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VIP Member
Yep! Screamer is so annoying. Pure brat.
Why can’t she speak? Is there something wrong with her?
They are all on the spectrum
Mouth Breather, speaks for itself. Breathes through its weird mouth. Looks vile.
Clark…will never take the oodie off.
Screamer…we all know she’s a hideous human.
My son is on the spectrum and he is nothing like them! He's so calm 🤣
swimmers ear really is so painful. i got it on holiday as a kid and you need to go to the pharmacy asap and get sprays to sort it otherwise it just gets worse and especially needs to be sorted before the plane. can’t help but feel bad for the kid i feel as if he’s the odd one out of the family and doesn’t get as much attention. hope he is being looked after 🙏🏼
I’d recommend they start taking him to get his ears flushed a couple of weeks before they are due to get away, suspect it may be caused by excess ear wax and water getting stuck behind it? I always go this before going away and it stops my ears getting blocked on the plane, irritation from the pool etc
I’d be surprised if they actually earned that much money off tiktok. Views equate to pennies, and they do more “gifted” posts than actual paid Ads. So they might have a load of freebies but do they have that much money from this line of work? They donate any money earned from gifts on live.
From what I’ve seen a mixture of sponsors and live gifts will pay the majority of full time tiktok influencers salaries, they won’t get much from views themselves, also depends on the country as to how much!


VIP Member
I quite like Clark, but the way he let that dog eat out of his hand and then put the same hand right into his food made me want to vomit


Chatty Member
It came up on my FYP but it was the same day / day after as the train track apology video, people are commenting face paint but the ones on her arms definitely aren’t and I don’t understand why you’d face paint a black eye

Surely he would have addressed the comments just stating it was face paint or at least liked a comment saying it was face paint!


VIP Member
Is this charity walk he's doing an overnight walk? Or do they stop somewhere for the night?

In his update an hour ago they weren't even at the half way mark!


Chatty Member
See his “5 years ago today” video. The kids really have grown up a lot over the last 5 years. Imagine if they were that age now while he’s getting popular/going viral. They’d be getting gifted trips to Disneyland and all that, I think they’d possibly be more popular with cute little kids than they are with inappropriate teens.


VIP Member
I remember him going into a bedroom and saying Dulcie didn't want to be on the video as she was painting her face. It's bruises on her arms but I don't think that's bruising on her face.


Active member
Does anyone else feel uncomfortable with both of them looking absolutely mortal tonight? Him especially. I get it’s a holiday but you still have one child under ten to keep an eye on. Yes the older ones can fend for themselves, almost, but I don’t know I just personally feel if you’re going to be drinking, at least one parent should be slightly sober incase anything were to happen? Maybe I’m too much of a worrier 🙈🤷🏻‍♀️
He drinks a lot, they both do. Even when caring for their young daughter. I noticed on the last meal video, that he said he wasn’t drinking because he had an early start.. then proceeded to go back to the villa and pour himself ‘a large red of course’. I hope he wasn’t still over the limit when he started his drive.


VIP Member
So glad I found this! I commented this on Daddymay as TikTok a couple of times but it got deleted. I saw Georgina with her friends fat shaming and bullying a man just out trying to enjoy himself- and now I can’t watch videos with her in them the same! I can’t imagine she’s very nice to cooper from what I saw.
Huh? Is Georgina coopers GF?


VIP Member
To be fair, if your average family of 4 want a couple of rooms in a 4-5 star hotel for 2 weeks in Greece say, I reckon you’d be paying around the same as that for half board, they’ve essentially taken 8 people so not un-heard of value… TikTok must be paying alright though I guess! 😂
Saying that, I haven’t yet seen them go out for any meals, so must be squeezing the budget…
I guess! Just the fact that they’ve earned that from doing fuck all on tiktok though is the annoying part lol.


VIP Member
Just saw his plate up race with Little Div today and he makes a joking sarcastic comment about how she never takes food off of others plates because she’s respectful.
The next one where Clark takes another Lamb Chop and he moans that the left over chops are his as he wolfs down the rest of a chop on Clark’s plate. Then said, don’t forget you had one more lamb chop than me…. No he didn’t you both pretty much had the same amount!
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New member
So glad I found this! I commented this on Daddymay as TikTok a couple of times but it got deleted. I saw Georgina with her friends fat shaming and bullying a man just out trying to enjoy himself- and now I can’t watch videos with her in them the same! I can’t imagine she’s very nice to cooper from what I saw.
What happened?


VIP Member
Why are they not feeding Reggie using a bowl? I get giving him the mat as a treat but she’s feed him his lunch on it surrounded by leaves and god knows what else has blown into their garden