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I remember back in March, every time I had I was googling numbers and how bad it was. Back in March I had a list on my notes about the number of cases and deaths just for reference back in the 9th of March there was 319 cases and 3 deaths ! It’s pretty crazy to think that was not long ago and I was on such high alert then. Obviously the cases would have been far higher but there was no testing back then . I’m not sure where it came from but the conspiracy’s are interesting especially that book that was revealed that came out years ago ! Weird
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I definitely think it’s real, I’m not gonna pretend to to be an expert on it but the lab theory seems more plausible to me than the bat theory.

It’s so funny how literally no one is going on about 5g anymore. Apparently that was the source of all our problems just a few weeks ago, people have moved onto qanon stuff now🤣
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Looks like Prince Charles caught it at the wrong time ,Andy pandy's missed the covid boat then :rolleyes:
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Chatty Member
I am not into conspiracy theories at all but I truly believe this virus was genetically engineered by the Chinese for population control. What I'm not sure on is if it was released to quell the HK protests, or if it was a genuine accident. Perhaps they even released it to wreck the economy on purpose, so the world would have to lean on China's factories that much more, and they could take over from the inside but that's pushing it a bit.

Really surprised that people think it's not real. I know several people that have had it, and one person that has died from it.
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VIP Member
There is also a vaccine for the flu. It only becomes problematic when a new strain develops, the last time that happened was swine flu in 2010 I think? But that’s now included in the vaccination programme. Covid has more in common with SARS than Flu.

People kept going on about a vaccine, but I don’t think there ever will be one because of the type of virus it is. So we must learn to live with it, accept is not going anywhere for the time being, accept there will be more flare ups and local lockdowns and stay sensible and vigilant until we eventually reach herd immunity. The problem is that so many people seem to lack common sense, which is why I’m fully expecting a second wave in the Autumn/winter.
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VIP Member
I have no doubt about the seriousness of the virus however I do have my doubts in the reporting of deaths. For instance, someone for example dying of a heart attack or a brain injury or cancer....death certificates stating cause of death as COVID-19?
Even if it’s primary or secondary cause they do still have to be stated somewhere on the death certificate and because it’s been stated somewhere it counts as part of the statistics
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VIP Member
Can you tell us more about the true stats? I’ve looked on Facebook and can’t seem to see anything?

Why it would it be a secondary cause of death in a heart attack or brain bleed following an accident, for example?
IF you click on their page on FB it will notify you everytime they're live . They just discuss the stats on a moving basis they've said the infection rate has plateaued for weeks now and the gov opened things up too soon when they should have been driving the R down lower like Ireland ,Scotland ,Wales .Secondary causes are usually on the cert because the person had or was suspected of having the infection but died from their primary illness (cancer,heart disease etc ) but covid maybe hastened their deaths ..I think once the testing was more widespread covid was only added if the person did test positive with a lab result (I stand corrected )
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I strongly suspect the army were “on notice” or whatever the term is, but I don’t Think there is anything sinister or surprising about that- the army are going to have emergency plans for this sort of situation as they do for thousands of others.

I mean, the government have been planning their response to a pandemic for, well forever, in some form or another- it doesn’t mean anything, it’s exactly what you want a government to do surely?

What do people think about the media reporting of it? Like is that what scares people so much? The seasonal flu kills thousands and thousands of people every year but those figures are not reporter in a daily basis and with 24/7 media coverage.
It’s nothing like flu though. Flu has been around for thousands of years - why would it be reported 24/7?

The virus is very much real. I do not think it came from a market, they didn't even sell bats.
There is a very high risk lab in Wuhan who in 2018 were warned to up their PPE and safety or they could cause a global pandemic. I think the virus came from there and China knows it.
I think Trump is deliberately letting the virus spread like wildfire in the USA so he can call off the election last minute because it's too "dangerous" to have people all crowded together.

the WHO and other governments have said this corona virus WAS transmitted from animal to human and is not the same as a strain held ina lab. However my understanding is that there are many labs working on Virus’ from bats, as its been known for many years what a huge risk this presents, and there have been a couple of localised situations like CV19 in China in the past (which never travelled person to person)

so the lab samples are directly from bats, but the generic code of the virus shows it’s not directly from a bat but from a human via another animal, if that makes sense?

Also itS now claimed (by an oxford professor who are as far I know has no motive to get China off the hook) that covid didn’t originate in China, but has been around for quite a long time, dormant. Something happened this year that allowed it to flourish

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Active member
Independent SAGE on FB has the true info and stats ,that's my go to not the media..

Can you tell us more about the true stats? I’ve looked on Facebook and can’t seem to see anything?

Why it would it be a secondary cause of death in a heart attack or brain bleed following an accident, for example?
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VIP Member
Independent SAGE on FB has the true info and stats ,that's my go to not the media..
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
The rumour (I don't know the facts) that there is a deadly pandemic /epidemic every century in the year 20 .
No one mentions the virus being caused by 5g anymore
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BTW I heard on the grapevine that the government didn’t think that the public would respect a lockdown in the U.K. and were prepared to send the army in to enforce it if needs be. However, with a few exceptions most people did as they were told. When lockdown was first announced lots of photos of army convoys appears on social media, so I think there is some truth in that.
Those pictures weren’t real though so I don’t think they are backing up any claims.
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Active member
Hi, so we have a coronavirus thread (many of them) and a conspiracy theory thread BUT does any have / believe any conspiracy theories about COVID?

What does everyone think / believe?

Kim Mild

VIP Member
Also read a good one on Facebook covid19 stands for Certificate Of Vaccination I.D (then 1=a 9=I )Artificial intelligence


VIP Member
I think it’s real. Although in the beginning, and to some degree even now I question the figures being released. But I think that’s partly because out of the 300 people I work with as well as the people I know, I’ve only heard of one person having it badly who also had underlying health issues. Its easier to believe when you know people affected.
As for military involvement- my friend is in the Navy but works between the navy and RAF, She mentioned that they were briefed there could be some deployment but it wasn’t for controlling people during lockdown, it was to assist hospitals with transport if needed.
It feels like something that could be man made but I have doubts it originated from China- tactically I don’t see why you’d release something in your own country first as you’re suspect number 1 in that instance. But I do believe that COVID is being used as a form of population control. I did hear an interesting theory that COVID is a mask for the sex trafficking investigation/ scandal- dominating the news and allowing the ability for people in power to choose a death by “COVID” vs it being public that they are a part of trafficking.