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Daisy Uncle

VIP Member
They said “early evening” yesterday. Are they releasing it at 8.30 or 8.45 or 9pm to give Dan little / no time to respond?
Not early evening though, is it. I don't know about this byline lot, seems very amateurish, I'm sure they'll come out with a pathetic excuse. They've screwed this up, Wootton will just carry on. Argh!
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Daisy Uncle

VIP Member
For the people who doubt the seriousness of it all, just imagine being on the end of something like this. Imagine someone you don't know targeting you or your partner or your previous partners, offering them thousands of pounds top make sex tapes of you. Then blackmailing them/you and ultimately releasing sex tapes to friends and family members. Imagine how that would feel over a period of years. It would be life changing, life destroying. Somebody earlier described it as evil and I'm not in disagreement with that.

Could you do something like that? I think it takes a severely twisted, sadistic person to inflict that on anybody. If any of this is true it's incredibly inhumane.
I agree, but was it him, was everything done him, does anyone have proof. Clearly he's a total arse, you only have to listen to him, or read what he's written over the years, but this sex blackmail is several levels above that.
Byline have fucked this up, why is there no smoking gun here, just vague oh I know it was him. Then add in part 56677 coming soon, click to give us money.
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Why was he dumped?? Is the bitterness towards ITV and Philty because he was ousted for similar behaviour, while also being in the know, which he's admitted too about what goes on at ITV. I could be wrong but he's very bitter towards Philty, just makes you wonder why hes so salty.
DAN WOOTTON: I told ITV about Schofield's affair in 2019. What followed looks like a cover-up | Daily Mail Online

His words but yes Schofield wanted him out for years. Surprised (again in his words) he was offered a new deal given how vitriolic he was becoming towards the Duchess of Sussex at that point.
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RJF 2.0

Well-known member
I asked why didn’t they go to the police sooner instead of stretching out publishing stories alongside campaign asking for money to keep on exposing DW?
They say they handed a dossier to the police before part 1 was published
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VIP Member
She'll be even more outraged to see anyone calling it Ireland as it's allegedly in Belfast which she would see as Britain rather than Ireland, which I suppose legally at the moment, it is. Don't tell my boyfriend I said that. He hates me even calling it Northern Ireland. I'm like "But that's what it's called!" and he's "No, it's the North!". I suppose at least he doesn't call it "The Six Counties" like some in Ireland do. I'm half Irish and half English so I have a foot in both camps lol.

The big two I can think of are Donal McIntyre and MWT, but I'm sure there are more I've forgotten.

Is she one of the Sugars?
Yes she's a sugar !
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Well-known member
Just found this thread, happy that others despise this man as much as I do. He is vile, just vile. I think of all the threads I interact with here, he is the one I hate the most, largely because some deluded fools will believe the lies he spreads maliciously and knowingly.

Private eye had a story about him last week, not named but clearly him, in which they printed that a gay “broadcaster” had been sexually harrassing much younger straight staff to the extent that at least one had to be moved to another programme for his own protection. Private eye is the only publication that would bring this out if anyone ever spoke out. I live in hope!

Can’t fucking stand him!
Everyone will probably jump to conclusions and think this is Phillip schofield though.


VIP Member
The situation with his bf creeps me out. Dan is about 15 years older than him and I think they've been going out since he was about 21-22.