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Her baby dies and she's immediately thinking how to protect him. She only cares about him - it's disgusting.

I also think those 'anti SS' Facebook groups need to realise they are part of the reason this poor baby girl died. Their anti-authority lying bullshit has egged on this situation. Hope they're ashamed of themselves - but knowing the type that frequents these groups, they don't have the insight or emotional intelligence to realise what they've done.
They should do, but never will!
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They were pictured by the Argos by Brick Lane, I don’t think they went as far east as Whitechapel sainsburys
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Chatty Member

Saw this on another site, someone else reporting from the court. He says it was the two of them that abandoned the baby at the hospital after it was born. I don’t think I’ve seen that reported anywhere else though, so not sure if it’s reliable (and his voice is very boring):

‘we don't know as much about the births of the other children but we do know that one of the children, after it was born in the hospital, Marten discharged herself from hospital, her and Gordon left the hospital without the baby and the next day they came back for the baby’


VIP Member
They actually do.
My friend’s daughter had a social worker who supplied carpets and a large flat screen TV (an essential apparently) when she moved into a new council flat.
Also a kinship carer friend of my neighbour got passports supplied (via SS) for her grandchildren as their mother was getting married in Greece. Which I think trumped the TV.
Omg this is a complete joke
I don’t accept the sliding door theory for a few reasons, firstly the baby wasn’t in a car seat. Minor in all of this but basic safety on high speed roads. The witness said the baby was crying a lot and he also said the car was jam packed/dishevelled. This seems true as Gordon couldn’t get the money/passport/important items.
I don’t understand how this is related to sliding doors? Sliding doors just describes a situation where if you made one decision your life would follow one path but if you made another you would be on another path, and either one will change your life forever
I feel like if that was the case MG’s defence would have countered it? “He didn’t refuse, they told him he had to do something that wasn’t possible.” It would be significant if they had IMO as it would play into their lack of trust for SS - if they were given impossible tasks in order to get the children back and then had the fact they couldn’t do it thrown back in their faces as refused.
I doubt it because it’s not relevant as a defence for Victoria’s death.
Do we think we will get to the defence this week? I can’t wait


Chatty Member
Not if she was presenting as well enough to plead and refusing to disclose (or in denial of) a condition. This would fit with the periodic seeming well and unwell - that photo on the train station with one of the children on her facebook page that the papers keep using, she looks well and healthy, yet this would have been after the time she was in need of the help of a mum and baby placement and before having the children removed and after she was found living in a tent with bottles of urine.
BPD, do you think?
I’m not saying they do lol I’m just replying to you asking what the poster meant.
How do you know what the poster meant?