Conspiracy Theories #23 One of us! One of us! One of us!

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Just to clear up something for someone:

"But surely if he died because he’s vaccinated everyone who was vaccinated would be dead or dying?"

Vaccine batches were not the same.

"The European Medicines Agency (EMA) was concerned about the difference in quality between clinical batches and proposed commercial batches of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Specifically, EMA had major concerns over unexpectedly low quantities (around 55%) of intact mRNA in batches of the vaccine developed for commercial production. "

"Pfizer also declined to comment on what percentage mRNA integrity it is aiming for, nor would it address questions about the cause of the unexpectedly low percentage mRNA integrity in certain batches, leaving open the question of whether it could happen again.

Moderna declined to respond to any of The BMJ’s questions, while CureVac told The BMJ that “it is too soon to give details.”

Still #Safeandeffective though peeps.
Tyrion Lannister : Let me give you some advice, b****d. Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you.
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Some lovely dumbed down " how vaccines work for dummies" in this article. Keeping up the propaganda even now.
And what about Pfizer .
From the comments:
"The eligible criteria is very strict for any payout. I had an adverse reaction to my one any only AZ. As a result I couldn't work for 8 months, during which time I got ESA. This didn't even cover my mortgage, and that's without thinking about other bills or food. I can't claim any form of compensation for this period of time I was off work and the loss of money. This happened because I thought I was doing the right thing. One minute with a nurse changed everything. 2 years later I'm still not back to full health, I'm still not living the life I did before. AZ don't care, they made big money, and they made big money fast."
"Tens of thousands of others who haven't yet claimed, or have given up because they aren't receiving any help whatsoever from their GPs, the NHS, or MPs."
And this:
"Wait until the public start researching the rest of the vaccines they inject into our babies and kids! Did you know that there has never been a single safety study done on the schedule they inject into us? Not one. In any country. Ever. Unbelievable but true. Your doctor doesnt know that either. Because they believe, as most would that vaccines are safety tested like all other drugs with gold standard clinical trials looking at short and long term outcomes and comparing them against a placebo. They are not! If pharma calls it a vaccine its a blank cheque with 100% profits and zero risk. Meanwhile our children have more chronic illness than ever seen, and are first generation who will not live longer than their parents generation. I am happy to be proven wrong if anyone can provide a safety study on the schedule. Ill not hold my breath .."
For all the people with attitude who told people to trust the science and called everyone with concerns a dumb ct , I will repeat that there are many, many people all around the world who are not on any official damage/side-effects list. Who are just battling quietly.
It's not a ct, it's not rare,it didn't save thousands of peoples lives. Those poor Drs,journalists scientists who lost their livelihood and reputations for raising concerns were right to.

I am angry,sickened and sad everytime yet another baby or child abuse by parents during ĺockdowns story comes out. How many suffered behind closed doors. While the rich and powerful carried on as before. (With no fear.)

P.s. edited to say I see some still think it's funny, still think it's a conspiracy and still think we should trust governments. Still think people should shut up about it. Oh and probably still think man walked on the moon.
Embarrassing .
All in the name of health .
All in the name of health .
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There's also individual differences too when taking the vax . I tried to find my older post where I had listed some, but it's much to sift though.

That number is only going to climb. I can see it going to £20 million personally as a minimum.

There was also this:

This is what I meant with the Tyrion quote.

Don't let people use words against you and they won't hurt . I could care less about being seen as anti vax.

You all stand in the presence of RainbowLemon of house Elrond. Tin foil hatter, Covid Anti vax'er.
I imagine this too would have been a CT back in the day.

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P.I.E the Pedophile Information Exchange has been spoken about on Schofield thread also posting this here

Dutch lawyer and member of parliament quoting Kinsey in this article below the man who paid pedophiles to abuse babies as young as 4 months old

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From across the pond :

"Everyone will need to be revaccinated to protect against this new variant."

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As I am only a mere architect. I asked AI to break it down for me.

NB: it's only updated to 2021.

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Charlie Mullins Pimlico Plumbers was in the press saying no jab no job making it clear to his own staff his position

According to his statement this year nobody lost their job haters need to accept the truth, the truth imo is he coerced a large number of people into making a decision he rode the publicity train of no jab no job that also coincidently promoted him and his business he went on to sell for £150 million

Had office workers back at their desk by summer 2020 this strikes me as an odd thing to point out why all staff back and not some work from home to reduce transmission? Is that an indication that the bottom line profit over people was his true concern

Nobody Was Fired At Pimlico Plumbers For Not Having A Covid Jab…
…And It’s About Time The Angry Haters Accepted The Truth.

10th March 2023

The Covid denial brigade are out in force making up their own version of history. If you believe them the whole pandemic was a fit up, a belief that is obviously false.

Nobody was fired!
The other thing these oddballs keep coming out with is that I fired loads of people for not getting the Covid jab. This is just not true. In fact it’s 100% incorrect. We fired nobody. And as a result coming out of the pandemic we sold the company for 150 million quid.
But these nutters refuse to give up despite the fact that it was vaccines that allowed the UK to get back to normal life.

Lies and deceit
Apparently, according to the anti-vax morons, my actions that kept hundreds of people safely in work during the pandemic were some kind of crime against humanity!
If you believe the hype I was marching around the Pimlico Plumbers HQ injecting workers against their will with a deadly poison. When, in truth, we at the company were busting a gut to look after our workers and customers.
And, if anyone’s unclear on what truly happened back then perhaps they might like to refresh their memories with a quote from the Sunday Times back in the day.

The truth about what I said
It said:

“Mr Mullins said he has been talking to his lawyers about making the vaccine mandatory for all new hires within a few months, and that the firm is also exploring how it might modify existing staff contracts, though he insisted no one would be forced to receive a vaccine or be fired over the issue.”

No jab, no job!
Did I come up with the ‘no jab, no job’ idea, yes I did. Did we ever bring it in? No we didn’t.
To be totally straight, we didn’t need to. The people in my company were sensible and had their vaccinations as soon as they could, and no anti-vaxxers ever turned up for a job interview.
A rag-tag bunch of protesters picketed outside our building a few times, but our security team soon sorted them out.

No regrets!
It was a dark time but I stand by all the things I said and did while acting on the best information available at the time.
As a company Pimlico Plumbers never closed and we had all our office workers back at their desks before the summer of 2020. We installed thermal scanners on the entrances and brought in a staff testing programme months before the government got around to doing theirs.
That’s the truth of what happened.
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If this pandemic taught me anything it's that I should be more afraid of people then any actual pathogen.

"Now you know how people will act. They will immediately throw you under the bus."

Unlike Jimmy- I will not forgive.
"I'm going to buy a car."

"Don't read into it."

"Trust the salesman he's the expert."

If anyone is interested:

Aaron Siri's testimony at the Arizona Novel COVID South Western Intergovernmental Committee (NCSWIC).

Who also knew the FDA would license a vaccine for babies after just a 5 days of safety monitoring on 147 babies.

He also shows during the talk exactly where he got his information on the FDA's own website during the talk if you don't believe him.

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Just to clear up something for someone:

"But surely if he died because he’s vaccinated everyone who was vaccinated would be dead or dying?"
I'm no scientist, but surely, surely, Logic says that people will react differently to treatments, down to a myriad of reasons.

If that statement is being punted out by the pro vx brigade then they are showing themselves to be just as ignorant as we know they are.
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How dare you xyzba! They are the #debunkers and always right.

We should pay homage to their brilliance and selflessness in guiding us.

It would seem you are the problem with your wrong thinking.
Also if anyone does watch the senate presentation. Watching clips of the "vaccine experts" under deposition is truly shocking. Who also knew you could be on an independent panel and still be allowed to have received previous payments from Pfizer.

Does this also look like the page of an independent body? Or a product #AD?

As he says: "I'm just a lawyer but I'm still sure 21 is bigger than 17. "

V-safe designed specifically for covid vaccine safety. 10 million people signed up for their patriotic duty. Data not filtered and they spent 1.5 years in court with CDC get this data.

Look like they did know about the myocarditis risk from Oct 2020

Version 1 of the same Vsafe questionnaire. "Headache and sore arm "

The 40 studies which were used to say the vaccines are safe, using the VSAFE data but ONLY looked at data collected during the very first week.

Nothing disclosed about Week 6, 12 then 24 weeks data collected at.
What's 7.7% of 10 million people?

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6 Six years prior the image had been seized from the Saatchi Gallery

CPS said image isn’t indecent Elton defends it as art

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"George Soros has handed control of his $25billion empire to his son, AlexThe 37-year-old is planning to expand upon his father's woke aims, but embrace different causes like voting and abortion rightsAlex has already visited the White House 14 times in just over a year and met with big-name Democrats
Speaking about his goals, Alex said he was concerned about the possibility of Republican Donald Trump returning to the White House — suggesting the family will contribute greatly to Democrats in the 2024 presidential election."

I suppose this makes me anti semitic in the eyes of the debunkers .
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But what happens Pod, if you are Jewish and also a conspiracy theorist?

I honestly regret not getting vaccinated now. Shake shack burgers with fries would be worth it.

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"Meta (the new name for Facebook) was a major partner of the WEF (above) to promote digital safety. But instead Meta, which owns Instagram, has been facilitating pedophile networks on its platform, according to detailed research by the Stanford Internet Observatory staff (and these censors should know) and a U Mass professor, as well as experts in the digital landscape like Alex Stamos, who founded and runs the Stanford program. The Wall Street Journal did a very deep dive and they leave no room for Meta to wiggle out of this. Since the WSJ is behind a paywall, I will provide the entire article from June 7 below."

On a more relaxing note;
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(It is indisputable that the computer-generated climate models used for decades in the promotion of the theory of dangerous anthropogenic global warming have been inaccurate, almost always grossly overestimating the short-term warming.

These unscientific models have been used to force radical and unjustified policies which are slowing economic growth by wasting resources and causing immense suffering by limiting the cheap energy needed for developed and developing societies. Far more harm than good has been done, especially to the poorest people on the planet.)

From the comments
"Our ruling masters tell us we will burn up before Greta reaches the menopause unless we kill the cows and walk to work in hemp-soled shoes.

In reality, our three-score-and- ten lives represent a so narrow as to be invisible breadth of the ink line on a geological time based "climate change" graph. And within that invisible section of the ink line are even more invisible peaks and troughs....
The people driving the CC agenda aren't mad; they simply want to exercise power whilst enriching themselves. The people who believe their fantastical lies are very much mad, however."

Don't trust " the science ", if the science is immovable.
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