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I’m actually gonna say in that footage from the restaurant MG looks the one who seems to be caring more for that baby, he tucks her in and moves the blanket (?) off her face. Constance handling her very strangely for a newborn. Again she’s not wrapped in a coat or anything more than a sleepsuit.
irony of them wearing face masks to conceal identity but I bet when it was the law Constance was the first one to decline to wear it.
Yes I agree, CM didn’t even support her head properly.
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You can see in that Bolton footage both their coats are absolutely sodden, and Victoria is basically zipped up inside a wet, polyester coat. It also looks by the way Constance is walking and standing that she's very recently given birth at this point. Her pelvis and gait looks very uncomfortable.

I wonder if, as with most lies there's a grain of truth... did she one day unzip that coat and Victoria "wasn't alive" as she puts it.
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Baffling why, if they had access to thousands of her trust fund, they didn’t buy a campervan or something more substantial knowing they would be going on the run.
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Her other children look happy healthy well fed and dressed, clean and cared for in her fb pics. Her mental state must have deteriorated drastically to go from that to losing them all and having one die in her care due to negligence. In a relatively short space of time too. She obviously knows how to look after babies properly at some stage she did. Even a simple baby sling could have helped her stay warm, able to breath and concealed. I just cant get my head around all of the other strategic actions and just absolutely no thoughts given to the babies most basic needs. Its so bizarre and sad
Apparently all those pics are from a contact centre when she was visiting them which makes sense as they are all her with one child, no family photos.
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The thought did cross my mind fleetingly but you have to remember this was a hotel they stayed in in Harwich BEFORE they went to London. The baby was seen on the GDK CCTV footage in London being put into the pram alive and 'well' as her little arm was moving in the pram. I wondered if the smell could be related to drug use at one point but the only thing Google showed me that smelt that bad was a merh lab which i highly doubt they set up in a Premier inn in a 1 night stay.

I have a lot more thoughts on this case but as I'm new to the thread I'll leave it there for the moment.
I think the smell was poor hygiene post birth. I remember the carnage of my first vaginal delivery and it was like a horror movie for weeks. You need to be on top of that or it will smell like death. Absolutely off topic but I found a C-section to be much easier and less messy after. Constance probably had injuries 'down there', left to fester. Also the three of them unwashed for weeks.

I just can't get my head around how avoidable this all was. Having working in child protection for a short time (couldn't cope!), poverty and disadvantage was at the centre of most cases. I wonder how many of those cases would never had got to where they did if they had £19'000 a month coming of trust fund money! A simplification I know, but I think that's why I can't stop thinking about this case.
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I don’t see her as a victim. She had the money, and lots of it.
She had an extremely privileged background, more than just middle class comfort. ‘Toots’ attended private school, drama school, uni, was a Tatler IT girl and no doubt had the helping hand of influence supporting her to do whatever she wanted.
I’ve no idea what effect having these things had on her, if only! Imagine having all that money at your disposal without ever having to
scrimp and work.
Manipulative and narcissistic comes to mind.
I bet MG couldn’t believe his luck when she showed up
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Wonder if she will turn upto to court today
Really doubt it.

I think this is a deliberate move from her defence team. She would be sitting there blank faced or blowing kisses while people talk about her dead baby => bad look
Hide her away and tell everyone she’s a grief stricken mother who can’t bear the proceedings = faint hope that someone will buy this imagine

We have seen the videos. She couldn’t possibly care less about this baby girl.
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CM seems to be stuck in some teenage rebellion against her background loop.
Like a Vicar’s daughter doing porn.
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They’re whispering to each other in the dock. Wouldn’t be surprised if she’s only turned up to see him to be honest.

I’m sure this is going to go down a treat with the jury.
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Poor baby spent her life cold or being suffocated under a coat.
The footage of them in the cafe with the pram, it's so unnatural as a parent to not turn the pram to face you so you can put the baby in properly. But then it's also unnatural to clothe a newborn in just a babygrow in the depths of winter whilst you're on the run.
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It's unbelievable to me that she had access to that much money and chose this for herself and children. She could have bought a really nice American style camper van and driven around the world with them or bought a piece of land and lived a more pared back lifestyle with her children running barefoot outside with chickens or whatever.
That poor baby, probably suffercated under that coat.
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This has the cctv. Absolutely harrowing imo. Baby looks startled when chucked in the buggy by cuntstance. I’m assuming that the cctv once they’ve dumped the buggy also means that sweet baby is in a carrier bag in that footage. Vile.

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There’s another couple in a similar situation ish. Kelly Rusling and Billy Bennell have fled to Ireland thinking that their newest child that’s just been born wont be taken off them by SS.

Kelly has smothered two babies by co sleeping with them and Billy was found with child porn on his devices so they rang when Kelly got pregnant again.

thankfully she had the child a couple weeks ago and the little girl hasn’t been able to be taken by them out the hospital in Dublin so looking likely SS involvement.

atrocious this is happening so many times
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I’m assuming the majority of people commenting are women and many will have children. It’s hard to fathom a woman behaving like this because it goes against all your natural instincts which is obviously to protect and nurture your baby. I think it’s normal to look for a reason behind that behaviour and on a lot of cases where women do behave applying towards their children there is often an element of control from a partner, we already know he is a nasty piece of work from his past and we know that she has come from a background that was privileged but also problematic and that she has been lured into a cult as an adult. So it’s a logical conclusion to think she is a victim of him in some way. It’s also possible to acknowledge that you can be both a victim and a perpetrator, look at Stars mum Frankie, she was both(in my opinion anyway), I actually think it’s quite important to look at the complexities and natural fo want to understand why someone behaves in a certain way.

Personally I am holding fire on forming opinions with this case until we hear the evidence. My thoughts are with that poor little baby who suffered needlessly.
I understand its completely normal. Its unconscious bias, we as women, are going to find a reason for the behaviour.
It's interesting to me that we say "she comes from a privileged but problematic background" but we don't say the same for him.
It's not unheard of for a black child to be punished for a crime he didn't commit in the USA is it. Although as far as I am aware he isn't claiming innocence it's his sister who is and not a discussion for this thread. But we don't apply the same rational thinking for him and that's interesting to me. What kind of background does he have?
If anyone is being controlled, taking gender aside, I'd lean toward him being the controlled rather than the controller. She has money, education and every bit of privilege afforded to any human. He hasn't committed any further crimes since his release, that we are aware of.
I just think it's interesting how unconscious bias is playing out.
I agree with what someone said above, two extremely problematic people found each other and are creating chaos everywhere they go. The ones paying the price are baby Victoria and their other traumatised children.
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Everyone knows you don’t leave the house without a bag for at least the first couple of years of having a baby, change of clothes, nappies, toys etc

And how can they have been changing her, without a bag with all the supplies to change her with
Even if that was true, you wouldn't strip a baby off in the freezing cold to change them. The vest and baby grow would still be partially on. You'd only remove them if you'd had a leaky nappy and then it would be done super quick into the new clean clothes. The baby was just in a nappy because these two selfish pricks had bought nothing else for her. 😔
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With 19k in cash, wonder why there wasn't money to buy Victoria a proper snowsuit, hats and gloves.
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No hood or anything on the pushchair to protect her from the icy wind, she didn’t have a hat either. For all the money they had available to them, they could and should have done better for her
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It seriously creeps me out that she is pouting in her mugshot (I know she has full lips but she's definitely pursing her lips). How weird and inappropriate.

Imagine sitting there constantly whispering to your boyfriend while people talk about how they think you killed your baby. Are they even listening?

Poor little girl. I can't bring myself to call her by the name they allegedly gave her tbh, when they gave her nothing else. I don't believe for one single second that they loved her. Did they love the one they abandoned in the hospital too? The one she wouldn't even do a Covid test to be reunited with the next day? No - they are selfish, arrogant, fucked up people and their only care was winning against social services by running away with the baby.
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I agree. I think some parents don't see their children as separate humans with their own needs. The child is an extension of them and also their possession. The adult wants overrides the child's needs, but the parents sense of self is so damaged that they won't give up their child as that is somehow winning. It's all about the fight to get THEIR child back. The child belongs to them so they can do what they like. I'm thinking of Finlay Boden and Ellie Butler as cases where the children were both removed after social work and courts but then returned to the parents who killed them
This is spot on. And I think this viewpoint is more common than we think. I would add the numerous cases of parents fighting hospitals who recommend turning off life support (like Charlie Gard, Alfie Evans, Archie Battersbee etc).
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