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@Gimme the tea you are a saint!!! Now go and have a lie down in your AllBody tracksuit, grab some snacks, shove your hair in a bun and light a homebody candle. You deserve it qween!

Also hi Emma! Long time lurker.
Unless the constant use of cultural appropriation is covered when she does her vlog about tattle then what’s the point it is just going to be her saying we are all mean bullies and her way of getting attention. If she names tattle outright she is in trouble as it will just send more traffic here.
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I'm now convinced that white women in the plus size fashion community regularly appropriate AAVE... I keep seeing reels on insta with captions like "how I gon be after (x)" and its so cringe. I assume they think this is "sassy talk" and think it implies confidence
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Chatty Member
She also needs to stop treating going to therapy as a personality trait. Loads of people go and it’s really not that deep. I never bring it up unless we’re on the topic or someone directly asks
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View attachment 339443View attachment 339444

I hope we are all exited for another new and exciting... tracksuit 😂

She claims to have a degree in fashion but the extent of her designs are bland baggy clothes with basic logos. I can imagine that logo cracking and peeling after a few washes as well. Not that she will wash her clothes enough to test that.
Looks like she’s just been released from prison or a failed fat camp
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‘Tall vibes’

‘Big man energy’

‘Short king’

Fuck off Emma you’re a boring white middle class girl from Preston please stop, if this is meant to be a joke you have gone to far.

Also how does she sit and caption her stories without majorly cringing!!! Once again reinforces the fact she has no shame.

(P.s shout out to pass the peach for the profile picture)
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Well-known member
Agree with you all and would add: if she wants to be a business woman in the "fashion" industry, i am not sure this is the kind of professional content I would share... I mean, I follow few instagrammer that specifically talk about sex and pleasure, and I really love them, but don't really care about Mr. H&m or Mr. Zara sex life 😅😅
If you want to sell clothes, just tell me about your sweatshirts, not your amazing vagina!!!!

She wants to show us how edgy and bad bitch she is, but I just find it tasteless......
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What an absolute slob.

When you actually breakdown how much everything in her box costs vs the price she is selling for, it’s actually disgraceful.
As another commentator wrote, she has made most of the stuff herself so how can she determine the RRP?

She is so out of touch with reality and the reality of many people across the country. I honestly feel bad for all the people who are bamboozled into buying such a basic item.

It’s also interesting how she “supports” so many black owned small businesses but didn’t collab with any for her box.
She was probably asking for everyone to share their favourite black owned business to steal ideas from. Wouldn’t put it past her.
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How can your standards be so low that you’d have a camel toe in clothes you have literally designed yourself and are meant to be advertising?! Everything about this girl is sloppy.
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If a man is bragging about not going down then it's probably cause he doesn't have a fucking clue what he's doing. However, like someone said before she is making a massive generalisation here about probably a couple of people she's been chatting to. She wouldn't be complaining if a woman said she didn't like performing blow jobs. It's personal choice. Also she isn't in a relationship shes having casual sex (apparently), and some people find oral sex something intimate that's kept for relationships only.
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Filthy clothes...
So who’s seen Emma’s recent rant and what are people’s thoughts?!
I just can’t believe how thick she is about BOPO.

so Emma says to describe BO PO “it was birthed from the fat positive movement of the 60s and it’s for marginalised bodies so for example, black women (& men) fat women (&men) queer people, non binary, I just don’t have the energy”

I’m sorry if you girls disagree but you cannot put “fat” in the same category as “black” “queer” and gender.
Body positivity is about loving your body for what it is and accepting it.
• You cannot love yourself into an obese body
• body positivity has nothing to do with race, class, gender and sexuality issues, these have their own community
Hmm.. I'm the last person to ever say that Emma is right, but in this instance she is. Body positivity has evolved into " everyone loving their bodies and accepting them" and there are a lot of people who move in fat activist circles that detest that this is BOPO today.
I for one, don't detest the new BOPO, I think theres a huge amount of people that are excluded from the thin and fit standards but also aren't accepted into the fat positivity circles either, and if they have found their home in BOPO to feel accepted for the body that have, then thats lovely and no one should be looking to take that away from anyone.

It is however true, that body positivity did originate from the fat positive movement, which was started to include marginalised bodies that were and are still not accepted in society today. Fat is included alongside queer, black, trans, LGBTQ, non binary folks - bodies that are seen and treated as 'outside the norm', basically bodies that are the absolute opposite of european white beauty standards. I agree with you in that it is hard to see fat on the same level as race, and personally I think fat oppression is entirely different and in another spectrum to racism, it doesn't feel right for me that it exists in the same plain as race. However I also know that BIPOC folk that live in fat bodies, have it a thousand times worse off. Fat oppression is real, tho I believe it effects marginalised groups the hardest.

I do disagree with you tho on your statement of 'you cannot love yourself in an ob*se body', I for one live in and love my fat body. There are so many variables that affect body size; the environment in which you grow up in, genealogy, economic situation, if you grow up in a crime ridden area - it really goes beyond to what you put in your body. Size is really not determined by what you eat(sorry gillian mckeith). I have had thin friends that could eat 4 helpings and then still have room for dessert, and they are still thin and who eat like that on a daily basis. It is frustrating for me to be judged for my body being bigger and to be assumed i eat in that way when I don't. Society's shaming of fat people is high level, it is so hard to love your body when you are shamed for the way it looks especially more so when it is outside the realms of the hourglass figure (notice how a lot of plus size models are hourglass shaped and hardly any who are mainstream popular have larger tummies).

I've probably gone off on a tangent but to be quite honest, the BOPO conversation is a pretty huge one. i will say, bc i've been there when i was submerged in diet culture, I've held a lot of anger and hate towards fat people for being fat, strain on the NHS bs. It can feel like to a lot of non fat people a slap in the face, when fat people are announcing that yay we love ourselves. I believe this stems from the path that is set out for every person that includes dieting and making ourselves smaller i.e those weight loss ads that say 'just lose 30 ibs and you too can live your dream life' - that message is tied up for so many of us. So when we see fat people breaking away from that and finding self love it a) can feel impossible to believe & b) we're like "UM EXCUSE ME! you did not lose 30Ibs so no you can't move forward onto your dream life, not before me when im slimmer than you". Its a weird hierarchy thing that pits people against each other rather than supporting one another. Someone reminded me on another thread, if another fellow human is happy and connected, in a relationship, why does it matter if they are fat? Honestly i was v insecure for a long time and felt sensitive and annoyed if i'd see girls who were bigger than me in relationships and now (after a lot of insecurity unpacking) it genuinely warms my heart.

From reading these threads about Emma, it seems we all do share the same dislike of her dishonesty when it comes to her size. its internalised fat phobia that causes people to lie about their size, I definitely don't like her arrogance and I think as a plus size influencer its shady to not be honest about your sizing and fit when thats what most of your following are following you for 🤔

Side note: If anyone is interested in learning more about the origins of bopo & fat acceptance, I can't recommend Christy Harrison's Food Psych podcast enough. She covers so many topics and she is a professional! Which Idk about you folks, i find it more informative to listen to field researchers over " i can't be bothered" influencers 😅
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She’s only telling us about her date so that us little people know that even super successful, gorgeous boss bitches like her can get ghosted 🙄
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The ‘great’ sex I had at 22 or whatever age Emma is, I later realised was actually terrible when I got into my 30’s. I’m not saying it can’t be great at that age at all, what I’m saying is sexy Miss Carribean-No Iron, who’s only had 1 real boyfriend isn't the expert she believes herself to be.
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Filthy clothes...
So who’s seen Emma’s recent rant and what are people’s thoughts?!
I just can’t believe how thick she is about BOPO.

so Emma says to describe BO PO “it was birthed from the fat positive movement of the 60s and it’s for marginalised bodies so for example, black women (& men) fat women (&men) queer people, non binary, I just don’t have the energy”

I’m sorry if you girls disagree but you cannot put “fat” in the same category as “black” “queer” and gender.
Body positivity is about loving your body for what it is and accepting it.
• You cannot love yourself into an obese body
• body positivity has nothing to do with race, class, gender and sexuality issues, these have their own community
Body positivity isn't just about fat bodies, its about addressing unrealistic beauty standards and building self confidence. So this absolutely ties in with race and gender.
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I’m sorry but if she’s struggling to find men to eat her narn, it’s not them, it’s her. Because almost every man brags about it in 2020. She’s just not the one they wanna do it too. She forgets we’ve seen her ex, he was a scrawny little twig who probably got lost down there. She don’t get handsome muscular attractive men. I’m a plus size woman, im bigger than Emma. I get muscular handsome sexy melanin gods that wanna eat my narn. She’s not the girl I wanna take a leaf outta her book from. She’s childish.
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Chatty Member
This is obviously a very sensitive issue

it is sometimes the case that some people genuinely arnt educated on these issues and are unaware of their harmful actions, this is not the case with the Hill, she has been pulled up on it and decides to delete/ block.

I think she is making a really bad mistake by ignoring these criticisms and just blocking people who question her. It’s pathetic, arrogant and childish.
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