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After watching replays of the few days nonsense- I think it's official, I hate Angie more than any of them.

More than Shan even! That's some title
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Can we talk about the £800+ she got sent to her PayPal and was meant to get a phone then a bed then who knows what happened, she got a ruck of gifts around then too so I wouldn’t be too surprised if she had over a grand that one week

Drank it all obviously
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Hello Angie, your “supporters” are actually “enablers”

J is a melt who sends dog mess in the post.
Alex flip flops between so maybe people I’m surprised he knows what day it is. Think he knows every hard man in England. 😂😂 He has admitted before he reads tattle on Miss Reds.
Nanny G wants a friend and is happy to buy Angies friendship and parent her on the daily. Says she has a job but is always around when Angie has a meltdown.
Queen G, another one who used to slag Angie to high heaven and then got some money from being friendly with her.
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It’s interesting that nanny g seems to have fucked off, I wonder if they’re still in contact behind the scenes or if she’s given Angie a telling off and told her she’s had enough. I’m hoping for the latter tbh, the sooner her hangers on see her for the horrible drunken bitch she is the better. I’ll never understand why so many people are up her arse and willing to go out their way to ‘protect’ her when she’s the one that causes all the trouble, and she loves it. She gets away with saying the most vile things near enough everyday, but if someone retaliates they’re piled on by the cult. Oh and god forbid anyone mentions the fact that she’s pissed out her skull 24/7, apparently that’s below the belt. In fact don’t say anything about her alcohol consumption unless it’s blind encouragement, the woman is glowing yellow but they’re all too scared to say anything to her about it, then again I’m sure they’ll have plenty to say when she eventually keels over.
Sorry for the rant I had to get that off my chest 😅
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Oh fuck off J. Blaming Tattle 🙄 it's clear that you are more involved than anyone in this pointless shituation.

I don't understand the whole "revenge porn" narrative though. Is clapper not public so anyone can watch anyway?
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Ohhhh so J and Nanny Gee don’t get on who would have thought :LOL: Alex has blocked J. Queen G continuing her shit stirring. Nanny Gee making veiled threats of exposing shit that could ‘blow up’ the app. Charlie has apparently made a video (can’t see I’m blocked :ROFLMAO:) it’s all kicking off lads 🍿🍿🍿
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Bloody hell Basement Brigham is hosting yet another live about Angie 🤦‍♀️ He just doesn’t stop! How is nobody calling him out, it’s fucking weird how obsessed he is. She’s clearly been drinking tonight and he just goads and goads.
He must just sit there, in his mums back bedroom, watching her 24/7 waiting for her to do something that he can go live about. So weird, get a job Pigham!
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Angie needs to realise these people are the reason she’s feeling the way she does. They instigate, antagonise and twist every situation for their own entertainment.

Alex had the audacity to blame the comments for starting drama but it’s him that keeps sending Angie screen recordings and messages telling her when people are speaking about her to stir up drama. Queen G is another one with a wooden spoon. They enable her outbursts instead of telling her when she’s in the wrong. Nanny Gee, as lovely as she came across, was also like this.
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her mom thinks Alex is grooming her lol. It’s the most depressing drivel . I’d rather watch cla and that’s saying something . She fuked up and playing the victim . We all die, have love ones who died will die . Grow the fuck up . People are dying of illnesses. Selfish
How would her mum know about Alex and what he’s like? I wonder if she looks here.
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Oh god now they’re complaining about Angie dressing as a nun on Alex’s live and acting like it’s offensive 🤣 it’s not that deep
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Had to jump on here, does anyone else find her mod Mother Theresa really fucking annoying?

Always cracking shit jokes trying be funny, attention seeking and constantly up Angie’s hole. Also, evil queen and some person were arguing and MT kicked them from Angie’s live because “it’s too early in the morning”… Angie didn’t say anything and just let it happen…

If it’s too early, go live on your own account and piss off ruining the fun you nobody.
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Next time Angie do the 10am slot when Miss Red IS live :ROFLMAO: that’ll piss her off.

That debate is just going to be a room of victim blamers/shamers. People always go hard for the woman for trusting someone with an intimate photo rather than the creep that decides to share it around. I’ll be silently watching all the wrongens gather together like they’re holier than thou.
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If it was:
Sean (Emz pal)
DG (sorry DG fans)

I would've been less shocked. Really I would.

But Antony Q Lion. I just didn't have him penned as a SO. Its unbelievable we just don't know what goes on when the camera stops rolling and who these people really are.
Dirty horrible bastard.

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Unstable Mabel “I’m really considering going for the risings one week to one up that bitch”

One min later “that was a joke I’d never go for the risings”

Gob almighty that one, I was in the live when she said it listening to them being vile as usual!

So Tam put out a video out saying no one’s put a hit on Angie someone inboxed her and she’s done with social media, next thing she’s in Unstables box doxxing Lynz.

Tam thinks she’s well hard 😂😂😂😂
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What’s Michelle’s game, she says the arguing needs to stop but holds yet another live continuing the nonsense. Theres no proof that Angie or Lynz like kids in a sexual way and it’s disgusting that the word nonce/pedalo is thrown around like it’s nothing. Alex, Pearl and Felicity were like a pack of wolves.
From what I’ve observed of Michelle she isn’t very strong willed and is quite “flip flopy”. She seems so be easily swayed and it is bizarre that she’s allowing all that to happen in her live.

They are 100% trying to suggest that Angie and Lynz are pedalos which obviously isn’t true.
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