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Chatty Member
What bugs me about her is how she always complains about how busy she is. Sure, everyone feels stressed when busy but she makes it seem like she has it the worst and never seems truly grateful- she’s literally in bloody Dubai whilst everyone here is stuck at home and she still found a way to complain about something.
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Chatty Member
exactly!! the worst part is, when she was getting laser done, she was actively promoting hannah london spa (saying she partnered with them as an influencer, but in reality she was working FOR them managing their social media) and she was trying to get her followers to go get treatments at the spa too and say they heard about it from her. But as soon as she quit working for them and got all her laser done, she started to say she is born hairless when anyone asks, as if she was begging her followers for purchasing services a couple of months ago. So first she will try to make money off her following and then she will be dishonest to them and pretend it didn't happen and put on a facade for her new followers. She does not care about sisterhood at all. her entire brand is built on lies and that's why i am a little bit shocked that soooo many people are saying byerim damaged their hair but ultimately I am not surprised that she keeps trying to hide it and call everyone haters.
She also claimed that her hair improved because of the byerim oil back in 2016 (I doubt she even thought to have a hair oil brand then) but if you look at the other posts, it’s clear that what helped her hair was the olaplex she used, not her hair oil- I can’t keep up with these lies 🤣


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She says one of her trolls is arrested and jailed lmao 😳😳😳😳 so be careful she also says cuz he is sent to jail and her legal team do not play 🙄🤭😆
Honestly, lmao im just waiting for the police article thats supposed to come out, like where is it ... is it out yet? i need to put a notification on for this one hahah
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Why does her brother not like her (someone said this here few pages back)
i cannot comment on this too much because i think it may be obvious who i am - to her anyways - put it this way they dont have much in common, shes shallow he hates instagram and has more to do with the restaurant... she broke up with her bf for similar reasons
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VIP Member
I get sus of anyone that feels the need to keep reiterating "good vibes", "be kind" and emphasize how wonderful of a person they are. It's usually these people who are the worst of the lot, and just wanna keep this facade up for $$$ from their followers. They're also the ones who get the most defensive when a sliver of criticism comes their way, bc they know its true and they don't want the truth to come out. T R A S H
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100% couldn't agree. It's scary how much you normalise it while you're with her but once you're out of it you realise how toxic and abnormal her behaviours are and everyone around her just accepts it. She is not okay and she shouldn't be an influencer, influencing younger girls.
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I feel like no one outside of the uk really knows erim, they literally call her “that girl on Instagram” and move on with it she needs to be slapped back to reality you’re just another girl on insta that is pretty irrelevant to society
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She also seems to contradict herself - she’s ‘modest’ but wears tight little dresses - I don’t get it.
This is what really upsets me the most. Modesty is not a trend that you can just claim to be to get more people to follow you. My sisters and cousins and I all dress modestly, all in different variations. But none of us would ever jump online in skimpy clothes shaking our ass and tits for videos but say to our families and friends that it is just for online then go and be modest in PRIVATE?? That is completely contradictory to the entire concept of modesty! She does not have to be modest, she can just be truthful and say she likes to dress in the way that she does without bringing modesty into her brand at all. It is entirely for 'clout' she only says she is modest to get the asian guys interested in her content (the whole good girl but still bad thing that asian guys love and she is very clearly well aware of because you can tell how innocent she tries to portray herself to be). It is so offensive to those of us who actually are modest in a not very modest western world!! As much of a blessing as it is, we still STRUGGLE with it in the west - it's not just a trend that you can place into your branding on social media!!! And I am sure this is how our sikh sisters must feel to find out that she is lying about her body hair as well just to appear as a devout sikh! It is a huge insult to both cultures.
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Also why does she keep byerim team private? Like why does she not want the world to know who's on her team? Is it coz she doesn't wanna promote their IG or people approaching them for info about her? Like if you have a successful company with a team of 10 wouldnt you be proud of it and post about it so your customers can get to know/like/trust the brand even more? 🤔
she hasn't got a big team at all, she likes to allude to the fact theres more than her. but did anyone notice yesterday in her insta story "my legal team don't mess about" she hasn't even got a legal team... its all about her inflated ego. team = power to Erim, truth is by saying team she doesn't have to admit to a number of people working for her. And theres not a lot put it that way, only one person helps her with her byerim social media
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well from what i have heard her dad doesn't like how sexualised her content is becoming just with the skimpy clothes and the sultry glares into the camera, he actually wanted her to wear more modest clothes to appeal to muslim demographic/women as that who she's meant to be "influencing" women (more oil sales) but she likes to dress how she dresses.. you are right though he doesn't want her to loose steam !
seems like she wants to appeal more to the muslim men than women
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New member
Sorry, but I still disagree. No one on Instagram looks like what they do in real life? Instagram isn't real life.

Kim Kardashian is harming little girls following her with her unrealistic body image, that's instagram for you.

That isn't anything to do with Erim. Making comments on her actions is allowed as everyone is entitled to an opinion but taking the piss out of her appearance? I don't participate in online hatred. That screenshot you posted was cruel and over the mark.

Best of luck with this discussion, but just remember...

ਏ ਮਨ ਜੈਸਾ ਸੇਵਹਿ ਤੈਸਾ ਹੋਵਹਿ ਤੇਹੇ ਕਰਮ ਕਮਾਇ ॥

Whatever you yourself plant, that is what you shall have to eat; nothing else can be said about this.

Guru Amar Das
I am sorry but I disagree. Instagram is about what you portray as your life. If you don't do that, then that sick and it fraudulent.

Instagram is same like facebook too - people show their realness on facebook whats the difference

Kim K - should not do what she does. But other influencer, should not follow in her steps.

There alot of influencers that look like themselves and are proud of who they are and show their reality, not fakeness. If i wanted fakeness I'd stick playing SIMs or farmville.

The picture that was posted, is to confirm this is who this influencer Erim really look like, not what she facetunes herself to appear to look alike to alot people that follow her, that is incorrect. I do not agree with the hatred comments. Erim should not making herself look like something that she not. That decieving many of her own followers and bring insecurities to her followers than embracing your own self confidence.
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VIP Member
I saw her post about that today. Im really sorry if I'm coming off as annoying but it tends to just feel like people either think shes the worst person alive or she's perfect. I read a bit more of the forum and i think the truth is probably somewhere in the middle...were all obviously somewhere in the middle if we're kaurs on a gossip forum reading or writing about her.

But I kinda think if the police arrested someone they mustve done something pretty they wouldn't just arrest someone for trolling. What if they were harassing her? Idk i don't think anyone deserves that

I was also reading a bit more on here and it started to make me wonder about making my own ig account. I'm 19 and just getting into fashion and finding my style so I made an account to post my outfits. Obv my account is tiny and nothing like erims but im kinda wondering if its even a good idea to make a public ig if people could make fun of me or end up talking about my family...I was excited about it at first but is it really worth it?
It seems like you idolise erim or see her as a role model. I guess you're one of the young impressionable girls that she wants to target so they can worship her and look up to her.

You are completely ignoring the fact that most of us here have shared our OWN experiences with erim online/offline. Are you saying our experiences are not valid?
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Chatty Member
View attachment 486668
loooool pretending to be surprised about what her friend says on the phone, but she was definitely a part of that bitching session. who would put that on their insta story
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Why does she think she will be verified anytime soon 🤣🤣
And she wants a medal for cooking PASTA?? Is this girl joking 🤦🏽‍♀️. Also, did you guys know she is soooo busy today, too busy scamming people with her daddy funded crap hair oil business


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She’s had her hair line lasered and body laser. Her mother was Muslim so Erim is half Muslim but doesn’t talk on it. She tried the whole fitness route as she previously worked at a fitness company before getting fired for stealing she tagged herself in all their posts and her instagram grew from there. I think we can all agree it’s difficult to trust someone who has been so deceiving. This girl has a serious complex and I have a great deal of sympathy towards her. May she find peace with herself without needing to flex for the world. I think people are a lot more forgiving and understanding once you speak your truth and drop the whole ‘sis’ act. It’s 2021, be more real. (Especially for the teenage girls who follow and praise the ground she walks on!!) setting bad examples with breaking lockdown rules!
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