if you need. I do not hate my existence, I don't view epilepsy as a curse, because it is something that is part of me and that I cannot change.

She will always have disabilities? I have another fact that will shock you, Erin. Disability is not a curse either! I love my disabled self, I wouldn't change it, I've become proud of it and fiercely defensive of it, mostly due to people like you who see it as a negative. We don't sit around yearning to be abled. We can have wonderful fulfilling lives. Luella is disabled and that is ok. It is not a bad word. You can't change it no matter how much you want to. What you can do is accept it, embrace it, love it. Model that for her so she doesn't grow up seeing herself as a flaw. Be proud of your daughter and fiercely defend her like any mother would, fight for her rights as a disabled person, let her know she is wonderful the way she is. Please. Because frankly Erin, reading your posts about her make me want to cry. Please don't make her think that she is a mistake or something that needs to be changed. We know you read here and you're probably fuming at the audacity of people having a different opinion to you but think of that sweet girl. You may feel cheated out of an life that you thought you deserved but do not place that burden on your children.

Sorry for the absolute novel I just wrote, but she upsets me more than any other online person because it's something that's so close to me and it almost feels personal
This times 1000, so well said.

The only other thing I would add is that no one is looking at her and feeling glad they don’t have her life. No one. Erin can’t see this because she thinks she obviously has the worst situation in the whole world, but there are plenty of people out there dealing with their own stuff, whether it be disability, health issues, financial issues, etc. Few people live the picture perfect Insta fantasy life that she thinks she is owed. As far as I can see Erin has a fucktonne of privilege and an awful lot of stuff in her life to feel extraordinarily grateful about.
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I just cannot imagine, as a mother, taking a photo of SOMEONE ELSE comforting my child after having a seizure. I mean thank god for Krystal, but wouldn’t you want to be the one cuddling, comforting and making sure your daughter is okay after that? As a mum I just can’t comprehend it
here’s my thing - at the risk of sounding repetitive -

there’s nothing wrong with Erin having hired help, there’s nothing wrong with Erin going to Pilates with golden boy instead of Napa. She’s allowed a break and frankly it’s not sustainable to do 100% of everything all of the time for any child (most kids Luella’s age would be in some type of crèche).

what is wrong is a) funding that help with donations $ and leading people to believe this was because Lu would be having major brain surgery
B) acting like Luella is a burden because she’s medically complex

i mean ffs how hard would it be for her to come back from Pilates and say oh I missed my little girl so much but it was good to have one-on-one time with Tom? And then to go do something one-on-one with Luella once a week? How fucking hard would that be?

And she was probably too busy holding Tom to comfort Luella after the seizure… ffs why wouldn’t you hand the baby to Chrystal in that moment and comfort your child whose suffering?

she’s not right in the head
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It’s been a hot minute since we saw the parents… kind of coinciding with Chrystal appearing on the scene. That coupled with the fact her parents went above and beyond to help them for so long leads me to think this is orchestrated for sympathy and donations, and that her parents are still involved (she’s just not sharing it to further her own agenda)

her dad built that walker thing for Lulu for Chrissakes. People like that don’t just disappear
Or it’s possible her parents want what’s best for LuLu and have been advocating for her surgery. Which in turn means Erin has pushed them away. Well at least I hope someone in Lus life is advocating for her because her parents sure aren’t.

Please get her this surgery and stop being so selfish Erin.
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excatly. Sometimes the second/third/fourth etc children miss a nap or multiple naps! What does she think happens when people have newborns with kids that need to be picked dropped off/up from school!
I’ve just been leaving my six year old waiting out the front of the school in the cold, on their own for two hours while my newborn finishes sleeping. Am I doing it wrong? 🤔
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