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She’s said in more than one video featuring jess that she’s never struggled with her mental health. And then this video says she’s been struggling since the start of the year??

She also said she’s lucky if she gets 20k likes on a video these days and she’s ok with that, try 10k hunny bun🤣

my sister has bipolar, it’s taken her years to get the right medication, help and proper diagnosis.
She is just trying to gain sympathy. I agree she said she's never had mental health when talking with Jess. It just seems like a way of gaining attention. As I've always said if she proves it then I'll believe it. She's lied far too much.

If she has bipolar she hides it very well. I think she has reactive depression. I don't see happy areas in her life everything is marred by her online career, even if I was an impartial observer and knew nothing of the Amber saga I'd think it was messy.
I think she's used to getting her own way, will manipulate, bully and belittle until she does. Her mam and granny seem to know how to handle her others are at her mercy. Sean knows but is powerless apart from his passive aggression and he's stuck now.
I'd say there is a personality disorder, I hate the term disorder as it makes people feel attacked but that would be my armchair diagnosis.
Two years ago she sat crying in the wardrobe because she failed vlogmas, that's when I realised how manipulative she is, there have been many incidents since including referencing self harm, always when Demi feels attacked and things aren't going her way. Don't underestimate how toxic that behaviour is for everyone including her cash cow followers. I 100% believe influencers speaking about anything mental health related needs regulation especially when it is putting money in their bank accounts.
I think if they talk about mental health or anything health related etc they should actually prove it. I can prove every single thing I struggle with. I was talking to my partner this morning about how her video made me feel and he was so understanding because he knows how much I struggle at times. She made mental health sound like a dirty thing something to be embarrassed or ashamed of. For her to gain money from that is just really disgusting.

I totally agree Mavis, she’s extremely manipulative. She insinuates certain things but is careful to only give out tiny bits of information that imply self harm, depression, bipolar etc so that she can say “I didn’t say that” when she’s called out on it. It’s all for attention. Years ago she may have gotten away with it, but people are talking about mental ill health much more now and will be quick to question her statements. I myself suffer from OCD along with depression and anxiety and have been medicated for many years now, she can’t fool those who have been through the system.
OCD is one of the things I have it's definitely not as bad as it once was and if I'm having a bad cycle then it comes out so badly. The one thing I hate about Demi is that she takes other people's health problems and makes them into her own stories. Like that dislocation thing she just did it for views and attention. She's doing the same with the mental health and she needs calling out.
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Someone ask her what editing app she uses to make herself look 5 dress sizes smaller than she actually is
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Demi you resemble a 60 year old woman who has never taken care of herself once in life
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Demi is really playing for the weirdo fetish creeps lately, the weird comments about her boobs and her soft porn belly jiggle in a budget hotel 🤢🤢🤢
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It's simply a lack of taste. The clothes, the interiors, the decorations, the gifts. That's her niche bad taste and a huge dose of no decency
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Just watching the latest vlog…
How did that Hello Fresh ad get approved?! It was DREADFUL! so glitchy, the ad Lib was appalling, the pasta looked so basic.

Agree with others that Jess seems fed up with her. Seen her making quite a few sly digs at Jess in recent videos and I don’t see Jess as the type to put up with it.

I think the “1 year of friendship” post she did over the weekend was borderline love bombing to try and keep Jess on side. It was more heartfelt than any post towards Sean as well🌚

I don’t know why she made a video the other week claiming to be impulsive when her holidays literally take on the same format every time. Eat *insert beige, generic foods*, drink pints and spend her evenings at an Irish bar.

Imagine being gifted/ being able to afford trips to amazing places and instead of immersing herself in local culture and showing that, the most informative part of the whole vlog was her talking about her scrapbook supplies!

All she had to say about the ferry was the food was slightly shitter than a buffet at an all inclusive hotel. What about everything else - boarding, shops, entertainment, travel times? I know she showed video snippets but there was no explanation!

Earlier in the vlog she mentioned an app for navigating around, she spoke about it so quick but that would have been something interesting and useful to hear about!!

Did anyone else clock when Jess mentioned the spring rolls being nice and Demi agreed and then quickly went “oh yeah cos they had no egg in” hmmmm 🤥
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Ah yes, that great city of Turkey 😍
Who on earth would pay for her to go on a press trip. She's the most uneducated, dull, food obsessed 'influencer' out there! She'll offer no insights into what Turkey's like to visit other than what's on offer there to eat which she'll probably complain about! Really pisses me off how she gets these opportunities when she doesn't deserve them
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I’m sorry but you guys let the video on insta for Sean slide way too quick. Why would you put that up on your insta feed. Like I’m all for having a laugh but as a company viewing that content.. it’s so desperate and cringe… ugh keep it to yourself. There’s a limit. Sean didn’t even like the post. Can you imagine having to go into work and people seeing you on YouTube videos. That’s one thing but it’s another thing when she posts things like that
I think something has happened guys- she’s found something on his phone or something is making her react in the only way she knows how- passive aggressively!
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I know we're in a fuel crisis at the moment and bills are high but surely you'd put the heating on for a party. They were all walking around wearing coats near the end! 🤭
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Watched the vlog it’s another shit show! So basically this “press trip” was to invite other nobodies on a tour to tap into their social media followings. The tour looked so boring as well - like a school trip and Demi trying to act all cultured and educated is cringe to watch.
I also hate when someone else is on camera with her and she always asks them questions like “what was this place” “what was the name of it again” “what did you order” she’s making so called content about these places yet she constantly has to confirm it’s details! I think it’s more her awkwardly trying to include the other person but it just looks so forced. How she’s managed to sustain this “career” for more than a few months is unbelievable!
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Why does her sitting room look like she’s ram raided Poundland. What a load of absolute tat and that shit show of a vlog 💩💩give it a break Big D
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