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The acting videos make me want to die of embarrassment 😖 the one she did about visiting her own funeral and the 4 hello greeting from her missing boyfriend - someone needs to tell her that it’s cringy as fuck.
The 40 year old boyfriend thing - she thinks this makes her so cool and grown up. The guy must be so embarrassed if he watches her tiktoks!
Oh my god yes! I cringe sooooo much at the acting videos
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Chatty Member
The worrying thing is a lot of her young fans follow her and look up to her because they think she's 'cool'. She's that girl that talks about sex, boys, stuff that they think is really 'cool' at that age, they think she's edgy with her green hair and her style and they also think she really cares about them because she went on and on about mental health and her eat with me videos. They'll think it's normal to be sending loads of guys photos of themselves and talking filth to them - each to their own if that's what Eden wants to do fair enough but I wouldn't be encouraging young teenage girls to do that because who knows what someone could do with them photos? It's not safe to just send them to anyone yet Edens almost promoting that as normal. If I had a teenage sister and she was looking up to Eden I'd be worried!
It’s the crying over her ruined hair because she knows no one will be interested in her as a person without the aesthetic, for me! When asked would she go out in public without makeup on now, she said no because she doesn’t want her fans seeing her with no makeup. She’s just going to make all these young girls develop insecurities about not wearing makeup! She ‘promotes’ mental health help but is actually creating more problems than she’s solving
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I feel so sorry for her sometimes when people ask if she’s trans and actually she deals with it so well as she just asks why it matters and that even if she was trans what difference does it make which I must applaud her for. To be honest with you, if it wasn’t for the lies and thinking she’s above the rules that she preaches to everyone then I would really like her but the lies more than anything and not giving a shit if she gets caught really winds me up.

Also just seen the video about someone buying her dog a bed and she said that she put it on her wish list for when she could afford it...absolute bollocks...again with the lies Eden! Firstly I’m 95% sure you can afford it and if you couldn’t then about about having 1 take away a day instead of 3 or 4...secondly that wish list is for your followers to buy you stuff and you know it. I wish she’d just admit it and wouldn’t lie! I felt sorry for her for the body shaming and her coming off live but now I’m pissed at her again
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Can I also point out that whatever friend is sharing these comments with Eden, Hayley, you’re only sharing the insults and bitchy ones...not the ones giving constructive criticism and saying they liked her before her numbers got high and the lies started
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Last night she was on a live and this young girl kept spamming her live feed saying I've cut myself as I was feeling suciadial but your videos Eden saved me it's crazy like she has some sort of cult she obviously dose not give a shit about the mental health of her younger followers at all.
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Chatty Member
Who else gets the feeling most people just watch her videos posts and lives like it’s a car crash that you don’t want to see but can’t help watching purely for the drama! All her FANS are 12 years old, easily influenced and too naive to realise how nasty she is to everyone including her own followers. As for her saying Tom nearly ruined her career 🤦🏻‍♀️ What career? She should think about her actions now she has a ‘following’ if she doesn’t want the info getting out.
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ALSO she was on a dual live with Ryan Smellings(!) and, knowing that most of her fans are young, vulnerable, impressionable girls, she spoke about sex with him for about 45 minutes. Asking him his favourite sex position, telling him she never turns boyfriends down and has sex with them every day, asking him if he'd go down on her until his jaw hurts etc. It's fucking weird.
I saw this live, I was cringing in embarrassment for her, she was acting so thirsty. When she’s on Omegle she’ll skip men and tells everyone she’s shy/awkward around them. Yet she had no trouble talking to that guy, telling him how much she fancied him.
Pick a narrative Eden and stick to it!
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I absolutely hate this bitch! Bangs on to her child flowers about covid yet breaks the rules. She did a video in her sisters car with another man in the back that doesn't appear in any other video now she's got both sisters and their children in her house. Also ates she's not going on omegal again yet on it thta night DESPITE the massive risk to her young followers. Also her smiles when fake talking to people then instant straight face when the video ends shows the true Eden.
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I’m sorry but why would you film this unless it was for attention and to show you being a nice person. Seems fake as fuck to me which is sad that that’s my first assumption
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I agree

All she does on her TT lives is ask for expensive gifts, she doesn’t even acknowledge the smaller ones people send..and she just isn't funny
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Chatty Member
Hi pals. Been lurking for some time but just had to post this. It’s the forced, fake stutter for me 🙂

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I’m so glad other people have noticed her mouth. Idk why but it looks big enough to fit a child’s head into it; and as a direct result it creeps me right out. Also I don’t understand how she can possibly order that many takeaways? They literally must be sick of her. The eat with Eden’s I thought at first was sweet, nice for people that are isolating or living alone to have someone to eat with, but the more I watch the more creeped out I get by it. Like surely no one is being helped by being asked mundane questions, getting answers to what she thinks you’ll have said? It would be much more natural if she just spoke, didn’t try to have a conversation with someone who isn’t there! “ooo what are you eating” *pause* “that’s my favourite!!”. If I was the type of person that filmed actual videos I’d duet it with something disgusting just so people realise what a knob she looks like.
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VIP Member
Freya will be up by 7am everyday. Eden probably makes plans with Freya then let's her down by being too lazy to get up on time. Eden just uses Freya for content as Eden has no friends or anyone to do things with, lockdown or not. If Yaz was closer or Eden could drive then Freya would be dropped.

She is 22 living at home with nothing going on in her life, no job, no college or uni on the go. With green hair, Disney stickers, talking about sex and miming to cringe tiktoks. Wow what an inspiration to the young viewers.
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Begging for gifts from her wish list. No ones asked you love you are just a beg.
She’s explaining a wish list as something she uses when she has money to treat herself. So if it is for that purpose why share it?! Most people with Amazon I’d imagine have a wish list, I’ve got one you don’t see me putting it on my stories asking my friends / family to buy the stuff! Bloody ridiculous and selfish cow. She said previously she keeps £10 a day to give to other creators on random live streams, what normal person has £10 a day spare? That’s £70 a week. Clearly I’m doing something wrong with this working lark, need to get myself on tiktok ffs.
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Well-known member
I can't bloody keep up lol, the way she phrases them makes it sound like loads, but isn't it like 3? The guy when she was 16-20, then some other guy, then this carer?! (which I'm still not totally on board with, I mean.... we're talking a 20+ age gap. Yeah she looks older but it's a bit sus to me. Also from his perspective, that's breaking a professional boundary TO THE EXTREME)

Also, all the sexual content on her page but no 18+ on her profile when the majority of her viewers are like 12 sits really uncomfortably with me.

Guys...has she not mentioned it enough...she slept with Callum best!
Oops, I defo meant him when I wrote Jamie Best 😂 Has she ever mentioned it though?
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Interesting how she discusses people going to Dubai in that article saying they ‘absolutely shouldn’t’ but she was telling other people not to jump on influencers for going? Also funny how it says she knows full well the effects of covid and has hardly left her house 😂 uhm, she was out constantly between august - Dec and even now she loves a sneaky trip to Asda, the range or McDonald’s! There’s also a photo of her hugging a ‘fan’ in the article - social distancing Eden?
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“I give Freya over £300 every 2 weeks to help her” but I thought she was skint 🧐
Hahaha I totally forgot about that comment! She probably owes it to Freya 😂. I don’t like she way she’s throwing Freya under the bus to make herself sound better
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