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There’s a baby snowsuit in that picture of the belongings found in the car. So they knew they needed one, they just never bothered replacing it.

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the way she’s handling the baby is disgusting
looks like she’s picking up a sack of potatoes

MG is surprisingly the more caring one
that footage is harrowing , baby victoria deserved so much better.
i actually think CM isn’t the victim that everyone initially thought that was being controlled by MG
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You know what, any empathy I had for her has just disappeared. I've just reread the statement from the taxi driver again about how cold it was and the baby was just in a nappy. The receptionist describing the smell that was in the room. It's shocking, absolutely shocking.

At any point she could have gone to a police station or hospital and handed herself in, im now thinking the main reason she keeps getting the children taking off her is because she is unfit to look after a child, not because she refuses to leave the convicted rapist.

They weren't running because of the unfairness ( in their opinion) of SS not allowing him to be near the child, that was my initial theory. She is a disgrace.
They couldn't even buy baby clothes, if they were worried about being spotted buying baby stuff when they were on the run she had 8/9 months to get some stuff sorted.
I'd guess that neglecting the children was a huge factor and she just kept having kids until she could keep one.
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That clip of them with Victoria in the kebab shop 😔 The way she is so carelessly handled, wearing just a thin baby grow(I wonder if she had a vest underneath) in January, no hat, cardigan or snowsuit. It’s so upsetting and the baby must have been so uncomfortable during her short life. Their actions are so alien.

If they were running because they were scared of her being taken then you would assume they would want to show that they could care for her but they didn’t even spend a couple of pounds on a hat for her but happily wasted hundreds on taxi fares. They were both well wrapped up in big coats too.
It is seeming like it was more about being a fuck you to authority than any real desire to nurture and care for their baby.
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In the kebab shop and she just leaves the baby lying on the seat next to her 🥲
This! How many times did that baby feel the warmth of the indoors and yet she was shoved on a seat, they’re not even paying her attention? They were risking stopping and sitting down, she wasn’t hidden so why not give her a feed and a proper cuddle? If they can risk stopping for a kebab then why the fuck couldn’t they stop and get her a pram suit and hat.
Then just to grab her from lying flat to chuck her in the buggy. She seems to go into startle response with her little arms up quite stiff by her head. I just think back to mine being that tiny and how you worry constantly, are they too cold, too hot, hungry, do they feel loved, spending your time looking into their little face to connect with them. There can be no doubt that they knew the danger to this poor little baby because they had tried to keep previous children in horrible outdoor conditions and told all the risks. Lost their other children over it! They knew exactly the consequences. Vile.
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When that baby could breath she was being frozen and when she was being kept slightly warmer than frozen she couldn’t breathe. Horrendous. I think she had a horrible slow death being mistreated from start to finish. Urgh.
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She went on the run with Victoria to prevent her from being taken away, but willingly abandoned one baby after also having 2 others removed. She doesn’t make sense. Refusing the Covid test in order to see her child just shows her bizarre beliefs were more important to her than her own children.
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That upset me too ...before they discarded her poor body like a piece of rubbish and the cctv footage of baby Victoria being manhandled i wrongly assumed she was some earth mother off grid type who was doing this as she was desperate to be able to keep a much wanted child and that she was protective and nurturing towards her.
I thought kind of along the same lines.

It was the cctv in the kebab shop where she dumped her in the buggy, plonked that blanket on her face and he gently moved it and tucked it around her. A violent convinced rapist showed more care to Victoria than her mum, it really shocked me.
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Nationwide man hunt and high-risk missing person alert and the police missed an opportunity.

Not their area, but they were in the area 🤷🏼‍♀️

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They'd previously had 4 children taken off them, they clearly had no idea about how to care for a baby/young child.
They had had heaps of social services involvement where they would have had all that information explicitly laid out to them many times. I’d say they actually knew better than many. They chose not to care for their children multiple times over.
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I disagree with you. By that point the media was very clear that they were wanted by police and that the baby might be in danger. If he didn’t have a mobile phone, he could have gone to pretty much anyone else in that park and asked them to use their phone. The baby was still alive at that point but ALL he did was tell them he recognised them (regardless of his actual words or intentions) so they went back on the run.
I think you are being unfair. Nobody knows what they would do in that situation, we can all imagine that we’d do the best things but in reality we are human and not perfect. This poor man probably feels awful about what has happened and questioned his actions over the past year.
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Chatty Member
The defence will be interesting because their case is literally indefensible! They weren’t running from danger or threat; the only situation was that authorities (health & social) were going to step in & do checks to prioritise the child was safe & healthy. So there goes they HAD to run defence! The “threat” was only in their minds & actually, they’d introduced these services into their own lives, by previous appalling behaviour, by neglecting & abusing their other children! So again, the defence will kind of shoot themselves in the foot there, they can’t even use previous good parenting & this was a moment of madness! Like others have said, these 2 will have been given chances to parent the other kids while they were in care & theyve failed to meet the minimum required standards that’s why they never got the kids back. In this case, they thoughtfully & deliberately slept in the cold, didn’t dress their baby appropriately, didn’t wash or feed her enough when there were many other options so yes they therefore caused her death, open & shut.
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This case must be so triggering for people who have had fertility issues. I know when I spent a long time TTC anything in the news regarding babies would destroy me.

The actions of other people are sometimes utterly unfathomable. I would do anything to protect a baby - not just my own - anyone's. They are innocent and so deserving of love. I hope her other children can thrive and don't suffer too much from the actions of these two.
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I once spent a, very uncomfortable, night in an Ice Hotel in Finland. It was -5 in the room, we were not exposed to the elements, were dry and had artic sleeping bags. My face, my only exposed part, was so cold I thought my nose was going to fall off! It was absolutely Baltic, funnily enough.
I’m almost certain Victoria died from hypothermia or perhaps lack of oxygen inside a sleeping bag. I’m not buying CM’s story about accidental suffocation when sitting up cross legged. If it was -2 it would just be too cold to do that. Insufferably cold.
Also, she allegedly wanted to keep Victoria for a PM, yet when discovered, neither one off them revealed the baby’s whereabouts, but kept tight-lipped until she was found. Not sooo desperate for a PM then.
I know they can’t drag her to court but it’s pissing me off that she’s not being made to face the music.
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I think the way her dad’s plea for her to come forward (when she was on the run) signalled to me that there may be something like that!
Their actions and the thought that went into evading the police for that long as well as the story with the previous child that she was an Irish traveller shows the exact opposite of a learning difficulty. It shows the ability to manipulate and strategise
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Chatty Member
For me neither are victims, and both show the intelligence to carry passports, certain types of phones (who even has knowledge of brick style phones anymore), hold normal conversations by text with the air bnb lady, and insulate and waterproof their own clothing. Let's not forget neither one seeking help throughout or ever admitting to Victoria's existence. She was found by police search.

I'd feel different if we were told Constance also had no socks and hat. As it is, I'm afraid we need to accept that feminism also involves understanding women are real, self governing individuals who have capacity to form their own behaviours outside of patriarchal norms.

Incredibly sad all round for the taxi drivers, hotel staff etc who I imagine are wracked with guilt.
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That footage is absolutely heartbreaking.
My son was born last January and I remember this all going on. He is a bouncy bog boy now full of fun and this is exactly how Victoria should be as a one year old. I cannot understand at all how handling a child in this way can be seen as anything other than abuse. Her poor little cold body, turning to her mother as she is manhandled into the pram. Its so distressing. I actually do hope she died soon after and didnt have to exist like this for long. Sleep well sweet girl ♥
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She walked to a petrol station, bought snacks and petrol in a bottle.
This is interesting

View attachment 2726455
"entirely consistent with the findings of the pathologist" doesn't mean anything significant at this point. This is the defence stating this, and what they're saying is that nothing in the pathologist's report (who couldn't ascertain a cause of death) disputes this. So there is nothing to say she didn't die due to CM smothering her while she slept sitting up. The defence will word things to make it sound like the evidence corroborates what CM has said, when in actual fact it just doesn't disprove what she said.
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Chatty Member
I think it is really interesting that the discussion is considering whether Constance has a learning disability or mental health issues. Would this be a consideration if she was not a trust fund babe I do wonder? Would be even be discussing this as possible mitigation if she was on benefits living in a council flat? I don’t think she has a learning disability. Quite the opposite and manipulative. Privately educated and attended university. I think this is combination of complete disregard for her newborn, arrogance that she (an aristo) doesn’t have to engage or comply with social services and utter selfishness. That not one of them, at any point thought, hold on, we should get this little mite checked over/into warmth and safety says it all.
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I think Constance is very intelligent just maybe not emotionally. She is blinded by her love for Gordan. Thing is for these mega mega rich people they very rarely have to face consequences for their actions, they can sail through life trashing properties and moving, writing off cars, very often placing little value on material possession because they have the money to replace them. Maybe Constance living off the grid was her only way to feel truly in control, despite still accepting the trust fund money, I guess they could pay for meals out/takeaways and for whatever reason, they didn’t care about living in a damp tent. I wonder whether she was largely raised by Nannie’s/help and lacked the basic parental love and that’s why she seems to have struggled to provide for her own kids. Quite telling that the family haven’t taken custody of the other children especially if they don’t have contact with her because it would be easy for them to prove they could provide for the kids and keep them away from their parents. They also have the means to pay for top lawyers.
The whole thing has so many unanswered questions but ultimately I feel for that baby girl and I hope she gets the justice she deserves
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