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I've just seen "Wimpy" trending on twitter and feared the worst.

Was there some story about new goals an stuff?
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This feels a bit uncalled for seeing as she’s sharing her post c-section recovery.
Yeah I get that but does it need to be made public with photos? Plenty of c-section mamma's out there thay are proud of their scar and aren't posting it for the world to see. I just feel like I constantly see her half naked body which I find quite bizarre for what is meant to be an equestrian account 🤔
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Anyone got any tattle on Jade Holland Cooper? From the digital world I love her and I feel like she’s a lovely person. Love her equestrian wear too
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I was going to come on here last night to say exactly the same, Rhi and Charlotte are FOREVER bathing! Their horses coats must have zero natural oils left
agreed. I don't get why Woody especially would have needed to be bathed even once since he's been off work
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Is it normal to go to a horse riding competition wearing a full face of slap? Kim Constable aka the sculpted vegan was at one today and in her stories she looked like she was going on a night out, Lippy and everything on 🤯😂 for doing cross country?! Would you not just sweat it all off or am I missing something
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This! Youve said what I was trying to. What she is showing is a healthy attitude to food. She’s eating proper meals even if some are out of a packet. Theres no meal replacement milkshakes/fasting/lemon water/syns shes eating well & looking great.
Last response on the food chat because it’s making me hungry 🙃

What I was trying to say is those ready meals are not an healthy option vs simple, nutritious foods with no added fats, salts and other cr**.

I agree with you though, this is more about a deficit rather than eating healthy. However, those types of meals will contribute massively to your macros.

I agree, we can all eat whatever we want, we all live very different lives, we’re all busy, we all enjoy different things. I just couldn’t imagine a GOOD PT promoting eating processed foods, as that goes against the grain - excuse the pun 🫣

Anyhooooooo, let’s move on
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Thanks to this thread I‘ve started watching the first series on YouTube… I really recognise that Phoebe girl with the palomino mare. Like, really recognise her. Has she been on anything else/got a thread on here?
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Chatty Member
I’m just catching up on vlogs. Tina’s with Sam doesn’t sit well. All for including youngster wannabes. But mentality wise. There’s just something off about it?
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Ohhhhh, schooling inside the whiteboards the night before is NAUGHTY!!!

So seeing the post here made me watch a bit of Tina’s vlog. Emily’s face when they talk about the elimination!!! I sincerely hope she’s pissed off at Tina and not BE, because I’m really sorry, how could schooling in the arena the night before not be anything but advantageous?!? But if it’s sulky vibes at BE, then I’ve just lost a bit of respect for Emily. To be frank, she’s lucky they let her run HC. Tina’s attitude when she was eliminated SJ for breaking the rules stank - I remember she was not happy with the steward’s call - does she think she’s above the rules?? Anyway, rant over. Come on Emily, you’re better than that!
I found it all quite funny! How between both of them they couldnt figure out that riding in the boards was a big no no! Even if I didn’t clock that it would be an advantage I wouldn’t do it as it seems so disrespectful to the organisers and the effort they put in to have the arenas ready for the morning!

and yes Emily’s face was a picture! She is so competitive ( not a bad thing ) !!
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Freestyle is now at MSJ. It was briefly mentioned on their facebook that she is there on stud duties. I went to their recent open day and she was in a stable there. Don't think plans for her or details are being made public, as they would only say a groom rides her and they hope she can compete again. It was very 'don't want to discuss further' or maybe they genuinely don't know yet.
Tbf it’s nobody’s business what they do with her if she is being looked after. But it’s just human nature to be nosy and a lot of people do like top level horses so just want to know how they are a lot of the time.
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I’d say it’s just a private page for horsey friends. I notice a few mutual ones I follow are following at back so I’m sure she’s let them no it’s legit her with a smaller profile rather than a scammer
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Why shouldn’t it be public? Frankly I applaud her for it. Far too many think a c-section is ‘too posh to push’. But it’s the only major surgery where you’re not only expected to be up and on your feet 6 hours later, but also take on the care and responsibility for another life. So no, I don’t think it’s bizarre. If anything she’s helping normalise the issues of post c-section recovery and plenty of people share their c-section photos & stories
Might be a controversial one but c-section recovery really isn’t that bad. I was driving and back to normal in two weeks. Yes it’s sore for a few days but it’s nowhere near as horrific as it’s made out to be.
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They all sound so monotone , can definitely tell they had a prepared speech . What would make a video stand out to you?
Yeah you can definitely tell most of them have prepared a speech. I'd just like to see more individuality and personality and the only one we have seen with that is Shelley's. Maybe it's just that everyone is being very serious because they want a spot 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I’ve defended her on here in the past but hearing how she has been at competitions including laughing about bullying a girl so she had to leave there livery yard & being horrible about other influencers who she appeared all friendly with at Rockingham she can fuck off. I dont know why she thinks shes the big I am just because shes going to be on H&C it’s hardly like she’s got a starring role in the next big Netflix series. H&C is just Jenny Rudall putting together programmes on her laptop.
Is all if it actually true though?
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Chatty Member
I’m sure she was talking about a give away or was that Tina? So maybe it’s a scammer that will message people that take part in the give away and say they have won.
Don’t recall Tina talking about a giveaway? More than likely it’s a scammer. And not a smart one. A smart one would try and make the profile look exactly the same.
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The TT is over, it won't be it at the end of August as it's the Manx Grand Prix. Not that it makes a difference, road racing is an incredibly dangerous sport.
Ahh I ok, I don’t really know much about it apart from that Isle of Man racing is dangerous.
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