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my thoughts:
When he posted that first message earlier today about 'don't give to me, donate to a charity instead :cry:' it was so that people would respond with:
'don't be daft, we know you're as honest as the day is long. in fact, let me send a spite donation to you - treat YOURSELF with it. you do so much for others...' to which he'd respond 'i'm literally SAVING LIVES here and people think i'm on the take'.

now all of a sudden, he expects us to believe that someone's contacted HIM about someone sleeping in a tent as someone else said: why not contact the council who are legally obliged to do something?
and unless James is planning to pay a hotel out of the goodness of his own heart, and take the cost on personally (and why would you, given the local authority's responsibility here) then he's planning on spending money people have given for boilers on YET ANOTHER thing that isn't what they gave towards.

Not saying the guy deserves to be out in the snow, but why pitch a tent in the pure wide open where it's exposed to the weather?
How does the alleged OP know the guy hasn't just escaped from prison, or hasn't just had a restraining order put on him from an abused partner or wife?
Why is James posting this on a CIC page when it has no relevance to what his CIC is about, including the exact location of where the guy apparently is?

He's got 100% mission drift and a messiah complex. He thinks he's solving everyone's problems by chucking small amounts of money at them. oh well, guess that'll be another report i'll be submitting to the regulator.

James, when you catch up - if this is a genuine call for help you received, the most responsible thing you could have done was signpost.
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Wow, this has really blown up. It's good to see him being called out at last. The racism came up a year or 2 ago in the JM threads which put me right off him. He obviously feels very victimised now, I suggest he contact Southend constabulary and ask to speak to the celebrity grifters protection unit. PC T. Roll is very thorough.
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Do NOT ever be ashamed of being a kind person ir take on the shame he should be feeling. He’s left one of his generous contributors feeling ashamed because of his behaviour, doesn’t really fit with the worlds nicest plumber image does it.

You don’t have to answer but I’m curious as to what made you donate? And what made you start suspecting and finally stop?
Thank you, thats made me feel better.
So I started donating when I saw him on the news and it was at the same time as when my mums boiler broke and she couldn't afford to get it fixed so I thought if I can help someone else not be in that situation then I want to do that. In terms of what made me stop my grandad cancer progressed to being terminal in about July last year so that took all of my focus and he passed away end of November. I spent my nights not being able to sleep scrolling on twitter and I was like wow how are Dephers posts so unprofessional and posting those images of vulnerable people and I was like nah, my grandad would have had no concept of social media and what agreeing to having his photo taken would actually mean so some of those other people wont too and that's not ok. Then I found this thread and it was worse than I ever understood. Sorry for the essay.
please don't feel ashamed - this is on him, not you.

if i can offer one piece of advice going forward, it would be: don't give your money to people off the internet.

please don't feel ashamed - this is on him, not you.

if i can offer one piece of advice going forward, it would be: don't give your money to people off the internet.
100% it won't happen again which is a shame as there are probably genuine people out there
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Chatty Member
There was the post recently when he mentioned he'd been to see an 'Asian' lady. Quite rightly ripped apart by people saying why mention her ethnicity, so he started wittering on about non-white people not wanting their photos up.
Also him sobbing in videos about how ashamed he was of his, quite frankly Britain First nasty past. I don't believe people change just like that. one minute gollywogs everywhere, the next a left wing liberal?

Absolute racist fuck head
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My place of work was partly involved 🔺 with one of these local council slow cooker initiatives. Our students helped to run a family day
as one of their course modules, there were recipe demos, a family play area, stalls from some other local support services, a CV writing service, recipe leaflets printed and distributed etc. Those families who attended had a great time, the students got lots of beneficial experience, and it was a worthwhile exercise. We were approached by the council this year to say they still had over 100 slow cookers left that no-one wanted and could we use them, so we distributed them with a basic food pack to our students on bursaries (who quite possibly didn't want them, but they could have sold them on ebay or whatever, we didn't care). Which is a long of way of saying that these slow cooker (and other do gooder exercises) need careful thought and planning or they become wasteful patronising bollocks.
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Jelly Bean

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Just going to run through the most recently referenced customers:
A lady 72
An elderly lady
Mrs Ahmed ("I get headache")
Another elderly lady
Gentleman aged 76 and his wife aged 80 years
An elderly and vulnerable gentleman
A lady 72
An elderly customer
A young and low income family... and so on. Looks very like Mrs Ahmed was only named in order to give context to taking the piss out of her speech.
Quite. We've only had Mrs Ahmed and Mrs Chan named.
Now why might that be :unsure:
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James, when you catch up here: i do think you're a grifter, but even worse than that, i think you're exploiting very vulnerable people who need safeguarding.
Until you sort out how you do your social networking and remove EVERY SINGLE photo of an elderly, disabled or vulnerable person and STOP getting them to pose whilst holding up these stupid fucking invoices, then I will continue to report you to every single authority i can.
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Before he deletes and hides these very sensible replies

What’s going to happen now to all the 72 years young ladies in Burnley with #bowel cancer breast #cancer and #AIDS, sadly terminally #ill, when they call #cph (formally D E P H E R)
“Hi my boiler hasn’t worked for 2 years and there’s water pipes filled with gas in my house”
“Sorry we can’t help you, cos of muh trolls”

fucking clown hahahaha


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Chatty Member
Rather than fitting free boilers…a more useful social support scheme would be to use the funds to set up training for gas engineers over a wide area (think how many training hours £1,000,000 would have bought), on safeguarding and signposting.

Imagine if gasfitters were trained to recognise signs of abuse, ready to hand out discrete contact cards for emergency support. If they were trained in knowing the procedure for the local food bank, all of the options for grant funding for home repairs, training in the general list of issues that social services cover. First Aid, signposting for debt support or befriending scheme for the lonely.

Just think, most people might never have an official such as a support worker, police, social services, visit their home…but most will have a gas engineer visit once a year to do a service.

In fact, if you are a lonely person or in an abusive relationship and not having other repairs carried out…the gas engineer could be the ONLY person who has reason to enter a property on an annual basis have the ability to even notice there are social issues.

Aside from family/friends…due to taking care of general DIY myself…my own gas engineer is the ONLY professional (not personal) visitor to have been in my home for about 20 years. They are potentially very good eyes and ears if trained properly.
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Is Dominicijames throwing a strop because that event has cancelled (because people called him a grifter on the socials for potentially mishandling donated money) by threatening to/shutting off all donations?
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The tent is back! Zoomed in to remove the location. Anyone who thinks he’s just a bumbling guy trying his best to help the vulnerable is mistaken. He’s one of the most calculating grifters out there.
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a random £5,000 donation in amongst tenners. at this point it actually feels like money laundering.

can someone smarter than me please archive this GFM?
Fundraiser by James Anderson : All Community Plumbing & Heating Support (

ETA: i have reported this fundraiser to GFM. He has claimed: This will hopefully gain Depher/Now CPHs a lot more support, and it will also reduce debt in families by at least 25% per year, reducing the anxiety, depression, suicidal rate and home re possessions, something that we know is needed.

but hasn't made it clear how he plans to reduce families debt by 25% a year, or why a plumbing and heating company would do this anyway. ditto with suicide rates and mental health, and ditto with repossessions.

i'll also be sending details of this GFM page to the CIC regulator. it's like whackamole, this.
Further report made to the CIC regulator. James, please. Do you not think i have better things to be doing with my time?
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Imagine thinking you are sooo special and precious that even parking charges magically don’t apply to you 🙄
Is he aware that council-owned vehicles (e.g. pool cars driven by social services) also have to abide by local parking regs or they, too, can be fined? This is exactly the mindset that is causing him trouble: no, *I* don't have to apply for an enhanced DBS check... even though it's the first step of safeguarding policy in any other company/venture. No, *I* don't have to offer transparency in my accounting... even though charities do and it would stop people asking awkward questions. No, *I* don't have to think about whether my posts might come across as a wee bit defensive, they're all just haters/trolls, oh now please donate to my GoFundMe I'm launching to get this terminally ill child to the moon (even though MakeAWish have existed for decades for exactly this kind of thing).

I'm being facetious but the mission creep and the refusal to engage with honest questions while doubling down on trying to single-handledly be all things to all people... it's not healthy.
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The absolute ARROGANCE of this statement is bad enough but “free works for government departments - police and social services” - does he actually know that these departments do? Because I like to think it’s more then bodge jobs, glory seeking and exploiting the vulnerable.

He is deluded and power mad to a dangerous level.
He is clueless, Government departments have contracts that cover all these services and you can't go out of that contract without getting in serious trouble. I'm ashamed to say I was donating to him monthly and have now stopped it. I genuinely thought he was doing a good thing until I found this thread
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Jelly Bean

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He doesn’t seem happy that people are calling him out over the present fiasco.
So my understanding is the presents are donated, then he charges people £10 for p & p? So Depher basically bears no costs at all in the whole thing? Despite regularly getting donations for it.
The whole enterprise stinks to high heaven. And his attitude does not help.
(It's been bugging me who he looks like and it's Eddie 'The Eagle' Edwards).

He's locked the account surprise surprise 😂
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