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VIP Member
apparently they can aggravate the virus.. Thats what I saw on twitter. Don’t know if true though.
Now there’s no paracetamol to be found and all I bought was ibuprofen.
thank you/ it’s all I could find as well!


VIP Member
Please only follow advice from a reputable source.
Take paracetomol, not ibuprofen/aspirin.

Dr John Campbell explains why.


VIP Member
Where in Canada? My 70 year old mom lives in Montreal and is on lockdown. My brother is sorting her out. As soon as I can I’m going home. I’m terrified I never see my mother again (I’m catastrophizing,yes).
Alberta. I know, it is scary times.


Active member
I would really appreciate some advice. My dad is in the vulnerable category, over 60 with heart issues. My mum works in social care with vulnerable adults, elderly adults and is likely to contract it due to the nature of her job and the community we live in. We are doing the hand washing and social distancing from wider society, but my mum is going to have continue to work and it is likely she will bring it home to my dad. There may be a possibility of him or us living elsewhere until whenever this situation ends but it has also been suggested that we isolate from each other within this household. I just think this is more risky. Please any suggestions. This is an awful and highly stressful situation, I am thinking of everyone during this testing time.


Iconic Member
Well our social services are paying anyone who can't go to work due to COVID19 or due to schools shut 315 a week and mortgage's have been frozen for everyone and think electricty bills are stopping too (Ireland!)
electricity bills are stopping in Ireland???!! Can you explain where you got this information?


Well-known member
Sorry to be another one asking questions, been advised to isolate for a week now because of my toddlers temp this morn (I rang again after last night) im a bridesmaid at my friends wedding on Saturday... do I go?! I informed her about my son and she said the rest of us can go If we’re not showing any symptoms but there will be a ton of kids there, felt off the past few days but nothing notable, just still very very tired allll the time and a bit achey

I dont want her to think I’m a twat/don’t care if I don’t go but I also will be the twat who potentially brings illness to a wedding 🤷🏻‍♀️ Even if I’m feeling okay, If that makes sense


Active member
I am watching this in tears. What is happening to the world. It is honestly so upsetting and affecting me far too much. My baby is 13 weeks old. I wonder what world he has been born into.
Just don't let any visitors into the house ! be safe and don't worry all should be grand x

They need to do that here.
My manager is really worried about his job and the effect closing will have on the pub but as I said to him, it will be ALL the pubs that close, not just ours. So any financial hardship will be felt by everyone. It's a real shame, but it is what it is unfortunately.
they arent doing that!??


Chatty Member
FTSE 100 down another 7% and below 5000 at the moment. Has anyone braved checking their pension account? 😬


VIP Member
Avoid social contact and non essential travel...

So working with large number of colleagues for somewhere where it is not possible to work from home and travelling TO work on public transport then (I guess this is classed essential however)? With some businesses still opening and expecting us to go if we are not unwell, this isn't possible.


Active member
Some stores are opening just for the 65+ in the morning.
Most other stores, pubs, restaurants etc are still open as usual.
thats horrible! all of ours are closed by now. One pub was open on talbot st in dublin city centre and is after getting fined


VIP Member
In Italy the government have stopped mortgage payments for everyone ,to lesson the burden on people .Will this government do the same ??
have they stopped them or postponed? So people will still pay it but it’s been deferred? Just wondering. Haven’t heard about this.


Just been made aware that our local churches are looking to close (dads a vicar, who didn’t even believe in Covid until a few weeks ago) so I reckon we’ll have something different in the news today compared to last time!
My routine hospital appointments have just been cancelled but I have been given links to an online consultation login from my local gp! So I’d say it’s a positive as I know we’ve just had a couple of confirmed cases local!


Chatty Member
I'm ignoring the drink Brits mail clickbait, let's not give attention to the 0.00001%. But these is funny Madonna and Katy Perry being tricked into retweeting fake videos thinking people in Italy are singing their songs. Mean I know, but their ego 😬

Lol these celebs are so self-absorbed that they think Italians would be singing in the streets in English accents with stadium acoustics...
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I seen this yesterday 😂 who would even do that tho haha to much time in their hands