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VIP Member
My MIL lives with her husband, daughter (who has cystic fibrosis) and her husband.

She just rang me for a chat she works in a school and is due back end of june, once shielding has come to an end. I told her sheilding will probably be extended and I think she will be put on sick pay she seems to think she will be on full pay as it's not her fault and sheilding will come to an end in june. I mean I highly doubt they are going to let someone with cystic fibrosis out yet

I'm also due back to work in june (currently on maternity) luckily I can work from home but I will be looking after my 6 month old, she then says oh your mum can come round and help can't she. Umm NO because we aren't allowed to socialise? She then said why doesnt she move in with you and help whilst you work. How about because she was on a ventilator from pnemonia a few years back and has serious health problems from it now, my husband is a key worker so is still going out everyday why the f***k would I risk my mum's life. Stupid cow

Sorry I just really needed to vent my frustration sorry if you read this!!
I hear you! It’s like some people think their own situation is not included in any of the rules. Although last nights update was very unclear, it’s always been crystal clear that you shield if you are vulnerable.


Well-known member
Can't you just take a new photo from home? You can definitely take a photo at home for your passport or you can use one of those machines in the supermarket.
I had to do this too as my passport expired. I just took one at home and when you upload it online they tell you whether it’s likely to be accepted or not.

Edit: sorry replied to the wrong person!


VIP Member
The only thing some people are frightened of is getting off their lazy backsides. Nothing to do with the virus.
I'm happy to go back to work if I have some childcare for my son without his nursery being open who is meant to care for him?? ....however I am fortunate that I don't share my office and we can work on appointment only basis for the solicitors i work for therefore limiting the numbers we invite in.


VIP Member
What do people think about cleaners returning to work?
I have a cleaner twice a week usually, she does my ironing and bedding etc too and I've missed her as much as I've missed my parents 😂
She messaged earlier to say she needed to start back due to finances and was taking on clients again... Undecided what to do.


Well-known member
Do you know if we are still only supposed to go shopping once a week for essentials or is it like excercise now and we can go out to the shops all day every day?


VIP Member
Furlough to the end of May, Furlough extended to the end of June, oh we need to start winding down furlough, furlough extended to October......make up your minds!
I think the problem is if they said from day 1 its till October people will expect it even if changes are made, they're dong things as they can and as long as the measures are in place for the time surely it doesn't really matter


VIP Member
Maybe Kermy means if the family are still present in the home total strangers will be able to come inside to view the house,but people can't go inside their own family's home for instance ..That's what I'm picking up from it..
I know understand what she was saying but the argument still doesn't really work, it is very different legislating for something that many people need to do, vs something people want to do. We all want to see our friends and family but allowing people to be able to move home is obviously more important as a first step. Need vs want.


VIP Member
Apologies not got the detail caught a little bit news flashing across sky news earlier whilst making breakfast.

Hancock says you can meet up with 1 other person from outside your home each day.
What if people interpret that as different person each day so 7 people over course of the week from 7 other different households.

Also when they on about extending furlough too?
I keep saying to husband I cantt see how his company let staff return to work pre opening the store as then they have pay their wages but not taking any money as non essential store still not open.

Looks like unions don't want schools open in June.



Well-known member
Wow, bit harsh! I will not be getting on a train for a long while and will opt for no pay instead if I have to. I’d love to go to work but I refuse to get on a train to catch it.

Legally it’s SSP. But they could furlough.
Well then what I said doesn't apply to you, you're concerned about the virus. It is more the people going about living their normal lives, friends round the house/no social distancing etc but outraged that they're gonna have to go back to work.


VIP Member
Dare I ask whats the latest on this shit show? Ive been out doing my weekly shop (no queue hooray) and last I heard was Raab was saying one thing someone else was saying another. :ROFLMAO:


Well-known member
It all confuses me so much. They want me back at work, fine. But we rely on grandparents for childcare but we arent supposed to mix with our families so what am I supposed to do?! One set of grandparents drives from an hour away are they now allowed? They would have to have him at our house, is that allowed? I guess I could put my son into nursery but that puts him at more risk and I can't just put him in without a settling in period. It's all such a minefield!