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There are many things I roll my eyes at. And a few that just plain infuriate me. This is up there in my top one.

She didn’t “beat” cancer. She hasn’t been ‘fighting’ it. She has been incredibly lucky that her cancer has responded to treatment, that was probably delivered promptly and at a relatively early stage. Any other opinion can get in the fucking bin. This language needs to change. No one who dies from having cancer is, by implication, a loser, less brave, less of a “fighter” to stay alive for themselves and their loved ones. Just unluckier.


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Chatty Member
He would be much better off legally if he had just given out away, IMHO (I am not a lawyer). Running an ad hoc lending scheme as a CIC seems really risky, financially and legally. Also donating money to random fundraisers.

In the kindest interpretation*, James is motivated by wanting to help people in need who are vulnerable. But as soon as you are doing that with other people's money through a legally recognised vehicle ( a CIC) you can't just do whatever you feel like doing. I can see it must feel frustrating to think that you're trying to help and be criticised at every turn, but there are legal and financial obligations that come with trying to do this kind of thing.

*I'm more leaning towards less kind interpretations myself, including buying a nice car through the business and showering himself in glory and media attention, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt
I am a lawyer and what he’s doing tells me he isn’t or he wouldn’t sleep for anxiety. He is so problematic it is unreal.

1. I do not like anyone who posts pictures, faces or not, of vulnerable people as part of so-called altruistic acts that are the exact opposite
2. I don’t care who this offends - it is naive at best to send money to him and his set up. There is literally no transparency, it’s just what he tells us and shows us. He could be doing his own shopping for all we know.
3. Frankly, I’d be livid if I donated money to pay other peoples baliffs. What a bizarre thing to. The legalities of that money lending plus FCA fines is something for him to consider, tax and interest implications etc.
4. He makes up some of those posts or loops them. It’s very obvious.
5. I find the whole concept of it very weird - does no one else? I’m paying for an unknown families boiler in Burnley on the back of what James says - they could be better off than me! It’s just weird. I don’t understand who donates apart from the vulnerable which is what bothers me.

CIC are the Chancers dream, Jodie marsh has One as well. It’s like a charity for thickos and/or con artists.

Charities are not easy or cheap to run but I’ve no qualms with larger charities who are open about it. I’ve no idea what James is running beyond a vanity product funded by the very people he purports to help.

Look at the Tom Moore fiasco - I will never forget his daughter at Wimbledon - you had leading scientists who sat With dignity whilst they were acknowledged. They mentioned her and she stood up to take an ovation!I knew then there was something off with her but look at what she’s done, perfectly legally, and it’s not uncommon. And don’t get me start on a 100 year old man walking laps for the NHS….

I know I sound like a miserable bitch but I get so pissed off at the amount of charity scams out there, it’s horrendous
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Hello, is this James Anderson, the UK’s kindest plumber?
Aye, that’s me
I’m phoning because I am an elderly man with a leaking pipe. I’m 75 years young 🥴, have 2 sons but one of them lives overseas and doesn’t talk to me, the other one is looking after his kids alone because his wife is in hospital with an undisclosed health problem. It’s just that I have a prostate problem and…
Say no more. I’m on it. Just give me the address and as soon as I’ve got a spool in my camera I’m on my way. You have a very serious health condition and clearly I can exploit it for my own gain come to your rescue. There’s no cost because your age tells me everything I need to know about you.
Are you sure, it’s just…
📞📲 JA: Just give us the address pal, I’m ready to come to you now. Babs will put my tea in the oven later. I’ll nip into Netto and bring you a bag of shopping that might not meet your dietary requirements and bring you a pair of slippers from the tombola. Your age alone is enough to qualify.
📞📲 Caller: that’s very kind, thank you.
the name is HRH King Charles and the address is Buckingham Palace. I’ll see you shortly. Please bring corned beef.

I mean, it sounds stupid, but how the fuck does he know Mrs Chan isn’t landed gentry?

ETA: JellyBean played this out quicker and more succinctly than me whilst I was still typing! 🥴
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Jelly Bean

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And presumably this means James has no enhanced DBS check despite going into vulnerable peoples homes..

What sort of person thinks they are the exception to safeguarding measures? 🤔

View attachment 2661720
Blimey. You'd think even if he didn't technically need a DBS check (I've no idea if this is the case) he would ensure he and his workers would get one. Unless he can't for some reason :rolleyes:
And I'll never get over his complete disregard for confidentiality with his 'customers'.

Btw this nugget popped up on twitter. From a couple of years ago. Wtf?

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Before he deletes and hides these very sensible replies

What’s going to happen now to all the 72 years young ladies in Burnley with #bowel cancer breast #cancer and #AIDS, sadly terminally #ill, when they call #cph (formally D E P H E R)
“Hi my boiler hasn’t worked for 2 years and there’s water pipes filled with gas in my house”
“Sorry we can’t help you, cos of muh trolls”

fucking clown hahahaha
I wish to put forward "the erratic and reactive way you run this causes half your problems I think" as the next thread title.
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Does he have any authority to lend people money through a CIC? This simply must be reported.
How would he mitigate for:
How he assessed them, and under what criteria
How he will assure the money is paid back in full and therefore able to be used for its original purpose?
What would he do if the family refused to pay or disappeared?
No he absolutely does not have any authority to lend people money. Especially not those who are destitute and vulnerable.
1) he can’t
2) he can’t
3) fuck knows, and that’s a scary thought. We see the way he behaves on Twitter to any slight differences of opinion. I think “Britain’s kindest plumber” has a real nasty streak.
I do not like anyone who posts pictures, faces or not, of vulnerable people as part of so-called altruistic acts that are the exact opposite
His resharing of a bunch of people he’s “helped” make me feel ill. One man pictured with his invoice has “91 years old, prostate problems” on.
I mean just look at the sheer state of some of the people he’s posting photos of. I don’t mean that in a ‘bullying’ way - but look at their homes, some of them are literally living in squalor. A lot of them stood there in their pyjamas. Many of them look totally unkempt - some of them you can clearly see are very unwell or disabled. Holding up these invoices that detail their really fucking tragic circumstances that he’s plastering all over the internet multiple times - and are there permanently. He’s a fucking disgrace
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So happy I found this thread! Seen him knocking about on Twitter for a while and he seemed a bit suss but then the claim he made about Macmillan which I know for a fact is a lie confirmed he is just a massive grifter with one brain cell.

I know we have moved on from this but just wanted to add something in! I work for Macmillan and the only financial aid we offer is a £300 grant. It has been different amounts over the years but I have never known a grant to £1,000. We are a charity solely ran on fundraising (like Depher), so in this case if the person had contacted us, he may have got a £300 grant (after we had done the correct checks and balances ofc!!) but we would look for other grants, schemes and benefits the person may be eligible for to help make up the cost. Working collaboratively is the way it is supposed to be done, instead of thinking you're above everyone and too good to pay for a bloody parking ticket!
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Jelly Bean

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But what if Mrs. Chan who definitely does exist was a millionaire and didn’t need the free support? Why isn’t he completing affordability assessments with these people - 83 is an amazing age to get to but it doesn’t aufomaticallg entitle them to help surely?!

Was Chan the best sounding non-UK surname Jimmy could come up with?

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I know. It's crazy.
'Mrs E Windsor of London called. One of her 10 bathrooms has a leak.
Her son Charles asked how much it would cost.
Mrs Windsor is nearly 100. So it's totally free 👊'
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I’ve submitted my concerns to the regulator.

in brief (some parts removed because 🍉)

I am writing to raise major concerns regarding Mr James Anderson, operating as DEPHER, and the way he uses images of what appear to be very vulnerable individuals, and children in some instances.

Mr Anderson is repeatedly using old images which he has previously shared on his various social media platforms, including the photographs I’ve enclosed below which are lifted from his personal Facebook page which is not linked to DEPHER. These include instances where individuals were previously referred to as being terminally ill some 3 years previous, and may well now be dead.

I’m very concerned that individuals, or their families, may not realise their image is being shared on social media, and I’m also concerned that Mr Anderson is using the images and circumstances of very vulnerable beneficiaries for his own personal gain, something which I have not seen other CIC’s doing.

Can the regulator be assured that Mr Anderson has complete permission, and good reason to be publishing these photographs? In addition, can the Regulator be satisfied that it is appropriate, and that the beneficiary is still able to give consent for their image to be used more than 3 years after the service was provided?

I XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX andunderstand how seriously safeguarding is taken by regulators, therefore I hope you are able to exercise your powers and ensure Mr Anderson has robust processes in place in order to avoid sharing very personal information in future, which has previously included:
That people have an illness or health condition
Their age
Photographs of their home
What benefit they receive
How much (or how little) they have in their bank.

Mr Anderson does not appear to be registered with ICO, and given the personal information he receives and retains, I wonder the Regulator can be satisfied that he is storing information relating to vulnerable individuals responsibly?
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Really struck by how unpleasant and abusive his defenders are being over this issue.
I unfollowed & blocked when i saw the pic of the ripped open tin of tomatoes used for the third time. Now I see it's worse than that, he's been recycling images and stories of critical repairs for years. This isn't going to end well for him, is it?
There really is a story here, if a journalist could be bothered to pull it all together.
Depher, Carly and her allotment, Jack Monroe, Captain Tom’s daughter….. and more.
All these online grifters that are taking money in the name of some form of charity or the other and seem to be untouchable when asked where it is going.
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On the testimonial section of the new website

Him or Babs have probably written this, what a joke but saying that probably not because if you look at babs facebook she’s obviously a racist and a pro Brexit ( send them back type)


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Jelly Bean

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Ah he's apologised for his 'coloured people' comment. After consulting a barrister. Because you need a barrister to tell you that language is wrong.



Doesn't really help he has been 'liking' comments saying it is political correctness gone mad.
Thick racist twat.
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I unfollowed this guy about a year or so ago as he kept posting pictures of vulnerable, often elderly and disabled people, describing them as starving and cold etc and how he’d come in and saved their life etc. It felt really exploitative, I doubt my 81 year old dad could understand or give consent for social media so I don't think it’s right posting people or even their empty cupboards etc, it just gave me the ick.
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Sensible Susan

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There was the post recently when he mentioned he'd been to see an 'Asian' lady. Quite rightly ripped apart by people saying why mention her ethnicity, so he started wittering on about non-white people not wanting their photos up.
Also him sobbing in videos about how ashamed he was of his, quite frankly Britain First nasty past. I don't believe people change just like that. one minute gollywogs everywhere, the next a left wing liberal?

Absolute racist fuck head
Let's not forget his boycott of shops stocking Hallal, of Boohoo for not serving pork any more, being a Farage fanboy, encouraging pile-ons of black women who expose him (including tagging police and home office in his replies).
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So glad to have found this thread. Over the years I've always felt that sense of something not being quite right with Depher/James, especially the photos of/with extremely vulnerable customers, never mind children... the unwillingness to work collaboratively with other local charities is concerning as well. It's a shame because the initial idea was such a good cause.

Not really relevant to the current mess but I screenshotted this image back in 2022 (which disappeared within a few minutes of being posted) - I thought back then he needed a social media person - sorry to see it's been getting worse lately. 😬


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