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Hi to anyone popping over to see how wierd and scary we are. You may be disappointed to find due to the upside down times we live in that we mainly discuss hard facts and hidden or emerging truths. We welcome any questioning minds. This thread also became a safe haven for those wanting to discuss covid lockdowns, practices and vaccines with like minded people.
However if you are looking for wild accusations and outlandish conspiracies about a to z list celebs sexual preferences ,habits,personalities and private lives unfortunately we are not that "out there".🙃😉
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(If you put your head above the parapet to object or to merely raise concerns (hey, we’re not sure the so-called “vaccine” is in fact a vaccine; maybe your clinical trials were a wee bit skewed; let’s proceed with caution), they shot at you. Metaphorically, so far, thank goodness. But shoot they did. Gaslighting, hit pieces, character assassination, psy-ops, fifth generation warfare, lies compounding lies, propaganda twisting so much of our reality that friends and relationships were destroyed because those of us in this fight (and fight it is, make no mistake) didn’t agree with the government and “science” as embodied by Fauci. So effective was this propaganda campaign that family and friends couldn’t comprehend why we saw the world differently. We were labelled, exiled and attacked. It continues. This is reality.)

Ontological Shock

(The term “ontological shock” has been thrown around on recent podcasts and in articles on UFOs, now called UAPs (unidentified anomalous phenomena, supposedly to remove the stigma) but ontological shock is definitely what happens to you when your entire worldview is turned on its head. The reporter (Ross Coultart) who interviewed David Grusch talks about ontological shock in a later discussion. His concern is that people are not going to be able to process what they are hearing. It’s just too much, and they need time to adjust.)

(The modern convention is to report ceaselessly on trifles, exploding small stories into sagas a week, month or year long. Simultaneously stories of great import – those which will, in years hence, be seen as having changed the course of history – are sidelined and doused in invective (racist, sexist, conspiracy theory et cetera).)
(Ask yourself this: is it newsworthy that the President of the US is implicated in taking bungs from dodgy ‘business partners’ from dictatorships and failed states? Central to these accusations is the President’s crack-addled son, who, by the way, appears never to have faced any legal consequences of his well-documented drug habit; unlike the 1.16million arrested for drug offences in the US who are unlucky enough not to be the president’s son.)
(Nevertheless, the desire to investigate such allegations has been muted. What may be the most newsworthy story in decades has been underplayed by the media, who believe it their job to protect the Bidens. Soft-balling Biden Snr since his election – declining to pass comment on his undeniable cognitive decline and unsuitability to hold an office of such high responsibility – it seems that much of the US government is similarly inclined.)
So glad some businesses are seeing sense and dropping the covid bs ( rainbowlemons Lidl) however too many are still making it an issue or not removing their signs and restrictions. I went to the opticians yesterday and had to read and declare that I was free of "covid 19" symptoms as listed.
1) I wouldn't be going for an eye test if I had a temperature, cough and sore throat .
2) Are they saying it's OK to go with other contagious viruses and symptoms...just not "covid 19" .
There were still signs up about distancing ,keeping staff safe etc. Like at a recent fete the trampoline was covered in ( new) covid 19 safety measures.

Ffs ,sadly for some it will never be the same again. Driving carries more danger but no one seems to give a shit about road safety . Sometimes I don't even feel safe on the pavements, so many speeding,not concentrating,stuffing their faces, on drugs,on phones.
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Another oncologist speaks out - maybe they are actually seeing something. This is the same medical school my brother went too. At the graduation ceremony one of the speakers actually went on about how brilliant the vaccines were for pregnant women. :rolleyes:

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"At the end of last year I reported that I was seeing melanoma patients who had been stable for years relapse after their first booster (their third injection). I was told it was merely a coincidence and to keep quiet about it, but it became impossible to do so. The number of my patients affected has been rising ever since. I saw two more cases of cancer relapse post booster vaccination in my patients just this last week. Other oncologists have contacted me from all over the world including from Australia and the US. The consensus is that it is no longer confined to melanoma but that increased incidence of lymphomas, leukaemias and kidney cancers is being seen after booster injections. Additionally my colorectal cancer colleagues report an epidemic of explosive cancers (those presenting with multiple metastatic spread in the liver and elsewhere). All these cancers are occurring (with very few exceptions) in patients who have been forced to have a Covid booster whether they were keen or not, for many so they could travel. So why are these cancers occurring?

T cell suppression was my first likely explanation given that immunotherapy is so effective in these cancers. However we must also now consider DNA plasmid and SV40 integration in promoting cancer development, a feature made even more concerning by reports that mRNA spike protein binds p53 and other cancer suppressor genes. It is very clear and very frightening that these vaccines have several elements to cause a perfect storm in cancer development in those patients lucky enough to have avoided heart attacks, clots, strokes, autoimmune diseases and other common adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines. To advise booster vaccines, as is the current case, is no more and no less than medical incompetence; to continue to do so with the above information is medical negligence which can carry a custodial sentence. No ifs or buts any longer. All mRNA vaccines must be halted and banned now." Angus Dalgleish

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Do you have the link for this please? Someone in my family was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She started radiotherapy. During treatment she had the covid vaccines as the cancer hospital refused to treat her unless she she was vaccinated. Anyway since being diagnosed and 3 lots of radiotherapy along with 4 covid jabs, her cancer levels have tripled and now she is waiting to find out if the cancer has spread to her lungs. Her cancer levels have not gone down despite having radiotherapy. Me and my mum are convinced it's cos the covid jabs have accelerated the cancer? We are so upset about it. But I can't find anything online about it.
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It'd take less than an hour for everything to collapse if we lost the internet. Everything these days is dependent on the internet to run, it's quite scary to think about how we've put all our eggs in one basket there's no backup for the internet.

I'm becoming increasingly concerned with just how many conspiracies have so much realism. I do find some absurd of course but this world we're living in is now very unnatural to us all, and it's only going to get worse with the rise of AI. I also think there's a lack of philosophy as an important topic, sounds irrelevant but people don't question anything these days and I think it is something that should be fundamentally innate in everyone.

Nobody thinks outside the box, we spend the time we would've once spent wondering and thinking and now we fill it with tiktok and scrolling social media. I don't think it was supposed to be this way.

I couldn't have put it better myself. It is insane, I think this is why there's been huge rises in mental illness, zoochosis. We're animals, and yet nothing we do is natural. We would've been painting, hunting, fishing, growing own crops, writing, imagining, thinking and so much more, I find society absolute hell... and idk if it's because I'm ND but I would just like to have a human experience with this one life I have, but everything is thrown at us, we lap it up and live with our phones permanently glued to our hands feeding us dopamine and addicting us.
I think people losing touch with nature and moving from being an agricultural society to a technological one is huge. People don't know what's normal anymore. All the trans nonsense could only flourish in a society that had totally lost its way. I do think people are still mostly mostly good people though and things offline aren't as bleak as they seem online. Governments, media etc are losing touch with Pele and with reality for sure though.
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That's AZ admitting their vaccine can cause a "rare" blood clot.

To think we were all labeled as being daft for not taking it 4 years ago 🙃
Just catching up with the news on it. What a very sinister period. I remember the harassment texts from the NHS and getting “outed” at work for not having a vaccine, after months of having to listen to “anti-vax” bile. Let’s hope the next time we’re still able to refuse.

Does anyone know if these are immediate-term side effects or can they occur in people long after? I would lose my mind worrying about it, probably the reason why a lot of people dig their heels in.
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"A&E were concerned about my blood pressure and clots given that I’d had AZ."
"The hospital advised me to have Pfizer as my second jab. When I questioned this, I was told, ‘Do you want to die from Covid? You’re sick but you’ll be sicker if you catch it.’"

This is a previously published article but it has similarities with my mum's experience. (Except she wasn't daft enough to get a 2nd jab). My mum was very ill for about 10 days with numerous doctor callouts , thought she was dying with an allergic reaction and since then has suffered a myriad of " unknowns" many the same as this lady but with added anaemia/severe vit b 12 deficiency /tinnitus/blackouts/toe problems/eye problems/feelings of going mad. She was diagnosed with POTS but thinks they just wanted to give her a name for her never ending SIDE EFFECTS.
I make no apologies for repeating this story as despite sneerers trying to shut people up, I believe that this is a scenario ( to a greater and lesser extent) that has been playing out quietly up and down the country/World the last 2 and a half years.
Not everyone is a big gob on sm. Sm isn't even a thing in most people's lives that I know.
Talking of big gobs I see the nasty neighbours are putting more and more posters off posting on here.☹
Oh what beautiful people to choose to humiliate and hate on strangers purely because they chose not to have a needless,experimental medical procedure and dare to talk about this and other things they don't understand/agree with. But strangely can't keep away from.
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@ Misbehaving, sending you and your family thoughts of love and comfort. My beautiful girl Sofia (cat) was knocked down just outside my home. She managed into the house but as I was on the phone to our vet, my eldest son who was cradling her gently said "mum, she's gone." I had just lost my other sentient best friend Darcy a month prior. He was a charming West Highland Terrier and I swear I felt the shift in the atmosphere. My two best friends gone! So we were lucky to still have our other little one Milo and I also made a very quick decision to rescue a badly abused, neglected crossbreed who no one wanted for anything other than to turn him into a weapon. I literally had no time to think about it. He was being geared up to become a fighting dog and alot of nefarious people were offering the people who had him at the time crazy money for him. I instinctively knew he belonged with me. Well, this boy, I've had him two years now and he is a perfect gentleman. I threw myself into his care and rehabilitation with everything I had. My will to pay tribute to all the lessons I'd been given by my two wee ones was that my precious sentient beings, who had vanished in what seemed the blink of an eye, will always be remembered because every day I tell my handsome, highly intelligent and curious Rocco who learned the leave it command and recall within a fortnight, the story of Darcy and Sofia. How, because of them, Rocco has a stable, consistent and loving environment. All his needs are more than met, he has autonomy and knows how to fill his emotional cup on his own even though that situation never occurs because he's literally saturated every day with love, positive low voice calm requests and he obliges. He also sings and tries to vocalise as we do and I am privileged and honoured that he's mine. I feel so lucky to have him. I "cut my teeth" so to speak and made mistakes with those two amazing beasts who were gone from my physical world. My heart was breaking, I didn't know if I could stand the pain. Rocco brought me back to life and to my senses.
Our sentient beings, we actively bring into our world are merely on loan to us. To teach us love, compassion and to provide a comfort that is invariably exclusive to those who have their own connections with these gifts.
There is a bittersweet ending to my waffling here. Our young one Milo set out on his nightly tour of the woods our house backs on to. Nothing unusual except he never returned. The fear I had of losing him became a reality. There is a sorrowful atmosphere without his cheeky face. This was about five months ago. We utilised every tool available to try and find him. Three o' clock in the morning on foot and by car, out searching. He's currently on the still missing list. About two weeks ago my husband called me up from a job he was working on and said "erm, how would you feel If when I come home tomorrow, I bring a friend I've just met? He needs a home within the next two days. I know it's sudden but I know you're going to fall for him even though we are grieving for our lost boy". I obviously agreed but my two sons who live with me and my daughter still needed to digest the idea, or so I thought. They were all in favour and oh my, we we have all fell in love with him! The pain of losing little Milo five months ago hasn't gone and I still regularly have a cry as I miss all three of them, get this, more than I miss my deceased parents! Absolutely true and my folks were the couple every other couple envied. Amazing parents, I was loved and despite having other childhood demons, my folks were my sanctuary. My home was filled with books and love and alot of laughter. Still miss my dog and cats more! 😮

Misbehaving, my heart knows what your heart is feeling. I don't do platitudes (detest them), so again I'll reiterate I'm sending my love and comfort to you and your family. I can promise you this though, Daisy isn't really gone. When the time is right, she will let you know that. We just don't have the proper equipment for want of a better phrase, in our eyes/brains to clearly see that those we thought we'd lost are closer now than ever before.
All my love Mis 💕💕💕💕💕
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The story with Schofield was known years ago instead of it coming to light the press got the exclusive coming out story he was called brave countless times now he is a bad man and ITV need to answer questions

Schofield quote about Saville:

"there wasn't one hint of who he really was".

Meanwhile the BBC will be paying to restore their much loved sculpture by Eric Gill who abused his two daughters

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I'd love to live a week without the internet to see what it would be like. I know I could do that myself now but I'm not going to because I'm hooked even though I know it's not good for be to be online too much. I think a lot of services are so completely reliant on the internet now that we'd be in serious shit very fast if it happened for real. Hospitals, banking, transport etc.
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I haven't got anything to add. Just wanted to say I'm so thankful for you lot. When I think the madness might be too much, I remember there is others who know the truth.
You have no idea what that means to me ⭐
Rainbowlemon and everyone here who doesn't dismiss ideas or debate.
Thank you ⭐ Sorry to anyone I may have missed but it's all of you critical thinking others.
Daydream95 you too 🤗⭐

Not forgetting Purr 😻
Echo all of that, plus you @Greenandgold ,freedom, strawberry, dot and others x. And of course @monga for news,wit and seeing through the 💩.

What follows is the first set of edited extracts that James has given me kind permission to publish. Dr Yeadon details just how reckless, indeed criminal, was the ‘warp speed’ production of these so-called vaccines, all but forced on the world’s population. His explanation here is less about the why than about the how – how all proper testing and manufacture protocols were thrown to the winds. The significance of this should not be underestimated. It comes after James’s question, ‘How can anyone not see that this is a massive scam?’

WHY IS there so little discussion about why those responsible for deceiving the public in relation to Covid policy have not been subject to a criminal investigation.
● Clear evidence that the public were deliberately frightened and misled over the true threat of the virus to make them comply with orders.

● The public were denied fair scrutiny of Covid 19 policy via emergency legislation that bypassed a democratic process of rigorous Parliamentary debate.

● Experts and opinion formers who held contrarian views were prevented from airing these views in parliament and were actively censored throughout the MSM. A secret surveillance unit in Whitehall was set up to monitor and spy on dissenting voices and censor dissenting platforms.

WHY IS there so little discussion about why those responsible for deceiving the public in relation to Covid policy have not been subject to a criminal investigationWhat I am seeing in this inquiry is a platform to allow those (fully or partly) responsible to stage excuses and divert attention from that most paramount of issues: that we, the public, were painfully and utterly deceived. The matter of stalling is significant here because most of the national outrages which have come to light in recent years e.g. the sub-postmasters, Grenfell, blood transfusion and maternity scandals, all stem from ‘crimes’ committed long, long ago (ten to 30-plus years), ensuring that justice has all but been denied.

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Lots of videos popping up saying it’s a conspiracy to get control of the land and take it from the people. Whole thing is horrific 😞 awful to see so much destruction
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