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Chatty Member
Keep them off then. There won't be fines for parents that choose to do that. That way, you can send them all back together. How long is it from 1st June till they break for summer? Our schools break on the 23rd July this year
Think it’s about 6 weeks! I work in hospitality though so that’s another shitty thing Iv to think of the whole things just messed my head up 😂🤣
I spoke to my manager and friend who was previously a manager yesterday. Basically the councils are set to call nurseries and someone else, I can’t remember what they are called. During these phone calls they are discussing the guidelines and implementing what needs to be done to keep them everyone safe and complying with social distancing. They will also discuss changes that will happen to the nursery to comply with this, my nursery has come up with a new policy and procedure on what to do during this time. Overall from my understanding if staff/children who are extremely vulnerable or come from households with extremely vulnerable can only go in if stringent social distancing can be aheard to. And I believe this also depends on if a setting can open, if nurseries are unable to put things into place to keep children and staff safe but also social distance then how can they operate? My nursery is currently open for key workers with 3 members of staff and about 6 children per day and they’ve said their struggling with the social distancing, constant cleaning and explaining and supporting children with this so I honestly can’t see how this would work by adding another half of children. Children need to explore and connect with others and I can see this having such a negative impact on everyone. It makes you concerned if after something like this if early years can bounce back up! I love my job and the thought of it being nothing like how it was really breaks my heart

We are open for key workers children but having up to 20 a day and there has been no social distancing at all no ppe for staff and the cleaning is minimal as we are so busy I’m worried when more come back into the nursery to be honest

Did you read the early years guidance? It lists it all in there. As a key worker you will be allocated a group of children in your ratio and you alone are responsible for those children and stay together as a group, so that group eats together, sleeps together and goes in the garden together.

Frequent handwashing and nose wiping is encouraged more frequent cleaning of toys etc. They are saying where possible, be outside as much as possible which helps.

You can still give babies bottles and change their nappies and rock them to sleep. After nappy changes, you need to clean the whole area down which you should be doing anyway.

It's going to be a shock for some settings who don't clean frequently or properly

Yeah i read that today think this only will work if we have extra staff in to maintain the social distancing and cleaning but sometimes that isn’t the case, fingers crossed we can find the best way to manage it!!


VIP Member
I’m really pleased with the NI plan, to me it’s taken in to account both getting people back to work safely, but also the toll of this on people’s mental health by setting out clear points for socialisation again.

The only worry to me is how many steps til the kids are back at school full time 🤣


VIP Member
I know understand what she was saying but the argument still doesn't really work, it is very different legislating for something that many people need to do, vs something people want to do. We all want to see our friends and family but allowing people to be able to move home is obviously more important as a first step. Need vs want.
It's an observation not a criticism !
Anyone know if childminders can re open for children who’s parents aren’t key workers ? This is all hurting my head lol xx


VIP Member
So people will have to self-isolate for 14 days after arriving from abroad (except from France). So if someone wants to take a 1 week holiday, they will essentially have to be out of the office for 3 weeks! No employer would be ok with this, I don't think... At the same time though, airlines are starting to open their flights, Ryanair and co have already announced flights. But who will actually travel on those flights if they have to go into quarantine for 2 weeks afterwards. :unsure: 🤦‍♀️
Teachers could if they go away in summer hols, term time only workers, people who don't work etc, it's not like no one can go away. Before we went into lockdown we had someone from work going to Japan and our Manager said if anyone goes abroad to a country with Covid then she wants them quarantining on their return but it will be unpaid


VIP Member
Anyone watching hospital coronavirus special?
I did. And I don't know why I did because hospitals are a huge ptsd trigger for me.

It was interesting though. Lovely seeing the baby being born and the two patients make it home.

Just wasn't comfortable viewing! But I suppose it isn't supposed to be.


VIP Member
I've told all my clients (house cleaning) that I'm going to wait two weeks to see the fallout of the latest events before I go back into their homes to work.
I'm so confused by it all, if we can't visit family in their homes how can it be ok for me to go into the 8 different homes of mostly vulnerable people I clean for in a week?
Molly Maid cleaners are still working round here.


VIP Member
Is there any truth in news from France?

I have primary age kids and 2 very different responses to latest news that it's workable both have very different sized grounds and intake.

Seniors who knows all gone quiet and she can't take the bus.

Boris dident read out the press conference question I asked



Well-known member
Does anyone know if its possible for a child to repeat their reception year? My son is current Reception but not 5 until August. I feel he really needs to do the year again or he will be really behind.