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Can buy 20 fake designer hats but can’t buy herself a laptop case to protect it from the rain.
Can pack 10 fake designer hats but only one pair of shoes.
Nobody can accuse Crystal of using her head.

I’m guessing the trip home either has something to do with that “hard” meeting she had or it’s to get a new laptop. Or maybe get some money from mum and dad to be able to pull off the retreat? She’s covering for whatever it is by saying it’s because she misses her kids. Not a chance. Beside, I think I remember her saying London was going to be in Melbourne for the whole month preparing for his competition.

And what the fuck is this "leadership role" that she "used to do" that she keeps talking about??? Girl is trippin.


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Deirdre Chambers

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She’s also described it in some posts as 4 nights/5 days…. But in the detailed itinerary where you pay for it…. Appears to be 5 nights…. Unless you attend the final night white party and then need to find somewhere to stay!

And yes, I looked as well and thought how could you possibly make any money doing that for $990, but no go to the small print and it’s actually 3 x $990.

Dodgy AF.
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Spot on. One of them might have asked her a question about her past sEASoNs, and the live laugh love facade would have crumbled real fast.
She will probably repost one of their posts now, just to prove that she isn’t shunning them 😉
In all seriousness though, about the girls just wanna have fun slumber party antics … how sad is it that at almost 40 years old you’re so excited to have finally friends that it’s all you talk about for weeks on end?
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Probably had half a brain between them and didn’t fall for the sista love bombing
Yup! My guess is it may have been a mutual rejection.

These are the only photos she bothered to post of the second group. The group appears to be older and more mature than the first group, dare I say too “frumpy” for Crystal’s taste? I’m sure Crystal thinks being associated with menopausal women isn’t a good image for her for the Gram. No doubt if they were all 20/30-something influencer types she would have been all over them like white on rice (like the chick she attached herself to at the airport).

Also, it was during the second retreat that she threw her fit about revealing her hATerZ. I’m sure she had a lovely little meltdown in front of them all trying to impress upon them how victimized she’s been and accidentally revealed some of the skeletons in her closet (as alluded to in one of her videos). “Oh my god I didn’t know that about you”. Yeah, I’m sure! Lol. They were probably like, right - she’s a bit more unhinged than I bargained for. 😬


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So Crystal wants to protest for the women killed. Protest what, you fool?
Protest against psychotic breaks? Protest against schizophrenia? Protest poor mental health?
You can always count on Crystal to have the most ridiculous takes on any given situation.
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Do you think some of those Bali attendees were comped? Makes no sense why they would pay to go. Maybe that’s why the J names were always on the list.
I honestly don’t know how she could afford to comp anybody. She can barely afford to run it on $3000 a head.

Check out the profiles of the women who are going. None of the three that she has shown so far seem to really have their shit together. So far it seems to me like the three of them are probably going for the girl bonding crap she has been promoting.
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‘They’re all for the better’. Damn straight. Your sons life will be 100 x better now you’re not in it Crystal.
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Enough with the same lies Crystal. 🙄
Lather, rinse, repeat.

She’s been crying again and feeling sorry for herself because she doesn't have a man to take care of her.
You would think that someone who lives in a constant state of chaos and mood swings would make a modicum of effort to help themselves and commit to seeing a psychiatrist and psychologist. She is her own worst enemy. And then to be so in denial about her instability that she thinks she can mentor other women. SMH.


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I don’t know why she’s claiming “friends” of hers are in here? If that’s the case wouldn’t we have a whole bunch of inside information? The only things discussed are things she posts. There was a couple of people who said they used to know her or know of her but that was ages ago?
Those are the ones I was thinking of, I believe they said they knew her when she lived in Tamworth. But they posted that last year & haven't posted in a long time so who the hell knows who she's "supposedly" talking about. 🤷‍♀️
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Is he the older one? So she said ‘to no children’. What about the other one?
Yes, Jonny is the older one. She lost primary custody of London last year. She only had him for like 6 months before that happened. You only see London with her because his dad is local. As best we can tell she might have him weekends, maybe one day per week, if that. She didn’t fess up to it for the longest time and then made a huge deal of posting obviously edited text exchanges between her and London’s dad. Claiming the dad was an abusive narcissist but in reality she couldn’t be bothered to get him to his juijitsu classes (after bragging she only worked 3 hrs/day) and then would do shady shit like block his dad’s number from his phone so he couldn’t contact him. These screeencaps were from last March …


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I had a feeling the “purity” journey ended when she told us she invited some “artists” from blues fest to stay at her house..
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Nothing says you’re in a position to teach other women to hashtag design their dreams like buying a second hand laptop.
I wish I would have screencapped her post as soon as she got home and got that new laptop when she told everyone she had upgraded. Bragging that every time she comes back from Bali something in her life upgrades - the house, the car and now a bigger laptop. Now she’s admitting that she actually had to buy a used computer because she couldn’t afford a new one 😂. Typical ’smoke and mirrors’ Crystal.

So she did force them to share a room. I wonder if they knew before they booked.
If I had to guess I’d say this woman, jannas.journeyz, went over early and is staying somewhere else until the retreat begins. (One of the other attendees,, is doing the same thing but at a different villa in Seminyak.) The woman jannas.journeyz is roomsharing with may not even be going to the retreat, just some random she’s bunking with to keep costs down? I just can’t see Crystal renting the villa for extra days so people can arrive early and party without her for free.
If I had to guess I’d say this woman, jannas.journeyz, went over early and is staying somewhere else until the retreat begins. (One of the other attendees,, is doing the same thing but at a different villa in Seminyak.) The woman jannas.journeyz is roomsharing with may not even be going to the retreat, just some random she’s bunking with to keep costs down? I just can’t see Crystal renting the villa for extra days so people can arrive early and party without her for free.
OK, scratch that. I clearly haven’t had enough caffeine yet today. 😂.

On closer inspection, I’m pretty sure the woman on the scooter with jannas.journeyz IS the other retreat attendee,

Jenna posted a tour of the villa they are at right now and it is in Semanyak. It’s definitely not the villa that Crystal promoted when she sold the package, it’s much smaller and not as luxurious. So either the two women decided to go early and explore other places first OR Crystal has downgraded and moved the accommodations.


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That story was rough I found it hard not to feel sorry for her. At least she was honest and not putting a spin on it as frustrating as it is to follow along as she can’t get her shit together
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So is she admitting she lost custody of Jonny or both kids again? But she acts like "oh well, all my other dreams are coming true!!".
What a pathetic excuse of a mother. Fucking hell. Imagine when these poor kids see this. Hopefully they are better off without her. Imagine the life she will now live, constant MH spirals, living week to week, assume now will bring in at least another house mate as won't get Centrelink for kids, living a miserable life pretending she happy hanging out with a few strangers for a couple day. Think the karma train is hitting hard and fast.
Living the dream you pathetic bitch.
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When I started my business 10 years ago at 29 years old, I was a single mum that had just $10 in my bank
Oh. You mean that business called Design Twins, that was named that because you started it with your husband, and you always called each other ‘twinny’ because you were so much alike?

When I walked away from all of that
Oh. You mean when you were dragged away from the store and thrown in jail and then the psyche ward because you attacked your husband with a knife? When you were thrown out of the business by a judge and were broke, had your car repo’d and kicked out of your home because you were burning through money you didn’t have? Is that what we’re calling “walked away from” now?

Crystal Bailey - lies like a rug. If she’s talking she’s lying.
Not the concrete’d plastic cup 💀💀💀
The sheer entitled audacity of this deluded bitch to think that anything she has to offer is worth $10,000.
She spends her life perpetually failing. She is the very definition of a loser.
This question doesn’t even make sense 🤣 so fucking sick of her self righteous bullshit, crapping all over anyone who has a full time job or can’t work from ‘anywhere’
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For someone who just had "the best week" of her life, why is she sitting in a cafe or restaurant crying & eye f*cking & staring at herself in the camera, headshake & all? Is she burning out already?

She is mentally unwell and it's good the boys aren't with her. Though, now that she's home, cue reels of London with her, smothering him with fake affection so he knows he has to perform for the camera too.


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